Our Priorities

America's Great Outdoors

Interior fosters the intrinsic link between healthy economies and healthy landscapes, increasing tourism and outdoor recreation in balance with preservation and conservation.

Tribal Nations

Interior builds upon progress made over the past four years to establish strong and meaningful government-to-government relationships with tribes, deliver services to American Indians and Alaska Natives, and advance self-governance and self-determination.

Powering Our Future

In recognition of the significant role that Interior plays in securing an energy future for the Nation that is self-reliant and sustainable, Interior promotes the President’s all-of-the-above energy strategy and taking a landscape-level approach to energy development, modernizing programs and practices, improving transparency, streamlining permitting, and strengthening inspection and enforcement.

The Next Generation

To address the growing disconnect between young people and the outdoors, Interior is promoting public-private partnerships and collaborative efforts across all levels of government to connect young people with the land and inspire them to play, learn, serve, and work outdoors.

Healthy Watersheds and Sustainable, Secure Water Supplies

Landscape-level Understanding of Our Resources