Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals

Standard Work Specifications for Multi-Family Home Energy Upgrades

Table of Contents



Section 1: Using the Standard Work Specifications for Multifamily Energy Upgrades

Section 2: Health and Safety

Section 3: Air Sealing

Section 4: Insulation

Section 5: Heating and Cooling

Section 6: Ventilation

Section 7: Baseload


- Guide to Referenced Standards

- General Information on Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)



The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) developed the Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals project (hereafter Guidelines) to support and promote high-quality work within the WAP. NREL is a national laboratory of the DOE, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE), operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. EERE sponsored, funded, and provided oversight of the Guidelines project. The Guidelines are also a resource for workers, contractors, training providers, homeowners, and program administrators involved in the broader home performance industry where a comprehensive, whole-house approach to building science is required.

The Guidelines project is about achieving quality in any given home energy upgrade task. To do that, the Guidelines take a three-pronged approach:

  1. Define the Work through Standard Work Specifications.

    The Standard Work Specifications (SWS) for Single-Family, Multifamily, and Manufactured Housing Energy Upgrades define the minimum acceptable outcomes for any weatherization or home performance task to be effective, durable, and safe.

  2. Validate the Training through Job Task Analyses.

    Job Task Analyses (JTAs) for the four major energy upgrade job classifications define what a worker needs to know and do to be successful. These JTAs cover job tasks for retrofit installer/technician, crew leader, energy auditor, and quality control inspector. The accreditation of energy efficiency training programs verifies that organizations training workers in the industry are qualified to teach to the JTAs.

  3. Certify the Worker through the Certification Blueprints.

    The certification blueprints synthesize SWS content and the JTAs to lay out a roadmap for developing robust worker certifications. The four Home Energy Professional worker certifications are part of and are aligned with the Guidelines efforts and target a worker’s capacity to demonstrate practical ability to perform the work of the industry.

The Guidelines project allows industry to leverage these three components to develop SWS-based training resources, quality assurance protocols, accredited training programs, and professional certifications. These tools will facilitate the development of a highly qualified work force, demonstrate worker qualifications to employers and homeowners, and enable the industry to validate the quality of its work.


The Guidelines project is supported by the WAP’s National Training and Technical Assistance Plan, which supports the high-quality work performed in the WAP through the development of technical tools and resources built upon the WAP’s 30+ years of leadership in home energy upgrade work. The SWS were developed in response to a need identified by WAP technicians and program administrators for a document that would define the technical requirements of the work performed by the program.

The Guidelines development process is a historic collaboration between WAP technicians and trainers, home performance contractors, building scientists, organized labor, and other professionals throughout the home energy upgrade industry. In addition to the involvement of residential energy efficiency professionals, staff from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) participated in writing and reviewing the Guidelines to cover worker and occupant health and safety. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of Labor (DOL) have also been key partners in the development of the Guidelines.

This document is being disseminated by DOE. As such, the document was prepared in compliance with Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law 106-554) and information quality guidelines issued by DOE. Should this document constitute “influential” information, as that term is defined in DOE’s information quality guidelines or the Office of Management and Budget’s Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (Bulletin), the document meets the prior peer review pursuant to Section II.2 of the Bulletin. Additionally, the document was reviewed both internally and externally prior to publication. For purposes of external review, the document benefited from review through the public comment process.


American Architectural Manufacturers Association,
American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, www. aarst AARST American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists, .org
Air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary
Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www. acca ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, .org
Asbestos-containing material
Americans with Disabilities Act
Air Diffusion Council,
Annual fuel utilization efficiency
American Gas Association, www. aga AGA American Gas Association, .org
Authority having jurisdiction
Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute,
Air barrier
The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary
Action level
American National Standards Institute, www. ansi ANSI American National Standards Institute, .org
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, www. ashrae ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, .org
ASTM ASTM ASTM International, International, www. astm ASTM ASTM International, .org
Backdraft damper
A damper that allows air to flow in only one direction
Beaded collar
A round fitting with a ridge or lip part way down its length that prevents a flexible duct mechanically attached with a draw band from sliding off
Bonus room
A livable room that is often over a garage or in an attic area; the room commonly contains slanted ceilings and knee walls
Building Performance Institute, www. bpi BPI Building Performance Institute, .org
British thermal unit
Can light
A light fixture (or can) that is recessed into the ceiling
Cathedral ceiling
A condition in which the ceiling has the same slope as the roof
Cathedralized attic
An attic that contains insulation located at the roof deck rather than the attic floor, bringing the attic space into the thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow of the house
Combustion appliance zone
Compact fluorescent lamp
Cubic feet per minute
Canadian General Standard Board
Closed crawl space
A foundation without wall vents that uses air-sealed walls, ground and foundation moisture control, and mechanical drying methods to control crawl space moisture. Insulation may be located at the conditioned floor level or on the exterior walls. Return pathways are not allowed from the crawl space to the living space
Carbon monoxide
Conditioned basement
A below- or partially below-grade livable space with concrete or finished floor that is intentionally heated or cooled
Conditioned crawl space
A foundation without wall vents that encloses an intentionally heated and/or cooled space. Insulation is located on the exterior walls
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Canadian Standards Association
Developing a curriculum
A-weighted decibels
Dense pack
The process of installing loose-fill insulation to reduce air flow and perform to a stated R-value
Domestic hot water
Dielectric union
A plumbing connection that separates two different materials and does not allow them to chemically react and break down
Draft regulator
A device that functions to maintain a desired draft in the appliance by automatically reducing the draft to the desired value. Source: National Fire Protection Association 54, 2012
Dual-Cooling Up-Duct
Piece of duct located between the living space and attic to allow air flow in pressurized homes having evaporative coolers
Deposits of crystals or salts left attached to masonry materials after moisture has evaporated off of the surface
Egress window
A window that people can escape through in an emergency
Exterior insulation and finish systems
EIFS EIFS Exterior insulation and finish systems Industry Members Association
Energy factor
Measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor Energy factor Measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2) stand-by losses, or the percentage of heat lost per hour from the stored water compared to the content of the water: and 3) cycling losses. For dishwashers, the energy factor is defined as the number of cycles per kWh of input power. For clothes washers, the energy factor is defined as the cubic foot capacity per kWh of input power per cycle. For clothes dryers, the energy factor is defined as the number of pounds of clothes dried per kWh of power consumed. is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2) stand-by losses, or the percentage of heat lost per hour from the stored water compared to the content of the water: and 3) cycling losses. For dishwashers, the energy factor Energy factor Measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2) stand-by losses, or the percentage of heat lost per hour from the stored water compared to the content of the water: and 3) cycling losses. For dishwashers, the energy factor is defined as the number of cycles per kWh of input power. For clothes washers, the energy factor is defined as the cubic foot capacity per kWh of input power per cycle. For clothes dryers, the energy factor is defined as the number of pounds of clothes dried per kWh of power consumed. is defined as the number of cycles per kWh of input power. For clothes washers, the energy factor Energy factor Measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2) stand-by losses, or the percentage of heat lost per hour from the stored water compared to the content of the water: and 3) cycling losses. For dishwashers, the energy factor is defined as the number of cycles per kWh of input power. For clothes washers, the energy factor is defined as the cubic foot capacity per kWh of input power per cycle. For clothes dryers, the energy factor is defined as the number of pounds of clothes dried per kWh of power consumed. is defined as the cubic foot capacity per kWh of input power per cycle. For clothes dryers, the energy factor Energy factor Measure of overall efficiency for a variety of appliances. For water heaters, the energy factor is based on three factors: 1) the recovery efficiency, or how efficiently the heat from the energy source is transferred to the water; 2) stand-by losses, or the percentage of heat lost per hour from the stored water compared to the content of the water: and 3) cycling losses. For dishwashers, the energy factor is defined as the number of cycles per kWh of input power. For clothes washers, the energy factor is defined as the cubic foot capacity per kWh of input power per cycle. For clothes dryers, the energy factor is defined as the number of pounds of clothes dried per kWh of power consumed. is defined as the number of pounds of clothes dried per kWh of power consumed.
The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that includes a combination of air and thermal barrier
U.S. U.S. United States Environmental Protection Agency, www. epa EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, .gov
Energy recovery ventilator
External static pressure
The uncontrolled passage of inside air out of a building through unintended leaks in the building envelope Envelope The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that includes a combination of air and thermal barrier
Exterior storm window
An additional window assembly installed on the exterior of the main window
Finished attic
An attic space that has been converted into an additional living space of the house
Ground-fault circuit interrupter
Gallons per minute
Hi-limit switch
A protective electronic switch that keeps a burner from continuing to operate and damage the appliance
Heat recovery ventilator
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Home Ventilation Institute
Lacking affinity for water; tending to repel and not absorb water; tending not to dissolve in, mix with, or be wetted by water
Indoor air quality
International Building Code
Institute of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers
Insulation contact
International Code Council
International Energy Conservation Code
International Fuel Gas Code
Ignition barrier
Any layer of material that protects another from catching fire due to heat or spark
International Mechanical Code
The uncontrolled passage of outside air into a building through unintended leaks in the building envelope Envelope The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that includes a combination of air and thermal barrier
Interior storm window
An additional window assembly installed on the interior of the main window
Integrated Pest Management
International Residential Code
Inches of water column
Job task analysis
Knee wall
Any wall between the conditioned space and the attic
Knowledge, skills, and abilities
Light-emitting diode
Minimum efficiency reporting value
Modulating systems
Heating systems with the ability to adjust the heating capacity and output based on the heating demand
Material Safety Data Sheet
National Association of Home Builders, www. nahb NAHB National Association of Home Builders, .com
North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, www. naima NAIMA North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, .org
North American Technician Excellence,
National Environmental Balancing Bureau, www. nebb NEBB National Environmental Balancing Bureau, .org
National Electrical Code
National Fire Protection Association, www. nfpa NFPA National Fire Protection Association, .org
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, niosh NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Orphaned equipment
Condition when one smaller combustion appliance exists after being commonly vented with a larger appliance. What remains is a larger exhaust flue or chimney than is necessary for the remaining smaller appliance
Orphaned water heater
Condition when one smaller combustion appliance (e.g., water heater) exists after being commonly vented with a larger appliance. What remains is a larger exhaust flue or chimney than is necessary for the water heater
U.S. U.S. United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration, www. osha OSHA U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, .gov
Permissable exposure limit
Perm rating
The measurement of a material's ability to allow the transfer of water vapor through the material
Personal protective equipment
Programmable thermostat
A thermostat designed to adjust the temperature according to a series of programmed settings that take effect at different times of the day
Pounds per square inch
Pound per square inch gauge
Reverse or upslope lapping technique
Upper course laps under a lower course to keep the moisture under the barrier
Rigid material
Drywall, oriented strand board, duct board, cardboard, or any other stiff product that may support the load of insulation while serving as a durable air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary
Radiant Professional Alliance
Renovation, repair, and painting
Sealant foam
One- or two-component polyurethane foam typically applied as a bead and used to control air leakage as part of an air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary system within the building envelope Envelope The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that includes a combination of air and thermal barrier
Service switch
An electrical switch that controls the complete flow of electricity to a mechanical device
Solar heat gain coefficient
Système International
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, www. smacna SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, .org
Spray polyurethane foam
Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
Steady state efficiency
Standby loss
Heat loss through the outer part of a water heater. Energy that is used even when a device is turned off
Storm door
An additional door assembly that is installed on the exterior of the main door
Strip heat
A function of a heat pump that uses energy-intensive resistance heat to warm conditioned space when the heat pump is unable to satisfy the heating demand; also provides emergency heat backup for heat pumps
Support material
Typically, wooden strips that provide support over holes greater than 24" in size for less rigid air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary materials
Training and Technical Assistance
Testing and Balancing Bureau,
Transverse duct connector
Transverse duct flange
Thermal boundary
The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow
Thermal resistance
The insulation or other building material that offers the primary barrier to thermal transmittance. R-value is a measurement of thermal resistance Thermal resistance The insulation or other building material that offers the primary barrier to thermal transmittance. R-value is a measurement of thermal resistance
Tie band
A strap, often made of nylon, that mechanically squeezes a flexible duct to a fitting. Must have a minimum performance temperature rating of 165° (per UL UL Underwriters Laboratories 181A-type test) and a minimum tensile strength rating of 50 pounds
United States
Underwriters Laboratories
Unconditioned basement
A below- or partially below-grade livable space with concrete or finished floor without intentional heating or cooling
Vapor barrier
A material that retards the passage of water vapor and contains a perm rating Perm rating The measurement of a material's ability to allow the transfer of water vapor through the material of less than 1
Vapor retarder
A material that slows the passage of water vapor and contains a perm rating Perm rating The measurement of a material's ability to allow the transfer of water vapor through the material above 1
Vaulted ceiling
A condition where a non-horizontal ceiling has a different slope than the roof
Vented crawl space
A foundation that uses wall vents as a primary means to control moisture. Insulation is located at the conditioned floor level above the crawl space
Volatile organic compound
DOE Weatherization Assistance Program
Window and Door Manufacturers Association, www. wdma WDMA Window and Door Manufacturers Association, .com
Water gauge
Wind intrusion
A condition where air from outside of a structure can pass through insulation and reduce its performance
Wood/materials shrinkage
A loss of dimension and weight as a result of drying the structure and operating the building at lower relative humidity

Section 1: Using the Standard Work Specifications for Home Energy Upgrades

The SWS synthesize more than 30 years of building science expertise within the WAP program and the greater industry by identifying the desired outcomes of the individual measures performed during a whole-building energy upgrade. They combine original content with references to relevant codes and/or technical standards that currently exist as independent, stand-alone documents.

Definition of Multifamily Housing

The definition of multifamily housing used for the SWS is:  any dwelling that contains five or more living units, which share one or more building systems and has three categories:

Low-rise: 1-3 stories with any shared building system

Mid-rise: 4-5 stories with any shared building system

High-rise: 6 stories or greater

Definition of Manufactured Housing

The definition for manufactured housing as used in the Manufactured Housing SWS document is: a single-family home that contains a permanently affixed chassis, allowing the dwelling to be transported by road. Traditionally, these homes have been called mobile homes and, in essence, the Manufactured Housing SWS document is using the term “manufactured housing” synonymously with “mobile homes.”

The Whole-House/Building Assessment

The whole-house/building assessment or energy audit is a vital component of the home energy retrofit process. It is imperative that an assessment of the whole-house/building is performed by a qualified auditor who is following a high-quality audit procedure recognized by the WAP or other program sponsor. Once the auditor has conducted a whole-house/building assessment and has developed a list of recommended measures, the SWS can be used to identify the desired outcomes of those measures and to assess the quality of the completed work.  The SWS document is not meant to replace existing engineering and design specifications, but rather to be complimentary.

The Components of the SWS

The SWS identify the desired outcomes of a particular energy efficiency measure. They define the outcomes, stated as objectives, and then list the minimum specifications that are necessary for a properly installed measure to meet those outcomes (see sample specification).

Sample Specification

Sample specification

SWS Numbering Scheme

The details within the SWS have been indexed and numbered in a way that provides readers with suggestions as to what is contained in a specific detail, and allows for additions as the document expands without disrupting the numbering sequence. The SWS are organized into four layers. From general to specific, those layers are section, topic, subtopic, and detail. Each section contains multiple topics, each topic may be further divided into subtopics, and each subtopic contains one or more details.

Dissecting a Detail Number

Numbering scheme

There are seven sections in the SWS:

  1. Using the Standard Work Specifications
  2. Health and Safety
  3. Air Sealing
  4. Insulation
  5. Heating and Cooling
  6. Ventilation
  7. Baseload

The section number is the first digit of a given detail. As illustrated above, any detail number beginning with 3 is from Section 3—Air Sealing.

Within each section, another set of numbers has been assigned to topics. These are represented in the first two digits in the second number in the detail titles. Some numbers are not yet in use but are reserved for future expansion of the SWS. In the example shown above, .10XX indicates that the detail is in the topic “Attics.” A detail related to insulating attics would be 4.10XX.X. For example,  4.1001.4 Vented Eave or Soffit Baffles.

Here is a full list of topic designations:

.0100 - .0900 – Health and Safety Issues

.0100 Safe Work Practices
.0200 Combustion Safety
.0300 Safety Devices
.0400 Moisture
.0500 Radon
.0600 Electrical
.0700 Occupant Education and Access
.0800 and .0900 Reserved for Future Additions

.1000 - .2900 – Parts of the Building

.1000 Attics
.1100 Walls
.1200 Windows and Doors
.1300 Floors
.1400 Basements and Crawl Spaces
.1500 Attached Garages
.1600 Ducts
.1700+ Reserved for Future Additions

.3000 - .5900 – Heating and Cooling Systems

.3000 Forced Air
.3100 Hydronic Heating
.3200 Shading
.3300+ Reserved for Future Additions

.6000 - .7900 – Ventilation

.6000 Exhaust
.6100 Supply
.6200 Whole Building
.6300+ Reserved for Future Additions

.8000 - .9800 – Baseload

.8000 Plug Load
.8100 Water Heating
.8200+ Reserved for Future Additions

These topic numbers align across sections.

Additionally, these number pairs have been reserved to align across sections and topics.

.88 Special Considerations
.99 Additional Resources

Used at the topic level, it looks like this:

6.9901.1 Supplemental Ventilation Information - ASHRAE 62.2

This is the first detail in Section 6—Ventilation, topic .99 Additional Resources, subtopic 01 Codes and Standards Resources.

Used at the subtopic level, it looks like this:

6.6288.1 Sound Rating Limits

This is the first detail in Section 6—Ventilation, topic .62 Whole Building, subtopic 88 Special Considerations.

Codes and Standards

While the SWS will help identify the desired outcomes of energy efficiency measures in a weatherization or home energy upgrade project, they are not a replacement for the codes and/or technical standards mandated by a particular jurisdiction or a replacement for the manufacturer’s stated installation requirements. State, local, or municipal code or ordinance has legal precedence and users should obtain copies of the applicable codes and standards for their jurisdiction before performing the work.

Numerous national standards bodies have provided significant insight and input on the SWS. The following serve as the primary referenced codes and standards. In order to limit redundancy, additional standards that are already referenced in the following codes are not restated within the Guidelines. However, when a standard is not addressed by the following codes, it is referenced within the Guide to Referenced Standards section as an additional resource. It is important to note that references to codes and standards within the SWS documents do not constitute an endorsement by the WAP.

  • IBC (International Building Code)
  • IECC (International Energy Conservation Code)
  • IFGC (International Fuel Gas Code)
  • IMC (International Mechanical Code)
  • IPC (International Plumbing Code)
  • IRC (International Residence Code)
  • NFPA 54 (National Fuel Gas Code)
  • NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code)
  • NPFA 31 (Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment)
  • UMC (Uniform Mechanical Code)
  • UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code)

When codes and standards are referenced in the SWS, the year of the reference is not included. The reader should refer to the most recent version of the reference that is currently published.

Standards are referenced in two ways:

  1. Embedded in the specification in either the objective or specification column. This indicates that the referenced standard is a representative approach to meet the specification.
  2. Listed in the Guide to Referenced Standards.

The Role of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades in the SWS

DOE and the EPA have collaborated closely throughout the production of the Guidelines and EPA’s Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades. In particular, the two agencies have strived to ensure that the majority of the EPA minimum actions are fundamentally integrated and referenced as appropriate in the Standard Work Specifications. The intent is that upgrade workers following the DOE document will inherently achieve most of the EPA minimum recommendations.

The EPA protocols can be located at: and should be referenced and utilized by energy upgrade workers.

The EPA protocols also provide additional detailed information on healthy retrofit practices and address some situations not specifically covered in the SWS including below-ground contaminants from sewer gases and soil or groundwater contamination, building products/ materials emissions, and removal of fluorescent light ballasts containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Additionally, both DOE and the EPA fully support the upgrade industry going above and beyond the minimum requirements by adopting the EPA-recommended expanded actions. Both agencies also understand that financial or programmatic constraints may impede this in certain cases.[1]

The EPA Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades focus primarily on the health and safety of the building occupants. The EPA document includes recommended assessment protocols to identify indoor environmental quality issues, recommended minimum actions, and opportunities for expanded actions to promote improved occupant health through home energy upgrades. Each of these is described below.

  • Assessment protocols provide EPA-recommended protocols for evaluating both existing conditions of concern and the potential for additional health concerns that may arise as a result of upgrade activities.
  • Minimum actions include actions that weatherization and home energy upgrade contractors should take to help ensure that the work they perform in a home does not introduce new health concerns or make existing conditions worse. These often reference existing national standards; however, work should be conducted in compliance with state and local requirements as well.
  • Expanded actions include recommended further indoor environment improvements that can be made during many home energy upgrade projects. The expanded actions are improvements that can be performed by home energy upgrade workers with proper training and sufficient resources. National standards and guidance are referenced; however, work should be conducted in compliance with state and local requirements as well.

The Importance of Qualified Professionals

It is important for the user to understand the necessity of ensuring that all contractors undertaking the work outlined in the SWS are properly qualified. There are a number of certification bodies and industry groups that provide verification of an individual’s qualifications to perform certain types of work. This is particularly important in tasks related to heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC), electrical systems, and plumbing. Professional contractors who are credentialed through well-established national organizations can help ensure that this work is performed safely and correctly. There are often licensure requirements at the state or local level.

Within the SWS, there is a note placed in each detail in which a licensed or credentialed professional may be required to perform certain tasks. The reader is encouraged to ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with requirements set forth by the authority having jurisdiction

The WAP requires its contractors to adhere to all codes, licensing, and certification requirements in the jurisdiction in which they operate.


[1] Weatherization Program Notice 11-6 provides information related to the implementation and installation of health and safety measures as part of the WAP. This guidance makes available recommendations to WAP Grantees as they develop their Health and Safety (H&S) Plans and procedures. The guidance also provides clarity to grantees on H&S measures and costs that are allowed as part of this energy program. WPN 11-6 (Program Year 2011, the “dash 6” will be the reference for subsequent H&S guidance in future program years) is available at under rules and guidance.  

Section 2:Health and Safety

2.0100.3 Global Worker Safety

Safe Work Practices
Safe Work Practices
Desired Outcome: 
Work completed safely without injury or hazardous exposure
The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.

Multifamily Homes

Prevention through design

Design will be incorporated to eliminate or minimize hazards (e.g., material selection, access to equipment for installation and maintenance, placement of equipment, ductwork, and condensate lines)

Prevent worker injuries

Reduce risk exposure to toxic substances and physical hazards

Hand protection

Durable and wrist-protecting gloves that can withstand work activity will be worn

Minimize skin contact with contaminants

Protect hands from sharp objects

Respiratory protection

If the risk of airborne contaminants cannot be prevented, proper respiratory protection will be provided and worn (e.g., N-95 or equivalent face mask)

When applying low pressure two-component spray polyurethane foam, air purifying masks with an organic vapor cartridge and P-100 particulate filter will be used

When applying high-pressure SPF insulation, supplied air respirators (SARs) will be used

Consult material safety data sheets (MSDSs) for respiratory protection requirements

OSHA 1910.134 shall be followed for the implementation of a respiratory protection program

Minimize exposure to airborne contaminants (e.g., insulation materials, mold spores, feces, bacteria, chemicals)

Electrical safety

An electrical safety assessment will be performed

All electric tools will be protected by ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)

Three-wire type extension cords will be used with portable electric tools

Worn or frayed electrical cords will not be used

Water sources (e.g., condensate pans) and electrical sources will be kept separate

Metal ladders will be avoided

Special precautions will be taken if knob and tube wiring is present. Reference SWS 2.0601.1 Knob and Tube Wiring

Aluminum foil products will be kept away from live wires

For arc flash hazards, NFPA 70E will be consulted

Avoid electrical shock and arc flash hazards

Carbon monoxide (CO)

All homes will have a functional carbon monoxide alarm

Ambient CO will be monitored during combustion testing, and testing will be discontinued if ambient CO level inside the home or work space exceeds 35 parts per million (ppm)

Protect worker and occupant health

Protective clothing

MSDSs and OSHA regulations will be consulted for protective clothing and equipment requirements

Eye protection will always be worn (e.g., safety glasses, goggles if not using full-face respirator)

Protect worker from skin contact with contaminants

Minimize spread of contaminants

Confined space safety

Access and egress points will be located before beginning work

Inspection will be conducted for frayed electrical wires or other physical hazards

Adequate ventilation will be provided

Use of toxic material will be minimized

Provide adequate access and egress points

Prevent electric shock

Prevent buildup of toxic or flammable contaminants

Power tool safety

Power tools will be inspected and used in accordance with manufacturer specifications to eliminate hazards associated with missing ground prongs, ungrounded circuits, misuse of power tools, noise, and improper or defective cords or extension cords. All tools must be maintained in proper operating condition with all guards securely in place

All devices used will be verified as GFCI protected or double insulated

Exhaust gases from compressors and generators will be prevented from entering interior space

Prevent power tool injuries

Prevent build up of dangerous exhaust gases

Chemical Safety

Hazardous materials will be handled in accordance with manufacturer specifications or MSDS standards to eliminate hazards associated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), sealants, insulation, contaminated drywall, dust, foam, asbestos, lead, mercury, and fibers

Any container holding a hazardous substance will be labeled as to its contents, at a minimum

Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided

Workers will be trained on how to use PPE

Workers will be expected to always use appropriate PPE during work

Prevent worker exposure to toxic substances

Ergonomic safety

Appropriate PPE will be used (e.g., knee pads, hardhats, additional padding)

Proper equipment will be used for work

Proper lifting techniques will be used

Prevent injuries from awkward postures, repetitive motions and improper lifting

Hand tool safety

Hand tools will be maintained in safe working order and used only for their intended purpose

Prevent hand tool injuries

Slips, trips, and falls

Caution will be used around power cords, hoses, tarps, and plastic sheeting

Precautions will be taken when ladders are used, when working at heights, or when balancing on joists

Walk boards will be used when practical

Appropriate footwear and clothing will be worn

Prevent injuries due to slips, trips, and falls

Heat and thermal stress

Appropriate ventilation, hydration, rest breaks, and cooling equipment will be provided

911 will be dialed when necessary

Prevent heat stroke, heat stress- and cold stress-related injuries

Asbestos-containing materials (ACM)

Assess potential asbestos hazard; if unsure whether material contains asbestos, contact a qualified asbestos professional to assess the material, and to sample and test as needed. If testing is unavailable, assume asbestos is present

If suspected ACM is in good condition, do not disturb

If suspected ACM is damaged (e.g., unraveling, frayed, breaking apart), immediately isolate the area(s)

For suspected ACM that is damaged or that must be disturbed as part of the retrofit activity, contact an asbestos professional for abatement or repair, in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements; only a licensed or trained professional may abate, repair, or remove ACM

When working around ACM, do not:

  • Dust, sweep, or vacuum ACM debris
  • Saw, sand, scrape, or drill holes in the material
  • Use abrasive pads or brushes to strip materials

Asbestos abatement or repair work should be completed prior to blower door testing; exercise appropriate caution when conducting blower door testing where friable asbestos or vermiculite attic insulation is present to avoid drawing asbestos fibers into the living space (i.e., use positively pressurized blower door testing) unless the material has been tested and found not to contain asbestos

Protect workers and occupants from potential asbestos hazards

Lead paint assessment

Presence of lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes will be assumed unless testing confirms otherwise

The EPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program Rule (40 CFR Part 745) in pre-1978 homes and proposed changes to this rule (Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 87/May 6, 2010) will be complied with, to be superseded by any subsequent final rulemaking or any more stringent state or federal standards; see

Protect workers and occupants from potential lead hazards

Site security

Work site will be secured to prevent unauthorized entry

Temporarily disconnected equipment will be locked up and tagged out

All loose or unbagged trash and unused materials will be removed from work site daily

Protect the occupant from exposure to potential hazards


2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Safe Work Practices
Safe Work Practices
Desired Outcome: 
Provide a safe and stable work environment that will support and sustain work to be performed

Multifamily Homes

Inspect to confirm integrity of existing building assembly

An inspection will be conducted for existing conditions that may hinder successful installation of proposed energy improvement

Ensure the work area and associated building assemblies are suitable for the proposed work

Identify hazardous construction materials that may be disturbed or compromised by proposed work

The inspection will include determination of the presence of known or presumed hazardous construction materials, including lead paint, asbestos, and in the case of window replacement, caulk, which may contain polychlorinated biphenyls

Where proposed work can be performed without disturbing suspect materials or under conditions consistent with applicable codes and regulations, a presumption of the presence of hazardous construction materials may be made without actual testing where such testing is not an integral part of the work to be performed

Ensure known or presumed hazardous materials are treated in a manner consistent with all codes and regulations

Identify environmental conditions that may create or worsen unsafe or unstable building assembly conditions

The inspection will include determination of the presence of adverse environmental conditions, including excess moisture in contact with building assemblies, mold, wood-decaying fungi, and rodent or insect infestation

A visual inspection of exposed electrical wires, junction boxes, and related equipment will be made to identify any unsafe conditions

Where insulation materials will be delivered into closed cavities, evaluation of wiring types within such cavities will be conducted to determine if proposed insulation application is compatible with current performance characteristics of wiring (e.g., wiring types that present a fire hazard when in close contact with insulation materials, wiring types subject to corrosion when in contact with certain types of insulation or which may be adversely affected by heat, moisture, or process conditions associated with the installation of certain insulation types)

Ensure adverse environmental conditions do not compromise the stability or longevity of proposed work

Ensure the integrity and soundness of building assemblies

Preserve the safety and integrity of existing building assemblies and materials after installation of proposed improvements

Address and correct hazardous or adverse conditions

Where excess moisture conditions are identified where their correction is not included in proposed work, such conditions will be corrected before work begins

Where building assemblies or components are found to have been damaged or destroyed, such assemblies will be restored before or during proposed work

Where indications of rodent infestation are identified, air sealing materials will incorporate anti-gnawing measure (e.g., copper wool in-fill, metal sheeting)

When pests have been identified, follow integrated pest management practices to seal holes with pest proof materials (corrosion proof materials)

Ensure the safety and durability of the associated structures

Ensure proposed work will not cause or perpetuate unsafe or unhealthy building conditions


2.0103.2 Air Sealing Worker Safety

Safe Work Practices
Air Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Work completed safely without injury or hazardous exposure
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

Worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Complete safety action plan based on hazard; plan will be in place for each job site

Prevent injury

Minimize exposure to health and safety hazards

Moisture precautions for crawl spaces and basements

Exposed earth will be covered with a continuous, durable, and sealed class I vapor retarder that is suitable for ground contact exposure to normal service traffic

Causes of air dew points greater than 55°F will be identified and eliminated in crawl spaces connected to conditioned spaces

Seasonal dehumidification (e.g., dehumidified or conditioned with air conditioner supply) will be recommended where humidity sources, including outdoor air incursion, cannot be eliminated

Undesigned penetrations between the crawl space or basement and the outdoors will be sealed

Holes between the crawl space or basement and the living space will be sealed

Open sumps and intentional slab or vapor barrier penetrations will be sealed or capped to control moisture and radon levels

Ensure durability of repairs

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to mold and other moisture-related hazards

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to radon and other soil gases

Moisture precautions: living space

Moisture sources in the building will be identified and reduced or removed

Where local ventilation will be installed, (e.g., baths, kitchens), exhaust units will be vented to the outdoors in accordance with ASHRAE 62.2

Unvented heaters will be removed except when used as a secondary heat source and when it can be confirmed that the unit is listed to ANSI Z21.11.2

Unvented gas or propane cooking stoves will be tested for carbon monoxide (CO) per BPI Standard and corrected as required before air sealing work begins

If replacing air conditioning system, new system will be sized to optimize dehumidification

Properly sized dehumidifier will be installed to satisfy latent and sensible loads, when necessary

ANSI/ACCA 2 Manual J-2011 (Residential Load Calculation) will be used to size replacement AC and heat pumps

Enhanced dehumidification will be installed in the Gulf Coast region areas on the Gulf side of the warm humid line on the International Energy Conservation Code map

Ensure durability of building components and repairs

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to mold and other moisture-related hazards

Reduce potential occupant exposure to CO

Moisture precautions for exterior water

Before air sealing and insulating building components, exterior water management will be addressed

Before insulating basement or crawl space walls near wet areas, surface water pooling near the foundation will be addressed by repairing, modifying, or replacing gutters and downspouts

Grading and subsurface drainage at critical locations (e.g., localized drain and grading beneath valleys) will be in accordance with EPA Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications Section 1.1

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to mold and other moisture-related hazards


2.0104.2 Insulation Worker Safety

Safe Work Practices
Desired Outcome: 
Work is completed safely without injury or hazardous exposure
The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

Worker safety specifications will be followed in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Personal protective equipment (PPE) must comply with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134 and 29 CFR 1926.103

Prevent injury

Minimize exposure to health and safety hazards

Asbestos-containing materials (ACM)

Assess potential asbestos hazard; if unsure whether material contains asbestos, contact a qualified asbestos professional to assess the material, and to sample and test as needed

If suspected ACM is in good condition, do not disturb

If suspected ACM is damaged (e.g., unraveling, frayed, breaking apart), immediately isolate the area(s)

For suspected ACM that is damaged or that must be disturbed as part of the retrofit activity, contact an asbestos professional for abatement or repair, in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements; only a licensed or trained professional may abate, repair, or remove ACM

When working around ACM, do not:

  • Dust, sweep, or vacuum ACM debris
  • Saw, sand, scrape, or drill holes in the material
  • Use abrasive pads or brushes to strip materials

Asbestos abatement or repair work should be completed prior to blower door testing; exercise appropriate caution when conducting blower door testing where friable asbestos or vermiculite attic insulation is present to avoid drawing asbestos fibers into the living space (i.e., use positively pressurized blower door testing) unless the material has been tested and found not to contain asbestos

Protect workers and occupants from potential asbestos hazards

Respiratory protection

Least toxic suitable material will be chosen

All materials will be handled in accordance with manufacturer specifications or material safety data sheets (MSDS) standards

Protect workers from toxic exposure

Eliminate hazards associated with incorrect, defective, or improperly used respirator and PPE

Lead paint assessment

Presence of lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes will be assumed unless testing confirms otherwise

EPA's Renovation, Repair and Painting Program Rule (40 CFR Part 745) in pre-1978 homes and proposed changes to this rule (Federal Register/Vol. 75, No. 87/ May 6, 2010) will be complied with, to be superseded by any subsequent final rulemaking or any more stringent state or federal standards

Protect worker and occupants from potential lead hazards


2.0107.2 Licensed Electrical Professional

Safe Work Practices
Desired Outcome: 
Work completed safely without injury from shock or arc flash
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

Any fixture, ballast, line voltage control, receptacle, or circuit modification will be performed by a licensed electrical professional in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70

All workers will comply with ANSI/NFPA 70E

All OSHA standard practices will be followed

Prevent property damage

Ensure worker safety


2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

Safe Work Practices
Material Safety
Desired Outcome: 
Asbestos-Containing Materials treated properly
The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.

Multifamily Homes

Determine if testing is necessary

Existing insulation will be visually inspected without disturbing the material and evaluated for suspicion of asbestos-containing materials (ACM)

Property manager will be asked about known history of insulation

Property manager will be informed of potential for additional testing if history is unknown

Confirm likelihood of ACMs

If ACM may be present, educate property manager for need of testing

Environmental testing service will be retained and notified of area impacted by proposed work

Confirm presence of ACMs

Asbestos removal

Property manager will arrange for asbestos removal by an asbestos professional in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements; only a licensed or trained professional may abate, repair, or remove ACM

Third-party air monitoring during abatement work will be provided in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements

At end of abatement process, documents will be provided to the property manager by the contractor that states ACMs were removed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements, and no ACMs are present in the work area

Safely remove asbestos from proposed work area


2.0203.7 Combustion Air—Boilers

Combustion Safety
Vented Gas Appliances
Desired Outcome: 
Amount and quality of combustion air allows for safe and efficient operation of equipment
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Combustion air

Combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer requirements.

In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply (i.e., more air rather than less)

In absence of a local code, combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

Meet burner combustion air requirements


Property manager/occupant will be educated on proper operation of combustion air systems

Ensure occupant safety

Ensure optimal operation of equipment


2.0204.2 Isolating Combustion Appliance Rooms (e.g., Boiler Room, Furnace Room, and Generator Room)

Combustion Safety
Desired Outcome: 
Effective air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between the combustion appliance room and all other spaces of the building
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Hazardous materials stored in mechanical rooms with air handlers or combustion appliances (e.g., boilers, furnaces) will be identified and removed; operators will be educated on the dangers of storing hazardous materials in these areas

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Mechanical room doors in a fire-rated wall will be closed; problems that cause doors to be blocked open will be determined and resolved

Eliminate existing storage hazards and prevent future dangerous storage occurrences

Repair or address moisture, pest, and structure-related issues

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests [ASTM E1186-03 (2009)]

Locate air leakage pathways to repair


Health and safety concerns will be addressed for occupants, workers, and repair materials in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide a safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) work environment

Provide effective repair access

Sealant and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low VOC products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-rated assemblies will be sealed by qualified workers, using materials and sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction, and in accordance with adopted building codes

Mechanical and boiler room enclosures may need to be fire-rated assemblies Materials will be rated for application in approved details; for example, the annular space around a pipe penetration through a fire-rated wall can usually be sealed using mineral wool fire safing sealed with a coating of flexible fire dam material

Sealants and materials will be continuous and meet fire resistance rated assembly specifications

Ensure sealants and materials meet or exceed the performance characteristics required of the assembly (e.g., fire rating)

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Provide a durable and effective isolation of the identified compartmentalized space


Repairs will be verified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests [ASTM E1186-03 (2009)]

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing


2.0205.1 Gas and Oil-Fired Equipment

Combustion Safety
Gas and Oil-Fired Equipment
Desired Outcome: 
Combustion products are properly vented to the outdoors
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Combustion air

Combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction, and manufacturer installation requirements

In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

In absence of a local code, combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

Do not damage building

Protect workers and occupants from injury


Venting systems will be installed considering proper material, pitch, common venting, chimney liner, clearance, total equivalent length, and termination in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer installation requirements

In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

In absence of local code, combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

Protect building from damage

Protect workers and occupants from injury

Orphaned equipment

Existing vent system or chimney will be resized or relined in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction when one or more common vented appliances are removed

In absence of local code, combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

Protect building from damage

Protect workers and occupants from injury


2.0302.1 Locking Refrigerant Caps—Mid and High Rise

Safety Devices
Cooling Equipment
Desired Outcome: 
Ensure the safety of worker/occupant/building operations staff/property manager

Multifamily Homes

Installing refrigerant locking caps

Where required by code, locking refrigerant caps will be installed on the refrigerant access ports

Ensure worker and occupant safety


2.0401.3 Air Sealing Moisture Precautions

Air Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ensure durability of building components and repairs to reduce potential for occupant exposure to mold and other moisture related hazards

Multifamily Homes

Moisture precautions: attics/roofs

Roof leaks will be repaired before performing attic/roof air sealing or insulation

Moisture sources in the house that can generate moisture into the attic will be identified and removed or reduced

Conduct coincident humidity control in the living space (e.g., bath and kitchen fans and dryer exhaust safely outside, crawl space/basement humidity control addressed)

Ensure durability of roof system and repairs

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to mold and other moisture-related hazards


2.0502.1 Radon Testing and Evaluation

Testing and Evaluation
Desired Outcome: 
Work completed without increasing occupant exposure to radon
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Radon testing and mitigation

EPA guidelines for radon in current edition of "Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Retrofits" will be followed

Test will be limited to conditioned spaces with slab-on or below grade serving as floor, or floor immediately above basement or crawl space

Upper floors in multistory buildings with concrete or concrete masonry unit walls will be tested in accordance with AARST standards

Reduce potential for occupant exposure to radon


2.0702.2 Occupant and Building Staff Education—Low Rise

Occupant Education and Access
Installed Equipment
Desired Outcome: 
Occupants and building operations staff understand their role and responsibility in the safe, effective, and efficient operation of the equipment
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Basic operation

Basic operation of the equipment will be explained to the building operations staff (e.g., design conditions, efficiency measures, differences from previous system or situation)

Ensure occupants and building operations staff have a reasonable expectation of the equipment capability

System controls (e.g., thermostat, humidistat)

Proper operation and programming of system controls to achieve temperature and humidity control will be explained to the occupant and provided in a written format

Ensure occupants and building operations staff can operate system controls

System disconnects

Indoor and outdoor electrical disconnects and fuel shut offs will be demonstrated to occupant

Ensure occupants and building operations staff can shut off equipment in emergencies

Combustion air inlets

Location of combustion air inlets will be identified for occupant

Importance of not blocking inlets will be explained to occupant

Ensure occupants and building operations staff do not block combustion air inlets

Blocked air flow

Importance of cleaning dust and debris from return grilles will be explained to occupant

Proper placement of interior furnishings with respect to registers will be explained to occupant

Negative consequences of closing registers will be explained to occupant

Occupant will be educated on the importance of leaving interior doors open as much as possible

Ensure occupants and building operations staff do not prevent the equipment from operating as designed

Routine maintenance

Proper filter selection and how to change filter will be explained to building operations staff

Importance of keeping outdoor unit clear of debris, vegetation, decks, and other blockage will be explained to building operations staff

Importance and timing of routine professional maintenance will be explained to building operations staff, e.g. inspect, clean, lubricate, replace consumables (i.e., filters, belts, lights), repair and replace

Ensure equipment operates as designed

Occupant service requests

Appropriate situations of when the occupant should contact the building operations staff will be explained, including:

  • Fuel odors
  • Water draining from secondary drain line
  • Emergency heat indicator always on for a heat pump system
  • System blowing cold air during heating season and vice versa
  • Icing of the evaporator coil during cooling mode
  • Outdoor unit never defrosts
  • Unusual noises
  • Unusual odors

Occupant will contact building operations staff when system is not operating as designed

Carbon monoxide (CO)

A CO alarm will be installed

Protect occupants from injury

Warranty and service

Building operations staff/property manager will be provided with relevant manuals and warranties

The labor warranty will be explained, and the building operations staff will be given a phone number to call for warranty service

Building staff are equipped with manuals and warranties for future equipment servicing


2.0702.3 Occupant Education—Mid and High Rise

Occupant Education and Access
Installed Equipment
Desired Outcome: 
Occupants understand their role and responsibility in the safe, effective, and efficient operation of the equipment
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

System operation

Basic operation of the equipment will be explained to the occupants (e.g., design conditions, efficiency measures, differences from previous system or situation)

Ensure occupant has a reasonable expectation of the equipment's capability

System controls (e.g., thermostat, humidistat)

Proper operation and programming of system controls to achieve temperature and humidity control will be explained and demonstrated to the occupant

Ensure occupant can operate system controls

System disconnects

Unit electrical disconnects and fuel shut offs will be demonstrated to occupant

Ensure occupant is aware of location of shut offs

Combustion air inlets

Location of combustion air inlets will be identified for occupant

Importance of not blocking inlets will be explained to occupant

Ensure occupant does not block combustion air inlets

System air flow

Importance of cleaning dust and debris from returns grilles will be explained to occupant

Proper placement of interior furnishings with respect to registers will be explained to occupant

Negative consequences of closing registers will be explained to occupant

Importance of leaving interior doors open as much as possible will be explained to occupant

Ensure occupant does not prevent equipment from operating as designed

Routine maintenance

Importance and timing of routine professional maintenance will be explained to occupant

Occupant is aware of the importance of proper maintenance and its impact on comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality

Occupant service requests

Situations when the occupant should contact the building operations staff will be explained, including:

  • Fuel odors
  • Water draining from secondary drain line
  • Emergency heat indicator always on for a heat pump system
  • Thermal comfort issue
  • Unusual noises
  • Unusual odors

Occupant will contact building operations staff when system is not operating as designed

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Occupant will be informed about CO alarm

Educate occupant on CO alarm and evacuation


2.0702.4 Building Operations Staff Education—Mid and High Rise

Occupant Education and Access
Installed Equipment
Desired Outcome: 
Building operations staff understands their role and responsibility in the safe, effective, and efficient operation of the equipment
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Systems operation, maintenance, and sustainability

Operation of the equipment maintenance will be explained to the building operations staff (e.g., design conditions, efficiency measures, differences from previous system or situation)

Operation and maintenance manual will be provided and updated to building operations staff

Ensure building operations staff has an understanding of the equipment's capability

Provide long-term resource for maintenance reference

System controls (e.g., thermostat, humidistat)

Building operations staff will be educated on the sequence of the building systems and their controls

Building operations staff will be provided with training that leads to a building operations certification where a competent authority provides such training

Ensure building operations staff and property manager can operate system controls and recognize maintenance requirements

System disconnects

Indoor and outdoor electrical disconnections and fuel shut offs will be demonstrated to building operations staff

Ensure building operations staff can shut off equipment in emergencies

Combustion safety awareness

Location of combustion air inlets and gas vents will be identified for building operations staff

Importance of not blocking inlets will be explained to building operations staff

Building operations staff will understand that flammable material will not be stored in the combustion appliance zone

Ensure building operations staff understands combustion fuel and the associated safety requirements

System air flow

Importance of cleaning dust and debris from returns grilles will be explained to building operations staff

Proper placement of interior furnishings with respect to registers will be explained to building operations staff

Negative consequences of closing registers will be explained to building operations staff

Importance of leaving interior doors open as much as possible will be explained to building operations staff

Ensure occupants and building operations staff do not prevent equipment from operating as designed

Routine maintenance

Proper filter selection (minimum MERV 6 rating) and how to change filter will be explained to building operations staff

Importance of keeping outdoor unit clear of debris, vegetation, decks, and other blockages will be explained to building operations staff

Importance and timing of routine professional maintenance will be explained to building operations staff, e.g., inspect, clean, lubricate, replace consumables (i.e., belts, filters), repair and replace

Ensure equipment operates as designed

Occupant service requests

Situations when the occupant should contact the building operations staff will be explained, including:

  • Fuel odors
  • Water draining from secondary drain line
  • Emergency heat indicator always on for a heat pump system
  • Thermal comfort issues
  • Unusual noises
  • Unusual odors

Building operations staff will be informed of situations where they must call outside resources:

  • Flooding
  • Odors
  • Electrical issues

Educate building operations staff on the occupant's expectations with comfort, efficiency, and indoor environmental quality

Ensure building operations staff does not negatively impact equipment

Carbon monoxide (CO) detector

Building operations staff will be educated on function, location, operation, and service of detector

Maintain detector in operational condition

Warranty and service

Building operations staff/property manager will be provided with relevant manuals and warranties

Labor warranty will be explained and the building operations staff/property manager will be given a phone number to call for warranty service

Building staff have manuals and warranties for future servicing


2.0703.1 Sealing/Isolating Exposed Fibrous Insulation in Areas with Routine Human Activity

Occupant Education and Access
Desired Outcome: 
Occupants protected from insulation particulate exposure

Multifamily Homes

Fibrous Insulation Isolation

Fibrous insulation materials will be encapsulated on all surfaces facing spaces where there is routine human activity

Encapsulation materials will be fire rated, if applicable, to preserve the pre-retrofit fire rating of the building assembly, and/or as required by insulation manufacturer or relevant building code

Vapor permeability of encapsulation materials will be consistent with predetermined vapor retarder placement

Protect occupants from insulation exposure

Maintain fire rating of assembly

Protect building from moisture damage


Section 3:Air Sealing

3.1001.5 Penetrations and Chases

Penetrations and Chases
Desired Outcome: 
Penetrations and chases sealed to prevent air leakage and moisture movement between the attic and conditioned space
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unity), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Ensure a continuous air and fire barrier will be appropriately located between conditioned and unconditioned space

Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly, and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is permanent and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

High temperature application

Only noncombustible sealant will be used in contact with chimneys, vents and flues, or any heat source (e.g., non-IC-rated recessed lights, heat lamps, etc.)

Sealant application at factory-built vents, flues, and chimneys shall be listed for use with that vent assembly

Preserve integrity and any applicable warranty associated with factory built vent, flue, or chimney assemblies


3.1001.6 Firewall in Unconditioned Attic

Penetrations and Chases
Desired Outcome: 
Firewall separations in unconditioned attics sealed to prevent air leakage, moisture movement, and spread of fire between the unconditioned attic and conditioned space
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces.

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Air sealing locations will be identified between the firewall and the attic floor

Ensure a continuous air- and fire-resistance barrier will be appropriately located between conditioned and unconditioned space

Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is permanent and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compounds (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Joint seal

Continuous seal will be installed around seams, cracks, joints, edges, penetrations, and connections at:

  • The intersection between firewall and attic floor
  • If firewall assembly is not monolithic (e.g., balloon framing, CMU, open chase, attic bypass, or with similar penetration through the attic floor plane), attic floor plane penetrations within the firewall assembly will be accessed through the firewall, fully sealed, and firewall surface restored to prevent current or future breaches of the firewall below the attic floor plane from establishing an air flow path to the attic space

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag


3.1001.7 Firewall in Conditioned Attic

Penetrations and Chases
Desired Outcome: 
Firewalls sealed to prevent air leakage, moisture movement, and spread of fire between the conditioned attic and roof assembly
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit (CMU), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire resistance rating

Air sealing locations will be identified between the firewall and the roof assembly

Repair breaches in the firewall

Ensure a continuous air and fire-resistance-rated assembly will be appropriately located between conditioned attic and roof assembly

Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is permanent and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Joint seal

Continuous seal will be installed around seams, cracks, joints, edges, penetrations, and connections at:

  • The intersection between firewall and roof assembly
  • If firewall assembly is not monolithic (e.g., balloon framing, CMU, open chase, attic bypass, or with similar penetration through the attic floor plane), attic floor plane penetrations within the firewall assembly will be accessed through the firewall, fully sealed, and firewall surface restored to prevent current or future breaches of the firewall below the attic floor plane from establishing an air flow path to the attic space

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag


3.1001.8 Preparing for and Installing Insulation Around High-Temperature Devices, Systems, and Components

Penetrations and Chases
Desired Outcome: 
Combustible materials kept away from combustion sources
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Confirm that flues or other high-temperature elements are functioning as designed and do not present a fire or health and safety risk

Ensure a safe, durable workspace that will sustain improvement

Verify attic prep

Confirm that only noncombustible sealant has been used in contact with chimneys, vents and flues, or any heat source (e.g., non-IC-rated recessed lights, heat lamps, etc.). Remove any noncompliant materials and replace them with materials consistent with application

Sealant application at factory-built vents, flues, and chimneys shall be listed for use with that vent assembly

Fire blocking in the space around site-built and factory-built chimneys, as required by either the IBC, IRC, or NFPA, as applicable, will be completed and inspected before erection of any insulation dams

Prevent air leakage

Ensure materials coming in contact with high-temperature areas will not present a fire hazard

Ensure insulation dams maintain clearance

Isolate high-temperature elements

A rigid, fixed dam having a height greater than the insulation to be installed will be constructed to ensure a 3" clearance between combustion flue vent and dam

Ensure dam material does not bend, move, or sag

Prevent a fire hazard

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC)

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Insulation will not be allowed between a heat-generating appliance and a dam unless material is rated for contact with heat-generating sources

Prevent a fire hazard

Building operations staff education

Documentation of material and R-value will be provided to building operations staff

Provide occupant with documentation of installation


3.1001.9 Sealing Access Doors and Similar Intentional Penetrations

Penetrations and Chases
Desired Outcome: 
Attic access door properly sealed and insulated
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Ensure occupant safety


If attic access is below the air and thermal boundary, then the roof and any exterior roof access locations will be addressed in accordance with SWS 3.1801.2 Sealing and Insulating Exterior Roof Access Panels and Hatches

If attic access is part of the air and thermal boundary, it will be airtight and insulated

Ensure correct plan of work is selected to maintain the air and thermal boundary

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Access hatch frames will be sealed using caulk, gasket, weather strip, or otherwise sealed with an air barrier material, suitable film, or solid material

Options will be installed with a latch, lock, or frictionally engaged components of a prefabricated unit above the opening that do not require a latch

A rigid dam having a height greater than the insulation to be installed will be constructed to contain insulation when attic access is opened

Prevent air leakage


Access hatches will be insulated with noncompressible insulation to the same R-value as adjoining insulated assembly

Attic hatch rough opening will be surrounded with a durable protective baffle that is higher than the level of the surrounding attic floor insulation

Achieve uniform R-value on the attic door or hatch

Achieve uniform R-value on the attic floor

Prevent loose attic floor insulation from entering the living area


Insulation will be permanently attached and in complete contact with the air barrier

Insulate to prescribed R-value

Quality assurance

Attic access will be adjusted to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation and security

Attic access system will be tested for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E1186

Ensure proper operation of the attic access and hardware

Prevent air leakage through assembly


Completed measure will have a minimum expected service life of 20 years

Ensure a minimum expected service life

Building operations staff/occupant education

Purpose of insulation and proper hatch operation will be communicated to building operations staff and occupant

Occupant and staff understand how to use the hatch to ensure integrity of insulated and sealed assembly throughout service life


3.1005.2 Skylights and Shafts

Other Ceiling Materials
Desired Outcome: 
Maintain the integrity of the glazing system as part of a continuous thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow between the conditioned space and unconditioned space to prescribed R-values
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

Ensure occupant safety


Glazing systems and curbs will be inspected for air and water leakage, integrity, proper operation, and security

Repairs will be completed before insulation installation

If the items above cannot be repaired, the glazing systems will be recommended for replacement before installing insulation

Skylight shaft will be inspected to determine insulation strategy

Determine the scope of glazing system repair

Prepare skylight for insulation installation

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Holes and penetrations will be sealed

Bypasses will be blocked and sealed

Holes within fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be filled with a material permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent air leakage

Preserve fire-resistant properties of fire-resistance-rated assemblies

Insulation installation

Insulation will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications, and in full contact with all sides of existing cavity without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

Fibrous insulation installed on the well walls will be adequately secured to prevent falling or shifting out of place, and will be installed with a continuous backing on the side exposed to the air

Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

Insulation will be installed to meet the specific characteristics of the assembly

Insulate to prescribed R-value

Meet all applicable codes

Building operations staff education

Documentation of material and R-value will be provided to building operations staff

Provide occupant with documentation of installation


3.1005.3 Air Sealing Complex Ceiling Planes

Other Ceiling Materials
Desired Outcome: 
Configuration of complex ceiling planes will be simplified by spanning interior soffits, chases, direct penetrations, and other cavities to provide a continuously sealed air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between unconditioned attic and conditioned space
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Ensure durability of repairs

Locate air sealing plane

Work area will be cleared of existing insulation to locate and identify the optimal air sealing plane

Elevation changes, including interior soffits, chases, direct penetrations, and other changes in elevation, will be identified to determine which will be placed on the conditioned side of the air barrier and which will be sealed at all surfaces

Where practical, the total square footage of the air barrier will be minimized by capping or sealing openings in the prime air-barrier plane, rather than on all sides of the elevation change

Minimize gross air barrier (and subsequent thermal barrier) square footage by sealing over elevation changes in unconditioned attic spaces

Spanning material selection

Materials used to span elevation changes will be rigid and self-supporting over the distance spanned

Materials will be consistent with existing or intended fire-resistance assemblies

Materials will be compatible with adjacent materials and with any proposed insulation designed to come in contact with it

The perimeters of all materials installed to span elevation changes will be sealed on all exposed edges with compatible sealants

Seals will be used that prevent visible air movement using chemical smoke at 50 pascals of pressure difference


Support material will be installed for spans wider than 24" except when air-barrier material is rated to span greater distance under load (e.g., wind, insulation)

Ensure seal stays in place and does not sag

Joint seal

Continuous seal will be installed around seams, cracks, joints, edges, penetrations, and connections

Prefabricated units may be used when meeting the desired outcome

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compounds (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Adjacent framing

All remaining gaps will be sealed at the top of the ceiling

Provide airtight framing from one finished side of the ceiling to the other


3.1102.1 Wall Penetration Sealing

Multifamily Walls
Desired Outcome: 
Wall penetrations sealed to prevent air leakage, moisture movement, pest migration, sound and/or odor transmission, and spread of fire through the wall
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit (CMU), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire resistance rating

Penetration locations will be identified to determine hole size and fire rating

Ensure a durable, continuous air barrier and a fire-rated assembly, where appropriate

Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is durable, pest resistant, weather appropriate, and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

High-temperature application

Only noncombustible sealant will be used in contact with chimneys, vents and flues, or any heat source (e.g. non-IC-rated recessed lights, heat lamps, etc.)

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, sag, or combust

Prevent a fire hazard

Penetration seal

Continuous seal will be installed around seams, cracks, joints, edges, and penetrations

When a penetration goes all the way through a wall, both sides will be sealed

In a hollow core CMU wall, the penetration at the inner wall surface and the exterior wall surface will be sealed, but not compromise existing water control measures (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter, and roof drains)

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag

Maintain integrity of the existing water control system


3.1201.7 Repair, Maintenance, and Weather Stripping of Windows

Windows and Doors
Maintenance, Repair, and Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Windows are airtight and weathertight
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Occupant will be shown how to properly operate the window system

Ensure occupant safety


Glazing systems will be inspected for air and water leakage, warping, stability, holes, proper hardware operation, proper operation, and security; if the items above cannot be repaired, the glazing systems will be recommended for replacement

Determine the scope of glazing system repair

Operable glazing system operation and fit

Operable glazing system will be adjusted or repaired to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation (e.g., hardware adjustment and/or replacement)

Ensure proper operation of the operable glazing system

Fixed glazing system adjustment and seal

Fixed glazing system will be adjusted or repaired to properly fit the jamb

In the event the fixed glazing unit has shifted enough to allow light to leak around the perimeter frame, the glass will be properly repositioned in its frame/pocket

After repositioning/adjusting, the glass will be sealed to the frame

When sealing exterior frame components, internal water drainage systems within the glazing system will be maintained

When sealing exterior frame components, wall system water management components will be maintained (e.g., weep holes)

Ensure proper adjustment of glass (e.g., caulking used to seal a gap can compromise the integrity of the thermal pane seal)

Ensure an airtight and weathertight fixed glazing system

Ensure a durable and secure glazing system

Prevent water intrusion

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire resistance rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Frame sealing

When the glazing system trim/frame leaks at wall, the glazing system trim/frame will be sealed to the exterior and/or interior side of the wall

When the glazing system components leak at the frame, areas of leakage will be sealed

When the existing window frame has penetrations due to old hardware, the abandoned penetrations will be sealed

When sealing exterior frame components, internal water drainage systems within the glazing system will be maintained

When sealing exterior frame components, wall system water management components will be maintained (e.g., weep holes)

Ensure the glazing system frame is airtight and watertight

Prevent water intrusion

Weather stripping

All weather stripping will be an effective air barrier

Durable weather stripping material will be sized to span irregularities in the glazing system, as well as seasonal variations

Where weather stripping fits into an existing track, replacement weather strip will be sized to fit the original track and to span irregularities

Weather stripping will be installed and mechanically fastened around all four sides of the glazing system

Mechanically installed weather stripping carrier will be sealed to surface

Operable glazing systems will be tested for ease of operation and airtightness after weather stripping is installed

Identify appropriate weather stripping materials to make an airtight and watertight seal while maintaining the operation of the glazing system

Ensure glazing system is airtight and allows for seasonal variation

Ensure operable glazing system operates properly after weather stripping is installed

Quality assurance

Glazing system will be adjusted to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation and security

Glazing system will be tested for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E783-02 or ASTM E1186

Water management systems and enclosure drainage planes will be verified as maintained

Ensure proper operation of the glazing system and hardware

Prevent air leakage through assembly

Prevent water intrusion


3.1201.8 Repair, Maintenance, and Weather Stripping of Doors

Windows and Doors
Maintenance, Repair, and Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Doors operable, airtight, and weathertight
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Occupant will be notified of how to properly operate the door system

Ensure occupant safety


Door system will be inspected for air and water leakage, warping, stability, holes, proper hardware operation, proper operation, and security; if the items cannot be repaired, the door will be recommended for replacement

Determine the scope of door system repair

Door operation and fit

Door will be adjusted or repaired to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation (e.g., hardware adjustment and/or replacement, re-plane door)

Ensure proper operation of the door system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Frame sealing

When the door trim/frame leaks at wall, the door trim/frame will be sealed to both the exterior and interior side of the wall

Door stop will be sealed to door frame

When the existing door frame has penetrations due to old hardware, the abandoned penetrations will be sealed

Door rail (bottom) and threshold will be adjusted and sealed to ensure tight but operable fit

Ensure the door trim/frame is airtight and watertight

Weather stripping

All weather stripping will be an effective air barrier

Durable weather stripping material will be sized to span irregularities in the door/frame, as well as seasonal variations

For sliders and commercial door systems where weather stripping fits into an existing track, replacement weather strip will be sized to fit the original track and to span irregularities

Weather stripping will be installed around all four sides of the door

Mechanically installed weather stripping carrier will be sealed to surface

Door will be tested for ease of operation and airtightness after weather stripping is installed

Where doors are required to have a fire-resistance rating, all weather strips and sealants applied to the door will be compatible with the listing of the door

Identify appropriate weather stripping materials to make an airtight and watertight seal while maintaining the operation of the door

Ensure door is airtight to allow for seasonal variation

Ensure door operates properly after weather stripping is installed

Quality assurance

Door will be adjusted to properly fit the jamb, and allow for ease of operation and security

Door system will be tested for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E783-02 or ASTM E1186

Ensure proper operation of the door and hardware

Prevent air leakage through assembly


3.1203.4 Window Replacement

Windows and Doors
Desired Outcome: 
Maintain a continuous air and thermal barrier, and high efficiency window performance
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Design considerations

Glazing type will be chosen by location in the building, building height, code, and climate

Window frame will be insulated and selected with thermal breaks appropriate to climate

Window selection will be based on lowest air leakage rating

Window selection will be based on National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) rating by climate

Glazing with lowest feasible U-value will be specified

Window glazing solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) will be selected by building orientation and climate

Water management system will be maintained

Windows will meet the performance standard AMAA/WDMA/CSA/101/IS2/A440

Historic preservation requirements will be considered

Ensure the most effective and appropriate glazing system is specified


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Ensure safety, effectiveness, and durability of improvements

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Occupant will be shown how to properly operate windows and doors

Building management and occupants will be notified about the risk of a child falling from operable windows with sills located more than 72" above any surface outside window opening

Ensure occupant safety

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Window location, installation, and sealing

Glazing system frame will be aligned with the wall system's air and thermal boundary to create a continuous air and thermal boundary

Glazing system will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Rough opening will be prepared and sealed to the wall system's continuous air and thermal boundary with nonexpanding sealants

When replacement windows are being installed within an existing window frame where the original sash has been removed, the window frame will be prepared and sealed to the wall system's continuous air and thermal barrier

When the existing window frame has internal weight pockets, the hardware will be removed and the pocket will be insulated and sealed

Glazing system will be sealed to the airtight rough opening or the airtight existing frame

Maintain a continuous air and thermal boundary throughout the entire wall system

Quality assurance

A sampling protocol will be used to test glazing system for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E783-02

A sampling protocol will be used to test glazing system for water leakage in accordance with ASTM E1105-00

Ensure airtight and watertight installation


3.1203.5 Exterior Door Replacement

Windows and Doors
Desired Outcome: 
Exterior door selection and installation provides a high efficiency continuous air and thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Design considerations

Door/glass will be selected by location in the building, building height, code, and climate

Door frame will be insulated and selected with thermal breaks appropriate to climate

Door selection will be based on lowest air leakage rating

Door selection will be based on National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) rating by climate

Door and door glazing with lowest feasible U-value will be specified

Glazing within door assemblies will comply with CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201

Door glazing solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) will be selected by building orientation and climate

Water management system will be maintained

Historic preservation requirements will be considered

Ensure the most effective and appropriate door system is specified

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Occupant will be shown how to properly operate the door system

Ensure occupant safety

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Door location, installation and sealing

Door frame will be aligned with the wall system's air and thermal boundary to create a continuous air and thermal boundary

Door system will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Rough opening will be prepared and sealed to the wall system's continuous air and thermal boundary

Door frame will be sealed and flashed to the airtight and watertight rough opening

When a replacement door is being installed within an existing frame, the original frame will be prepared and sealed to the wall system's continuous air and thermal boundary, and the door will be weather stripped on all four sides

When the existing door frame has penetrations due to old hardware, the abandoned penetrations will be sealed

Door rail (bottom) and threshold will be adjusted to ensure tight but operable fit

Maintain a continuous air and thermal boundary throughout the entire wall system

Quality assurance

Door will be adjusted to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation and security

A sampling protocol will be used to test door system for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E783-02 or ASTM E1186

A sampling protocol will be used to test door system for water leakage in accordance with ASTM E1105-00

Ensure proper operation of the door and hardware

Ensure airtight and watertight installation


3.1403.1 Air Seal Concrete Floor Slab Foundation: Raised, On Grade, and Below-Grade

Basements and Crawl Spaces
Slab Foundations
Desired Outcome: 
Effective air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between the conditioned space and the ground
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Where applicable (generally above-grade concrete slabs between conditioned and unconditioned spaces), gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Where applicable, for assembly type and geographic location, test for radon per ANSI-AARST Standard: Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Identify and correct conditions which contribute to excessive radon levels

Provide a stable slab to ensure durability of the work

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, smoke, and/or pressure tests [ASTM E1186-03 (2009)]

Locate air leakage pathways to repair


Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide, moisture)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Access not provided will be created to ensure that repairs can be made (may include localized demolition)

Provide a safe work environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Sealant and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Where penetrations are due to failed or missing expansion joints, sealing materials will be suitable for this application

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Demolition repair

Access holes will be repaired

Restore surfaces to original condition or better


Repairs will be verified by visual inspections, smoke, and/or pressure tests consistent with the pre-inspection

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing


3.1488.3 Covers for Sump Pumps, Drains, Pits, and Other Intentional Slab Penetrations

Basements and Crawl Spaces
Special Considerations
Desired Outcome: 
Excess humidity levels, moisture, soil gases, and pests controlled in crawl spaces and basements

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Repairs necessary to stabilize treatment areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Repair moisture-, pest-, and structure-related issues


All exposed water sources will be capped and operable/able to be opened for maintenance access

Caps will be rigid, durable, and suitable for high-moisture exposure

Required cap penetrations will be close fitting (do not have to be airtight) and not interfere with drainage of water from above or below the basement floor

Control excess humidity accumulation

Property manager education

Documentation of material and maintenance requirements will be provided to property manager

Staff can properly maintain the system


3.1501.2 Garages—Sealing Penetrations

Attached Garages
Garage Openings
Desired Outcome: 
Openings sealed to prevent air transfer between garages and conditioned spaces
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


All lighting fixtures, wiring, plumbing, venting, ducting, and gas piping penetrations will be sealed

Prevent air leakage and pollutant entry


All ductwork in attached garage will be sealed in accordance with the duct sealing specifications

Where duct system serves any other conditioned or living space, all supply and return openings (including intentional openings designed to heat or cool the garage space) must be disconnected, capped with sheet metal, and completely sealed

Prevent air leakage and pollutant entry, including under conditions when duct fans are not operating


All cracks in walls, ceilings, or floors that separate conditioned space from garage will be sealed, including cracks between mud sill, rim joists, subfloors, and bottom of gypsum board

Prevent air leakage and pollutant entry

Garage to conditioned space door

Weather stripping, door sweep, or threshold will be installed to stop air leakage in accordance with SWS 3.1201.8 Repair, Maintenance, and Weatherstripping of Doors

Prevent air leakage and pollutant entry


Broken glass panes in doors will be replaced, pointed, and glazed, where needed

Where glazing is permitted by code, verify that replacement glass meets the intended fire resistance of the assembly penetrated and is safety glazing as mandated by CPSC 16 CFR 1201

Glazing located in wall connecting garage to conditioned space with fire-resistance ratings may be prohibited; confirm that existing glazing application is consistent with all applicable building codes

Prevent air leakage and pollutant entry

Preserve design integrity of fire-resistance-rated assemblies between garage and conditioned spaces

Carbon monoxide (CO) detector

Carbon monoxide alarms or detection systems that comply with applicable codes, laws, and ordinances will be tested and confirmed to be operational upon completion of any enclosure work

Protect occupants from CO exposure from attached garage

Building operations staff/occupant education

Occupant and building operations staff will be educated on need to keep door from garage to conditioned space closed and need to minimize the time any gas engine appliances or grills are operated in the garage, even if the main door is left open

Reduce risk of CO poisoning inside of garage and adjacent rooms


3.1502.1 Garages—Isolating from Living Spaces

Attached Garages
Isolating From Living Space
Desired Outcome: 
Effective air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between the garage and all other spaces of the building prevents carbon monoxide ( CO CO Carbon monoxide ) and exhaust fumes from entering the building
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Pre-inspection, including combustion safety

Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

All below-grade and enclosed garages will be equipped with operational exhaust systems that depressurize the garage space with reference to the building

Pressure differential of all garages (both enclosed and open) to building will be measured

Carbon monoxide (CO) levels will be measured in the garage and building under typical operating conditions before work begins

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Repair or address moisture, pest, and structure-related issues

Repair ventilation-related issues

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using one or more of the following:

  • Visual inspections
  • Infrared thermography
  • Air flow detection smoke or visible mist
  • Induced pressure tests [ASTM E1186-03 (2009)]

The following will be included in the investigation:

  • Penetrations through walls and ceilings that separate garage from occupied space
  • Doorways between garage and occupied space
  • Cracks at sill and rim joist between garage and occupied space, basement, or crawl space
  • Ductwork and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment located in the garage that serves occupied space

Locate air leakage pathways to repair


Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

CO levels will be monitored in work areas during repair work consistent with relevant OSHA requirements

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos, CO)

Work lighting, work platform and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality in the work environment

Protect workers from CO exposure

Provide effective repair access

Installation, sealant, and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Pressure differential of garage to building will be measured

CO levels in the building will be measured

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing


3.1502.2 Removing Supply and/or Return Registers from Garages

Attached Garages
Isolating From Living Space
Desired Outcome: 
Safe removal of supply and/or return registers
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Removal of run-outs feeding the register in the garage

Supply and/or return run feeding the register will be truncated as close to the trunk line as possible

If directly connected to the plenum, it will be truncated at the plenum

If connected to a Y or T branch system, it will be truncated at the Y or T

Minimize the surface area of duct

Patching of the hole in the duct system created by removal

All holes in sheet metal ducts will be patched with sheet metal and secured with sufficient screws to hold the patch flat without gaps

If patch is large enough to flex, it shall be cross-braced

Holes left in any Y or T will be capped with sheet metal caps and fastened with at least three screws

Ensure a secure and strong patch

Sealing of the patch

All patches will be sealed with mastic meeting UL 181 and in accordance with manufacturer specifications (and mesh tape where gap exceeds 1/4")

Ensure an airtight, durable patch

Removal of discarded ducts

All abandoned ductwork will be removed from work area

Provide a clean work site

Patching of the register hole in garage

Holes created by the removal of the register and boot will be patched and taped using material meeting local fire wall codes

Prevent a fire hazard

External static pressure testing

Units will be tested for external static pressure (ESP) before and after work

If there is a significant rise in ESP, air flow testing according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 11 will be required, and airflow will be adjusted to meet design requirements

Ensure correct system performance


3.1601.6 Preparation and Mechanical Fastening—Low Rise

Duct Preparation
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are properly fastened to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Surrounding insulation will be cleared to expose the joints being sealed

Duct surface that accepts sealant will be cleaned

Gain access

Achieve proper adhesion for airtight seal

Metal to metal

Ducts will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws or acceptable mechanical connections

Ensure joints are durable

Flex to metal

Joints will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool or mechanical band, and sealed with approved mastic and UL181B tape

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Duct board to duct board

Joints will be fastened with a clinch stapler, rated tape, and mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Duct board to flexible duct

An appropriate take-off collar in accordance with NAIMA standards will be used and sealed with approved mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Metal plenum to air handler cabinet

Plenum will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws on each side

Canvas connection between plenum and unit will be installed so that it does not reduce the inside dimensions of the duct

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Optimize airflow

Duct board plenum to air handler cabinet

Termination bar or metal strip will be fastened with screws

Duct board will be installed between the screw and the termination bar

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Terminal boot to wood

Screws or nails will be used to fasten boot to wood

Seams and boot to subfloor will be sealed with mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Terminal boot to gypsum

Boot hanger will be fastened to adjacent framing with screws or nails

Boot will be connected to boot hanger with screws

Integral snap boots will be installed

Seams of boot will be sealed with mastic

Boot to gypsum will be sealed with caulk in accordance with local code and standards

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Duct board to flex

An appropriate take-off collar in accordance with NAIMA standards will be used

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Replacement of insulation

Insulation will be returned or replaced with equivalent R-value

Maintain insulation value


3.1601.7 Support—Low Rise

Duct Preparation
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are properly supported
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Support of duct types (applies to all duct types)

Ductwork will be supported in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

Flexible duct board ducts and plenums will be supported by metal strapping rods or other materials in accordance with applicable standards (NAIMA)

Support materials will be applied in a way that does not allow the ductwork to sag, crimp the ductwork, or cause the interior dimensions of the ductwork to be less than specified

Metal ducts will be supported by metal strapping, rods, or other materials, per applicable standards

Eliminate falling and sagging


3.1601.8 Preparation and Mechanical Fastening—Mid and High Rise

Duct Preparation
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums properly fastened to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Surrounding insulation will be cleared to expose the joints being sealed

Duct surface that accepts sealant will be cleaned

Gain access

Achieve proper adhesion for airtight seal

Metal to metal

Ducts will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws or acceptable mechanical connections

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Flex to metal (150)

See redline change(s)

Joints will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool or mechanical band, and sealed with approved mastic and UL181B tape

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Title: No change Specification(s): Joints will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool or mechanical band, and sealed with approved mastic OR UL181B tape. Must have a minimum performance temperature rating of 165° (per UL 181A-type test) and a minimum tensile strength rating of 50 pounds tensioning tool or mechanical band, and sealed with approved mastic and UL181B tape Objective(s): No change4482
Duct board to duct board

In a repair or replacement, joints will be fastened with clinch stapler, rated tape, and mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Duct board to flexible duct (152)

An approved take-off collar in accordance with NAIMA standards will be used and sealed with approved mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Phenolic board to phenolic board

Joints will be a metal connection fastened together in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Ensure joints are durable

Phenolic board to flexible duct

Metal take-off collar will be used and mastic will be used on the outside in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Phenolic board to air handler cabinet

Plenum will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws on each side and sealed with mastic

Canvas connection between plenum and unit will be installed so that it does not reduce the inside diameter of the duct

Ensure joints are durable

Optimize air flow

Reduce air leakage

Metal plenum to air handler cabinet

Plenum will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws on each side and sealed with mastic

Canvas connection between plenum and unit will be installed so that it does not reduce the inside dimensions of the duct

Ensure joints are durable

Optimize air flow

Reduce air leakage

Duct board plenum to air handler cabinet

Termination bar or metal strip will be fastened with screws and sealed with mastic

Duct board will be installed between the screw and the termination bar

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Terminal boot to wood

Screws or nails will be used to fasten boot to wood

Seams and boot to subfloor will be sealed with mastic

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Terminal boot to gypsum

Boot hanger will be fastened to adjacent framing with screws or nails

Boot will be connected to boot hanger with screws

Integral snap boots will be installed

Seams of the boot will be sealed with mastic

Boot to gypsum will be sealed with caulk in accordance with local code and standards

Ensure joints are durable

Reduce air leakage

Replacement of insulation

Insulation will be returned or replaced with current insulation standards

Insulation values will be maintained


3.1601.9 Support—Mid and High Rise

Duct Preparation
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are properly supported
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Support of duct types (applies to all duct types)

Ductwork will be supported in accordance with applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

Flexible duct board ducts and plenums will be supported by metal strapping rods or other materials in accordance with applicable standards (NAIMA)

Support materials will be applied in a way that does not allow the ductwork to sag, crimp the ductwork, or cause the interior dimensions of the ductwork to be less than specified

Metal ducts will be supported by metal strapping, rods, or other materials in accordance with applicable standards

Eliminate falling and sagging


3.1602.14 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Supply, and Return Ducts and Plenums

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Connections between the crawl space and living space eliminated to improve indoor air quality ( IAQ IAQ Indoor air quality ) and efficiency of the distribution system

Multifamily Homes

Supply plenums (includes conditioned crawl spaces)

Crawl spaces that are used as heating and cooling supply plenums will not be allowed

Improve IAQ in the living space

Eliminate connection between the crawl space and living space

Return plenums

Crawl spaces that are used as heating and cooling return plenums will not be allowed

Improve IAQ in the living space

Eliminate connection between the crawl space and living space

Improve performance efficiency

Existing condition where crawl space is used as supply and/or return plenum

Condition will be corrected to provide supply and/or return plenums isolated from crawl space before work can continue

Improve IAQ in the living space


3.1602.15 Ventilation Existing Duct Sealing (All Building Types)

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Improved effectiveness and efficiency of ventilation distribution system
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer (e.g., fire dampers, other obstructions)

Access to all elements of distribution system will be identified

Access to all dwelling units and elements of distribution system will be ensured by the installer

An inspection will be conducted for mold, water leaks, water damage, and breaches in the surfaces of the isolated space before sealing

Repairs will be completed before subject work

Prepare for installation

Health and safety

Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

Area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe working environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Identification of leakage locations

Duct leakage sites will be identified using industry approved approaches (e.g., visual inspections, borescopes, remote cameras, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests [ASTM E1186-03 {2009}])

Locate air leakage pathways to repair

Identify and prioritize leakage locations to be sealed

Duct sealing opportunities will be assessed and prioritized by:

Type of hole:

1. Catastrophic holes disconnected, missing ducts, or very large holes

2. Roof curb, close to fan, register boots

3. Holes larger than 1/4"

4. Seams and joints (holes less than 1/4")


1. Easy to access

2. Demolition required

3. Access by internally applied sealants

Maximize efficiency of work effort

Temporary access

When demolition for access is specified, the installer will:

  • Make the temporary access using appropriate containment and worker protection
  • Seal ductwork in accordance with manual sealing specifications listed in row 3.1602.15h
  • Document repairs using photographs, checklist, and testing, as required
  • Repair the opening to specification

Protect occupants and workers from work-related contaminants

Seal ductwork in otherwise inaccessible locations


Ducts and registers will be cleaned before sealing

Presence and type of dampers and smoke control devices will be identified and protected from duct-sealing application

Establish preconditions for effective adhesion duct sealing materials

Ensure health and safety of occupant

Material selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Duct sealants will be UL 181 compliant

Sealants and materials will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

Ensure sealants and materials meet or exceed the performance characteristics required of the assembly (e.g., fire rating)

Duct sealing

Manual sealing of all accessible leakage areas will be completed first:

  • Reconnect disconnected ducts
  • Repair missing ducts with like materials
  • For holes greater than 1/4", backer material with mastic or appropriate sealants will be used
  • For holes smaller than 1/4", mastic or appropriate sealants will be used (Some sealed joints will allow for movement [e.g., steam pipes, deflection joints])
  • If specified, internally applied spray or aerosol sealing will only be applied after any manual sealing is complete
  • Installer will coordinate access to the ventilation ductwork in the affected dwelling units with the building management and specialized subcontractor(s)
  • Installer will provide logistical support to subcontractor(s) (e.g., remove/replace rooftop fans, mask duct terminations and openings, manually seal ducts, install flow orifices)
  • Sealants and sprays will be applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications by a qualified contractor

These final steps will be performed for all duct-sealing activities:

  • Ventilation system will be returned to operational conditions
  • Installer will document sealing was completed with photographs, checklist, and testing, as required
  • Installer will conduct final inspection and conduct close out meetings with building management

Provide proper sequencing of duct improvements

Minimize inconvenience to occupants

Prevent air leakage in ductwork

Prevent contamination of ventilation air flow

Improve effectiveness and efficiency of ventilation system


Final visual inspection of duct sealing activities and installer documentation will be completed

Continued operation of dampers and smoke control devices will be verified

Flows and pressures will be measured and balanced

Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

Ensure occupant health and safety

Combustion appliance zone testing

Pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

Occupant/property manager education

Occupant/property manager will be educated on how the system works and its purpose

Occupant/property manager will be instructed to not alter or make holes in the ventilation duct system

Ensure the durability of the ventilation system


3.1602.16 Forced Air—Air Sealing System—Low Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

New component to new component sealant selection

Any closure system used will meet or exceed applicable standards

Ensure effectiveness of air sealing system

New component to existing component

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations less than 1/4" will be sealed using fiberglass mesh and mastic

Mastic alone will be acceptable for holes less than 1/4" that are more than 10' from air handler

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations between 1/4" and 3/4" will be sealed in two stages:

  • They will be backed using temporary tape (e.g., duct tape) as a support prior to sealing
  • They will be sealed using fiberglass mesh and mastic

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure adhesion of primary seal (fiberglass mesh and mastic) to the duct

Reinforce the seal

Support the mastic and fiberglass mesh during curing

Existing component to existing component

Fiberglass mesh and mastic will overlap temporary tape by at least 1" on all sides

Fiberglass mesh and mastic will become the primary seal

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations larger than 3/4" will be repaired using rigid duct material

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure adhesion of primary seal (fiberglass mesh and mastic) to the duct

Reinforce the seal

Support the mastic and fiberglass mesh during curing


3.1602.17 Forced Air—Air Sealing System Components—Low Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Duct boot to interior surface

Gaps between boot and gypsum less than a 1/4" will be sealed using mastic

Gypsum edge will be wetted before applying mastic

Prevent air leakage

Wooden plenums and building cavities

Accessible connections and joints will be made airtight using approved material

Ensure ducts and plenums will not leak out of or into return or supply plenums and ducts

Air handler cabinet

Joints will be closed

Cracks and holes not needed for proper function and service of unit will be sealed using removable sealant (e.g., UL 181 approved mastic tape)

Reduce air leakage while maintaining accessibility

Filter slot

A pre-manufactured or site-manufactured durable and airtight filter slot cover will be installed

Reduce air leakage while maintaining accessibility


3.1602.18 Framed Platform—Low Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
The return duct installed prevents air leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Debris and dirt will be cleaned out of the return platform

Ensure the platform will support the weight of the equipment

Allow for the application of rigid materials and sealants

Infill and backing

Backing or infill will be provided as needed to meet the specific characteristics of the selected material and the characteristics of the open space

Backing or infill will not bend, sag, or move once installed

Material will be rated for use in return duct systems

Minimize the hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure the closure is permanent and supports any load (e.g., return air pressure)

Ensure the sealant does not fall out

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces

Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

Select permanent sealant

Ensure that sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the surrounding materials


3.1602.19 Dual Cooling Up Ducts—Low Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Up ducts sealed to prevent pressurization leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Backing and infill

Backing or infill will be provided as needed to meet the specific characteristics of the selected material and the characteristics of the up duct opening

A material will be rated for use in duct systems

The infill will not bend, sag, or move once installed

Minimize the hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure the closure is permanent and supports any pressure produced by wind or air handler fan

Ensure the sealant does not fall out

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces

Sealants will be continuous and meet class 1 specifications

Select permanent sealant

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the surrounding materials


3.1602.20 Proprietary Spray Application

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Internal or external application

Installation of sealant will be applied in a way that meets manufacturer specifications, as well as UL 181M, NFPA 90A, and NFPA 90B

Reduce duct leakage


If specified, internally applied spray or aerosol sealing will only be applied after any manual sealing of large gaps is complete

Installer will coordinate access to the ductwork in the affected dwelling units with the building/property management and specialized subcontractor(s)

Installer will provide logistical support to subcontractor(s) (e.g., mask duct terminations and openings, manually seal ducts, install flow orifices)

Sealants and sprays will be applied according to manufacturer specifications by a qualified contractor

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure occupant and worker safety

Provide proper sequence of duct improvements

Minimize inconvenience to occupants


3.1602.21 Air Sealing System—Mid and High Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage

Multifamily Homes

New component to new component sealant selection

Any closure system used will meet or exceed applicable standards

Ensure effectiveness of air sealing system

New component to existing component

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations less than 1/4" will be sealed using fiberglass mesh and mastic

Mastic alone will be acceptable for holes less than 1/4" that are more than 10' from air handler

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations between 1/4" and 3/4" will be sealed in two stages:

  • They will be backed using temporary tape (e.g., duct tape) as a support before sealing
  • They will be sealed using fiberglass mesh and mastic

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure adhesion of primary seal (fiberglass mesh and mastic) to the duct

Reinforce the seal

Support the mastic and fiberglass mesh during curing

Existing component to existing component

Fiberglass mesh and mastic will overlap temporary tape
by at least 1" on all sides

Fiberglass mesh and mastic will become the primary seal

Seams, cracks, joints, holes, and penetrations larger than 3/4" will be repaired using rigid duct material

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure adhesion of primary seal (fiberglass mesh and mastic) to the duct

Reinforce the seal

Support the mastic and fiberglass mesh during curing


3.1602.22 Air Sealing System Components—Mid and High Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Duct boot to interior surface

Gaps between boot and gypsum less than a 1/4" will be sealed using mastic

Gypsum edge will be wetted before applying mastic

Prevent air leakage

Wooden plenums and building cavities

Accessible connections and joints will be made airtight using approved material

Ensure ducts and plenums will not leak out of or into return or supply plenums and ducts

Air handler cabinet

Joints will be closed

Cracks and holes not needed for proper function and service of unit will be sealed using removable sealant (e.g., UL 181 approved mastic tape)

Reduce air leakage while maintaining accessibility

Filter slot

A pre-manufactured or site-manufactured durable and airtight filter slot cover will be installed

Reduce air leakage while maintaining accessibility


3.1602.23 Proprietary Spray Application—Mid and High Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
Ducts and plenums are sealed to prevent leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Internal or external application

Installation of sealant will be applied in a way that meets manufacturer specifications, as well as UL 181M, NFPA 90A, and NFPA 90B

Reduce duct leakage


If specified, internally applied spray or aerosol sealing will only be applied after any manual sealing is complete

Installer will coordinate access to the ductwork in the affected dwelling units with the building/property management and specialized subcontractors

Installer will provide logistical support to subcontractors (e.g., mask duct terminations and openings, manually seal ducts, install flow orifices)

Sealants and sprays will be applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications by a qualified contractor

Eliminate air leakage into or out of ducts and plenums

Ensure occupant and worker safety

Provide proper sequence of duct improvements

Minimize inconvenience to occupants


3.1801.1 Above Roof Deck Air Sealing and Insulation

Roof Decks, Panels, and Hatches
Desired Outcome: 
Continuous air, thermal and moisture boundary at roof

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

Worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

An occupant safety plan will be prepared, reviewed with and approved by building operators, and implemented throughout production

Ensure occupant safety


Existing roof water management system will be identified

Plans will be made for future water management system

Existing roof system will be evaluated to determine suitable materials and techniques that will not compromise the integrity of the roofing system and will not adversely impact warranty or serviceability of roofing system after work has been performed

Nail base strategy for the perimeter of the roof will be determined to guide how the flashing and/or roof will be anchored at the exterior of the building

Ensure adequate water management system

Ensure adequate roof adherence

Prevent air infiltration between roof system and the perimeter of the building

Roof covering removal

Existing roof covering will be removed

Prepare for installation of above roof deck insulation


If the existing roof deck can be used as an air barrier, joints, seams, holes, gaps, and penetrations will be sealed with sealants compatible with existing materials, and as approved by both sealant manufacturer and manufacturer of materials being sealed

Prevent air and water leaks

Installation of insulation

Insulation will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or exposure to wind intrusion or UV

Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

Before rigid insulation installation, a bead of sealant will be laid along the perimeter of the roof deck to prevent air infiltration and again at subsequent layers of insulation board

Roof and wall water management systems will be installed or maintained

Install insulation that is properly sealed so insulation performs at specified R-value

Ensure adequate water management system

Roof covering replacement

New roof covering will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local building code requirements

Install roof covering correctly

Meet local code requirements

Building operations staff education

Documentation of material and R-value will be provided to building operations staff

Building operators equipped with documentation of installation


3.1801.2 Sealing and Insulating Exterior Roof Access Panels and Hatches

Roof Decks, Panels, and Hatches
Desired Outcome: 
Roof access is operable, airtight, weathertight, and properly insulated
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Ensure occupant safety


Location of air and thermal boundary will be identified in the attic, and it will be determined if roof access intersects that boundary

Roof access will be inspected for air and water leakage, warping, stability, holes, proper operation, and security

When the roof access cannot be repaired, the roof access will be recommended for replacement

The roof access will be watertight

If roof access is part of the air and thermal boundary, then it will be airtight and insulated

Determine the scope of roof access repair

Ensure correct plan of work is selected to maintain the air and thermal boundary

Roof access operation and fit

Roof access will be adjusted or repaired to properly fit the curb/jamb and allow for ease of operation (e.g., hardware adjustment and/or replacement)

Ensure proper operation of the roof access system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Frame/curb sealing

Roof access frame/curb will be sealed to both the exterior and interior side of the roof/wall to prevent water and air intrusion

Roof access stop will be sealed to frame/curb

When the existing frame/curb has penetrations due to old hardware, the abandoned penetrations will be sealed

Ensure the roof access frame/curb is air and watertight

Weather stripping

Appropriate weather stripping materials will be used

Durable weather stripping material will be sized to span irregularities in the frame/curb, as well as seasonal variations

Weather stripping will be installed around all four sides of the roof access

Mechanically installed weather stripping carrier will be sealed to surface

Roof access will be tested for ease of operation and airtightness after weather stripping is installed

Make an airtight and watertight seal while maintaining the operation of the roof access

Ensure hatch and door is airtight to allow for seasonal variation

Ensure roof access operates properly after weather stripping is installed


Access hatches will be insulated with noncompressible insulation to an R-value sufficient to prevent condensation on either the conditioned or unconditioned side, based on local climate conditions

Hatch curb will be durably insulated where feasible

When access hatches are part of a fire-resistance-rated assembly or are used for smoke or heat removal, added materials will not be permitted

When new hatch and flashing is installed, exterior insulation will be added to the curb

If the rough opening size allows, interior curb insulation will be installed

Achieve uniform R-value on the roof access sufficient to prevent condensation

Quality assurance

Roof access will be adjusted to properly fit the jamb and allow for ease of operation and security

Roof access system will be tested for air leakage in accordance with ASTM E1186 (smoke pencil, theatrical fog, or infrared)

Ensure proper operation of the roof access and hardware

Prevent air leakage through assembly


3.1802.1 Roof/Exterior Wall Connection, Including Joints at Roof/Parapet/Wall Connections

Roof/Wall Connections
Desired Outcome: 
Continuous air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between roof and exterior walls where connection is within conditioned space
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


See redline change(s)

Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Existing water control measures will be identified

Air sealing locations will be identified between the roof and the exterior wall

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Avoid compromising existing water control system

Ensure a continuous air barrier will be appropriately located at the roof/exterior wall junction

Add detail 3.1802.1 (Roof/Exterior Wall Connection, Including Joints at Roof/Parapet/Wall Connections) to the Single Family Library.4548
Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly, and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is permanent and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Joint seal

Continuous seal will be installed at roof/exterior wall junctions or roof/exterior and wall/parapet junctions, including, but not limited to, beams, cracks, joints, edges, penetrations, and connections

For metal roof decks, flutes will be accessed to install sealant between top side of roof deck and roof assembly

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag

Ensure hidden flutes are properly sealed

Cavity seal

For framed parapets that are open between conditioned and unconditioned space, the parapet/wall cavity will be accessed, and an internal air barrier will be created within the parapet wall cavity at the roof plane

For parapet walls constructed with hollow core concrete masonry units, the hollow cores will be accessed at the roof plane, and an internal air barrier will be created within the parapet wall cavity at the roof plane

For exterior insulated finishing system (EIFS) parapet, air sealing measures will preserve designed moisture control gaps between EIFS and wall sheathing

Stop air movement within the parapet/wall cavity to create a continuous air barrier at the roof plane

Provide airtight, durable seal that does not move, bend, or sag


3.1802.2 Exterior Overhangs Communicating to or Through Pressure Boundary

Roof/Wall Connections
Desired Outcome: 
Rigid, airtight continuous air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary at overhang/wall interface
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Ensure occupant safety


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance-ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Identify overhang locations to determine desired location of air barrier, determine hole size, framing, and material requirements (including fire rating)

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Ensure a durable, continuous air barrier and a fire assembly, where appropriate


Items and property below and adjacent to work area will be removed from the work areas or will be adequately protected

Prevent damage to objects near the work and workers

Backing and infill

Where gaps, cracks, or holes are larger than 1/4" across and/or where the air sealing materials will be subject to temperature variations in excess of 50° F, the need for backing or infill will be evaluated

If used, backing or infill will meet specific characteristics of the fire-resistance-rated assembly, and be compatible with the characteristics of the gap, crack, or hole, including preservation of any expansion/contraction characteristics for assembly (e.g., expansion joints, steam pipes, or dissimilar material interfaces with differing coefficients of expansion)

Backing or infill will be selected that maintains sealant placement and durability while allowing for the expected movement from expansion, contraction, load deflection, settling at the location, or if existing water control measures are compromised (e.g., rain screen, drip edge, weep holes, gutter and roof drains, scuppers, or other exterior water management elements)

Minimize gap or hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure closure is durable, pest resistant, weather appropriate, and supports appropriate load (e.g., wind, snow, insulation)

Ensure sealant does not fall out

Ensure integrity of the existing water control system

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Air barrier

At the overhang, a continuous air barrier will be created to align with the wall air barrier

The opening will be closed off with a rigid material that meets assembly fire rating

The air barrier will be fastened to framing as appropriate

Rigid material and all openings will be sealed to form a complete air barrier

Prevent air leakage by creating a durable air barrier continuous with the wall air barrier

Ensure material is able to support wind and insulation loads

Ensure final gap is sealed with appropriate sealant

Quality assurance

Overhang will be visually inspected and tested for airtightness in accordance with ASTM E 1186-03

Water management systems will be verified as maintained

Prevent air leakage through assembly

Prevent water intrusion

Ignition barrier/fire proofing

Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

Foam, where permissible, will be provided with ignition and thermal barriers as required by code

Other fire stop materials may be required for fire resistance-rated walls with openings required to be protected

Comply with local codes and ordinances


3.1901.1 General Compartmentalization Techniques

Multifamily Compartmentalization Techniques
Desired Outcome: 
Effective air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between identified isolated and other conditioned spaces of the building
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas, and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Repair or address moisture, structure, and pest-related issues

Ensure that fire separations are preserved

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests (ASTM E1186-03 [2009])

Locate air leakage pathways to repair


Health and safety concerns will be addressed for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) work in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Sealant and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Repairs will be verified by visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests consistent with the pre-inspection

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing


3.1901.2 Performance-Based Air Sealing of Dwelling Units and Corridors

Multifamily Compartmentalization Techniques
Desired Outcome: 
Control of one or more of the following: building air leakage, stack effect, noise transmission, or improved indoor air quality

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating.

Work order repairs requiring access to dwelling units will be reviewed with all relevant authorities (e.g., building management, property management)

Access to work areas within dwelling units will be obtained

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Repair or address moisture, pest, and structure-related issues

Obtain access to units and work areas within dwelling units

Work coordination among trades

Work will be coordinated with all other trades performing work in compartmentalized spaces to schedule any required system wide test-out verification

Ensure system wide air sealing and pressure boundary benefits will be achieved


Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide a safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests (ASTM E1186-03 [2009])

Note: Work will preserve existing ventilation performance, including apartment door undercuts, where existing central ventilation design incorporates these undercuts as an intentional pathway from hallways to apartments

Establish baseline air leakage

Identify air leakage repair locations

Monitor repair progress

Preserve IEQ for occupants

Installation, sealant, and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Repairs will be verified by pressure tests consistent with the pre-inspection

Any pressure balance test-out verification will be performed after all work from all trades is completed

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing

Meet performance specifications

Property manager/occupant education

Documentation of material and maintenance requirements will be provided to property manager/occupant, as appropriate

Properly maintain the system


3.1901.3 Chase Ways (e.g., Service Spaces Containing Pipes, Wires, Ducts, and/or Structural Components; Includes Dumbwaiters and Trash Chutes)

Multifamily Compartmentalization Techniques
Desired Outcome: 
Control of one or more of the following: building air leakage, stack effect, noise transmission, or improved indoor air quality
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Repair moisture and structure-related issues

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests (ASTM E1186-03 [2009])

Access will be provided to ensure that repairs can be made (may include localized demolition)

Attempts will be made to secure existing building drawings and specifications relating to affected areas to aid in diagnostics and minimize temporary demolition

Fire-resistant integrity of existing shafts that span multiple fire separations will be maintained during testing and construction periods

Locate air leakage pathways to repair

Provide system-wide air flow control benefits

Ensure that breeches of fire-separated spaces are not left unattended during the construction cycle


Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Installation, sealant, and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

Demolition repair

Access holes will be repaired

Both temporary (during construction) and permanent demolition repairs will preserve the fire-resistance ratings of affected assemblies

Restore surfaces to original condition or better


Repairs will be verified by visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests consistent with the pre-inspection

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing


3.1901.4 Enclosed Common Area Stairwells and Elevators (Floor to Floor Access), Including Rooftop Elevator Mechanical Rooms

Multifamily Compartmentalization Techniques
Desired Outcome: 
Control of one or more of the following: building air leakage, stack effect, noise transmission, or improved indoor air quality
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization i

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Existing mechanical fire control system will be operational, including stairwell doors and closers, fire sprinklers and alarms, and automatic smoke vents

Pipes carrying water will be protected from freezing (e.g., contained stairwell is less conditioned, where fire suppression water pipes are sometimes located)

Work order repairs regarding elevators and fire control systems will be reviewed with all relevant authorities (e.g., elevator and fire control maintenance services)

Repairs necessary to work treatment areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Provide a safe and stable work environment

Repair moisture and structure-related issues

Ensure effective operation of fire control system

Ensure approval to proceed with work scope

Work coordination among trades

Work will be coordinated with all other trades performing work in compartmentalized spaces to schedule system wide test-out verification requirements

Verification will be performed after all work from all trades is completed

Ensure system wide air sealing and pressure boundary benefits will be achieved

Identification of penetrations

Penetrations will be identified using visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests (ASTM E1186-03 [2009])

Worker access will be provided by all relevant authorities to ensure repairs can be made (e.g., elevator shaft, elevator controls). Workers will follow the OSHA lock out standard.

Locate air leakage pathways to repair

Provide access for workers

Comply with access limitation requirements


Health and safety concerns for occupants and workers, in relation to repairs and materials, will be addressed in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

The area will be prepared and isolated in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos)

Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

Provide a safe work environment

Provide safe indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in the work environment

Provide effective repair access

Installation, sealant, and materials selection

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


Repairs will be verified by visual inspections, infrared thermography, smoke, and/or pressure tests consistent with the pre-inspection

Any pressure balance test-out verification will be performed after all work from all trades is completed

Ensure quality and effectiveness of air sealing

Verification: stairwell pressure balancing

All doors, hatches, and louvers in stairwells will be tested and adjusted as a system to ensure effective operation and closure

Verification will be performed only after all air sealing work is completed (due to potential changes in pressure relationships across the stairwell and adjacent space boundary)

Ensure doors, hatches, and louvers operate as a system

Property manager education

Documentation of material and maintenance requirements will be provided to property manager

Staff are equipped to properly maintain the system


Section 4:Insulation

4.1001.8 Spray Polyurethane Foam Vented Roof Decks Preparation

General Preparation
Desired Outcome: 
Backstop or substrate provided to prevent spray polyurethane foam ( SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam ) from entering soffit areas while ensuring required attic ventilation is provided
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Surface preparation

All surfaces where SPF is applied will be clean, dry, and free of contamination and degradation

Substrate surfaces will be wiped, blown, or vacuumed to be free of excessive dust and dirt

Grease and oil will be removed using appropriate cleaners or solvents

Moisture content of all wood substrate materials will be checked to ensure it is below 18%

Ensure proper bonding of SPF to substrate surfaces

Installation of vent chutes

Vent chutes will be installed between all rafters or trusses to ensure a continuous ventilation path between the eave or soffit area and the ridge or roof vent

Dams will be penetrated by vent chutes, as needed

Allow ventilation of underside of roof deck sheathing while creating an unvented, conditioned attic space

Installation of insulation dams

Attic space ventilation to be retained will be appropriately baffled and protected to allow for maximum application of foam insulation at exterior top plate/vent interface without blocking or compromising ventilation pathway

Installation will allow for the highest possible R-value above the top plate of the exterior wall

Ensure insulation R-value is not reduced

Minimize waste of SPF

Provide a ventilation path from eave or soffit to ridge vent when a vented roof deck is required

Ensure continuous insulation and air seal of top plate and roof deck

Removal of existing insulation and vapor retarder

All existing attic floor insulation and vapor retarder will be removed

Ensure the new conditioned space is coupled with the conditioned space


4.1003.12 Roof Decks (Underside of Deck—Attic Space Ceilings)—Spray Polyurethane Foam Preparation and Application

Attic Ceilings
Desired Outcome: 
Proper preparation and installation of spray polyurethane foam ( SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam ) to create continuous air and thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes

Worker safety

All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

Ensure occupant safety


Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

Insulation will not be installed if moisture-related issues are not resolved

Identify and remediate pest, moisture, and air leakage and electrical problems before installing insulation

Ensure a durable, continuous air and thermal boundary

Surface preparation

All surfaces where SPF is applied will be clean, dry, and in accordance with manufacturer specifications for ambient and surface temperatures

All existing attic floor insulation and vapor retarder will be removed

Ensure proper bonding of SPF to substrate surfaces

Ensure the new conditioned space is coupled with the conditioned space

Installation of insulation dams

Attic space ventilation to be retained will be appropriately baffled and protected to allow for maximum application of foam insulation at exterior top plate/vent interface

Ensure insulation R-value is not reduced

Ensure continuous insulation and air seal of top plate and roof deck


Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value in accordance with manufacturer specifications

SPF will be applied to desired thickness onto roof sheathing between rafters or trusses, using a pass thickness maximum as indicated by manufacturer specifications

When specified, underside of rafters or trusses will be covered with SPF to provide layer of continuous insulation

In colder climates (IECC Zones 5-8) SPF will be installed to a thickness of least class II vapor retarder or have at least class II vapor retarder coating or covering in direct contact with the underside of the SPF

In no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries as required by code

Ensure complete and consistent coverage throughout roof plane

Eliminate cracks, gaps, and voids

Minimize framing cavity air flow

Minimize moisture migration and unwanted condensation in insulation (vapor retarders)

Ensure alignment of insulation and air barrier

Onsite documentation

A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value

Document job completion to contract specifications

Confirm amount of insulation installed

Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


4.1003.13 Roof Decks (Underside of Deck—Attic Space Ceilings)—Spray Polyurethane Foam Vented Roof Decks Installation

Attic Ceilings
Desired Outcome: 
Reduced heat transfer and air leakage through roof and closed attic sections, as well as framing cavities inaccessible to other treatments
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Multifamily Homes


Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) will be applied to desired thickness onto roof sheathing between rafters or trusses, using pass thickness maximum as indicated by manufacturer

When desired, underside of rafters or trusses will be covered with SPF to provide layer of continuous insulation

Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries, as required by code

Unneeded attic ventilation openings will be covered with a substrate and then covered with SPF

In colder climates (IECC Zones 5-8) SPF will be installed to a thickness of least class II vapor retarder or have at least class II vapor retarder coating or covering in direct contact with the underside of the SPF

Ensure complete and consistent coverage throughout roof plane

Eliminate cracks, gaps, and voids

Minimize framing cavity air flow

Minimize moisture migration and unwanted condensation in insulation (vapor retarders)

Ensure alignment of insulation and air barrier

Onsite documentation

A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17

    Building operations staff education

    Documentation of material and R-value will be provided to building operations staff

    Provide occupant with documentation of installation


    4.1003.14 Accessible Unvented Flat Roof with or without Existing Insulation

    Attic Ceilings
    Desired Outcome: 
    Insulation reduces heat flow through unvented roof
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Worker safety

    All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

    Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

    Occupant safety

    An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

    Ensure occupant safety


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Insulation will not be installed if moisture-related issues are not resolved

    Ensure a durable, continuous air and thermal boundary


    New insulation that is not designed to also serve as an air barrier will not be added until all air sealing has been completed

    Existing insulation will be inspected to confirm that it is not concealing air barrier weaknesses, and is in full contact and alignment with the air barrier

    Where the insulation is disturbed or found not to be in contact with the air barrier, it will be reinstalled to be in contact with the air barrier; if it cannot be reinstalled or if its condition compromises its effectiveness, the insulation will be removed

    Insulation will be marked for depth a minimum of every 300 square feet of attic area with measurement beginning at the air barrier

    All electrical junctions will be flagged to be seen above the level of the insulation

    Covers will be installed on open electrical junction boxes

    Insulation dams and enclosures (e.g., can lights, sprinkler systems, access hatch, chimney) will be installed as required

    Where loose fill or batt insulation is used, it will have a maximum 25 flame spread/50 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries as required by code

    Minimize potential for warm, moist air to enter the attic and condense on cold surfaces

    Ensure proper performance of insulation

    Verify uniformity of insulation material

    Provide location of electrical junctions for future servicing

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Attic insulation will be installed without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    Roof cavities will be blown with loose-fill insulation without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Final R-value will account for the compression of existing insulation

    Insulate to prescribed R-value


    Code compliant ventilation will be installed before insulation

    Reduce possibility of moisture issues

    Occupant education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Insulation type
  • Coverage area
  • R-value
  • Installed thickness and minimum settled thickness
  • Number of bags installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Ensure ability to match bags required for total area completed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1005.8 Loose Fill Over Existing Insulation on Accessible Attic Floors

    Attic Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Insulation controls heat transfer through ceiling
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    New insulation will not be added until all air sealing has been completed

    Existing insulation will be inspected to confirm that it is not concealing air barrier weaknesses and is in full contact and alignment with the air barrier

    Where the insulation is disturbed or found not to be in contact with the air barrier, it will be reinstalled to be in contact with the air barrier; if it cannot be reinstalled or if its condition compromises its effectiveness, the insulation will be removed

    Insulation will be adequately marked for depth a minimum of every 300 square feet of attic area with measurement beginning at the air barrier

    All electrical junctions will be flagged to be seen above the level of the insulation

    Open electrical junction boxes will have covers installed

    Insulation dams and enclosures will be installed as required

    Blocking will be installed to maintain existing vented attic functionality

    Ensure proper performance of insulation

    Verify uniformity of insulation material

    Provide location of electrical junctions for future servicing

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    The correct depth and number of bags will be blown in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Final R-value will account for the compression of existing insulation

    Insulate to prescribed R-value


    Insulation will not be allowed on top of non-insulation contact (IC)-rated can light boxes or between a heat-generating appliance and a dam unless material is rated for contact with heat-generating sources

    All insulation materials used will meet ASTM E84 flame spread/smoke development rating of 25/50

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Onsite documentation

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Insulation type
  • Coverage area
  • R-value
  • Installed thickness and minimum settled thickness
  • Number of bags installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Ensure ability to match bags required for total area completed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1088.7 Insulating Inaccessible Attics

    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Insulation installation does not compromise building durability

    Multifamily Homes

    Worker safety

    All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

    Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.


    Attics that cannot be air sealed will not be filled with blown insulation

    At no time will dense pack insulation products be considered an appropriate air barrier material for an inaccessible attic

    Where attic spaces are inaccessible for air sealing, top of building thermal boundary may be insulated using methods and techniques outlined in SWS 3.1801.1 Above Roof Deck Air Sealing

    Avoid catastrophic moisture issues in the attic cavity


    4.1088.8 Installation/Correction of Unconditioned Attic Ventilation

    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Properly restored vents minimize moisture and ice dams

    Multifamily Homes


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Ensure safety, effectiveness, and durability of improvements

    Air barrier and thermal boundary

    See redline change(s)

    Attic ventilation will be recommended or installed only if:

    • The presence of an effective air barrier and thermal boundary between the attic and the living space is verified
    • Appropriate attic sealing and proper insulation is specified as part of the work scope
    • Ignition and thermal boundaries are provided when foam plastic materials are used

    Ensure presence of continuous air barrier and thermal boundary

    Title: No change Specification(s): Attic ventilation will be recommended or installed only if: The presence of an effective air barrier and thermal boundary between the attic and the living space is verified Appropriate attic sealing and proper insulation is specified as part of the work scope Ignition barrier and thermal boundaries are provided when foam plastic materials are used Objective(s): No change4615
    Vent type

    Attic vent types will be consistent with requirements for their specific location (e.g., exterior soffit, gable end, roof) and material and intended use (e.g., metal vent on metal roof)

    Ventilation opening area and configuration will comply with applicable building code

    Ensure vent meets proper performance characteristics for location and roofing type

    Vent location

    Placement of attic vents will be considered for proper air flow and prevention of entry of wind-driven rain or snow

    Encourage proper air flow

    Minimize entry of wind-driven rain or snow

    Ventilation baffling

    Baffling for attic soffit vents will be installed to:

    • Ensure proper air flow
    • Prevent wind washing of insulation
    • Allow maximum insulation coverage
    • Ensure baffle terminates above insulation

    Minimum clearance between insulation and roof deck will be 1"

    Ensure vent allows proper air flow without compromising insulation performance

    Ventilation screens

    All attic ventilation will have screens with noncorroding wire mesh with openings of 1/8" to prevent pest entry (e.g., birds, bats, bees)

    Existing vents that are not screened will be covered with noncorroding wire mesh with openings of 1/8"

    Prevent pest entry


    4.1088.9 Tenting, Air Sealing, and Insulating Wet Sprinkler System Components in Unconditioned Attic Spaces

    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Continuous air and thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow that does not compromise the sprinkler system
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Worker safety

    All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

    Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

    Occupant safety

    An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

    Ensure occupant safety


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

    Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

    Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Insulation will not be installed if moisture-related issues are not resolved

    Ensure and preserve the integrity of fire separations

    Ensure a durable, continuous air and thermal boundary

    Sealant selection

    Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

    Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

    Fire-resistance rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

    Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

    Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

    Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


    When tenting is required, an airtight, rigid, and insulated enclosure will be installed around entire sprinkler system exposed within the attic

    Enclosure will be sealed to the existing attic air barrier

    Fire-rated materials will be used when applicable

    Insulation will be installed on top of enclosure to the same R-value as the rest of the attic or rigid insulated enclosure will have an equivalent R-value as the rest of the attic

    Align insulation and air barrier

    Create insulated enclosure that prevents sprinkler system from freezing


    4.1103.4 Dense Packing Blown Insulation

    Enclosed Walls
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, uniform thermal and weather-resistant boundary between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value of an adjoining insulated assembly
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Worker safety

    See redline change(s)

    All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

    Lead safety procedures in buildings built before 1980 will be followed

    Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

    Title: No change Specification(s): All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety Lead safety procedures in buildings built before 1978 will be followed, unless approved testing method proves absence of lead based paint in surfaces that will be disturbed Objective(s): No change4625
    Occupant safety

    Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

    An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

    Ensure occupant safety


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Worker Safety

    Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

    Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

    Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve the integrity of energy improvement will be completed before work begins

    Insulation will not be installed if moisture-related issues are not resolved

    Existing water control measures will be identified

    Air sealing locations on the exterior walls will be identified

    Air sealing will be completed before installing insulation

    Identify and remediate pest, moisture, air leakage, and electrical problems before insulation installation

    Ensure a durable, continuous thermal boundary

    Avoid compromising existing water control system

    Wall access

    When feasible, insulation will be installed into cavities from the exterior side of the wall

    When feasible, exterior cladding at the insulation access point will be removed before creating an access hole through the sheathing

    Insulation access point will be created to minimize air barrier and drainage plane disruption

    Access point will be sealed to be airtight and watertight after insulation installation before reinstalling the exterior cladding

    Water management system will be repaired to function as originally intended (e.g., lapping new felt paper underneath the upper and over the lower joint of the existing felt paper)

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Minimize disruption within the units

    Avoid compromising existing water control system

    Minimize air and moisture flow through the wall system

    Sealant selection

    Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

    Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

    Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

    Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

    Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

    Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements

    Exterior dense pack

    Using fill tube, 100% of each cavity will be completely filled to a consistent density:

    • Cellulose insulation used in an enclosed cavity will be installed at 3.5 pounds per cubic foot or greater density
    • Blown fiberglass, mineral fiber, rock and slag wool, or spray foam used in an enclosed cavity will be installed in accordance at or above manufacturer recommended density to limit air flow that corresponds to an air permeance value of 3.5 cubic feet per minute/square feet at 50 pascals, as measured using the following applicable methods:

    BPI-102 Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications, or

    Material Specification, or

    ASTM C 522, or

    ASTM E 283, or

    ASTM E 2178

    • All insulation materials used will meet ASTM E84 flame spread/smoke development rating of 25/50
    • The number of bags installed will be confirmed and will match the number required on the coverage chart

    Insulation will be verified to prevent visible air movement using chemical smoke at 50 pascals of pressure difference

    Eliminate voids and settling

    Minimize framing cavity air flow

    Onsite documentation
    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:
    • Coverage area
    • Thickness
    • R-value

    Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1103.5 Exterior Wall Surface Insulation

    Enclosed Walls
    Desired Outcome: 
    Complete and continuous thermal air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary around the exterior of the building to minimize thermal bridging
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Worker safety

    All worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

    Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc

    Occupant safety

    Occupant will be notified of changes or repairs to be made

    An occupant safety plan will be prepared and implemented

    Ensure occupant safety


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Insulation will not be installed if moisture-related issues are not resolved

    Existing water control measures will be identified

    Air sealing locations will be identified on the exterior walls

    Air sealing will be completed before installing insulation unless an alternative air barrier system will be applied

    For structures covered by the International Building Code (IBC), all exterior walls to be insulated will be assessed for provision of a thermal boundary (fire stopping) when foam insulating materials are to be used (IBC 2603.4)

    Ensure that improvements will not compromise building system integrity

    Ensure a durable, continuous air and thermal boundary

    Avoid compromising water control system

    Ensure that insulation retrofit complies with applicable code regarding fire separation

    Prepare substrate

    Exterior siding will be removed as appropriate

    Where siding materials contain lead, lead-safe work practices will be used

    Where siding contains asbestos, relevant codes regarding its removal and reinstallation will be determined and followed

    Insulation will not be installed until mold, water leaks, water damage, and pest issues are resolved

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Maintain a safe work environment for workers and occupants

    Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and codes with regard to hazardous materials

    Ensure there is a solid substrate to apply air barrier and insulation

    Sealant selection

    Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Selection will be durable, pest resistant, and have a weather-appropriate seal

    Indoor sealants will be low volatile organic compound (VOC) products that meet independent testing and verification protocols, such as Green Seal GS-36, "GREENGUARD Children and Schools," or comparable certifications

    Fire-resistance-rated assemblies will be provided with sealants permitted by the authority having jurisdiction and adopted building code

    Prevent intrusion of moisture and pests into the sealed assembly

    Prevent exposing workers or occupants to excessive VOC levels

    Ensure sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the assembly and is compliant with local fire code requirements


    Insulation will be installed to provide a continuous thermal (insulation) barrier to achieve the specified R-value for the assembly being insulated. Where the insulation material does not provide an air barrier as installed, such air sealing as required to create a continuous air barrier in direct contact with thermal (insulation) barrier will be incorporated into the work scope

    Water management system will be continuous to protect the building

    Air and thermal boundaries will be integrated with other building systems

    Ensure a durable, continuous air and thermal boundary

    Onsite documentation
    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:
    • Insulation type
    • Coverage area
    • R-value
    • Installed thickness and settled thickness (settled thickness required for loose-fill only)
    • Number of bags installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications (for loose-fill only)

    Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.10 Above-Grade Exposed Floor, Joisted Assemblies

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, protected, uniform thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

    Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

    Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Repair moisture-related issues

    Provide a safe and stable work environment


    Health and safety concerns will be addressed for occupants, workers, and repair materials in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

    Prepare and isolate the area in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide)

    Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

    Provide a safe working environment

    Provide a safe indoor environmental quality working environment

    Provide effective repair access

    Subfloor preparation

    Sealing between conditioned space and unconditioned space will be completed before insulating

    Ensure airtight envelope

    Prevent leakage


    Insulation will be installed to at least prescribed R-value

    Insulation will be installed in contact with subfloor without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    If vapor retarders are used, they will be installed consistent with local climate/code requirements

    Prevent potential fire chases

    Provide effective R-value

    Prevent excessive vapor migration into the floor assembly and/or conditioned space

    Installation of batts or dense pack

    Insulation will completely fill the cavity space within the joists or trusses

    Minimize sagging, gaps, and voids

    Installation of rigid insulation

    Rigid insulation will be mechanically fastened to the bottom of the subfloor or at the bottom of the joists or trusses

    If attached at the bottom of the joists or trusses, rigid insulation will be attached at the exterior perimeter/band

    Insulation will be installed either as in-fill or at the bottom of the joists. Where rigid insulation is installed between joists, the perimeter of each joist bay will be air sealed with appropriate sealants to prevent air bypasses around rigid insulation materials

    Rigid foam plastics used as insulation will incorporate a thermal and ignition barrier, as required by the building code

    A continuous air barrier will be installed below the insulation and to the exterior

    Minimize convective loops

    Prevent freezing of plumbing pipes

    Ensure air barrier is aligned with the insulation

    Installation of spray polyurethane foam (SPF)

    SPF will be applied to bottom side of subfloor between floor joists and all rim/band joists

    Spray applied foam products will incorporate a thermal and ignition barrier as required by the building code

    Insulation will be installed by foam installers

    Minimize convective loops

    Installation, if mechanicals in joisted assemblies (applies to all insulation types)

    All plumbing or mechanical ductwork will be enclosed within the insulated space and will have sufficient insulation on the exterior side

    Prevent freezing of plumbing pipes

    Secure batts

    Batts will be secured with physical fasteners

    Ensure insulation remains in contact with subfloor

    Rigid protective barrier

    A continuous rigid barrier, suitable to withstand weather, moisture, and pest contact, and with a fire-resistance rating equal to the resistance rating of the original floor assembly will be mechanically fastened to underside of floor assembly

    Protect insulation

    Property manager education
    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:
    • Insulation type
    • Coverage area
    • R-value
    • Installed thickness and settled thickness (settled thickness required for loose-fill only)
    • Number of bags installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications (for loose-fill only)

    Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.11 Pier Construction Subfloor Insulation—Batt Installation with Rigid Barrier

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, uniform thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value of an adjoining insulated assembly

    Multifamily Homes

    Subfloor preparation

    Sealing between conditioned space and crawl space will be completed before insulating work begins

    Ensure airtight envelope

    Prevent leakage


    Insulation will be cut as necessary to fit between the floor joists and installed in contact with subfloor without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    If Kraft-faced batts are used, they will be installed with Kraft facing to subfloor

    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Insulate to prescribed R-value

    Secure batts

    Batts will be secured with physical fasteners

    Ensure insulation remains in contact with subfloor

    Rigid air barrier

    A rigid air barrier will be mechanically fastened to underside of floor assembly

    Seams and penetrations will be sealed

    Rigid barrier will be resistant to pests

    At minimum, all gaps larger than 1/4" x 1/4" will be stuffed with copper metal mesh or other rodent-proof material

    If rodents can easily get their mouth around corners, they will be reinforced with hardware cloth or metal angle (e.g., gypsum board bead)

    Protect insulation

    Building operations staff education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.12 Pier Construction Subfloor Insulation—Spray Polyurethane Foam Preparation and Installation

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Floors over unconditioned spaces (e.g., basements, garages) insulated and sealed

    Multifamily Homes


    All floor areas will be open and accessible for spray polyurethane foam (SPF) application

    Any openings larger than 1/4" will be covered with appropriate materials

    Insulation dams or end blockers will be installed where needed

    All surfaces where SPF is applied will be clean, dry, and free of contamination and degradation

    Substrate surfaces will be wiped, blown, or vacuumed to be free of excessive dust and dirt

    Grease and oil will be removed using appropriate cleaners or solvents

    Moisture content of all wood substrate materials will be checked to ensure it is below 18%

    Prepare all substrate surfaces for the application of SPF


    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Applicator will be certified by a recognized entity for safe and effective application of spray foam

    SPF will be applied to specified thickness with a tolerance that establishes a minimum thickness; tolerance standards for the installation will NOT use "average" thickness method

    Insulation will be installed to design thickness to perimeter of floor deck, including all adjacent rim/band joists

    Application pass thickness will not exceed manufacturer's maximum pass thickness, including inside corners where deck and joists are located

    Insulate and seal floors

    Fire protection

    SPF will be separated from the occupied space of the building with a thermal and ignition barrier

    Thermal and ignition barriers will be applied as required by building code to all exposed foam insulation

    Provide necessary fire protection for combustible SPF insulation

    Installation for fireproofed assemblies with sprayed-on cellulose insulation

    SPF insulation will not be applied to existing spray-applied fireproofing

    Prevent the compromise of the existing fireproofing

    Onsite documentation
    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:
    • Coverage area
    • Thickness
    • R-value

    Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.13 Pier Construction Subfloor Insulation—Loose Fill with Rigid BarrierTopic: Floors

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, uniform thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value of an adjoining insulated assembly

    Multifamily Homes

    Subfloor preparation

    Sealing between conditioned space and crawl space will be completed before insulating

    Prevent air leakage

    Rigid air barrier

    A rigid air barrier will be mechanically fastened to underside of floor assembly

    Seams and penetrations will be sealed

    Rigid barrier will be resistant to pests

    At minimum, all gaps larger than 1/4" x 1/4" will be stuffed with copper metal mesh or other rodent-proof material

    If rodents can easily get their mouth around corners, they will be reinforced with hardware cloth or metal angle (e.g., gypsum board bead)

    Relocate air barrier


    Loose-fill insulation will be installed between air barrier and subfloor in accordance with manufacturer specifications to achieve required density, maintain consistent coverage, and achieve specified R-value

    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Insulate to prescribed R-value

    Building operations staff education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Insulation type
  • Coverage area
  • R-value
  • Installed thickness and minimum settled thickness
  • Number of bags installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Ensure ability to match bags required for total area completed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.14 Above-Grade Exposed Floor, Non-Joisted Assemblies (e.g., Pre-Cast Concrete, Poured in Place, Metal Deck)

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, uniform thermal boundary Thermal boundary The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows heat flow between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value; insulation protected on the bottom side by a weather-resistant barrier
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Conduct pre-inspection in accordance with SWS 2.0100.4 Work Area Inspection and Stabilization

    Gaps, cracks, and holes in fire separations located within the work area will be visually identified and incorporated into air sealing work scope, including those that span two conditioned or unconditioned spaces

    Where drawings are available that identify specific fire-resistance ratings (i.e., 1 hour, 2 hour), materials and methods will be employed to preserve or restore such rating

    Where drawings are unavailable or do not identify specific fire-resistance ratings, the fire-resistance rating of the assembly may be inferred from the current construction (i.e., single 5/8 sheetrock, concrete masonry unit), and materials and methods employed will be consistent with restoring or preserving such inferred fire-resistance rating

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Ensure and preserve integrity of fire separations

    Provide a safe and stable work environment


    Health and safety concerns will be addressed for occupants, workers, and repair materials in accordance with OSHA standards (OSHA 1926, 1910)

    Prepare and isolate the area in accordance with health and safety standards for the application and materials (e.g., extreme temperatures, lead, asbestos, carbon monoxide)

    Work lighting, work platform, and adequate ventilation will be provided

    Provide a safe working environment

    Provide a safe indoor environmental quality working environment

    Provide effective repair access

    Subfloor preparation

    Sealing between conditioned space and unconditioned space or exterior will be completed before insulating

    Ensure airtight floor assembly


    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Insulation will be installed in contact with bottom of the floor decking without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    If vapor retarders are used, install consistent with local climate/code requirements

    Prevent potential fire chases

    Provide effective R-value

    Prevent excessive vapor migration into the floor assembly and/or conditioned space

    Installation of batts

    Batts will be installed continuously

    All perimeter joints will be sealed to the floor deck

    Minimize convective loops

    Minimize sagging, gaps, and voids

    Protect batts from weather

    Installation of rigid insulation

    Rigid insulation will be installed continuously and mechanically fastened to the bottom of the floor deck

    Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries, as required by code

    Minimize convective loops

    Minimize sagging, gaps, and voids

    Installation of spray polyurethane foam (SPF)

    SPF will be applied continuously to bottom side of floor deck, per global section for application of SPF

    Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries, as required by code

    Minimize convective loops

    Minimize gaps and voids

    Installation, if mechanicals are below the floor deck (applies to all insulation types)

    All plumbing and ductwork will be enclosed within the insulated space and will have sufficient insulation on the exterior side

    Prevent freezing of plumbing pipes

    Weather-resistant barrier

    A weather-resistant barrier will be applied to the weather side of the insulation (e.g., exterior insulated finishing system and spray-on roof waterproofing over foam)

    Protect insulation from weather, light and impact

    Property manager education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1301.15 Non-Joisted Floors Over Basements or Crawl Spaces (e.g., Pre-Cast Concrete, Poured in Place, Metal Deck)

    Accessible Floors
    Desired Outcome: 
    Maintain a consistent, uniform thermal and air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary between conditioned and unconditioned space to prescribed R-value
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Subfloor preparation

    Air sealing between conditioned space and unconditioned space will be completed before insulating

    Ensure airtight floor assembly

    Metal floor decks

    Bottom side of metal deck flutes will be sealed to the insulation material at every support beam joint

    Top side of open metal deck flutes (e.g., flutes are not filled) will be sealed to the bottom of the floor deck at every perimeter support beam joint

    Bottom flutes of metal decks will be totally insulated where they cross support beams from the beam to the exterior wall

    Minimize air flow bypasses between insulation and metal deck subfloor

    Minimize condensation on underside of metal floor deck


    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Insulation will be installed in contact with bottom of the floor decking without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or wind intrusions

    If vapor retarders are used, they will be installed consistent with local climate/code requirements

    Provide effective R-value

    Prevent potential fire chases

    Prevent excessive vapor migration into the floor assembly and/or conditioned space

    Installation of batts and support system

    Batts will be installed continuously between structural framing

    Batts will be installed with a support system below the insulation

    Support system will be mechanically fastened to the bottom side of the floor deck

    Minimize convective loops

    Prevent sagging

    Minimize gaps and voids between the insulation and floor deck

    Installation of rigid insulation and support system

    Rigid insulation will be installed continuously between structural framing

    Rigid insulation will be installed with a support system below the insulation

    Support system will be mechanically fastened to the bottom side of the floor deck

    Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries, as required by code

    Minimize convective loops

    Prevent sagging

    Minimize gaps and voids between the insulation and floor deck

    Installation of spray polyurethane foam (SPF)

    SPF will be applied continuously to bottom side of floor deck

    Where rigid foam plastics are used, in no case will the final thickness exceed the manufacturer's tested thickness used to determine the maximum 75 flame spread and 450 smoke-developed index when tested to ASTM E84 or UL 723

    Foam will be provided with ignition and thermal boundaries, as required by code

    Minimize convective loops

    Minimize gaps and voids

    Installation, if mechanicals are below the floor deck (applies to all insulation types)

    All plumbing and ductwork will be enclosed within the insulated space and will have sufficient insulation in contact with a continuous air barrier on the exterior side

    Prevent freezing of plumbing pipes

    Property manager education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Confirm amount of insulation installed

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17


    4.1403.1 Slab-Edge Foundations and Above-Grade Concrete Decks— Raised and On-Grade

    Basements and Crawl Spaces
    Slab Foundations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Thermal break between the slab edge and outdoors and ground

    Multifamily Homes


    An exterior and interior inspection will be conducted for water damage, drainage plane failures, grading issues, and breaches unrelated to the specified air sealing and insulating work

    Repairs necessary to stabilize work areas and protect or preserve integrity of energy improvement will be completed before subject work begins

    Site will be evaluated to determine potential for excavation

    Identify all underground utilities entering the building in the work area

    Repair moisture and structure-related issues

    Provide a stable slab and related assemblies to ensure the durability of the work

    Ensure that any underground utility services are located and protected from damage

    Air sealing

    Air sealing between conditioned space and unconditioned space will be completed before insulating

    Ensure airtight floor assembly


    Excavation will be done to expose the slab edge to the required depth

    Caution will be exercised to avoid undermining slab footing and to avoid damage of underground utilities

    Excavations will be weather protected (moisture and frost) and will be restored to original condition (density, drainage function) as quickly as possible

    Provide below-grade installation access

    Protect slab and utilities from damage

    Clean and prepare surfaces

    Slab edge will be prepared for material installation to meet manufacturer specifications

    Ensure a durable installation

    Top and bottom flashing

    Flashing will be continuous and permanently secured

    Preserve the drainage plane of the wall


    Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

    Insulation will be installed in contact with the slab edge, without voids, compressions, or misalignments

    Insulation will be run tight to any utilities penetrating the slab edge insulation

    Provide effective R-value

    Protective cover

    Exposed insulation will be covered with a durable, rigid material

    Protect insulation from weather and impact


    Existing termite treatment and inspection gaps will be preserved, and termite control measures consistent with local code requirements will be implemented, as required

    Prevent pest entry and maintain applicable warranties

    Back fill

    Restore excavated earth and grade to preserve drainage plane

    Preserve the drainage plane of the slab edge

    Property manager education

    A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:

  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value
  • Document job completion to contract specifications

    Comply with 16 CFR 460.17

    Confirm amount of insulation installed


    4.1601.6 Insulating Metal Ducts—Low Rise

    Insulating Ducts
    Desired Outcome: 
    Lowered thermal conductance of duct system and minimized condensation on the duct system

    Multifamily Homes

    Selection of duct insulation material

    Duct insulation will be a minimum of R-8, in accordance with local code, or buried under attic insulation, whichever is greater, and have an attached vapor barrier

    Ducts will not be buried in hot humid and warm coastal regions

    Decrease heat loss and condensation problems

    Duct sealing

    Before insulation is applied, all accessible ducts will be sealed with a UL-approved mastic in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Minimize duct leakage

    Attachment of duct insulation

    Duct insulation will be secured to the duct system using an appropriate material per applicable standards that will securely hold the insulation to the ductwork, without compressing the insulation in the process

    Ensure a secure connection between the duct system and the duct insulation

    Sealing of the duct insulation

    Using a tape or mastic approved by the manufacturer, all seams and connection of the duct insulation will be sealed

    No gaps will exist between pieces of duct insulation

    Prevent gaps in the vapor barrier of the insulation


    4.1601.7 Insulating Metal Ducts—Mid and High Rise

    Insulating Ducts
    Desired Outcome: 
    Lowered thermal conductance of duct system and minimized condensation on the duct system

    Multifamily Homes

    Selection of duct insulation material

    Duct insulation will be a minimum of R-8, in accordance with local code, or buried under attic insulation, whichever is greater, and have an attached vapor barrier

    Ducts will not be buried in hot humid and warm coastal regions

    Decrease heat loss and condensation problems

    Duct sealing

    Before insulation is applied, all accessible ducts will be sealed with a UL-approved mastic in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Minimize duct leakage

    Attachment of duct insulation

    Duct insulation will be secured to the duct system using an appropriate material per applicable standards that will securely hold the insulation to the ductwork, without compressing the insulation in the process

    Ensure a secure connection between the duct system and the duct insulation

    Sealing of the duct insulation

    Using a tape or mastic approved by the manufacturer, all seams and connections of the duct insulation will be sealed

    No gaps will exist between pieces of duct insulation

    Prevent gaps in the vapor barrier of the insulation


    Section 5:Heating and Cooling

    5.3001.4 Equipment Selection—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    Desired Outcome: 
    Equipment sized properly and operating efficiently
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Load calculation: heat loss or gain

    Heat loss or gain of the building will be calculated considering the following:

    • R-values of building components
    • U-value and solar heat gain coefficient of glazing
    • Orientation and exterior shading of glazing
    • Duct heat loss or gain
    • Infiltration target or final infiltration after air sealing is completed
    • Ventilation
    • Internal gains

    ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation, 8th ed., and ANSI/ACCA 5–2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification requirements or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all residential load calculations

    ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all commercial load calculations

    Room-by-room calculations will be performed when installing new duct systems or in retro-commission projects

    Accurately calculate sensible and latent load for the total building and each room

    Properly size equipment for the load

    Load calculation: design conditions of single stage or single speed equipment

    Interior design temperatures will be selected based on 75° for cooling and 70° for heating, unless otherwise stated by local code

    Ensure the design loads reflect peak sensible and peak latent load conditions per ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals

    Design sensible loads, which will dominate in dry climates, should be based upon outdoor design cooling conditions for the location (e.g., peak cooling dry bulb temperature in the ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals)

    Design latent loads, which are most important in moist or humid climates, should be based upon design dehumidification conditions for the location (e.g., design dew point temperature and mean coincident dry bulb temperature in the ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals)

    Accurately calculate sensible and latent load for the building

    Properly size equipment for the load

    Load calculation: design conditions for multistage, variable speed equipment

    Interior design temperatures will be selected based on 75° for cooling and 70° for heating, unless otherwise stated by local code

    Ensure the design loads reflect peak sensible and peak latent load conditions per ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals

    Design sensible loads, which will dominate in dry climates, should be based upon outdoor design cooling conditions for the location (e.g., peak cooling dry bulb temperature in the ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals)

    Design latent loads, which are most important in moist or humid climates, should be based upon design dehumidification conditions for the location (e.g., design dew point temperature and mean coincident dry bulb temperature in the ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals)

    Accurately calculate sensible and latent load for the building

    Properly size equipment for the load

    Equipment selection: air conditioning and heat pumps

    Equipment capable of meeting the sensible and latent load of the building will be selected using the detailed capacity tables provided by the manufacturer

    Equipment will not be sized by more than 115% of total load or next available size

    ANSI/ACCA Manual S Residential Equipment Selection, and ANSI/ACCA 5–2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification requirements or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all residential equipment selection

    ANSI/ACCA Manual CS Commercial Applications Systems and Equipment or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all commercial equipment selection

    Ensure the equipment is able to heat, cool, and dehumidify the building

    Equipment selection: auxiliary heat for heat pumps

    Use the lowest capacity heating equipment required to heat the building, utilizing the detailed capacity tables provided by the equipment manufacturer

    Equipment will be selected to provide a changeover point, calculated using information from the detailed capacity tables provided by the equipment manufacturer, weather data, and utility cost

    Maximize the heating potential of the compressor

    Minimize the use of auxiliary heat

    Equipment selection: furnaces

    The smallest capacity heating equipment will be selected that is capable of meeting the design heating load and providing the air movement required by the air conditioning

    When an air-conditioning system is not designed with the furnace, the smallest capacity heating equipment will be selected that is capable of meeting the heating load

    The lowest capacity cooling equipment required to cool the building will be used

    Equipment will not be sized by more than 115% of total load or next available size

    Ensure equipment meets the heating load of the building

    Ensure equipment moves required air for air conditioning, if applicable


    5.3001.5 Ductwork and Termination Design—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    Desired Outcome: 
    Efficient air flow to all rooms is ensured by proper ductwork
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Ducts will be sized to deliver the appropriate amount of airflow (both supply and return) needed to satisfy the heating and/or cooling load of the building

    Ducts will be sized using friction charts

    ANSI/ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all residential ductwork sizing

    ANSI/ACCA Manual Q Low Pressure, Low Velocity Duct System Design or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all commercial ductwork sizing

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Air handler to return plenum

    Return plenum will be designed in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Manual D or equivalent

    Radius elbow fittings or square fittings with turning vanes will be used to direct return air when a 90° turn is required

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Air handler to supply plenum

    Supply plenum will be designed in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Manual D or equivalent

    Radius elbow fittings or square fittings with turning vanes will be installed to direct supply air

    Supply plenum will be the same size as the air handler supply opening

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Building cavities used as ductwork

    Building cavities will not be used as ductwork in new systems

    In existing systems, building cavities will be sealed and tested

    Maximize air flow

    Minimize energy use

    Safeguard indoor air quality


    Reducers between sections of different size ducts will be in accordance with existing standards based on duct material (SMACNA, NAIMA)

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Supply branch run outs

    Runs will be installed as short as possible

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow


    If using flexible duct with straight boots, duct will be connected to boot with no bend

    A rigid elbow will be used when a flexible duct changes direction

    A rigid connector will be used when joining two pieces of flexible duct together

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Supply terminations

    Terminations will be selected based on ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Return grille sizing

    Terminations will be selected based on ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics

    Grille gross area will be equal to or larger than return box

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Manual volume dampers

    Dampers will be installed as close to the trunk as possible while still being accessible to allow for adjustment after interior finishes are installed

    Minimize static pressure and noise

    Maximize air flow

    Flexible ducts

    Flexible ducts will not be bent more than 45° without rigid elbow

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow


    Take-offs that create high turbulence will not be used (e.g., elbows with integrated dampers, scoops)

    Take-offs will be installed onto the trunk in accordance with duct construction standards (SMACNA)

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers shall be installed as required by applicable fire code

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow


    5.3001.6 Load Calculation and Equipment Selection—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Desired Outcome: 
    Equipment sized properly and operating efficiently
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Load calculation: heat loss or gain

    Heat loss or gain of the building will be calculated considering the following:

    • R-values of building components
    • U-value and solar heat gain coefficient of glazing
    • Orientation and exterior shading of glazing
    • Duct heat loss or gain
    • Infiltration target or final infiltration after air sealing is completed
    • Ventilation
    • Internal gains

    ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation, 8th ed. and ANSI/ACCA 5–2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification requirements or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all residential load calculations

    ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all commercial load calculations

    Room-by-room calculations will be performed when installing new duct systems or in retro-commission projects

    Accurately calculate sensible and latent load for the total building and each room

    Properly size equipment for the load

    Equipment selection

    ANSI/ACCA Manual S Residential Equipment Selection and ANSI/ACCA 5–2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification requirements or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all residential equipment selection

    ANSI/ACCA Manual CS Commercial Applications Systems and Equipment or ASHRAE equivalents will be used for all commercial equipment selection

    Ensure equipment is able to heat, cool, and dehumidify the building

    Variable refrigerant flow selection

    When applicable, multiple indoor units will be supplied by a single outdoor unit

    When applicable, manufacturer specifications will be used to determine allowable overage of indoor unit capacity in relation to the outdoor unit

    When applicable, units will be selected that offer ducting options (e.g., ceiling cassette units have a knock out for a 5" or 6" duct)

    When applicable, units with an outdoor air intake will be selected

    When design temperature is less than temperatures in the capacity tables, units will be derated in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ductless mini split selection

    When applicable, multiple indoor units will be supplied by a single outdoor unit

    When applicable, manufacturer specifications will be used to determine allowable overage of indoor unit capacity in relation to the outdoor unit

    When applicable, units will be selected that offer ducting options (e.g., ceiling cassette units have a knock out for a 5" or 6" duct)

    When applicable, units with an outdoor air intake will be selected

    Reduce total system cost

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Package terminal air conditioner (PTAC) or package terminal heat pump selection

    Package unit will be selected with outdoor air intake unless other ventilation strategy is present

    Primary heating of newly installed PTAC units will not be electric resistance heat

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Cooling towers (rain water option) selection

    Elevation of tower will be selected in relation to the net positive suction head required at the pump and in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Economizer selection

    The need for an economizer outdoor air damper will be determined in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 minimum requirements or local code

    Ensure occupant health


    5.3002.12 Cooling Equipment—Installation, Maintenance, and Commissioning— Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Equipment operates effectively and efficiently
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Chiller installation

    Maximum weight of refrigerant in a single space will be in compliance with ASHRAE 15

    Refrigerant monitors will be installed in accordance with ASHRAE 15

    Refrigerant relief valve will be piped to the outdoors and have an alarm

    Unit operational efficiencies will meet minimums as required by ASHRAE 90.1

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    Vibration isolators will be provided

    Manufacturer requirements will be followed when alternative storage methods for cooling towers are used (e.g., ice storage, ice tanks)

    Reduce vibration to a non-objectionable level

    Ensure optimum performance

    Chiller maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Tubes will be checked annually
    • Electrical check of system will be performed
    • Manufacturer-recommended maintenance procedures will be performed
    • Proper operation of leak detectors will be verified
    • Refrigerant charge will be verified

    Ensure proper chiller maintenance

    Chiller commissioning

    Unit discharge temperature will be verified as called for by control system in accordance with the design documents

    Inlet and outlet temperatures to condenser will be maintained in accordance with the design documents

    Noise level will be maintained to be within designed criteria

    Safety switches will be verified to operate when unsafe conditions occur

    Ensure optimum performance

    Split system installation

    Condensate will be piped to a properly sized sanitary drain

    Refrigerant type will be acceptable to the project type

    Unit operational efficiencies will meet minimums as required by ASHRAE 90.1

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    Each unit will be installed with a properly trapped condensate drain in accordance with manufacturer specifications (some situations require a pump)

    Primary heating of newly installed split systems will not be electric resistance heat

    Smoke detectors will be installed on systems that are greater than 2,500 cubic feet per minute (CFM)

    Appropriate lengths and elevations of refrigerant lines between condensing units and indoor coil will be used in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Proper location (e.g., property lines, windows, units, outside air intakes) and clearances will be maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Ensure proper installation of split system

    Split system maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Annual cleaning of coil and drain pan will be performed

    Condensate drains/traps will be inspected and verified operational

    Proper operation of add-on equipment will be verified (e.g., UV, humidifier, electrostatic filter)

    Ensure proper maintenance of system

    Split system commissioning

    Proper operation of thermostats will be verified

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors will be calibrated

    Proper operation of smoke alarms will be verified

    Proper operation of mixed air damper will be verified

    If present, proper operation of heating valve will be verified

    Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions

    Ensure optimum performance

    Package system unit installation

    Economizer (if installed) will be located away from pollutant sources

    Condensate will be piped to a properly sized sanitary drain

    Type of refrigerant will be verified as acceptable to the project type

    Economizer/power exhaust or relief dampers will be verified for proper function and operation

    Unit operational efficiencies will meet minimums as required by ASHRAE 90.1

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    Each unit will be installed with a properly trapped condensate drain in accordance with manufacturer specifications (some situations require a pump)

    New package systems will not have their primary heating be electric resistance heat

    Unit will be installed with CO2 control in high occupancy spaces (demand control ventilation)

    Smoke detectors will be installed on systems that are greater than 2,500 CFM

    Proper location (e.g., property lines, windows, units, outside air intakes) and clearances will be maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Package system unit maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications
    • If applicable, blower belt, sheaves replacement, and alignment will be verified
    • If applicable, proper operation of the variable speed drive will be verified
    • Annual cleaning of evaporator and condenser coils, condensate trap, and drain pan will be performed

    Proper operation of add-on equipment will be verified (e.g., UV, humidifier, electrostatic filter)

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Ensure proper maintenance of equipment

    Package system unit commissioning

    Before commissioning startup, test and balance reports will be provided

    Thermostats or building automation control will be verified to be functioning properly

    Properly working sequence of operations will be verified

    Properly functioning outdoor air, return air, supply air, CO2, and enthalpy sensor will be verified (if installed)

    Proper operation of mixed air damper will be verified

    Proper operation of reversing valve will be verified in heat pump units

    Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions

    Proper operation of motorized dampers will be verified

    In 3-phase units, the correct rotation of blower, condenser fans, and compressor will be verified

    Correct voltage level coming into unit will be verified

    Proper heating and cooling operation will be verified as in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    In heat pumps, proper defrost cycle operation will be verified

    Proper operation of safety switches will be verified

    Ensure optimum performance

    Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) installation

    Building electrical characteristics, such as voltage and phase, will be checked to ensure proper equipment is selected

    Maximum weight of refrigerant in a single space will not exceed the maximum allowed by ASHRAE 15

    Total equivalent length of refrigerant piping will not exceed manufacturer rating

    Proper location and clearances will be maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Each unit will be installed with a condensate drain (some situations require a pump)

    Wall-mounted thermostats will be used

    Location of branch controller will be selected for non-occupied areas

    Outdoor air ventilation filter will be present

    Reduce noise

    VRF maintenance

    Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Annual cleaning of indoor and outdoor coils will be performed

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Ensure proper maintenance

    VRF commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    If installed, operation of ventilation damper will be verified

    Proper refrigerant charge will be verified

    Power supply will be verified (single phase units supply power from the outdoor units to the indoor units)

    Reduce total system cost

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Ductless mini split installation

    System will be a ductless mini split and not a VRF system

    Ductwork will not be installed

    Building phase will be checked to ensure proper equipment is selected

    Total equivalent length of refrigerant piping will not exceed manufacturer specifications

    Proper location and clearances will be maintained in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Each unit will be installed with a condensate drain (some situations require a pump)

    Wall-mounted thermostats will be used

    Reduce total system cost

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Ductless mini split maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications
    • Annual cleaning of indoor and outdoor coils will be performed

    Reduce total system cost

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Ductless mini split commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    Ventilation damper will be operational if outside air ducting is available, and airflow will be adjusted to provide the proper amount

    Reduce total system cost

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Package terminal air conditioner (PTAC) or package terminal heat pump (PTHP) installation

    PTAC sleeve will be sealed to envelope

    Condensate will be piped away from the building when required by manufacturer specifications

    Ducted PTACs will be used for conditioning multiple rooms

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    PTAC will be selected with outdoor air intake unless other ventilation strategy is present

    Each unit will be installed with a condensate drain (some situations require a pump)

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    PTAC or PTHP maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications
    • Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions
    • Annual cleaning of coils will be performed

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    PTAC or PTHP commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    Ventilation damper will be operational if outside air ducting is available

    If present, proper operation of heating valve will be verified

    Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Cooling towers installation

    Location of unit will minimize overspray and noise impact on neighboring properties

    Overspray will not be directed toward air intakes

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    Vibration isolators will be provided

    Elevation of tower will be selected in relation to the net positive suction head required at the pump and in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Appropriate drainage will be available in accordance with local code

    Capacity control will be in accordance with the sequence of operations (e.g., two-speed or variable speed)

    Manufacturer specifications will be followed when alternative storage methods are used (e.g., ice storage, ice tanks)

    Environmental design conditions will account for sump heaters, water treatment requirements, conservation regulations, and possible restrictions of usage

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy usage

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Cooling towers (rain water option) maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Manufacturer-recommended maintenance procedures will be performed
    • Media will be cleaned
    • Strainers will be cleaned
    • Motors and/or belts will be serviced
    • Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions
    • Water treatment levels will be maintained
    • Debris will be cleaned from sump
    • Annual cleaning of coils will be performed
    • Structural supports will be checked

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Cooling towers commissioning

    Unit installed to manufacturer specifications will be verified

    Secondary overflow drain operation will be verified

    Proper operation of make-up water level detector will be verified

    If multitowers exist, proper operation of the equalizer line will be verified

    If applicable, proper sump heater operation will be verified

    Proper installation of water treatment will be verified

    If rain water system is used, proper operation of controls will be verified

    Proper installation of tower fill media will be verified

    Capacity controls operating in accordance with the sequence of operations will be verified

    If applicable, proper operation of submeter will be verified

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Economizers installation

    Economizer, if installed, will be located away from pollutant sources

    Need for economizer outdoor air damper will be determined in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 minimum requirements or local code

    Unit will be installed with carbon dioxide (CO2) control in high occupancy spaces (demand control ventilation)

    If unit economizer is part of fire life safety function, it will be tested for proper operation and control

    Economizer, power exhaust, or relief dampers will be verified for proper function and operation

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Economizers maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    CO2 and temperature/enthalpy sensors will be calibrated

    Smoke detector operation will be verified

    Proper motorized damper operation will be verified

    Lubrication and damper linkage adjustments will be maintained

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Economizers commissioning

    Properly working sequence of operations will be verified based on manufacturer specifications

    Proper operation of the outdoor air, return air, supply air, CO2, and enthalpy sensor will be verified based on manufacturers specifications

    Proper operation of mixed air damper will be verified based on manufacturer specifications

    Proper operation of motorized dampers will be verified based on manufacturer specifications

    Smoke detector and CO2 sensor interaction with the damper will be verified based on manufacturer specifications

    Pressure relief system will be verified as working when economizer is open

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Water source heat pump installation

    Condensate will be piped to a properly sized sanitary drain

    Type of refrigerant will be acceptable to the project type

    Unit operational efficiencies will meet minimums as required by ASHRAE 90.1

    Structure will be able to support the unit

    Each unit will be installed with a properly trapped condensate drain in accordance with manufacturer specifications (some situations require a pump)

    Unit will be installed with CO2 control in high occupancy spaces (demand control ventilation)

    Smoke detectors will be installed on systems that are greater than 2,500 CFM

    Two-way valves will be installed that open when the thermostat calls for heating or cooling

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Water source heat pump maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Annual cleaning of the coil and drain pan will be performed

    Proper operation of add-on equipment will be verified (e.g., UV, humidifier, electrostatic filter)

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    CO2 sensor will be calibrated

    Smoke detector operation will be verified

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Water source heat pump commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    Proper operation of mixed air damper will be verified

    Proper operation of two-way valve will be verified

    Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions

    Minimize health concerns

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Fan coil units installation

    Four-pipe systems, where applicable, will be installed in order to take advantage of simultaneous heating and cooling

    Condensate will be piped to a properly sized sanitary drain

    Adequate structural support will be verified for unit

    Each unit will be installed with a properly trapped condensate drain in accordance with manufacturer specifications (some situations require a pump)

    Unit will be installed with CO2 control in high occupancy spaces (demand control ventilation)

    Filtration minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) level will be appropriate for type of space and equipment

    If the building operates with a pneumatic system, the following components will be serviced and maintained: air compressor, air dryer system, thermostats, actuators, receiver controllers, sensors, and miscellaneous components, such as pneumatic electric, electric pneumatic solenoid, and solenoid switches

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy usage

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Fan coil units maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Annual cleaning of the coil and drain pan will be performed

    Proper operation of add-on equipment will be verified (e.g., UV, humidifier, electrostatic filter)

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    CO2 sensor will be calibrated

    Smoke detector operation will be verified

    Environmental conditions will be considered when selecting and installing coils (e.g., special corrosion-protected units)

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Fan coil units commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    If applicable, proper operation of heating and cooling valve will be verified

    Drains will be clear of debris and obstructions

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Minimize health concerns (e.g., Legionnaires' disease)

    Wall furnace installation

    Penetrations through exterior walls will be sealed with the appropriate air sealing material

    Adequate structural support will be verified for unit

    A carbon monoxide detector will be installed in the rooms where the wall furnace is located

    Filtration MERV level will be appropriate for type of space and equipment

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Ensure system efficiency

    Wall furnace maintenance

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Filters will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use

    Wall furnace commissioning

    Thermostats will be verified to be functioning properly

    Filters will be verified to be clear of debris

    Temperature rise will be within manufacturer specifications

    Gas pressure will be within manufacturer specifications

    A combustion analysis test will be performed and documented

    Ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency

    Ensure durability of equipment

    Minimize energy use


    5.3002.13 Preparation for New Equipment—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Existing equipment is removed safely and in accordance with local code
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    A code compliant walkway and service platform will be installed as applicable if not present

    Walkway and platform will be above the level of the insulation if located in the attic

    Ensure new equipment can be installed and serviced

    Maintain adequate insulation level

    Environmental hazards

    If mold and/or asbestos-like substance is found to be present, it must be tested by a certified organization, and all system components and possible disturbed surrounding areas will be certified free of asbestos and/or mold by a licensed professional before equipment removal can begin

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Disconnection of utilities

    Electricity and fuel will be turned off

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Refrigerant recovery

    Refrigerant will be recovered in accordance with 40CFR 608 (EPA)

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Comply with Safe Handling of Refrigerant Law

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Disconnection of equipment

    Refrigerant lines, plumbing, ducts, electric, control wires, vents, and fuel supply will be disconnected

    All work will be done by a licensed professional

    Ensure the equipment can be removed


    Equipment will be removed (e.g., furnace, air handler, evaporator, condensing unit)

    Existing equipment will be able to be physically removed from building if needed in the future

    Equipment will be removed from the space without damaging property and disturbing or compressing the insulation

    Equipment will be disposed of in accordance with local laws and regulations

    Safely remove the existing equipment

    Provide room to install new equipment and work safely

    Comply with disposal laws in accordance with local ordinances


    5.3002.16 Setting of Air Handler—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air handler is set properly in an appropriate place
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Equipment will be installed in a dry location within the conditioned space when feasible

    Equipment will be properly isolated from pollutant sources

    Equipment will be installed in a manner to provide ease of access for routine maintenance/service

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Prevent rust and corrosion

    Protect the equipment from bulk water and moisture

    Prevent exposure to air pollutants


    Equipment will be installed with proper clearances in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Alternative locations will be considered for equipment when existing locations are not suitable

    Ensure the equipment has proper clearances for fire risk and accessibility

    Ensure the equipment operates as designed


    Equipment will be installed so connections allow proper operation of the equipment and accessibility (e.g., electrical service, condensate drains, ductwork, fuel, venting, refrigerant lines)

    Equipment will be installed so that the drain pan operates properly

    Ensure connections do not interfere with operation and service of the equipment

    Support: horizontal air flow, attics, and other spaces

    Equipment will be supported with a nonwicking, fireproof platform or suspended with a threaded rod in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Vibration pads/isolators will be installed

    Ensure equipment is stable, level, and does not transmit vibration

    Avoid compressing or disturbing attic insulation

    Support: horizontal air flow and basement

    Equipment will be supported with a nonwicking, fireproof material or suspended with a threaded rod in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Connection to structure will be enough to support weight

    Vibration pads/isolators will be installed

    Ensure equipment is stable, level, and does not transmit vibration

    Avoid compressing or disturbing insulation

    Support: up flow on a platform

    Equipment will be supported on nonflammable material capable of supporting the weight of the equipment

    Air handler opening will be free of obstructions

    Vibration pads/isolators will be installed

    Ensure equipment is stable, level, and does not transmit vibration

    Properly support equipment

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Ensure platform does not impede air flow

    Support: down flow

    Equipment will be supported on ductwork capable of supporting the weight of the equipment

    Equipment will be supported on ductwork with rigid exterior insulation fastened to the ductwork

    Properly support equipment

    Protect equipment from moisture damage

    Reduce heat loss


    Gaps larger than 1/4" between air handler and adjoining ductwork or equipment (e.g., evaporator coil, filter rack) will be bridged with sheet metal, and sealed with mastic and fiberglass mesh

    All air handler joints will be sealed with mastic and fiberglass mesh

    Air handler joints and non-service openings will be sealed to eliminate all gaps with NFPA 90A and B approved sealant

    If unit is installed in a building cavity, the cavity must be sealed prior to the installation to eliminate any return air leaks from adjoining chases

    Ensure air handler does not leak air

    Ensure sealing is durable

    Do not increase resistance to air flow


    A secondary drain pan that provides proper pitch and a float switch will be installed beneath equipment located in areas where water damage may occur, such as attics and conditioned spaces

    The float switch will be interlocked with the cooling circuit in order to turn off the equipment when a leak occurs

    Prevent water damage


    5.3002.2 Sequence of Operation—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Sequence of operation of the system verified

    Multifamily Homes


    The sequence of operation of the system will be verified in accordance with the manufacturer's installation, operation, and maintenance manuals

    Ensure system components function and operate in the correct sequence


    5.3002.3 Sequence of Operation—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Sequence of operation is functionally tested

    Multifamily Homes


    Sequence of system operation will be verified in accordance with the design documents, and the manufacturer's installation, operation, and maintenance manuals

    Ensure system components function and operate in the correct sequence


    5.3002.4 Preparation for New Equipment—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Existing equipment removed safely and in accordance with local ordinances
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    A code-compliant walkway and service platform will be installed in attics as applicable, if not present

    Walkway and platform will be above the level of insulation

    Ensure new equipment can be installed and serviced

    Maintain adequate insulation level

    Environmental hazards

    If mold and/or asbestos-like substance is found to be present, it must be tested by a certified organization, and all system components and possible disturbed surrounding areas must be certified free of asbestos and/or mold by a licensed professional before equipment removal can begin

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Disconnection of utilities

    Electricity and fuel will be turned off

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Refrigerant recovery

    Refrigerant will be recovered in accordance with 40CFR 608 (EPA)

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Limit the release of ozone-depleting substances

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Disconnection of equipment

    Refrigerant lines, plumbing, ducts, electric, control wires, vents, and fuel supply will be disconnected

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure equipment can be removed


    Equipment will be removed (e.g., furnace, air handler, evaporator, condensing unit)

    Equipment will be removed from the space without damaging property and disturbing or compressing the insulation

    Equipment will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances and regulations

    Provide room to install new equipment and work safely

    Comply with disposal laws in accordance with local ordinances


    5.3002.7 Setting of Air Handler—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    Site Preparation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air handler set properly in an appropriate place
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Equipment will be installed in a dry location within the conditioned space when feasible

    Equipment will be properly isolated from pollutant sources (e.g., garages)

    Equipment will be installed in a manner to provide ease of access for routine maintenance/service

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Prevent rust and corrosion

    Protect equipment from bulk water and moisture

    Prevent exposure to garage air pollutants

    Ensure that equipment is maintained/serviced


    Equipment will be installed with proper clearances in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Alternative locations will be considered for equipment when existing locations are not suitable

    Ensure equipment has proper clearances for fire risk and accessibility

    Ensure equipment operates as designed


    Equipment will be installed so connections allow proper operation of the equipment and accessibility (e.g., electrical service, condensation drains, ductwork, fuel, venting, refrigerant lines)

    Equipment will be installed so the drain pan operates properly

    Ensure connections do not interfere with the operation and service of the equipment

    Support: horizontal air flow, attic

    Equipment will be supported with a nonwicking fireproof platform or suspended with a threaded rod in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be placed on vibration pads

    Ensure equipment is stable, level, and does not transmit vibration

    Avoid compressing or disturbing attic insulation

    Support: horizontal air flow, basement, or crawl space

    Equipment will be supported with a nonwicking, fireproof material or suspended with a threaded rod in accordance with local codes and manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be placed on vibration pads

    Ensure equipment is stable, level, and does not transmit vibration

    Avoid compressing or disturbing insulation

    Support: up flow on a platform

    Equipment will be supported on nonflammable material capable of supporting the weight of the equipment

    Air handler opening will be free of obstructions

    Equipment will be placed on vibration pads

    Properly support the equipment

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Ensure platform does not impede air flow

    Support: down flow

    Equipment will be supported on ductwork capable of supporting the weight of the equipment

    Equipment will be supported on ductwork with rigid exterior insulation fastened to the ductwork

    Properly support equipment

    Protect equipment from moisture damage

    Reduce heat loss


    Gaps larger than 1/4" between air handler and adjoining ductwork or equipment (e.g., evaporator coil, filter rack) will be bridged with sheet metal, and sealed with mastic and fiberglass mesh

    All air handler joints will be sealed with mastic and fiberglass mesh

    Air handler joints and non-service openings will be sealed to eliminate all gaps with NFPA 90A and B approved sealant

    If unit is installed in a building cavity, the cavity must be sealed prior to the installation to eliminate any return air leaks from adjoining chases

    Ensure air handler does not leak air

    Ensure the sealing is durable

    Prevent increased resistance to air flow


    A secondary drain pan and drain line that provides proper pitch and a float switch will be installed beneath equipment located in areas where water damage may occur, such as attics and conditioned spaces

    Float switch will be interlocked with the cooling circuit to disable AC when leak occurs

    Prevent water damage


    5.3003.17 Data Plate Verification—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Data is recorded for future service work and commissioning

    Multifamily Homes

    Data plate verification

    Equipment will be visually inspected

    Information will be recorded from the indoor and outdoor equipment data plates

    Information will be entered into the operations and management manual

    Ensure technician has equipment data necessary for commissioning and future service work


    5.3003.18 Leak Detection—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Dangerous leaks detected before causing injury to the occupant or damage to the building
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Carbon monoxide (CO) detection

    Personal CO alarm will be worn in accordance with Building Performance Institute standards

    Protect workers and occupants from possible CO poisoning

    Gas leak detection

    Gas pipes will be tested for leaks with an electronic combustible gas leak detector and verified with bubble solution

    When installing new gas lines a code approved standing pressure test will be conducted to detect leaks

    Ensure gas lines do not leak

    Fuel oil leak detection

    Oil tank, piping and equipment will be visually inspected for oil leaks

    Fuel oil tanks will be inspected for leaks and corrosion

    Ensure fuel oil lines and tanks do not leak


    5.3003.19 Refrigerant Line Inspection—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Refrigerant lines properly installed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    All refrigerant lines will be insulated based on the equipment manufacturer's requirements in conformance with applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    All installed insulation will be properly sealed

    Ensure refrigerant lines do not gain excessive heat

    Ultraviolet (UV) protection of insulation

    If exposed to sunlight, refrigerant line insulation will be protected from UV degradation

    Install insulation so it does not degrade


    Refrigerant lines will be sized to meet manufacturer specifications for the installed equipment

    Ensure system moves the appropriate volume of refrigerant

    Installation quality

    Refrigerant lines will be installed without kinks, crimps, or excessive bends

    Refrigerant lines will be joined together using manufacturer-approved method(s)

    Proper filter dryer(s) will be installed

    Refrigerant lines will be checked for leaks following EPA Section 608 and verified leak free before refrigerant charging

    Proper evacuation and dehydration techniques will be employed prior to refrigerant charging

    Ensure system moves the appropriate volume of refrigerant

    Ensure contaminates to not harm the system

    Ensure the system is durable


    Refrigerant lines will be routed, supported, and secured to the building in a manner that protects the line from damage by workers or occupants

    Ensure refrigerant lines do not move, vibrate, or sag

    Protect lines from damage


    5.3003.20 Electrical Service—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Electrical components properly tested
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Polarity of the equipment will be correct

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Voltage: incoming power

    Voltage will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Wire size

    Wire size should be appropriate for the equipment installed

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Service disconnect

    The proper service disconnect will be installed, and if fused, the correct fuses will be installed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Voltage: contactor

    Voltage drop will be within acceptable range in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure contactor does not overheat

    Ensure equipment operates as designed


    Adequate grounding will be present

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Blower amperage

    Amperage will be within original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications and/or code requirements

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Compressor amperage

    Amperage will be within OEM specifications and/or code requirements

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Door switch operation

    Blower compartment safety switch operation will be verified

    Ensure blower does not operate during service

    Heat pump: emergency heat

    Emergency heat circuit functions will be verified

    Amperage will be within OEM specifications and/or code requirements

    Ensure system delivers heat in case of a compressor failure


    5.3003.21 Air Flow—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air flow is properly tested
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Validate air distribution system installation

    System will be checked for existence of specified system components

    Confirm installed system

    Become familiar with system components

    Verify system readiness for testing

    Testing equipment selection

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Equipment will be capable of accurately measuring +/- 10% in general case

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked in accordance with manufacturer recommendations

    Ensure accurate measurements of airflow rates

    Test air handler unit

    Equipment testing will check for:

    • Proper operation (programmed schedule/sequence of operation)
    • Proper rotation

    All measured values will be recorded and compared against design specifications

    Fan flow will be adjusted to meet design specification

    Verify performance of air handler system

    Total air flow

    Total system airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Examples of acceptable methods include the following:

    • Temperature rise test
    • Air flow plate (e.g., TrueFlow® Air Handler Flow Meter)
    • Fan pressurization device (e.g., Duct Blaster®, DuctTester)
    • Hot wire anemometer

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    External static pressure

    External static pressure will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Pressure drop: coil

    Pressure drop across cooling coils will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Pressure drop: filter

    Pressure drop across filter will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Balance of room flow: new ductwork

    Airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Examples of acceptable methods include the following:

    • Air flow will be measured at each register and compared to load calculation to ensure proper air flow delivery
    • Adjustments will be made to fan speed, dampers, and registers until design specifications are met

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Supply wet bulb and dry bulb

    Supply wet bulb and dry bulb air temperatures will be recorded

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Return wet bulb and dry bulb

    Return wet bulb and dry bulb air temperatures will be recorded

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Temperature rise: gas and oil furnaces only

    Temperature rise between the supply and return will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Final balance

    Final air flow and/or pressure will be measured, confirmed, and recorded at air handler and registers

    Airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Provide acceptable thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be:

    • Instructed on proper operation and maintenance procedures
    • Educated on value and need for recommissioning requirements
    • Property manager will complete a 30-hour OSHA safety education course

    Ensure continued operation of equipment at design performance levels


    5.3003.22 Combustion Analysis—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Analysis on critical components and operations is completed to industry and manufacturer specifications
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Testing equipment selection

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Equipment will be capable of accurately measuring +/- 10% in general case

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked in accordance with manufacturer recommendations

    Ensure accurate measurements of combustion by-products

    Combustion analysis protocol

    Combustion analysis will be performed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure accurate measurements of combustion by-products

    Oil system: nozzle size

    Nozzle size/spray angle/spray pattern will be correct for design input and within equipment firing rate of the heating system manufacturer

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Natural gas/propane system: burner orifice(s) size

    Burner orifice(s) size will be in accordance with manufacturer specification

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Combustion air adjustment

    Combustion air setting will be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and modified based on combustion analysis testing

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Fuel pressure/gas pressure

    Measurement will be verified in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Oil system: smoke test (this test must be conducted before any combustion testing has started)

    Smoke spot reading will be in accordance with burner manufacturer specifications

    If smoke spot test is higher than manufacturer specifications, a steady state efficiency test will not be performed until the unit has been cleaned and tuned

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Ensure testing equipment is not damaged

    Steady state efficiency (SSE)

    Once burner has run for five to ten minutes, perform a SSE test with a properly calibrated combustion analyzer

    Measurement will be verified in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Net stack temperature

    Net stack temperature will be measured and verified in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Carbon dioxide and oxygen

    Measurement will be verified in accordance with industry manuals (e.g., Testo, Bacharach) and manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Excess air

    Excess air will be calculated and shown in accordance with industry manuals (e.g., Testo, Bacharach) and manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Carbon monoxide (CO) in flue gas

    CO in the undiluted flue gas will be less than level specified in the applicable subsection of ANSI Z21

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    5.3003.23 Refrigerant Charge Evaluation—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    The refrigerant charge is correct
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    The equipment must be installed in accordance with written specifications and manufacturer specifications

    Proper airflows and/or water flows through the heat exchanger will be within manufacturer specifications before refrigerant evaluation can be performed

    The system will be within the manufacturer permissible temperature tolerances and in steady state condition before refrigerant evaluation can be performed

    Ensuring accuracy of the evaluation

    Testing equipment

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked in accordance with manufacturer recommendations

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value (pressure and temperature) will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Ensure accurate measurements of refrigerant charge

    Testing procedure

    Refrigerant charge will be verified in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable methods include the following:

    • Superheat test done under outdoor ambient temperatures specified by the manufacturer. Superheat value must be within +/- 5°F of the manufacturer-specified superheat value (or within manufacturer-recommended tolerances)
    • Subcooling test done under outdoor ambient temperatures specified by the manufacturer. Subcooling value must be within +/- 3°F of the manufacturer-specified subcooling value (or within manufacturer-recommended tolerances)
    • Any method approved and specifically documented by the manufacturer that will ensure proper refrigerant charge

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure accurate measurements of refrigerant charge


    Documentation will be done in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Documented field data (including, but not limited to, operating refrigerant pressures, superheat and subcooling values, etc.), and operating conditions will be recorded at time of testing

    Provide documentation for optimal operation and maintenance of equipment


    5.3003.24 Evaporative Cooler Maintenance and Repairs—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Evaporative cooler evaluated and maintained as needed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Assessment and diagnosis

    The following system elements will be assessed:

    • Pump
    • Pan
    • Spider
    • Float
    • Damper
    • Roof jack, roof support
    • Water line
    • Water valve
    • Electrical
    • Pads
    • Motor
    • Fan

    Elements will be repaired or replaced as needed

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Repair and maintenance

    Calcium deposits will be removed

    Pads will be replaced

    Any additional repairs or replacements will be made as necessary

    System will be drained at the end of the cooling season

    Ensure evaporative cooler functions properly

    Ensure system is durable

    Prevent freezing

    Occupant education

    A regular service schedule will be recommended to occupant

    Issues regarding multiple systems running will be discussed with occupant

    Ensure occupant understands basic operation and importance of regular maintenance


    5.3003.25 Refrigerant Line Inspection—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Refrigerant lines properly installed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    All refrigerant lines will be insulated based on the equipment manufacturer's requirements

    All insulation will be properly sealed

    Optimize operation of equipment

    Ultraviolet (UV) protection of insulation

    If exposed to sunlight, refrigerant line insulation will be protected from UV degradation (e.g., jacket)

    Install insulation so it does not degrade


    Refrigerant lines will be sized in accordance with manufacturer specifications for the installed equipment

    Ensure system moves appropriate volume of refrigerant

    Installation quality

    Refrigerant lines will be installed without kinks, crimps, excessive bends, or length

    Refrigerant lines will be joined together using manufacturer-approved method(s)

    Proper filter dryer(s) will be installed

    Refrigerant lines will be checked for leaks following EPA Section 608 and verified as leak free before refrigerant charging

    Proper evacuation and dehydration techniques will be employed before refrigerant charging

    Ensure system moves appropriate volume of refrigerant

    Ensure containments do not harm the system

    Ensure the system is durable


    Refrigerant lines will be routed, supported, and secured to building in a manner that protects the line from damage by workers or occupants

    Ensure refrigerant lines do not move, vibrate, or sag

    Protect lines from damage


    5.3003.26 Electrical Service—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Electrical components properly tested by licensed or certified individual
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Polarity of equipment will be correct

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Incoming power

    Voltage, phase, and frequency will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Wire size

    Wire size will be appropriate for the equipment installed

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Service disconnect

    The proper service disconnect will be installed, and if fused, the proper fuses will be installed

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Contactors, relays, and other electrical components

    Voltage drop will be within acceptable range in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure contractors, relays, and other electrical components do not overheat

    Ensure equipment operates as designed


    Adequate grounding will be present

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Blower amperage

    Amperage will be within original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications and/or code requirements

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Compressor amperage

    Amperage will be within OEM specifications and/or code requirements

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Door switch operation

    Blower compartment safety switch operation will be verified

    Ensure blower does not operate during service

    Electric strip heat

    Amperage will be within OEM specifications and/or code requirements (NFPA 70 A and E)

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Heat pump: emergency heat

    Emergency heat circuit functions will be verified

    Amperage will be within OEM specifications and/or code requirements (NFPA 70 A and E)

    Ensure system delivers heat in case of compressor failure

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely


    5.3003.27 Air Flow—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air flow is properly tested
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Validate installation of air distribution system

    System will be checked for existence of specified system components

    Confirm installed system

    Familiarize building operations staff and property manager with system components

    Verify system readiness for testing

    Testing equipment selection

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Equipment will be capable of accurately measuring +/- 10% in general case

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked in accordance with manufacturer recommendations

    Ensure accurate measurements of airflow rates

    Test main fan or air handler

    Equipment testing will check for:

    • Proper operation (schedule/sequence of operation)
    • Proper rotation
    • Filter condition
    • Total flow at fan

    Verify performance of air handler system

    Measure air flow at terminals (commissioning)

    Airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet the design requirements

    Testing/validation will be performed by certified test and balance technicians (certified by NEBB and/or AABC or equivalent)

    Verify distribution system

    Identify potential adjustments

    Establish baseline air flow rates

    Supply wet bulb and dry bulb

    Supply wet bulb and dry bulb air temperatures will be recorded

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Return wet bulb and dry bulb

    Return wet bulb and dry bulb air temperatures will be recorded

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Thermostat wet bulb and dry bulb

    Thermostat wet bulb and dry bulb air temperatures will be recorded

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment provides comfort

    System adjustment

    Airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet the design requirements

    Adjustments will be made to:

    • Fan speed (via sheave adjustment, replacement, and/or variable frequency drive motor replacement)
    • Dampers
    • Registers

    Balance the system utilizing least resistance and energy

    Final balance

    Final air flow and/or pressure will be measured and confirmed at air handler and registers

    Airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet the design requirements

    Provide acceptable thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality


    Occupant/property manager will be:

    • Educated on proper operation and maintenance procedures
    • Educated on value and need for recommissioning requirements

    Property manager will be educated with a 30-hour OSHA safety education course

    Ensure equipment continues to operate at the design performance levels


    5.3003.28 Compressor—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Compressor operates as designed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Compressor will be properly sized for the existing equipment and evaluated in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    Compressor will be located in an area that is on a level surface and that provides adequate ventilation

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure proper lubrication of moving parts

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Refrigerant piping

    Suction line will be properly sized

    Refrigeration tubing will be used

    Inert gas will be trickled through piping when brazing joints together

    Filter dryer will be installed

    P-type oil traps will be located at the base of suction line riser

    Proper evacuation and dehydration procedures will be followed

    Horizontal runs will be sloped 1" per 20' toward the compressor

    Vibration absorbers may be used and installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure adequate velocities for proper oil return

    Ensure that the piping is installed in a manner that does not interfere with normal maintenance or service procedures

    Ensure contaminants do not enter the system

    Ensure proper operation

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    Field wiring will be installed in accordance with NFPA 70 National Electric Code and local codes

    Proper voltage, frequency, and phase will coincide with the nameplate

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    All electrical connections will be tight

    All safety controls will be installed and operational

    Oil level will meet manufacturer-recommended level

    Only approved refrigerant oil will be used

    Proper refrigerant charge will be verified by approved methods

    Refrigerant type and amount will be documented

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180–2008— Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems or ANSI/ACCA Standard 4 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems

    Maintenance procedures include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Refrigerant charge will be evaluated, and refrigerant will be added or removed as necessary (a lack of refrigerant may indicate a leak, which will need to be corrected)
    • Oil level will be evaluated, and oil will be added or removed as necessary
    • Filter dryer moisture indicator and pressure drop across the filter will be evaluated
    • Filter dryer will be replaced as necessary
    • Amperage draw will be evaluated and compared to the compressor nameplate

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable


    5.3003.29 Thermostatic Expansion Valve—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Ensure thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) operates as designed

    Multifamily Homes

    Identify type

    TXV valve will be identified as either:

    • Mechanical device
    • Internal equalized
    • External equalized
    • Electronic device

    Understand device function and manufacturer requirements for operation

    Cooling system operation

    TXV proper size and operation will be verified

    Understand device function and manufacturer requirements for operation

    Obtain most efficient operation


    Replacement will meet manufacturer specifications for the given model number of the unit

    Ensure efficient operation of the unit


    5.3003.30 Refrigerant Charge Evaluation—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Correct refrigerant charge
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Equipment must be installed in accordance with written and manufacturer specifications

    Proper air flows and/or water flows through the heat exchanger will be within manufacturer tolerances before refrigerant evaluation can be performed

    System will be within the manufacturer-permissible temperature tolerances and in steady state condition before refrigerant evaluation can be performed

    Ensure accuracy of the evaluation

    Testing equipment

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked according to manufacturer specifications

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value (pressure and temperature) will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Ensure accurate measurements of refrigerant charge

    Testing procedure

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed are:

    • Superheat test done under outdoor ambient temperatures specified by the manufacturer. Superheat value must be within +/- 5°F of the manufacturer-specified superheat value (or within manufacturer-recommended tolerances)
    • Subcooling test done under outdoor ambient temperatures specified by the manufacturer. Subcooling value must be within +/- 3°F of the manufacturer-specified subcooling value (or within manufacturer-recommended tolerances)
    • Any method approved and specifically documented by the manufacturer that will ensure proper refrigerant charge

    Ensure optimal operation of the equipment


    Documentation will be done in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Documented field data (including, but not limited to, operating refrigerant pressures, superheat and subcooling values, etc.), and operating conditions will be recorded at time of testing

    Provide documentation for optimal operation and maintenance of equipment


    5.3003.31 Cooling Tower—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Cooling tower evaluated and maintained as needed

    Multifamily Homes


    Submeters will be installed on the supply and bleed lines of the cooling tower

    Submeters installed on the bleed line will be suitable to deal with solids

    Ensure efficient system operation

    Reduce water consumption

    Water treatment

    Cooling tower water will be treated to prevent buildup of scale and algae

    Ensure system durability

    Ensure system operates efficiently


    5.3003.32 Evaporative Cooler Maintenance and Repairs—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Evaporative cooler evaluated and maintained as needed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Assessment and diagnosis

    The following system elements will be assessed:

    • Pump
    • Pan
    • Spider
    • Float
    • Damper
    • Roof jack, support
    • Water line
    • Water valve
    • Electrical
    • Pads
    • Motor
    • Fan

    Elements will be repaired or replaced as needed

    Ensure all components function properly

    Ensure equipment operates safely

    Ensure equipment operates efficiently

    Ensure equipment is durable

    Repair and maintenance

    Calcium deposits will be removed

    Pads will be replaced

    Any additional repairs or replacements will be made as necessary

    Water treatment will be regularly tested and maintained

    Equipment will operate in accordance with local codes and standards

    Equipment will be drained at the end of the cooling season

    Ensure evaporative cooler functions properly

    Ensure equipment operates at maximum efficiency

    Ensure equipment durability

    Ensure system does not freeze during the winter months

    Building staff education

    Maintenance will be scheduled in accordance with ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180–2008—Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems or ANSI/ACCA Standard 4 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems

    A regular service schedule will be recommended to building staff

    Ensure building staff understand basic operation and the importance of routine maintenance


    5.3003.33 Fuel Delivery System for Fuel Oil—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Fuel oil delivered safely and sufficiently
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Material and support

    An approved pipe type in accordance with NFPA will be installed and supported

    The presence of the fire valve, manual oil shut off valve, union joint, and filter fitting will be verified or installed

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Prevent corrosion

    Deliver fuel to the system

    Ensure material does not sag or leak

    Line connections

    Approved connectors for line fittings will be used

    Approved filter fittings will be used

    All lines will be tested for leaks

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Install oil lines and ensure there are no leaks


    Oil filter insert and pump strainer will be replaced or a new filter will be installed whenever an oil system is serviced or replaced

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure oil is free of debris


    5.3003.34 Fuel Delivery System for Natural Gas and Propane—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Natural gas and propane delivered safely and in sufficient amounts
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Material and support

    An approved pipe type in accordance with NFPA will be installed and supported

    Manual gas shut off valve, union joint, and drip leg will be verified or installed

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Prevent corrosion

    Deliver fuel to the system

    Ensure material does not sag or leak


    Gas pipes (building main and equipment drops) will be installed for the total connected load of all appliances in accordance with NFPA

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Provide sufficient gas flow and pressure to all of the appliances


    Pipes will be sealed with an approved fastening process and sealant in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Gas lines will be leak free when tested with an electronic combustible gas leak detector and verified with bubble solution

    Gas lines will be leak free when tested by local code-approved standing pressure test

    All work will be done by a licensed professional, or qualified person

    Install gas lines with no leaks

    Safety devices for propane

    A secondary gas valve safety detector will be installed for propane piping installed below grade

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Detect accumulation of dangerous levels of propane in areas that are below grade


    5.3003.35 Combustion Appliance Venting System—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Combustion products are properly vented to the outdoors
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Combustion air

    Combustion supply/exhaust air opening will be in compliance with applicable NFPA standards or local code

    Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

    Ensure work does not damage building

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Flue vent material

    Flue vent material will be selected to prevent flue gas freezing and/or corrosion (using double wall, where necessary)

    Cost-effective materials will be used when appropriate and allowable

    Ensure durability of flue vent system

    Ensure selected material is appropriate and cost-effective


    Venting systems will be installed considering proper material, pitch, common venting, chimney liner, clearance, total equivalent length, and termination in accordance with NFPA 54, 31, 211

    Category I venting systems will be installed in accordance with NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1

    Category III and IV venting systems will be installed in accordance with the manufacturer specifications

    Terminations will be located away from windows, doors, and walkways

    Aesthetics and noise will be considered

    Venting will be routed in the shortest and most direct path possible

    Vent joints will be airtight and watertight

    Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

    Ensure work does not damage building

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Orphaned equipment

    Existing vent system or chimney will be resized or relined in accordance with the applicable NFPA standard when one or more common vented appliances are removed

    Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

    Ensure work does not damage building

    Protect workers and occupants from injury


    5.3003.36 Ductwork System—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    The duct system safely supports peak operation of the equipment
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Location: indoor (supply ducts) duct section located completely within the thermal boundary of the building

    Duct material will be installed with an R-value compliant with code

    An appropriate vapor retarder will be installed

    Prevent condensation on the outside of the ductwork

    Location: outdoors duct section located outside of the thermal boundary of the building or in quasi-conditioned spaces

    Duct material will be selected that meets the following criteria:

    • An insulation level compliant with code
    • Permeability that prevents condensation
    • Permeability that reduces heat loss or gain from the ductwork

    Prevent condensation on the outside of the ductwork

    Reduce thermal loss or gain from the ductwork

    Building cavities used as ductwork

    When viable building cavities used as ductwork will be replaced with properly sized conventional duct material

    When replacement is not an option, building cavities used as ductwork will be sealed when accessible

    Safeguard indoor environmental quality

    Maximize airflow

    Minimize energy use

    Fire rating

    Ducts will be installed in accordance with the fire rating of local codes

    Prevent a fire hazard


    Interior wall penetrations for ductwork will be sealed with a durable sealant (e.g., caulk, silicone, foam)

    Penetrations through fire walls and floors will be sealed with a fire-rated material

    Prevent a fire hazard


    Ductwork will be supported in a manner that does not constrict ductwork or duct insulation per SMACNA duct construction standards (ADC for flexible duct or NAIMA for fiberglass duct)

    Ensure ducts do not sag, bend, trap water, or experience diminished air flow


    Ducts will be routed such that service and repair to the building and its systems does not damage the ducts

    Protect equipment from damage

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Fastening: metal to flexible duct

    Flexible duct-to-metal connections will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool

    Beaded collars will be installed for all sheet metal to flexible duct connections

    Mastic will be applied to interior flex lining to metal connection

    Manufacturer specifications will be followed

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Fastening: metal to metal

    Metal-to-metal connections will be fastened with equally spaced mechanical fasteners

    Gaps larger than 1/4" will be bridged with sheet metal

    Joints will be sealed with mastic

    Joints smaller than 1/4" will be sealed with NFPA 90A and B approved sealant

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Fastening: duct board to metal

    Duct board to metal connections will be fastened with mechanical fasteners

    Joints and connections will be sealed with UL 181A listed tapes or mastics

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Fastening: boot to building connection

    Boots will be fastened to the building with mechanical fasteners

    Connection will be sealed with mastic, caulk, or gaskets

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Properly seal the boots to minimize air leakage


    Terminations capable of delivering air with proper speed and throw of 80-120% of the farthest wall, floor, or ceiling will be selected

    Selections will be based on ANSI/ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics

    Deliver and properly mix air in the building


    Filter bypasses will be eliminated

    Airtight filter slot covers will be installed to prevent return air leakage in combustion appliance zone

    Filters will be changed

    Filters with high static pressure drops will be avoided

    A visual inspection for excessive dust and debris will be performed, and ducts will be cleaned accordingly

    Protect equipment from dirt and debris

    Allow for proper airflow

    External static pressure

    Ductwork, filter, and other equipment will be installed so total external static pressure does not exceed manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Air flow: cooling and heat pump systems

    Measured air flow per ton will meet manufacturer specifications

    Airflow will be established in accordance with ANSI/ACCA 5– 2010—QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification and ASHRAE Standards

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Temperature rise: heating-only systems

    Temperature rise will be measured, and the result will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    System protection during construction and renovation

    Registers, grilles, and diffusers will be blocked, masked, or otherwise sealed with a durable material

    Use of system will not be allowed during renovation or construction

    Contractor and occupant will be educated on necessity of protecting the equipment

    Protect equipment and occupants from debris in the system

    Room pressure balancing

    An appropriate means of pressure balancing will be installed (e.g., transfer grilles, jumper ducts, individual room returns)

    Room-to-room pressure differences shall not exceed +/- 3 pascals with the air handler running

    Ensure system has unrestricted airflow between supplies and returns

    Minimize infiltration and exfiltration caused by system

    Prevent interference with safe operation of combustion appliances

    Sealing: new ductwork

    Total system leakage (including air handler) will not exceed 20% of designed system airflow (cubic feet per minute) when tested at 25 pascals

    For partial duct system replacement or improvement, existing ductwork specification will be applied

    Minimize system air leakage

    Sealing: existing ductwork

    Accessible joints, cracks, seams, holes, and penetrations will be sealed

    Minimize system air leakage


    5.3003.37 Heating and Cooling Controls—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Heating and cooling controls installed and set properly
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Removal of mercury-based thermostats

    Mercury-based thermostats will be removed safely and disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Protect the environment from damage

    Removal of existing controls

    Existing controls will be removed in accordance with EPA lead-safe work rules

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Protect environment from damage


    Penetrations for control wiring will be sealed with a durable sealant (e.g., caulk, silicone, foam)

    Penetrations through fire walls will be sealed with a fire-rated material

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Minimize infiltration and exfiltration from building

    Prevent pest infestation

    Thermostat location

    Thermostats will be installed to reflect the temperature of the zone in which they are installed

    Thermostats will not be exposed to extreme temperatures, radiant heat sources, warm/cold walls, and drafts

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Blower speed

    Total airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Ensure the equipment has correct air flow

    Thermostat selection: heat pump

    A thermostat with equipment supplementary heat lockout that can interface with an outdoor temperature sensor will be selected

    Maximize the heating output of the compressor (heat pump mode eliminates supplementary heat) to achieve energy efficiency

    Heat pump: supplementary heat

    Thermal and economic balance point will be calculated and an optimum thermal balance point will be selected in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Manual S

    The design of variable refrigerant flow systems are permitted to not require supplementary heat

    Maximize the heating output

    Maximize the heating output of the compressor (heat pump mode eliminates supplementary heat) to achieve energy efficiency

    Heat pump: outdoor temperature sensor

    An outdoor temperature sensor will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Heat pump: supplementary heat control wiring

    Supplementary heat will be wired onto second stage heating terminal (W2)

    Do not operate supplementary heat in stage one heating

    Thermostat: installer programming

    The installer options will be set to match the thermostat to the equipment and control board settings

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Time delay settings

    Time delay for equipment will be set in accordance with manufacturer specifications and as appropriate for the climate zone (e.g., no time delay for hot humid climates)

    Maximize the transfer of the heat without adversely affecting indoor humidity levels

    Humidistat: location

    Humidistat will be installed to accurately reflect humidity of the zone in which it is installed

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated on proper use of thermostat, including:

    • Proper use of setbacks for air conditioners and heat pumps
    • Allowing occupant comfort to determine setback for combustion-heating appliances
    • Using emergency heat appropriately

    Ensure equipment and controls operate as designed

    Provide comfort throughout building

    Central controller

    Wiring and sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Educate building manager to monitor and control the entire building


    5.3003.38 Condensate Drainage of Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment—Low Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Equipment and condensate drain operate as designed

    Multifamily Homes


    Connections in condensate drain system will be watertight

    Ensure condensate drain connection does not leak


    Condensate drain lines will be insulated with a minimum 1" of insulation with a vapor retarder when there is potential for condensation or freezing on the drain line

    Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak

    Overflow protection: up flow

    Secondary drain pan and float switch will be installed when overflow could damage finished surfaces or up flow systems will have a float switch installed in the primary condensate drain when overflow could damage finished surfaces

    Float switch will be interlocked with the cooling circuit and will break the circuit when a leak occurs

    Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak


    Condensate drain pumps will be installed when condensate cannot be drained by gravity

    Power source for pumps will be installed

    Operation and drainage of pump will be verified

    Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak

    Vents and traps

    Vents and traps will be installed on condensate drain lines, including condensing heating systems in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    For combustion-heating equipment, trap supplied with the equipment will be used in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure condensate drain operates as designed

    Ensure condensate drain does not leak

    Drain pan

    A secondary drain pan will be installed for all air conditioning, air handler, or evaporator coil installations where water damage may occur

    The secondary pan will contain a drain, which will be ran separately from the primary condensate drain to a visible termination point

    The secondary drain pan will be pitched toward the drain line to ensure that moisture is removed from the building

    Prevent water damage from a malfunctioning drain system

    To alert building owner or maintenance staff that a problem exists

    Water level detection device

    All secondary drain pans will have a water level detection device interlocked with the cooling control circuit that shuts down the unit when a leak occurs

    Prevent water from overflowing the pan and draining onto the ceiling below


    Condensate drain will be terminated in accordance with local codes

    Ensure condensate does not leak into the building

    Ensure condensate drain does not freeze


    5.3003.39 Fuel Delivery System for Natural Gas—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and optimal gas supply to all gas-fired equipment
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Location, material, and support

    An approved pipe type in accordance with NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 will be installed and supported

    Gas train will be located/installed to not create a trip hazard or be damaged by water

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure durability of equipment


    Gas pipes (building main and equipment drops) will be installed for the total connected load of all appliances in accordance with NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1

    Existing gas piping will provide appropriate pressure and supply rate for heating equipment in accordance with scope of work

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure safe and proper gas supply to equipment


    Pipe routing will create the least pressure drop

    Gas pressure regulators requiring venting will be vented to outside the building with a rigid pipe

    Gas train components, pipe material, and pipe sizing will comply with all applicable codes and standards (AGA, NFPA)

    Pipes will be sealed with an approved fastening process and sealant in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    All work will be completed by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Deliver adequate gas pressure to heating equipment

    Ensure worker safety

    Install gas lines with no leaks


    For newly installed systems, gas train will be pressure tested for leaks

    For existing systems, gas train will be tested for leaks in accordance with local utility requirements

    Gas pressure and supply rates will be tested to confirm they comply to specified scope of work and burner requirements

    All work will be supervised by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Ensure safe operating conditions


    Property manager will be educated on the operation of the high and low gas pressure switches, gas valve, and gas regulator

    Property manager will be educated on the indications of raw gas leaks

    Ensure property manager and occupant safety

    Maintain proper operation of gas train


    5.3003.40 Fuel Delivery System for Fuel Oil—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Fuel oil is delivered safely and sufficiently
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Material and support

    An approved pipe type in accordance with NFPA 31 will be installed and supported

    Manual oil shut off valve, union joint, and filter fitting will be installed or presence verified

    Prevent corrosion

    Deliver fuel to system

    Ensure material does not sag or leak

    Line connections

    Approved connectors for line fittings will be used

    Approved filter fittings will be used

    All lines will be tested for leaks

    All work will be done by a licensed professional or qualified person

    Install oil lines and ensure there are no leaks


    Oil filter insert will be replaced or a new filter installed whenever an oil system is serviced or replaced

    Ensure oil is free of debris


    Installation of a pump will be verified with the existing/proposed equipment

    The pump will be designed to manufacturer specifications based on fuel type, distance from tank, equipment size

    Strainer will be installed in the supply of the pump

    Provide adequate supply of fuel to the equipment

    Ensure equipment durability


    5.3003.41 Combustion Appliance Venting System—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Combustion products properly vented to the outdoors
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Combustion air

    Combustion supply/exhaust air opening will be in compliance with applicable NFPA standard (NFPA 31 or NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1) or applicable local code

    Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

    Ensure building is not damaged

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Flue vent material selection

    Flue vent material will be selected to prevent flue gas freezing and/or corrosion (using double wall where necessary)

    Cost-effective materials will be used when appropriate and allowable

    Ensure durability of flue vent system

    Ensure selected material is appropriate and cost-effective


    Venting systems will be installed considering proper material, pitch, common venting, chimney liner, clearance, total equivalent length, and termination in accordance with applicable code

    Category I venting systems will be installed in accordance with applicable code

    Category III and IV venting systems will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Termination will be located away from windows, doors, and walkways

    Aesthetics and noise will be considered

    Venting will be routed in the shortest and most direct path possible

    Joints in the flue piping will be properly sealed to prevent flue gas and condensation leakage

    Exhaust combustion products to the outdoors

    Ensure building is not damaged

    Protect workers and occupants from injury


    5.3003.42 Ductwork System—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    The ductwork system safely supports peak operation of equipment
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Location: indoor (supply ducts) duct section located completely within the thermal boundary of the building

    Duct material will be installed with an R-value compliant with code

    An appropriate vapor retarder will be installed

    Prevent condensation on the outside of the ductwork

    Location: outdoors duct section located outside of the thermal boundary of the building or in quasi-conditioned spaces

    Duct material will be selected that meets the following criteria:

    • An insulation level compliant with code
    • Permeability that prevents condensation
    • Permeability that reduces heat loss or gain from the ductwork

    Prevent condensation on the outside of the ductwork

    Reduce thermal loss or gain from the ductwork

    Location: exterior duct is exposed to the elements

    Duct material will be selected that meets the following criteria:

    • An insulation level compliant with code
    • A weatherproof barrier that is resistant to ultraviolet light damage

    Prevent condensation on the outside of the ductwork

    Reduce thermal loss or gain from the ductwork

    Protect ductwork from elements

    Fire rating

    Ducts will be installed in accordance with the fire rating of local codes

    Prevent a fire hazard


    Ductwork will be supported in a manner that does not constrict ductwork or duct insulation per SMACNA duct construction standards, ADC for flexible ducts, or NAIMA for fiberglass ducts

    Ensure ducts do not sag, bend, trap water, or experience diminished air flow


    Ducts will be routed such that service and repair to the building and its systems does not damage the ducts

    Protect equipment from damage

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Fastening metal to flexible duct

    Flexible duct-to-metal connections will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool

    Beaded collars will be installed for all sheet metal to flexible duct connections

    Mastic will be applied to interior flex lining to metal connection

    Manufacturer specifications will be followed

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Fastening metal to metal

    Metal-to-metal connections will be fastened with mechanical fasteners

    Gaps larger than 1/4" will be bridged with sheet metal

    Joints will be sealed with mastic

    Joints smaller than 1/4" will be sealed with NFPA 90A and B approved sealant

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Fastening duct board to metal

    Duct board to metal connections will be fastened with mechanical fasteners

    Joints and connections will be sealed with UL 181A listed tapes or mastics

    Ensure connections are durable

    Fastening boot to building connection

    Boots will be fastened to the building with mechanical fasteners

    Connection will be sealed with mastic, caulk, or gaskets

    Ensure duct connections are durable

    Properly seal boots to minimize air leakage


    Terminations capable of delivering air with proper speed and throw of 80-120% of the farthest wall, floor, or ceiling will be selected

    Terminations will have a noise criteria level less than 30 decibels

    Deliver and properly mix air in the building

    Deliver air with acceptable noise levels


    Filter bypasses will be eliminated

    Filters will be changed

    Protect equipment from dirt and debris

    External static pressure

    Ductwork, filter, and other equipment will be installed so that total external static pressure does not exceed manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Airflow: cooling and heat pump systems

    Measured air flow per ton will meet manufacturer specifications

    Airflow will be established in accordance with ANSI/ACCA 5–2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification and ASHRAE standards

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Temperature rise: heating only systems

    Temperature rise will be measured, and the result will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    System protection during construction and renovation

    Registers, grilles, and diffusers will be blocked, masked, or otherwise sealed with a durable material

    Use of system will not be allowed during renovation or construction

    Contractor and occupant will be educated on necessity of protecting equipment

    Protect equipment and occupants from debris in the system

    Room pressure balancing

    An appropriate means of pressure balancing will be installed (e.g., transfer grilles, jumper ducts, individual room returns)

    Room-to-room pressure differences shall not exceed +/- 3 pascals with the air handler running

    Ensure system has unrestricted flow of air between supplies and returns

    Minimize infiltration and exfiltration caused by system

    Do not interfere with safe operation of combustion appliances

    Sealing: new ductwork

    Total system leakage (including air handler) will not exceed 20% of designed system airflow (cubic feet per minute) when tested at 25 pascals

    (For partial duct system replacement or improvement, existing ductwork specification will be applied)

    Minimize system air leakage

    Sealing: existing ductwork

    Accessible joints, cracks, seams, holes, and penetrations will be sealed

    Minimize system air leakage


    5.3003.43 Heating and Cooling Controls—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    System Assessment and Maintenance
    Desired Outcome: 
    Heating and cooling controls installed and set properly
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Removal of mercury-based thermostats

    Mercury-based thermostats will be safely removed and disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Protect environment from damage

    Removal of existing controls

    Existing controls will be removed in accordance with EPA lead-safe work rules

    Protect workers and occupants from injury

    Protect environment from damage


    Penetrations for control wiring will be sealed with a durable sealant (e.g., caulk, silicone, foam)

    Penetrations through fire walls will be sealed with a fire-rated material

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Minimize infiltration and exfiltration from building

    Thermostat location

    Thermostats will be installed to reflect the temperature of the zone in which they are installed

    Thermostats will not be exposed to extreme temperatures, radiant heat sources, and drafts

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Blower speed

    Total airflow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Ensure equipment has correct air flow

    Thermostat selection: heat pump

    A thermostat with equipment supplementary heat lockout that can interface with an outdoor temperature sensor will be selected

    Maximize heating output of the compressor (heat pump mode eliminates supplementary heat) to achieve energy efficiency

    Heat pump: supplementary heat

    Thermal and economic balance point will be calculated and an optimum thermal balance point will be selected in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Manual S

    Variable refrigerant flow systems may be designed to not require supplementary heat

    Maximize heating output of the compressor (heat pump mode eliminates supplementary heat) to achieve energy efficiency

    Heat pump: outdoor temperature sensor change

    An outdoor temperature sensor will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Supplementary heat wiring of heat pump

    Supplementary heat will be wired onto second stage heating terminal (W2)

    Do not operate supplementary heat in stage one heating

    Thermostat: installer programming

    The installer options will be set to match the thermostat to the equipment and control board settings

    Ensure equipment operates as designed

    Time delay settings

    Time delay for equipment will be set in accordance with manufacturer specifications and as appropriate for the climate zone (e.g., no time delay for hot humid climates)

    Maximize transfer of heat without adversely affecting indoor humidity levels

    Humidistat: location

    Humidistat will be installed to reflect humidity of the zone in which it is installed

    Ensure controls operate as designed

    Occupant and building operations staff education

    Occupants and building operations staff will be educated on proper use of thermostat, including:

    • Proper use of setbacks for air conditioners and heat pumps
    • Allowing occupant comfort to determine setback for combustion-heating appliances
    • Using emergency heat appropriately

    Ensure equipment and controls operate as designed

    Provide comfort throughout building

    Central controller

    Wiring and sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Enable building manager to monitor and control the entire building


    5.3088.2 Regional Climatic Considerations

    Forced Air
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Regional climatic variables are taken into consideration

    Multifamily Homes

    Very cold

    Condensate line will be insulated

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Refrigerant will be weighed into heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Prevent freezing

    Ensure proper equipment operation


    Condensate line will be insulated

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Prevent freezing

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Mixed humid

    Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Heating and cooling refrigerant lines will be insulated

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Prevent energy loss and condensation

    Hot humid

    Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure proper equipment operation


    Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Hot dry

    Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge

    Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable

    Refrigerant charge evaluation will be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure proper equipment operation


    5.3088.3 Regional Climatic Considerations—Mid and High Rise

    Forced Air
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Regional climatic variables are taken into consideration
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Very cold

    Individual rooms will remain at a pressure differential of no greater than +/-3 pascals with reference to the indoors

    Combustion inlets and outlets will be terminated above snow line and protected from snow cover

    Roof exhaust fans will be installed with roof curbs that meet or exceed the mechanical code requirements

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Refrigerant charge evaluation must be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Avoid moisture-related damage to the building

    Ensure occupant safety by properly venting combustion gasses

    Ensure proper exhaust air flow


    Combustion inlets and outlets will be terminated above snow line and protected from snow cover

    Roof exhaust fans will be installed with roof curbs that meet or exceed the mechanical code requirements

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5.

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Refrigerant charge evaluation must be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Ensure occupant safety by properly venting combustion gasses

    Ensure proper exhaust air flow

    Mixed humid

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Refrigerant charge evaluation must be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5
    • Heating and cooling refrigerant lines will be insulated

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Prevent energy loss and condensation

    Hot humid

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Refrigerant charge evaluation must be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5
    • Heating and cooling refrigerant lines will be insulated

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Prevent energy loss and condensation


    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Air conditioning/heating coils that are to be installed outside will be selected to withstand corrosion

    Ensure equipment durability

    Ensure system operates efficiently

    Avoid damage to the system

    Hot dry

    Proper refrigerant charge will be evaluated and documented according to ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Examples of acceptable procedures that may be performed include:

    • Refrigerant will be weighed into HVAC systems when outdoor temperatures do not facilitate accurate testing of system charge
    • Verification of proper charge will be conducted when outdoor temperatures are suitable
    • Refrigerant charge evaluation must be done using proper evaluation techniques (subcooling/superheat) depending on metering device in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5
    • Heating and cooling refrigerant lines will be insulated

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Prevent energy loss


    5.3102.1 Replacement with Hot Water Boiler

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Proper installation and operation of new boiler
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Confirmation of the scope of work will be made for the following:

    • Clearances
    • Proper drainage in boiler room
    • Flue/chimney conditions
    • Electrical capacity
    • Oil/gas availability
    • Piping connections

    Verify scope of work

    Boiler sizing calculation

    Heat load calculations will be confirmed based on ACCA Manual J (for residential applications), Manual N, or ASHRAE equivalent (for commercial applications) and ASHRAE Standard 183 (for high rise application)

    Sizing will be confirmed for combined space heating and domestic hot water plant

    Enable proper sizing of the heating appliance

    Low mass selection

    Low mass (water volume and heat exchanger) boilers will be selected whenever possible

    A primary/secondary piping configuration will be utilized when low mass systems are selected

    A low loss header will be utilized for primary/secondary piping configurations

    Ensure longer life and improved durability of equipment

    Maximize efficiency of system

    Reduce short cycling of boiler

    Multiple boilers/sequencing

    Boiler control package will be used for outdoor water reset, lead-lag, and sequencing capabilities

    An authorized boiler manufacturer technician will be responsible to set up and demonstrate/ensure optimal sequencing and lead-lag operation

    Ensure highest efficiency and performance of the systems

    Reduce short cycling of boiler

    Fuel switching

    Chimney will be assessed for proper sizing, lining, and draft

    Ensure equipment and system components are compatible with new fuel

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment will be identified

    Written notification of hazardous material will be provided to the property manager/occupant

    Contact information for the regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided

    Asbestos abatement will be conducted by an EPA-certified contractor before decommissioning and replacement

    Property manager/occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct asbestos removal

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Accepted industry procedures and practices will be followed to:

    • Remove old boiler and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimneys
    • Remove unused oil tank, piping, valves, and associated equipment

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Provide timely and efficient removal of old equipment

    New equipment installation

    New boiler and associated components will be installed in compliance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 acceptable procedures and local mechanical codes

    Concrete pads will be in accordance with the Uniform Mechanical Code and local building codes

    All required operating and safety controls and boiler trim will be installed and set up in accordance with local code and manufacturer's requirements

    Water meter will be installed on the makeup water/incoming line to the boiler

    Isolation valves will be installed to allow for pressure testing of the boiler

    Hydrostatic testing (for site-built boilers) will be performed to confirm there are no water leaks in boiler

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Ensure optimal operation of equipment

    Ensure site-built boiler does not leak

    Flushing of system

    Flush valve will be installed at the lowest point

    With the boiler isolated and the feed and flush valves open, keep feeding water to the system until drain water runs clear

    Protect new and remaining equipment

    Conform to performance efficiency

    Startup/skimming of boiler

    When applicable, new boiler will be flushed and skimmed before hot water is released to the building for the first time in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Startup will be performed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Combustion efficiency and safety testing will be performed at multiple firing rates: at two firing rates for "low- high-low" burners, and minimum three firing rates for fully modulating burners

    Post-installation test report will include:

    • Outdoor temperature
    • Draft
    • Carbon monoxide (ambient and in flue gases)
    • Oxygen (in flue gases)
    • Flue temp
    • PH level of boiler water
    • Smoke spot reading
    • For condensing boilers, include corresponding return water temp

    Remove impurities

    Ensure longevity of equipment

    Ensure occupant safety

    Conform to performance efficiency

    Location of circulator

    Circulator will be installed in very close proximity of the expansion tank such that it is pumping away from the expansion tank

    Reduce maintenance

    Improve the efficiency of the system

    Air separator

    Air eliminator, microbubble or standard type, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Insulate air and dirt separator

    Reduce maintenance

    Improve the efficiency of the system

    Bladder expansion tank

    Bladder expansion tanks will be installed in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions

    When replacing a non-bladder type expansion tank with another non-bladder type, no air elimination equipment will be installed that releases air into atmosphere; only an air elimination device that releases air into the tank will be installed

    Makeup water feed will be installed to the expansion tank connection

    The expansion tank shall be pre-charged, at minimum, to building static pressure before it is connected to the system

    Reduce maintenance

    Improve the efficiency of the system


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Copies of manuals for boiler and all other installed system components will be given to maintenance staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.10 Installation of Combined Heat and Domestic Hot Water System (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Installation of higher efficiency system

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Field and site conditions will be verified to determine if scope of work is applicable

    Space heating, domestic hot water (DHW) loads, and capacity of new equipment will be verified by a contractor

    Ensure optimal system is applied


    Existing heating and DHW components, as identified by the scope of work, will be removed and disposed of in accordance with local codes and regulations

    Ensure safe removal and disposal of orphaned equipment

    Install combined system

    Heating water system will be cleaned and flushed

    Strainers will be installed on boiler water supply side of indirect tank/heat exchanger and on inlet side of heating pump in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be installed in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or per scope of work and manufacturer specifications, and will include:

    • Boilers
    • New indirect tank or heat exchangers and storage tanks
    • Pumps
    • Controls
    • Expansion tanks
    • Flow controls
    • Insulation

    Ensure water system is clean

    Properly install system

    Ensure worker safety


    System will be leak free

    Space heating and DHW system will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Performance will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and confirmed by a contractor

    Water flow through the boiler, pressure, operating amperage, and voltage shall be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111, and adjusted to meet design requirements

    The following control strategies will be confirmed by a contractor:

    • Winter and summer modes/ operation
    • DHW priority
    • Lead-lag/sequencing
    • Modulation
    • Indoor space temperature control
    • Outdoor reset control

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently


    Property manager will be educated on proper operation and maintenance

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3102.11 Flow Control Through Multiple Boilers in all Primary Configurations (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized flow through all boilers

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate current boiler piping configuration

    Existing piping and pump layout will be visually inspected and compared to manufacturer installation instructions

    Identify required modifications necessary to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New boiler installation

    Installation (e.g., specifications, work order, etc.) will be verified to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications, and water flow through tall boilers will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Proper flow rate through all boilers will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length or balance valves

    Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize fluid's heat transfer, i.e. "delta T") to system design requirements and within manufacturer acceptable flow range

    Optimize existing boiler flow

    Flow rate will be measured and compared to manufacturer optimal requirements

    Optimal flow rates will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length or balance valves

    Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize delta T across boiler) to system design requirements and within manufacturer acceptable flow range


    5.3102.12 Flow Control Through Multiple Boilers in Primary/Secondary Configurations (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized flow through all boilers

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate current boiler piping configuration

    Existing piping and pump layout will be visually inspected and compared to manufacturer installation instructions

    Identify required modifications necessary to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New boiler installation

    Installation (e.g., specifications, work order) will be verified to be in compliance with manufacturer specifications, and water flow through tall boilers will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Proper flow rate of all boilers will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length, balance valves, or individual circulation pumps (each furnished with balance and check valve or speed control and check valve)

    Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize fluid's heat transfer, i.e. "delta T") within manufacturer acceptable flow range

    Optimize existing boiler flow

    Flow rate will be measured and compared to manufacturer optimal requirements

    Optimal flow rates will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length, balance valves, or individual circulation pumps (each furnished with balance and check valve or speed control and check valve)

    Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize fluid's heat transfer, i.e. "delta T") within manufacturer acceptable flow range


    5.3102.14 Expansion Tank Installation (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Accommodate the expansion and contraction of the system fluid

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Size tank

    Location of expansion tank and operational characteristics (system volume, operating temperature range, operating pressure range, and fluid type) will be used to determine size of tank

    Select an appropriately sized tank

    Isolate installation location

    Nearest valves on either side of installation location will be closed

    Eliminate water supply to the installation location

    Install tank

    Tank will be connected to existing system piping in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Properly install expansion tank

    Pressurize tank

    Expansion tank will be pressurized in accordance with manufacturer specifications to the appropriate system operating pressure

    System will be filled and air will be eliminated

    Pressurize the tank to the standard operating pressure

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, piping will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.15 Bladder-Type Expansion Tank Pressurization (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Allow for accommodation for the expansion and contraction of the system fluid

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Isolate expansion tank

    Expansion tank valve will be closed

    Existing water will be drained from expansion tank

    Remove system pressure from expansion tank and drain tank

    Repressurize tank

    Expansion tank will be repressurized in accordance with manufacturer specification to appropriate system operating pressure

    Expansion tank bladder will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications or entire tank will be replaced if unable to maintain required air pressure

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Pressurize the tank to standard operating pressure


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.16 Installation of Individual and Redundant Pumps

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Fluid circulation

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure safe work environment

    Assess location for pump

    System schematics, manufacturer specifications, and physical locations will be reviewed to identify proper and serviceable locations

    Ensure proper placement of pump

    Install pump

    When possible, pump will be installed in a physical location that is easy to access for maintenance purposes and in accordance with manufacturer specifications, paying special attention to the pump orientation

    Base-mounted pumps will be installed on concrete pads

    Base-mounted pumps will be connected to the system piping with vibration isolators

    Isolation valves, balance valves, strainers, pressure gauges, and motor starters/variable frequency drives (VFDs) will be installed in accordance with applicable specifications: SWS 5.3103.1 Balancing Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.7 Instatllion of Pressure Gauges, SWS 5.3103.8 Isolation Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.9 Installation of Strainers, SWS 5.3102.8 Replacement of Conventional Pumps with Electrically Commutated Motor-Drive Pumps (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.9 Installation and Control of Variable Frequency Drives (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.33 Optimize Varaiable Frequency Drive Control

    Other electrical devices and installation requirements will be in accordance with local codes and jurisdictions

    Properly install pumping system

    Install redundant pumps

    When possible, pump will be installed in a physical location that is easy to access for maintenance purposes and in accordance with manufacturer specifications, paying special attention to the pump orientation

    Base-mounted pumps will be installed on concrete pads

    Base-mounted pumps will be connected to the system piping with vibration isolators

    Isolation valves, balance valves, strainers, check valves, pressure gauges, and motor starters/VFDs will be installed in accordance with applicable specifications: SWS 5.3103.1 Balancing Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.7 Installation of Pressure Guages, SWS Isolation Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.9 Installation of Strainers, SWS 5.3102.8 Replacement of Conventional Pumps with Electrically Commutated Motor-Driven Pumps (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.9 Installation and Control of Variable Frequency Drives (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.33 Optimize Variable Frequency Drive Control

    Isolation valves, balance valves, strainers, check valves, pressure gauges, and motor starters/VFDs will be installed in accordance with applicable specifications: SWS 5.3103.1 Balancing Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.7 Installation of Pressure Guages, SWS Isolation Valve Installation, SWS 5.3103.9 Installation of Strainers, SWS 5.3102.8 Replacement of Conventional Pumps with Electrically Commutated Motor-Driven Pumps (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.9 Installation and Control of Variable Frequency Drives (Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.33 Optimize Variable Frequency Drive Control

    Lead-lag controls will be installed in accordance with SWS 5.3102.7 Installation of Lead Lag Controls - Pumps

    Other electrical devices and installation requirements will comply with local codes and jurisdictions

    Properly install redundant pumping system

    Test pump

    Water flow through the pump, head pressure, control sequences, operating amperage, and voltage shall be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Pump (and lead-lag controller, if applicable) will be started in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Pump performance will be verified

    Ensure proper operation of pumping equipment

    Insulate pump with removable and reusable insulation

    Pump will be insulated with removable and renewable insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.17 Mechanical Insulation—Removable and Reusable vs.Nonreusable (Fixed) Insulation

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Insulation maintained on all mechanical equipment and piping that requires insulation

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the disturbance, removal, and replacement of insulation will be identified

    Written notification of hazardous material will be provided to the building/property management team and operations staff and occupants (where applicable)

    Contact information for the regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided

    Asbestos abatement will be conducted by an EPA-certified contractor before decommissioning and replacement

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct asbestos abatement, if applicable

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors

    Nonreusable insulation

    Nonreusable insulation will be installed on all insulated mechanical devices that do not require maintenance throughout the life of the device

    Installation of all nonreusable mechanical insulation will meet National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards (MICA Manual) as an industry standard

    All nonreusable mechanical insulation thicknesses will meet local applicable code requirements

    Improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs

    Maintain safe surface temperatures

    Removable and reusable insulation

    Removable and reusable insulation will be installed on all insulated mechanical devices that require maintenance throughout the life of the device

    Installation of all removable and reusable mechanical insulation will meet National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards (MICA Manual) as an industry standard

    All removable and reusable mechanical insulation thickness will be in accordance with local applicable code requirements

    Improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs

    Maintain safe surface temperatures


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.18 Flue Gas Condensate Treatment—Condensing

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe management of flue gas condensate

    Multifamily Homes

    Flue condensate drainage

    All potential condensate collection (low) points in the flue system will be identified and adjusted to provide proper pitch as required by the manufacturer's requirements

    All condensate piping will be pitched toward the drain (refer SWS 5.3102.2 Venting Sealed Combustion Appliance)

    Remove all flue gas condensation

    Ensure that all potential points of condensation collection are drained


    Connections in condensate drain system will be watertight

    Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak


    When approved by the local jurisdiction, condensate drain pumps will be installed when condensate cannot be drained by gravity

    Power source for pump will be installed

    Operation and drainage of pump will be verified

    Ensure condensate properly drains

    Vents and traps

    Vents and traps will be installed on condensate drain lines

    Traps supplied with the equipment will be used in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure condensate drain operates as designed

    Ensure condensate trap does not leak air


    Condensate drain will be terminated in accordance with local codes

    Ensure condensate does not leak to the building

    Ensure condensate drain does not freeze

    Floor drains

    Floor drains will be in working condition

    Ensure proper drainage of the room

    Neutralization kit

    Boiler manufacturer-specified neutralization kit will be installed between the boiler and the drain in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Property manager/occupant will be educated on proper maintenance

    Neutralized flue gas condensate before it is discharged into a drain

    Increase durability of equipment

    Piping material

    Piping material, located between boiler and neutralization kit, will be capable of withstanding acidic environments

    Piping material, located after neutralization kit and before floor drain, will be hard piped to withstand crushing and kinking

    Ensure longevity of the piping

    Protect piping


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.19 Replacement of Steam Boiler

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Proper installation and operation of new boiler
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Confirmation of the scope of work will be made for the following:

    • Clearances
    • Proper drainage in boiler room
    • Flue/chimney conditions
    • Electrical capacity
    • Oil/gas availability
    • Piping connections

    Verify scope of work

    Boiler size calculation

    For one-pipe steam system, radiation survey will be completed, and appropriate piping and pickup factor (e.g., insulation, water volume, return line configuration) will be incorporated

    For two-pipe steam system:

    • Heat load calculations will be confirmed based on ACCA Manual J (for residential applications), Manual N, or ASHRAE equivalent (for commercial applications) and ASHRAE Std 183 (for high rise application)
    • Radiation survey will be completed, and appropriate piping and pickup factor (e.g., insulation, water volume, return line configuration) will be incorporated

    Sizing will be confirmed for combined space heating and domestic hot water plant

    Enable proper sizing of the heating appliance

    Removal of condensate tank

    The selection of the boiler will be influenced/dictated as to whether the condensate tank could be eliminated from the system

    Selection will be based on:

    • Elevation of normal operating water level
    • Placement of the low water cutoffs
    • Elevation of lowest horizontal steam piping
    • Useable water volume of boiler

    Lower cost while optimally designing system with fewer components

    Ensure proper design considerations to eliminate the need for the condensate tank and associated steam traps

    Mass selection

    Systems will be selected with higher mass heat exchangers

    A higher water volume boiler will be selected to ensure elimination of condensate return tanks (see also SWS 5.3102.19 Replacement of Steam Boiler)

    Ensure longer life and improved durability of equipment

    Ensure the ability/option to remove condensate return tanks

    Multiple boilers/sequencing

    Multiple boiler system controls will be equipped with lead-lag and sequencing capabilities

    Systems will be set up to demonstrate/ensure optimal sequencing, and lead-lag will be accomplished

    Ensure highest efficiency and performance of the systems

    Ensure boilers do not short cycle

    Fuel switching

    Chimney will be assessed for proper sizing, lining, and draft

    Ensure equipment and system components are compatible with new fuel

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment will be identified

    Written notification of hazardous material will be provided to the property manager/occupant

    Contact information for the regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided

    Asbestos abatement will be conducted by an EPA-certified contractor before decommissioning and replacement

    Property manager/occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct asbestos removal

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Accepted industry procedures and practices will be followed to:

    • Remove old boiler and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimneys
    • Remove unused oil tank, piping, valves, and associated equipment

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Provide timely and efficient removal of old equipment

    New equipment installation

    New boiler and associated components will be installed to accepted industry procedures and practices; in instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply (IPC 101.3 and UPC 101.2; IPC 301.7 and IPC 101.4)

    Concrete pads will be in accordance with the Uniform Mechanical Code and local building codes

    All required operating and safety controls and boiler trim will be installed and set up in accordance with manufacturer and local code requirements

    Near boiler piping will be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation

    All existing and new uninsulated steam, domestic hot water, and condensate piping in the boiler room will be insulated to code minimum

    Water meter will be installed on the makeup water/incoming line to the boiler so that it is capable of metering all water coming into the boiler, including both automatic feed or manual feed; this water meter should not be capable of being bypassed

    Boiler will be installed so that it does not cause water hammer or overfilling

    Isolation valves will be installed to allow for pressure testing of the boiler

    Hydrostatic testing (for site-built boiler) will be performed to confirm there are no water leaks in the boiler

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Ensure optimal operation of the equipment

    Ensure site-built boiler does not leak

    Flushing of system

    Isolation valve will be installed at the lowest point and immediately upstream of the Hartford loop

    Flush valve will be located upstream of newly installed isolation valve

    With the isolation valve to boiler closed and flush valve open, system will be run until drain water runs clear

    Protect new and remaining equipment

    Conform to performance efficiency

    Startup/skimming of boiler

    In accordance with manufacturer specifications, the new boiler will be flushed and skimmed before steam is released to the building for the first time

    Proper startup will be done in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Steady state combustion efficiency and safety testing will be performed at multiple firing rates; a minimum of two tests, one at high fire and one at low fire, will be performed for low-high-low burner, and a minimum of three tests (low fire, medium fire, and high fire) will be performed for fully modulating burners

    Remove impurities

    Ensure longevity of equipment

    Ensure occupant safety

    Conform to performance efficiency


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.2 Venting Sealed Combustion Appliance

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Flue gases removed safely and cost-efficiently
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Flue vent material selection

    Flue vent material will be selected to prevent flue gas freezing and/or corrosion (double wall where necessary) in accordance with the appliance manufacturer's requirements

    Ensure the durability of flue vent system

    Ensure selected material is appropriate and cost-effective

    Location of vent termination

    Termination will be located away from windows, doors, walkways, or any air intake opening in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions

    Aesthetics and noise should be considered

    Ensure vent termination does not create safety hazard

    Location of venting path

    Venting will be routed in the shortest and most direct path possible in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions

    Successfully remove flue gases and moisture

    Connection points/joints

    Vent joints will be airtight and watertight in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions

    Ensure safe operation

    Pitch of flue connection

    Vent will be pitched back to the boiler for categories I, II, and III

    Vent for category IV will be pitched in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure proper draft

    Ensure proper condensate management


    5.3102.20 Boiler—Pressure Relief Safety Valve—Steam Boilers Certified

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Pressure relief valve properly installed

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent (e.g., total relief capacity in steam volume and number of valves required for code compliance)

    Ensure specified valve meets relief requirements of the system

    Install valves

    Pressure relief valves will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and in compliance with local codes

    Properly install pressure relief valves

    Discharge tube

    Discharge tube will be in place, intact, and installed as sized

    Discharge tube will be the same size as pressure relief valve outlet

    Discharge tube will be properly secured to prevent damage

    Discharge tube termination will be in accordance with applicable codes

    Ensure valve discharges to a safe location


    Visually confirm the pressure temperature valve is rated per manufacturer's recommendation or per local code

    Ensure valve discharges and reseats at specified pressure


    Completed work will be reviewed with the property manager

    Property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.21 Steam Boiler Pressure Operating Controls (Steam)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimize boiler efficiency and prevent short cycling

    Multifamily Homes


    Controls specified for replacement will be confirmed

    Correct installation of remaining existing controls will be confirmed

    Current settings will be documented

    Document status of existing controls


    Existing installation will be corrected if:

    • Pressure control is mercury type, then the anti-siphon piping will be installed perpendicular to the control so that the pressure control stays level
    • Settings do not match specified scope of work

    Ensure boiler operates at the lowest pressure

    Reduce short cycling

    Replacement of pressure control

    Existing controls will be removed

    All new pressure controls will be free of mercury

    New control will be installed above the boiler water line in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New control will be set to pressure settings stated on scope of work

    Ensure boiler operates at the lowest pressure

    Reduce short cycling

    Disposal of mercury-containing pressure control

    Removed pressure control will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Prevent mercury from entering the environment


    Pressure gauges will be checked for accuracy

    Contractor will observe and confirm boiler operation over a minimum of three cycles

    Safety control will be tested to ensure the burner shuts off at high limit

    Ensure proper installation

    Ensure proper and safe operation


    Property manager will be educated on the operation and purpose of controls and settings

    Ensure the proper use of controls

    Maintain optimal pressure settings


    5.3102.22 Steam to Domestic Hot Water Heat Exchanger (Steam)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Increased efficiency of domestic hot water production

    Multifamily Homes


    Assessment will be conducted to determine whether alternative options for providing domestic hot water exist, such as:

    • Separate direct-fired unit (SWS 7.8102.4 Storage Tank-Type Water Heater)
    • Boiler with indirect water heater (SWS 5.3102.10 Installation of Combined Heat and Domestic Hot Water System (Hot Water))

    Ensure optimal system is applied


    Selected heat exchanger will be of a higher efficiency/effectiveness

    Internal leaks will be checked by a contractor before new unit is put into service

    Isolation valves will be installed for proper servicing

    Gauges and insulation will be installed and functioning

    Increase efficiency

    Ensure supply of safe domestic hot water by eliminating cross contamination

    Ensure ease of access, operation and maintenance


    Domestic hot water production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently

    Control recalibration

    If alternative, stand-alone domestic hot water production system is selected, burner controls will be adjusted to address remaining heating load

    Ensure heating system is optimized


    Property manager will be educated on proper operation and maintenance of heat exchanger

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3102.23 Insulation of Condensate Tank and Boiler Feed

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Tank heat loss reduced

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Hazardous materials will be handled in accordance with applicable local laws and codes before work will begin

    Ensure safe environment and work place

    New tank (tank already installed)

    Tank will be clean and leak free before installing insulation

    Tank and associated piping/connections will be continuously and completely insulated to material and thickness in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2010

    Insulation will be covered by a water-resistant shell/layer/ insulation jacket

    Insulate tank to applicable standard

    Protect feed water pump

    Existing tank without insulation

    Tank will be clean and leak free before installing insulation

    Tank and associated piping/connections will be continuously and completely insulated to material and thickness in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2010

    Insulation will be covered by a water-resistant shell/layer/ insulation jacket

    Insulate tank to applicable standard

    Protect feed water pump

    Insulation replacement

    Existing insulation will be safely removed and properly disposed of

    Tank will be clean and leak free before installing insulation

    Tank and associated piping/connections will be continuously and completely insulated to material and thickness in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1-2010

    Insulation will be covered by a water-resistant shell/layer/ insulation jacket

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure proper disposal of older material

    Insulate tank to applicable standard

    Protect feed water pump


    Any insulation removed will be replaced to meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2010

    Maintain insulation integrity for the life of the equipment


    5.3102.24 Advanced Combustion Controls

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized boiler efficiency
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Draft controls


    Feasibility of installing specified draft controls will be determined by site conditions


    Factory-installed draft devices in the boiler will be set, adjusted, and coordinated with the newly added draft control device

    Draft controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications regarding location and configuration

    If motorized, draft device components (e.g., pressure sensors) will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and interlocked with burner operation

    Motorized damper will fully close when burner is not operating

    Hard piping will be used where pressure measurements/signals are required for proper operation

    Startup and test of any advanced draft control device will be performed by factory-authorized technician


    Draft control and excess air will be tested to verify they are operating within their required ranges

    Testing will be performed for firing ranges specified in the scope of work and when burner is not firing

    Testing will be performed to confirm burner is interlocked with controller

    Ensure feasibility of the work order

    Minimize overdrafting

    Optimize efficiency

    Linkage-less burner control with variable frequency drive (VFD)


    Feasibility of installing specified linkage-less burner/ VFD controls will be determined by site conditions


    Linkage-less burner control(s)/ VFD will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Linkage-less burner control/ VFD will be installed to operate within the burner manufacturer-specified turndown ratio

    Startup and testing of any linkage-less burner control device/VFD will be performed by factory-authorized technician

    VFD will be controlled in accordance with linkage-less burner control manufacturer specifications


    Linkage-less burner control, VFD, and excess air will be tested to verify they are operating within required ranges

    Testing will be performed for firing ranges specified in the scope of work

    Linkage-less burner controls/ VFD will be tested with all fuel types

    Ensure feasibility of the work order

    Minimize excess air

    Optimize efficiency

    Oxygen (O2) trim


    Feasibility of installing specified oxygen (O2) trim will be determined by site conditions


    O2 trim controls and required accessories (e.g., O2 sensors) will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    O2 trim control will be installed to operate within both the burner and O2 trim control manufacturer-specified turndown ratio

    Startup and testing of any O2 trim control device will be performed by factory-authorized technician; where a factory-authorized technician is not available, this work will be performed by "qualified person," as defined by NFPA 31, 3.3.50

    O2 trim, VFD, and linkage-less control will be interlocked and coordinated in accordance with manufacturer specifications


    Testing will be done to verify that O2 level is maintained in accordance with manufacturer specification throughout the burner firing range

    Testing will be done to verify that O2 level is maintained in accordance with manufacturer specification during mild weather and extreme cold/design temperatures before warranty period ends

    Linkage-less burner controls/VFD/O2 trim control will be tested with all fuel types anticipated for use in the application

    Ensure feasibility of the work order

    Minimize excess air

    Optimize efficiency


    Property manager will be educated on the cleaning, calibration, and maintenance of all sensors and gauges in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Maintain peak performance


    5.3102.25 Installation of Lead—Lag Controls for Boilers

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimize cyclic boiler operation, increase system efficiency and boiler life

    Multifamily Homes

    Equipment selection

    Optimum combination of boiler sizes and firing rate turndown ratio will be determined to match the seasonal heating load profile of the installation (consider boilers of varying size)

    Minimize number of firing cycles in periods of light heating load

    Controls selection

    Lead-lag system will be selected to properly match the requirements of the equipment selected above, in terms of number of boilers and firing rate turndown ratio

    Improved system efficiency and boiler life

    Equipment and controls installation

    Boilers, burners, and control system will be installed in accordance with relevant manufacturer specifications and local codes and standards

    Ensure proper operation of equipment

    Equipment and controls commissioning

    Burner fuel turndown ratios will be set up in accordance with equipment selection criteria above

    Lead-lag system will be set up in accordance with manufacturer specifications and system designer requirements

    Correct relationship between burner/boiler operating controls and modulating controls will be set to minimize cyclic operation using boiler manufacturer specifications where available

    Maximize boiler life and system efficiency


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.26 Variable Frequency Drive Systems on Burners

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Compliance with Code Pre-Purge Requirement of Four Air Changes
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Pre boiler startup

    Burner recommendations referencing fan motor minimum hertz will be determined

    Understand airflow control philosophy of burner manufacturer

    Boiler/burner startup (commissioning)

    Boiler/burner startup will be performed by burner manufacturer-designated technician; in the case there is none available from manufacturer, then the startup will be performed by "qualified person," as defined in NFPA 31, 3.3.50

    Startup performed by properly qualified personnel

    Burner fan speed control

    Burner fan speed control will be set by technician to ensure burner is in accordance with manufacturer specifications, especially in terms of purge and combustion airflow rates across firing range, and to ensure four air change rule

    Safe startup and operation of burner and boiler


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.27 Burner Modulation Controls (Does not Include Burner Replacement)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized efficiency and prevention of short cycling
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Existing boiler, burner, gas valve, and gas pressure booster will be capable for modulation

    Compatibility between specified controls and existing burner will be confirmed

    Remaining existing controls will be confirmed as installed correctly

    Current settings will be documented

    Document the status of existing controls


    Existing installation will be corrected if settings do not match specified scope of work

    Appropriate repairs will be made to the following components in accordance with scope of work and manufacturer specifications:

    • Linkage
    • Gas/oil valves
    • Air damper on burner
    • Combustion controls

    Ensure boiler modulates to optimize efficiency

    Reduce short cycling

    Replacement of modulation control

    Existing controls will be removed

    All new pressure controls will be free of mercury

    New controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New control will be set to temperature settings (hot water boiler) and pressure settings (steam boiler) as stated on scope of work

    Applicable burner linkages, nozzles, cams, oil pump pressure setting, and gas valve will be adjusted to specified burner firing range

    Ensure boiler modulates to optimize efficiency

    Reduce short cycling

    Disposal of mercury-containing modulation control

    Removed modulation control will be disposed of in accordance with EPA regulation

    Prevent mercury from entering the environment

    Upgrade/install modulation control

    All new pressure controls will be free of mercury

    New controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New control will be electrically connected to burner panel and supplied with power in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New control will be set to temperature settings (hot water boiler) and pressure settings (steam boiler) as stated on scope of work

    Applicable burner linkages, nozzles, cams, oil pump pressure setting, and gas valve will be adjusted to specified burner firing range

    Ensure boiler modulates to optimize efficiency

    Reduce short cycling


    For steam boiler, pressure gauges will be checked for accuracy

    For hot water boiler, pressure and temperature gauges will be checked for accuracy

    Contractor will observe and confirm boiler operation over a minimum of three cycles

    Ensure proper installation

    Ensure proper operation


    Property manager will be educated on the operation and purpose of controls and settings

    Ensure proper use of controls

    Maintain optimal settings to ensure modulation occurs


    5.3102.28 Burners

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Efficiencies safely maximized
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Inspections will be made based on ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems for commercial applications and ANSI/ACCA 4 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems for residential applications

    Examples of items to be addressed are as follows:

    • A review of site conditions and verification of efficiency performance condition of burner shall be evaluated
    • Safety issues will be addressed

    Determine if boiler replacement is needed

    Confirm feasibility of the scope of work

    Improve safety and efficiency

    Service, upgrade, or replace burner

    Inspections will be made based on ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems for commercial applications and ANSI/ACCA 4 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems for residential applications

    Examples of items to be addressed are as follows:

    • Combustion air intake dampers
    • Fuel/air modulating
    • Electronic ignition
    • Linkage-less fuel/air control
    • Oxygen trim
    • Variable frequency drives
    • Low nitrogen oxide (replacement burner)
    • High turndown ratio burner

    If not present or in scope of work, above upgrades will be considered

    Short cycling will be eliminated

    Improve safety and efficiency

    Identify opportunities for upgrades

    Combustion efficiency

    Undiluted flue gases will be checked with a calibrated flue gas analyzer in accordance with accepted protocol

    If combustion is not occurring safely or with maximum efficiency, diagnostics and adjustments will be done in accordance with work order specifications

    Fuel/air ratio will be adjusted to meet specified performance over a range of firing rates, when applicable

    Confirm that combustion occurs safely with maximum efficiency


    Contractor will demonstrate the burner modulates over the specified operating range (steam pressure and water temperature) and firing rates

    Combustion efficiency will match work order specifications over specified firing rates or turndown ratios

    Engage and optimize modulation


    Building operations staff will be educated on burner capabilities and ongoing maintenance

    Maintain optimal performance


    Startup will be performed by "qualified person," as defined in NFPA 31, 3.3.50

    Ensure proper installation and setup


    Where applicable, dual fuel systems will be recommended when replacing oil-fired burners

    Dual fuel switch control operation will be confirmed

    Ensure fuel flexibility


    5.3102.29 Gas Trains and Gas Boosters (Water and Steam)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and optimal gas supply to all gas-fired equipment

    Multifamily Homes


    Existing gas piping will provide appropriate pressure and supply rate for boilers per scope of work

    Existing gas line will be leak free

    Leaks will be repaired before proceeding

    Adequacy of gas service will be confirmed

    Gas pressure booster will be removed whenever possible

    If a gas pressure booster is necessary, compatibility will be confirmed with the newly specified gas-fired equipment

    Low and high gas pressure switches will be checked for proper operation

    Ensure safe and proper gas supply to equipment

    Gas valves

    Gas valves will be removed and replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Provide gas to burner when there is a call for heat

    Control volume of gas for burner

    Ensure the safe shut off of gas once heat is turned off


    Gas train will be located/installed to not create a trip hazard or be damaged by water

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure durability of equipment

    New gas piping and pressure regulators

    Gas pressure regulators requiring venting will be vented to the outdoors with a rigid pipe

    Gas train components, pipe material, and pipe sizing will comply with all applicable codes or local ordinance

    Deliver adequate gas pressure to boiler


    For newly installed systems, gas train will be pressure-tested for leaks

    For existing systems, gas train will be tested for leaks in accordance with local utility requirements

    Gas pressure and supply rates will be tested to confirm they comply to specified scope of work and burner requirements

    Ensure safe operating conditions


    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the operation of the high and low gas pressure switches, gas valve, gas pressure booster, and gas regulator

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the indications of raw gas leaks

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff and occupant safety

    Maintain proper operation of gas train


    5.3102.3 Boiler—Pressure and Temperature Relief Valve—Hot Water Boilers

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Pressure and temperature relief valve properly installed

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent (e.g., total relief capacity in water volume and the pressure rating of the valve required for code compliance)

    Ensure specified valve meets relief requirements of the system and is not grossly overrated for the system

    Install valves

    Pressure and temperature relief valves will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Properly install pressure and temperature relief valves

    Discharge tube

    Discharge tube will be in place, intact, and installed as sized

    Discharge tube will be the same size as pressure relief valve outlet

    Discharge tube will be properly secured to prevent damage

    Discharge tube termination will be in accordance with local code and manufacturer's requirements

    Discharge valve to a safe location


    Visually confirm that the pressure temperature valve is rated per manufacturer's recommendation or per local code

    Ensure valve discharges and reseats at specified pressure and temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.30 Controls—Energy Management Systems

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Install Energy Management Systems

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous materials

    Materials containing asbestos will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Hazardous materials will be handled in accordance with applicable local laws and codes before work begins

    Ensure safe environment and work place

    Assessment and verification

    Verify site conditions to assess whether the specified control system is compatible with the systems it will monitor and manage

    Existing electrical service will be verified for adequacy

    If electrical service is inadequate, the engineer will be notified and will only proceed after the engineer's approval and guidance of proper actions

    Determine if specified control can be installed at the site and is the correct control system for the site

    Installation of an energy management system (EMS)

    Control panel will be mounted at a safe location to prevent damage to the control panel from water and/or excessive heat

    Location will be easily accessible and in close proximity of the door

    At minimum, the following sensors will be installed (all sensor wiring will be in metal conduit; all conduits will be secured to wall or metal strut or other acceptable surfaces):

    • Outside air temperature sensor
    • Stack temperature
    • Domestic hot water supply water temperature sensor
    • Apartment space temperature (minimum 25% of the residential units)
    • Boiler water temperature sensor
    • New make-up water meter
    • Boiler pressure sensor (steam boiler only)

    Outside air temperature sensor will be installed on the building exterior, 10 feet above grade, 4" away from the wall, on the north façade, and in shade; the wall penetration made to run the conduit will be sealed airtight with fire-rated material in accordance with applicable codes; sensor will be wired to the control panel

    Additional sensors and control points will be installed as required by the manufacturer to optimize system operation

    Control panel will be mounted on the wall, and all connected sensors will be wired to the control panel in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Control panel will be energized, and all sensors will be checked for proper accuracy and communication

    Ensure the control is installed to achieve optimized savings and comfort

    Testing and verification

    Control panel will be exercised, sensors will be calibrated, remote communication will be confirmed, alarms will be set and tested, and entire system will be commissioned

    A complete installation and operations and maintenance manual will be provided to the client

    Confirm system capabilities and functionalities


    Occupant will be involved in the initial programming of the control, control set points, remote login, monitoring, and control adjustment, and educated on common settings and programming

    Educate client on best use


    5.3102.31 Installation of Thermometers (Includes Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Accurate verification of system operating conditions
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Determine locations for thermometers

    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent

    Thermometer locations and conditions will be visually verified; thermometers will be located on the inlet and outlet of all heat transfer devices (e.g., boilers, heat exchangers, and coils) and the supply and return to all distribution loops

    Determine minimum thermometer placement

    Select appropriate thermometer (thermowell vs. strap-on)

    Thermometer selection will be provided for accurate measurement with rapid response to temperature change

    Strap-on thermometers will be an option for copper piping applications

    Thermowell thermometers will be used in applications where piping diameter is 4" or larger

    Ensure selected thermometer provides accurate temperature measurement with rapid response

    Install thermowell when necessary

    Nearest valves on either side of thermowell location will be closed

    Thermowell will be installed and extend midway into fluid flow

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Properly install thermowell

    Install thermometer

    Strap-on thermometers will be attached tightly with heat transfer grease applied between sensing element and pipe

    Thermowell thermometers will be installed with heat transfer grease between sensing element and thermowell

    Thermometers will be installed facing in such a manner so that minimum effort is required to read it

    Properly install thermometers in selected locations

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, sensing element and associated piping will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.32 Install Thermostatic Radiator Valves

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Established control of radiator heat output

    Multifamily Homes

    Install thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs)

    Potential asbestos-containing material will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent

    If specified on hot water system, the contractor will check existing distribution piping layout to ensure that installation of these valves will not result in undesired outcomes, such as unintended flows through other branches/circuits

    If specified for one-pipe steam system, contractor will make sure valves will not be enclosed inside a radiator cover

    If specified for one-pipe steam system, contractor will ensure that the correct valve type is recommended

    Contractor will assess whether the specified valve is the correct type so that the temperature sensor will not be enclosed or trapped behind furniture

    Ensure specified valve meets design intent and desired outcome

    Isolate TRV location

    TRV location will be isolated.

    Nearest valves on either side of TRV location will be closed to isolate from the system

    Eliminate water/steam supply to valve location

    Install TRV

    TRV will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    In applicable cases, system will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Allow distribution loop to bypass terminal unit/radiator and eliminate over- and under-heated zones

    Testing and verification

    Contractor will operate the system to verify there are no leaks and valve operations

    Ensure there are no leaks in the system and that the valve is operating


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.33 Optimize Variable Frequency Drive Control

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Varied distribution loop flow to minimize pumping energy

    Multifamily Homes

    Verify proper placement, type, and condition of sensors

    Sensor location, type, and condition will be assessed in accordance with selected control strategy

    Determine condition and presence of existing sensors for variable frequency drive (VFD) operation

    Install, repair, relocate, or replace sensors as necessary

    Sensors will be installed or replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications and as required for selected control strategy

    Ensure required sensors are properly located and functioning for VFD operation

    Initial setup of VFD

    VFD parameters will be set up to accept feedback from sensors dependent upon chosen control strategy and to maintain minimum boiler and pump flows

    Set initial parameters to maintain minimum system pumping requirements with reduced electrical energy use

    Modify operating set points based on observed system performance

    Accurate supply and return temperatures will be obtained and compared to design distribution loop temperature differential on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Settings will be adjusted to maintain design distribution loop differential temperature on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Minimum distribution loop water temperature requirement will be maintained

    Minimum boiler and pump flow rates will be maintained

    Ensure optimal settings based on actual operating conditions to limit system from over pumping and to reduce the pump energy consumption while protecting the pump and boiler

    Record and report settings

    Observed supply, return, and outdoor temperatures and all control set points on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days will be documented and provided to building operations staff

    Ensure written record of settings

    Educate building operations staff

    Building operations staff will be educated to operate VFD systems, including sensor location, control operation, and set points

    Ensure continued optimized performance


    5.3102.34 Steam or Hot Water to Domestic Hot Water Heat Exchanger

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Increased efficiency of domestic hot water ( DHW DHW Domestic hot water ) production

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    System schematics, manufacturer specifications, and physical locations will be reviewed to identify proper and serviceable locations

    Boiler manufacturer specifications will be reviewed for need of buffer tank; if required, buffer tank will be sized and installed in accordance with SWS 5.3188.2 Adding Mass to Low Mass Boiler - Existing or New

    Ensure proper placement of DHW heater and system components

    Installation of heater and piping components

    DHW heater will be installed in accordance with SWS 5.3102.1 Replacement with Hot Water Boiler and SWS 5.3102.19 Replacement of Steam Boiler

    Thermometers, pressure gauges, steam trap(s) where applicable, and isolation valves will be installed in accordance with applicable standard work specifications: SWS 5. 3102.31 Installation of Thermometers (Includes Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.21 Steam Boiler Pressure Operating Controls (Steam), SWS 5.3103.6 Two Pipe Steam Systems - Steam Traps, SWS 5.3103.7 Installation of Individual and Rendundant Pumps

    Pumps and/or zone valves required for integration into distribution system will be installed in accordance with Pump and Zone Valve standard work specifications , sections 5.3104.6 and 5.3102.16)

    Properly install heater, piping, and control components

    Installation of controls

    Pumps/zone valves, sensors/aquastats, and regulating valves will be connected to district steam piping, boiler/boiler sequencing controls in accordance with installation requirements; DHW prioritization will be verified, if applicable

    Ensure generation of heat and domestic hot water with domestic hot water prioritization if it is applicable


    Contractor will check for internal leaks before putting into service

    Water flow through the heat exchanger, pressure, operating amperage, and voltage shall be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    DHW production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently


    Control set points will be reviewed for minimum safe boiler operation to provide DHW

    Optimize boiler efficiency

    Insulate modified system components

    All devices requiring service will be insulated with removable and reusable insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Property manager will be educated in proper operation and maintenance of heat exchanger

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3102.35 Upgrade to a Combined Heat and Domestic Hot Water System

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Increased efficiency of existing system

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Field and site conditions will be verified to determine if scope of work is applicable

    It will be determined if higher efficiency system and optimal control strategy are possible

    Contractor will verify capacity of domestic hot water (DHW) and system choice

    Ensure optimal system is applied


    Existing stand-alone DHW components, as identified by the scope of work, will be removed and disposed of in accordance with local codes and laws

    Ensure safe removal and disposal of orphaned equipment

    Add indirect domestic hot water heater

    Heating water system will be cleaned and flushed

    Strainer will be installed on boiler water supply side of heat exchanger in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and will include:

    • New indirect tank or heat exchanger and storage tank
    • Pumps
    • Controls
    • Expansion tank
    • Flow controls
    • Insulation

    Equipment will be installed on concrete pads as required; for applicable climates, freeze protection will be incorporated into the system using a glycol loop separated by heat exchanger or a drainback system

    Ensure water system is clean

    Properly install system


    DHW production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Water flow through the boiler, pressure, control sequences, operating amperage, and voltage shall be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Contractor will confirm performance to manufacturer specifications

    Contractor will confirm intent of control strategy:

    • Winter and summer modes/ operation
    • DHW priority
    • Lead-lag/sequencing
    • Modulation

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently


    Property manager will be educated on proper operation and maintenance

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3102.36 Low Water Cutoffs

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Prevent boiler from dry firing

    Multifamily Homes

    Primary low water cutoff

    For steam boiler:

    Mechanical low water cutoff will be installed in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions at the proper water level

    For hot water boiler:

    Mechanical low water cutoff, electronic probe-type low water cutoff, or flow switch protection (in the case of coil boilers) will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    A mechanical low water cutoff will be installed to include a discharge pipe and valve to allow for proper maintenance and safe discharge of boiler water during maintenance

    Ensure burner will not fire under low water conditions

    Ensure water discharges safely

    Ensure proper location/ installation

    Secondary low water cutoff

    A secondary low water cutoff (electronic or mechanical) will be installed in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions no more than 2" below the primary low water cutoff

    A manual reset will be included on all secondary low water cutoffs

    A secondary low water cutoff (electronic or mechanical) will be installed in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions at or above the minimum safe water level as determined by the manufacturer; the primary low water cutoff shall be a minimum 2" above this elevation

    Ensure backup to the primary system

    Ensure proper installation location

    Ensure water discharges safely

    Control integration

    If a central energy management system is available, low water cutoff will be connected to provide alarm

    Support an immediate response to low water conditions

    Testing low water cutoffs for steam boilers only

    Primary low water cutoff:

    Water level will be reduced to test cutoff operation using the following sequence:

    • Operate boiler (burner)
    • Open discharge valve
    • Note water level when burner stops firing

    Secondary low water cutoff:

    Secondary low water cutoff will be tested in a similar manner as the primary

    Ensure proper working conditions

    Ensure proper discharge


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.37 Controls—Thermostat Replacement

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Thermostat replaced when appropriate
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Visual inspection

    Thermostats will be visually located

    Replacement will be recommended if a digital, programmable thermostat is not present

    (Note: High mass, radiant systems may or may not benefit from programmable thermostats)

    Determine if existing thermostats need to be replaced

    Mercury assessment

    Thermostats containing mercury will be identified and disposed of in accordance with EPA guidance

    Protect workers and occupants from mercury exposure


    Location for new thermostat will be determined in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions

    The new thermostat will be located such that it is easily accessible for control without any need for step stool or ladder to comply with Federal Fair Housing Act

    Compatibility of the existing system with new thermostat will be verified (e.g., voltage, wiring, condition, location)

    New thermostat will be installed

    Achieve comfort and energy savings for the occupant


    Heating system will be re-energized and cycled

    Thermostat will be programmed to occupant's lifestyle choices

    Ensure safe and efficient operation


    Removed thermostats will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Prevent mercury from entering the environment


    Building/property management team and operations staff and occupants will be involved in the initial programming of thermostat and educated on common settings and programming

    On new installs, building/property management team and operations staff and occupants will be encouraged to save the manual and keep it accessible

    Educate building/property management team and operations staff and occupant on best use


    5.3102.38 Full Commissioning

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Control quality and optimize performance and safety
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Commissioning team

    When full commissioning is warranted, the commissioning team will be identified, and include commissioning agent, owner, property manager, contractor, engineer, architect, and building operations staff

    Scope of commissioning will be confirmed

    Roles and responsibilities will be identified

    For individual residential or light commercial installations, documentation, owner education, and training will be in accordance with procedures in ANSI/ACCA Standard 5

    Assign commissioning responsibilities

    Design intent and approach

    Owner's project requirements and basis of design will be reviewed with commissioning team

    Site assessment will be reviewed and verified

    Orient the installation contractor to the intent and design of the project

    Orient the property manager to the intent and design of the project

    Design review

    Control sequence will be reviewed with manufacturer, installation contractor, and building operations staff

    Work scope and design elements will be reviewed to include at a minimum:

    • Control sequence
    • Instrumentation
    • Coordination of controls and equipment

    Ensure specified design is optimal for project


    Submittals will be supplied to the commissioning team for review and approval

    Ensure specified materials are included for the project

    Pre-functional checklist

    Checklist will be created and approved by commissioning agent

    Checklist will be completed and submitted to commissioning team by installation contractor

    Verify installation and startup

    Functional test

    Functional test procedure will be developed and approved

    Functional testing will be performed by a contractor and witnessed by commissioning agent

    Functional test will demonstrate sequence of control

    Contractor will correct any failures and retest

    Ensure equipment/materials are working together in proper sequence and coordination

    Follow specified sequence of control


    Operations and maintenance manual will be customized for project by installation contractor

    Operations and maintenance manual will be submitted to commissioning agent for approval

    Multiple copies of operations and maintenance manual will be provided to property manager

    Commissioning process binder will be provided to property manager by commissioning agent

    Provide documentation for optimal operation and maintenance of equipment


    Contractor will be responsible for conducting/providing onsite education to the building operations staff on the operation and maintenance of the installed equipment

    Building operations staff education will be witnessed by designated commissioning team members

    Educate building operations staff to operate and maintain the system for optimal performance

    Near end of warranty site visit

    Inspection will occur (approximately 9 months after install or final equipment acceptance) before the warranty ends

    Contractor will resolve any outstanding issues before warranty ends

    Resolve equipment issues before warranty ends


    5.3102.4 Hot Water Operating Controls—Aquastat (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimize boiler efficiency and prevent of short cycling

    Multifamily Homes


    Controls specified for replacement will be confirmed

    Existing controls to be retained will be confirmed as installed correctly

    Current settings will be documented

    Document status of existing controls


    Existing installation will be corrected if settings do not match specified scope of work

    Ensure boiler operates at optimal water temperatures

    Reduce short cycling

    Replacement of aquastat

    Existing controls will be removed

    New control will be visible and installed in an accessible location for adjustments in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    New control will be set to temperature settings stated on scope of work

    Ensure boiler operates at optimal water temperatures

    Reduce short cycling


    Temperature and pressure gauges will be checked for accuracy

    Contractor will observe and confirm boiler operation over a minimum of three cycles

    Safety control will be tested to ensure the burner shuts off at high limit

    Ensure proper installation

    Ensure proper and safe operation


    Property manager will be educated on the operation and purpose of controls and settings

    Ensure proper use of controls

    Maintain optimal temperature settings


    5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Varied distribution loop temperatures match seasonal heating load

    Multifamily Homes

    Determine location of outdoor sensor

    Optimal outdoor sensor location will be determined by visual inspection of building exterior (e.g., north facing, shaded, away from heat sources and exhaust outlets, exposed to typical wind conditions, and in a secure location)

    Determine optimal location for outdoor sensor

    Determine location of distribution piping sensor

    Presence of integral outdoor reset control in boiler control panel will be determined.

    Indoor sensor will be located on distribution supply header

    Determine optimal location for indoor sensor

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Install sensors

    Outdoor sensor will be installed in optimal location in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    As necessary, indoor sensor will be installed on distribution supply header in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Presence and function of thermometers on supply and return headers will be verified; thermometers will be installed or replaced as necessary

    Strap-on indoor sensors will be connected tightly to piping; piping and sensor will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Immersion-type sensors will be provided with heat transfer grease between sensor and thermowell in accordance with manufacturer's instructions

    Properly install sensors in optimal locations

    Mount control panel

    Control panels that are not part of the boiler will be mounted and wired in accordance with manufacturer specifications and protected from tampering by unauthorized personnel

    Ensure proper code-compliant installation of control panel

    Connect sensors

    Sensors will be connected with wiring in accordance with manufacturer specifications and protected from friction and abrasion as they pass through building components

    Properly connect sensors

    Set up control panel

    Control optimization will be followed in accordance with SWS 5.3104.4 Optimize Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

    Optimize control


    5.3102.6 Installation of Outdoor Reset Valve and Controller (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Varied distribution loop temperatures match seasonal heating load

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Isolate reset valve location

    Nearest valves on either side of valve location will be closed

    Eliminate water supply to the valve location

    Install reset valve and associated piping

    Reset valve and associated piping will be installed between distribution supply and return headers in accordance with valve and boiler manufacturer specifications

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Allow distribution loop flow to the bypass boiler

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve and associated piping will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature

    Determine location of outdoor sensor

    Optimal outdoor location (e.g., north facing, shaded, away from heat sources and exhaust outlets, exposed to typical wind conditions, and in a secure location) will be determined by visual inspection of building exterior

    Determine optimal location for outdoor sensor

    Install sensors

    Hot water supply sensor will be located on distribution supply header downstream of reset valve

    Outdoor sensor will be installed in optimal location in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Presence and function of thermometers on supply and return headers will be verified; thermometers will be installed or replaced as necessary

    Strap-on piping temperature sensors will be connected tightly to piping; piping and sensor reinsulated with new insulation in accordance with IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Immersion-type sensors will be provided with heat transfer grease between sensor and thermowell in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Properly install sensors in optimal locations

    Mount control panel

    Control panel will be mounted and wired in accordance with manufacturer specifications and protected from tampering by unauthorized personnel

    Ensure proper code-compliant installation of control panel

    Connect sensors and valve

    Sensors and valve will be connected with wiring in accordance with manufacturer specifications and protected from friction and abrasion as it passes through building components

    Properly connect sensors and valve

    Set up control panel

    Control optimization will be followed in accordance with SWS 5.3104.5 Optimize Outdoor Reset Valve Controller (Hot Water)

    Ensure optimization of control


    5.3102.7 Installation of Lead-Lag Controls—Pumps (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Automated redundant pump operation provides consistent heat to building

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Verify presence of check valves

    Presence and condition of check valves will be verified; if needed, refer to SWS 5.3103.3 Check Valves (Hot Water), for installation specifications

    Ensure water flow does not bypass through nonoperating pumps

    Verify pump motor controller is suitable for automated control

    Presence of automatic control input on motor controller will be verified; if needed, add electrical components corresponding to pump motor size

    Prepare motor control circuit for automatic control

    Install lead lag control panel

    Lead-lag control panel will be mounted and wired in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Pump lead-lag controller will be wired to boiler/boiler lead-lag control panel and programmed/interlocked as necessary

    Provide automated control of pumping integrated with boiler system

    Test complete system

    Successful operation of pumps will be demonstrated

    Ensure pumps are controlled by automated controller


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3102.8 Replacement of Conventional Pumps with Electrically Commutated Motor-Driven Pumps (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Improved pump efficiency and control

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Isolate pump location

    Nearest valves on either side of pump location will be closed

    Power supply will be disconnected

    Eliminate water and power supply to the pump location

    Replace pump with electrically commutated motor (ECM) pump

    Existing pump will be removed and replaced with ECM pump, installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Gauges will be installed on inlet and outlet sides of pump location

    System will be refilled, and air will be eliminated

    Power will be restored to new ECM pump

    Pump speed variation will be verified by exercising some valves in the system, simulating load demand changes

    Ensure proper operation of ECM pump

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature

    Educate building operations staff

    Building operations staff will be educated to operate ECM pump

    Ensure continued optimized performance


    5.3102.9 Installation and Control of Variable Frequency Drives (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Installation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Electrical consumption reduced while matching water flow to demand

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate existing pumps and motors

    Motors will be evaluated to determine compatibility with variable frequency drives (VFD)

    Load profile and source equipment will be analyzed for use of VFD to provide variable water flow to load

    System valves will be surveyed to identify two-way and three-way valve locations

    Control strategy will be determined (e.g., differential pressure control, pressure control, differential temperature control, summer/winter settings)

    Ensure existing motors and system are compatible with VFD operation

    Remove and replace motor

    If removal and replacement of motor is required, the power supply will be disconnected, and the existing motor will be removed and replaced with motor suitable for VFD operation

    Provide motor suitable for VFD operation

    Remove and replace motor starter

    Power supply will be disconnected; existing starter will be replaced with VFD in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Install and connect VFD

    Install required sensors

    Implement the following VFD control strategies:

    • Feedback sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications at locations that will optimize chosen control strategy
    • Feedback sensors will be wired to VFD in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure sensors are installed to optimize VFD operation

    Modify system to VFD control

    System will be modified to best utilize VFD operation (e.g., conversion of three-way valves to two-way valves), as well as to safely operate boiler

    Ensure system is compatible with VFD operation

    Restore power supply to VFD, and verify operation of VFD and pump

    Power supply will be restored

    VFD will be shown to be capable of operating pump

    VFD will be shown to be capable of receiving sensor signals

    Ensure VFD is ready for setup

    Initial setup of VFD

    VFD parameters will be set up to accept feedback from sensors, dependent upon chosen control strategy

    Maintain minimum system heating requirements with reduced electrical energy use

    Educate building operations staff

    Building operations staff will be educated to operate VFD systems, including sensor location, control operation, and set points

    Ensure continued optimized performance


    5.3103.1 Balancing Valve Installation

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Desired flow provided to system devices
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Determine locations for balancing valves

    Prior to installation of balancing devices, the distribution will be cleaned of any debris that can clog the new devices

    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent

    Balancing valve location and condition will be visually verified; valves should be located on all distribution loops and critical flow dependent devices (e.g., boilers, air handlers, heat exchangers, fan coils, etc.)

    Determine current configuration

    Evaluate balancing options

    Use of automatic vs. manual balancing valves will be evaluated in terms of life cycle cost (installation labor, hardware, labor to balance, and impact on energy consumption)

    Determine a balancing strategy that ensures balancing throughout peak heating and shoulder seasons

    Isolate balance valve location

    Nearest valves on either side of valve location will be closed

    Eliminate water supply to valve location

    Repair and/or install balance valve

    Functionality of balance valve will be assessed and repaired/replaced if necessary

    New balance valves will be installed on all distribution loops and critical flow dependent devices (e.g., boilers, air handlers, heat exchangers, fan coils)

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Install valves in appropriate locations

    Set balance valve

    Valve will be adjusted to match device specification

    Water flow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Ensure proper flow through device

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.10 Convert Two-Pipe Steam to Hot Water

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Improved efficiency of heating system

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    System schematics, manufacturer specifications, and physical locations for all new components will be reviewed to identify proper and serviceable locations

    Existing distribution piping system and retained components will be hydrostatically (or pressure) tested after traps on distribution piping and air vent opening on radiators have been capped and/or plugged

    If new boiler will be used for domestic hot water (DHW) generation, boiler manufacturer specifications will be reviewed for need of buffer tank; if required, buffer tank will be sized and installed in accordance with SWS 5.3188.2 Adding Mass to Low Mass Boiler - Existing or New

    Ensure system is capable of conversion

    Installation of devices and piping components

    Sections of piping and fittings that failed hydrostatic test will be replaced with properly sized pipe and piping material. Ensure the replacement piping meets the necessary strength requirements

    Dielectric joints will be used to connect two dissimilar materials

    Pipes will be properly secured (hanged or supported from below)

    Pumps and/or zone valves, air separator, expansion tank, strainers, riser balance valves, and associated valves and fittings will be installed in accordance with applicable standard work specifications ,

    Thermometers, pressure gauges, and isolation valves will be installed in accordance with applicable standard work specifications: SWS 5. 3102.31 Installation of Thermometers (Includes Hot Water), SWS 5.3102.21 Steam Boiler Pressure Operating Controls (Steam), SWS 5.3103.6 Two Pipe Steam Systems - Steam Traps, SWS 5.3103.7 Instatllion of Pressure Gauges

    If applicable, DHW heater will be installed in accordance with specifications based on applicable water type

    Safely and properly install piping, control components, and DHW heater, if applicable

    Installation of controls

    Outdoor reset controls will be installed in accordance with applicable standard work specifications: SWS 5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water), SWS 5.3103.6 Two Pipe Steam Systems - Steam Traps

    Pumps/zone valves (and domestic hot water heater sensors/aquastats, if applicable) will be connected to boiler/boiler sequencing controls in accordance with applicable standard work specifications

    If applicable, DHW prioritization will be verified

    Ensure generation of heat and, if applicable, domestic hot water with domestic hot water prioritization

    Hydrostatic testing and flushing

    System will be hydrostatically tested to withstand operating system pressure; system components will be repaired/replaced as necessary

    System will be drained and flushed

    Ensure the system is free of leaks, debris, and foreign objects

    Insulate modified system components

    All devices requiring service will be insulated with removable and reusable insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature

    System testing and verification

    Hot water production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    If applicable, DHW generation will be tested with domestic water prioritization

    Ensure system is operating safely and efficiently


    System will be optimized in accordance with SWS 5.3104.4 Hot Water Operating Controls - Aquastat (Hot Water)

    Optimize system efficiency


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.11 Replacement of Tankless Coil for Domestic Hot Water Production

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and efficient supply of domestic hot water

    Multifamily Homes

    Coil assessment

    Assessment will be conducted to determine whether alternative options for providing domestic hot water exist, such as:

    • Separate direct-fired unit (SWS 7.8102.4 Storage Tank-Type Water Heater)
    • Boiler with indirect water heater (SWS 5.3102.10 Installation of Combined Heat and Domestic Hot Water System (Hot Water))

    Selected coil size will be verified for appropriate capacity by a contractor

    Ensure optimal system is applied

    Ensure domestic hot water load is met

    Coil replacement

    Selected coil will be of a higher efficiency/effectiveness

    Contractor to ensure new coil passes pressure test before installation

    Isolation valves will be installed for proper servicing

    DHW mixing valve will be installed on the discharge side of the coil to regulate DHW supply water temperature

    Gauges and insulation of associated piping will be installed and functioning

    Increase efficiency

    Ensure supply of safe domestic hot water by eliminating cross contamination

    Ensure ease of access, operation and maintenance


    DHW production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently

    Control recalibration

    If alternative, stand-alone DHW production system is selected, burner controls will be adjusted to address remaining heating load

    Ensure heating system is optimized


    Property manager will be educated on proper operation and maintenance of tankless coil

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3103.2 Air Elimination (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    No air in water distribution system

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Locate air separators and automatic air vents

    Location of air separators and air vents will be determined

    Determine location of mechanical room air vents and system high point air vents

    Isolate and replace faulty automatic air vents

    Nearest valves on either side of air vent location will be closed

    Air vents will be replaced

    New air vents will be considered for locations such as inverted Us and at the top of risers

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Eliminate water supply to air vent location

    Vent air from system

    Isolate and install air separator

    Nearest valves on either side of air separator location will be closed

    Air separator will be installed at optimal system location in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Eliminate water supply to air separator location

    Vent air from system

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.3 Check Valves (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Specified water flow provided to system

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Isolate check valve location

    Nearest valves on either side of valve location will be closed

    Eliminate water supply to valve location

    Install check valves

    Check valves will be installed on all pump discharges into common headers

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Ensure water flow does not bypass through nonoperating pumps

    Reinsulate area

    Valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    5.3103.4 Distribution Load Balancing

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Even heating distribution
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate balancing options

    Use of automatic or manual balancing valves will be evaluated in terms of life cycle cost (installation labor, hardware, labor to balance, and impact on energy consumption)

    Determine a balancing strategy that ensures balance throughout peak heating and shoulder seasons

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Installing balancing devices

    Prior to installation of balancing devices, the distribution will be cleaned of any debris that can clog the new devices

    Balancing devices in building will be repaired or replaced by a contractor to ensure a balanced system

    Flow direction will be checked to ensure proper orientation of balancing device

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Ensure even heating distribution during peak and shoulder months

    Testing and verification

    Contractor will confirm performance to manufacturer specifications

    Water flow will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.5 One-Pipe Steam System—Steam Air Vents

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized steam system for even and rapid distribution

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Optimize system

    Contractor will repair or replace steam air vents in building to ensure the system responds quickly and evenly

    Proper pitch of radiator will be verified by a contractor

    Ensure even heating distribution during peak and shoulder months

    Steam main air vents

    Air vents will be installed at end of steam mains

    Number of vents required will be determined based on volume of air that needs to be displaced

    Air vents will be installed minimum 15" from the end to minimize damage

    Air vents will be installed on 6"–10" nipple from top of the steam piping

    Air vents will be installed on vertical risers, 4"–6" below the top end

    Ensure balanced heat distribution

    Radiator air vents

    Air vent size (venting capacity) will be determined by location of the terminal unit within distribution system and size of the terminal unit

    Air vent will be installed in upright position

    Discharge air for proper steam distribution


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.6 Two-Pipe Stream System—Steam Traps

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Properly functioning radiators

    Multifamily Homes

    Conduct trap inventory and testing

    Location and type of traps will be determined and documented for future use

    Trap operation and condition will be determined using methods that include temperature difference between inlet/outlet, infrared camera, sound, and observation of flooded cold radiators and condensate temperature at the condensate/boiler feed tank

    Identify nonfunctioning traps

    Replace or repair traps as necessary

    Nearest valves on either side of steam trap location will be closed

    Trap bodies will be disassembled and thermostatic element replaced or new trap will be installed

    Replacement steam trap will be properly sized to match load requirements, not the pipe size

    Replacement steam trap will be of proper pressure rating

    Install strainers before traps on the steam mains

    Ensure properly functioning steam traps


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.7 Installation of Pressure Gauges

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Accurate verification of system operating conditions
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Location of pressure gauges

    Available plans will be reviewed to assess system design and intent

    Pressure gauge locations and conditions will be visually verified; pressure gauges should be located on the inlet and outlet of all flow dependent devices (e.g., boilers, pumps, strainers, heat exchangers, coils, control valves)

    Determine minimum pressure gauge placement

    Select appropriate pressure gauges

    Pressure gauge range will be selected to ensure accurate readings over system operating range

    For high-rise applications where pressure differential is a small percentage of gauge pressure range, differential pressure gauges will be used

    Ensure selected pressure gauge provides accurate pressure measurement

    Install pressure gauge

    Nearest valves on either side of pressure gauge location will be closed

    Pressure gauge will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Measurement accuracy of differential pressure applications (e.g., pumps, strainers, heat exchangers, valves) will be improved when a single-pressure gauge is connected to both inlet and outlet of device with appropriate valving

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Properly install pressure gauge

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, gauge tapping and associated piping will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.8 Isolation Valve Installation

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Facilitation of service or replacement of equipment
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Work site preparation

    Nearest valves on either side of new valve location will be closed

    Fluid in the system will be drained to safe and appropriate location

    Eliminate fluid supply to valve location

    Install isolation valve

    Isolation valves will be installed on risers and distribution loops to permit maintenance or replacement of equipment, such as pumps, boilers, control valves, strainers, etc.

    Provide means of servicing system and equipment

    Testing and verification

    System will be checked for leakage

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Ensure there are no leaks in the system and that the valve is operating

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3103.9 Installation of Strainers

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Piping (Distribution Installation)
    Desired Outcome: 
    Critical mechanical equipment protected from sediment, debris, and foreign objects within the system
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Isolate strainer location

    Nearest valves on either side of strainer location will be closed

    Eliminate water supply to the strainer location

    Install strainer

    Strainer will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications; locations may include the inlet side of pumps, heat exchangers, coils, and boilers

    Strainer orientation will allow sufficient clearance for filter/strainer basket removal

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Prevent sediment, debris, and foreign object entry into pumps, heat exchangers, coils, or boilers

    Remove temporary strainer screen

    Temporary strainer screen will be removed and inspected during initial system startup

    Temporary strainer screen will be cleaned, reinstalled, and periodically monitored until screen is shown to be free of debris; after which, temporary screen will be removed

    Ensure strainer is free of startup debris

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, strainer will be reinsulated with removable insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3104.10 Gas Boiler—Service Inspection

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Boiler service improves safety, efficiency, and performance
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Health and safety

    In applicable cases, such as in-unit installs, the BPI protocol for combustion appliance zone combustion safety testing will be administered

    Identify potential health and safety issues

    Visual inspection

    Inspections will be made based on ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems for commercial applications and ANSI/ACCA 4 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems for residential applications

    Examples of items to be addressed are as follows:

    • Water, steam, and fuel leaks
    • Damaged or missing pipe insulation
    • Draft and condensation venting issues (e.g., soot, rusting of flue pipe, burned paint or wires, efflorescence)
    • Corrosion (e.g., rust, mineral deposits)
    • General condition of components

    Observe general conditions to determine needed repairs or maintenance

    Gas valves

    Gas pressure will be checked to make sure it is in compliance with manufacturer requirements

    Gas valves will be checked to ensure they are operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If gas valve is found to be not working as required by the manufacturer requirements, recommendations will be made for necessary repairs/replacement

    New gas valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Provide gas to burner when there is a call for heat

    Control volume of gas for burner

    Ensure the safe shut off of gas once heat is turned off

    Ignition system

    Components of ignition system will be repaired or replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Do not allow the flow of the main burner gas without proof of ignition

    Main gas burners

    Problems that may interfere with flame (e.g., dust, debris, misalignment) will be cleaned, vacuumed, and adjusted

    Produce combustion in a safe, clean, and efficient manner

    Low water cutoff and blow-down systems

    Low water cutoff and blow-down systems shall be checked to be properly operating and in compliance with manufacturer requirements

    Ensure the safety and durability of cutoff and blow-down systems


    The venting system will be maintained in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's instructions

    Ensure the safety and durability of the venting system

    Combustion testing

    Undiluted flue gases will be checked with a calibrated flue gas analyzer in accordance with accepted protocol (e.g., BPI, NATE)

    If combustion is not occurring safely or with maximum efficiency, diagnostics and adjustments will be done in accordance with manufacturer specifications or local codes

    Confirm that combustion occurs safely with maximum efficiency

    Occupant health

    All occupied units in a building with combustion appliances will have a carbon monoxide (CO) monitor, in accordance with local code requirements or NFPA

    Ambient CO levels will be maintained under code-acceptable thresholds

    Ensure ambient CO does not exceed acceptable levels after completion of work


    Building/property management team and operations staff and occupants will be educated on the operation and battery maintenance of the CO monitor

    Building/property management team and operations staff and occupants will be educated about unsafe limits and actions to take should unsafe conditions occur

    Completed work and recommended maintenance will be reviewed with building/property management team and operations staff and occupants

    Ensure occupant is informed of the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the work performed


    5.3104.11 Leak Detection and Repair—Fuel Piping

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    System does not leak.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Fuel oil leaks will be detected through visual inspection of piping system

    Gas leaks will be detected through use of properly calibrated combustion gas detector or bubble test of piping system

    Determine leak location

    Repair fuel leak

    Nearest valves on either side of leak location will be closed

    Piping, fitting, or device will be repaired or replaced

    Ensure fuel piping system does not leak

    Confirm system is leak free

    Isolated section will be reconnected to fuel supply

    Fuel oil leaks will be detected through visual inspection of piping system

    Gas leaks will be detected through use of properly calibrated combustion gas detector or bubble test of piping system

    Confirm system is safe for operation

    Clean fuel oil leak

    Fuel oil leaks will be cleaned and materials will be disposed of in accordance with local codes

    Oily rags and paper used to clean up the spill shall be placed in an approved safety container until properly disposed

    Outdoor oil spills will be reported in accordance with local codes and jurisdictions

    Remove hazardous materials

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, repaired pipe, fitting, or device will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012, and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    5.3104.12 Leak Detection and Repair—Distribution Leaks

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    System does not leak
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Leaks will be detected through visual inspection of piping and insulation system

    Damaged insulation will be removed and properly disposed of

    Determine leak location

    Repair leak

    Nearest valves on either side of leak location will be closed

    Water/condensate from isolated section will be drained to safe and appropriate location

    Piping, fitting, or device will be repaired or replaced

    Eliminate water or steam supply to leak location

    Ensure distribution system does not leak

    Testing and verification

    Isolated section will be reconnected and repressurized

    System will be filled and air will be eliminated from system

    Repaired pipe, fitting, or device will be visually inspected

    Confirm system is safe for operation

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, repaired pipe, fitting, or device will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature

    Dry or restore building materials saturated by leak

    Damaged materials will be removed, and replaced in a safe manner and in accordance with all applicable codes

    Bulk moisture will be eliminated

    Prevent an environment for biological growth

    Create clean, dry surface for insulation installation


    5.3104.13 Leak Detection and Repair—Direct Vent Boiler Exhaust

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Direct vent boiler exhaust system does not leak

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Identify leak location

    Exhaust leaks will be located through visual inspection of exhaust system (signs of leak may include dripping water, misaligned joints, evidence of air movement, discoloration of adjoining surfaces)

    If visual inspection does not reveal exhaust leak, leak will be located through instrumented inspection with use of properly calibrated combustion gas detector or smoke test of exhaust system

    Determine leak location

    Turn off combustion system

    Combustion system will be turned off to stop exhaust vent system leak

    Eliminate exhaust release

    Repair leak

    Piping, fitting, or device will be repaired or replaced

    Ensure exhaust system does not leak

    Restart combustion system

    Combustion system will be restarted and integrity of repair assessed with a properly calibrated combustion gas detector

    Confirm system is safe for operation


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3104.14 Tuneup and Upgrades

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Optimized efficiency of existing system

    Multifamily Homes

    Safety of equipment

    A safety assessment will be conducted to identify the following conditions:

    • Fuel leak
    • Flue/exhaust leaks
    • Carbon monoxide
    • Electrical hazards
    • Water and steam leaks

    Any hazardous conditions will be addressed before tuneup and work

    Property manager and occupant will be notified of all hazardous conditions and confirm action plan

    Ensure occupant and mechanic safety


    A review of site conditions and verification of work order will be done

    Confirm feasibility of the scope of work

    Minimize standby loss

    Presence and operation of the following will be checked:

    • Flue/vent dampers
    • Modulating draft controls
    • Insulation
    • Electronic ignition
    • Combustion air dampers
    • Combustion air intake fan

    If not present or in scope of work, above upgrades will be considered

    Short cycling will be eliminated

    Maximize the seasonal efficiency of boiler

    Identify opportunities for upgrades

    Combustion efficiency improvement

    Undiluted flue gases will be checked with a calibrated flue gas analyzer in accordance with accepted protocol

    If combustion is not occurring safely or with maximum efficiency, diagnostics and adjustments will be done in accordance with work order specifications, which may include the following:

    • Clean fire side/heat exchanger
    • Clean water side
    • Burner elements
    • Proper fuel delivery
    • Modulating draft controls

    Fuel/air ratio will be adjusted to meet specified performance over a range of firing rates, when applicable

    Confirm that combustion occurs safely with maximum efficiency


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3104.15 Controls—Underground Leak Detection

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Monitor underground leaks for quick corrective actions

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous materials

    Materials containing asbestos will be dealt with in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Hazardous materials will be handled in accordance with applicable local laws and codes before work begins

    Ensure safe environment and work place

    Installation of underground leak detection system

    If steam piping is insulated, assess for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) prior to disturbing the material; if confirmed not to be an ACM, then proceed with the following:

    • Insulation will be removed from the piping where monitoring sensors or gauges will be installed
    • Control sensors or gauges will be installed no more than 5' upstream and downstream of point of pipe entry and exit into and out of the ground, respectively
    • Control sensors and gauges will be installed with anti-siphon piping with pet cocks
    • Control sensor will be wired back to controller
    • Wiring will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and all applicable codes
    • Pressure gauges will be installed such that the display face plate is facing in the direction that is easy to read without need of ladder
    • Service valves will be installed for isolation and ease of maintenance, repair, and replacement of control sensor or gauges
    • Drain valves will be installed between the isolation valves to drain the left over medium during repairs and maintenance

    Ensure the control sensors or pressure gauges are installed to allow leak monitoring

    Testing and verification

    A pressure differential (Δp) chart will be established at various load conditions, which will be used as benchmark to monitor leak

    A complete installation and operation and maintenance manual will be provided to the property manager/occupant

    Confirm system capabilities and functionalities


    Building/property management team and building operations staff will be trained on use of control or gauges to monitor leak and regular maintenance procedure

    Multiple laminated copies of the pressure differential chart will be provided to building/property management team for filing and posting near sensor and gauge installation location

    Protocols will be set for someone from the building operations staff to record the readings on a regular basis, and the management staff to review and file the logs

    Management will call for corrective actions as soon as problem is identified

    Educate client on best use


    5.3104.4 Optimize Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Varied distribution loop temperatures match seasonal heating load

    Multifamily Homes

    Verify proper placement and condition of indoor and outdoor sensors

    Sensor location and condition will be assessed in accordance with SWS 5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

    Determine optimal location for sensor installation

    Repair and reinstall, as necessary

    Repair and reinstall will be in accordance with SWS 5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

    Ensure proper functionality of the control

    Determine minimum boiler return water temperature

    Manufacturer specifications will be reviewed to determine minimum boiler water return temperature requirements

    Ensure boiler operates within design parameters

    Set initial high and low operating temperatures

    High and low temperatures will be set in accordance with system design, operator feedback, and/or historical data

    Minimum boiler water temperature requirement will be maintained to prevent thermal shock and flue gas condensation

    Maintain minimum building heat requirements without compromising boiler integrity

    Modify operating set points based on observed system performance

    Accurate supply and return temperatures will be obtained and compared to design distribution loop temperature differential on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Settings will be adjusted to maintain design distribution loop differential temperature on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Minimum boiler water temperature requirement will be maintained

    Ensure optimal settings based on actual operating conditions

    Limit system overheating and improving boiler thermal efficiency

    Record and report settings

    Observed supply, return, outdoor temperatures, and all control set points on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days will be documented and provided to building operations staff

    Ensure written record of settings

    Educate building operations staff

    Building operations staff will be educated to operate outdoor reset control, including sensor location, control operation, and set points

    Ensure continued optimized performance


    5.3104.5 Optimize Outdoor Reset Valve Controller (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Varied distribution loop temperatures match seasonal heating load

    Multifamily Homes

    Verify proper placement and condition of indoor and outdoor sensors

    Sensor location and condition will be assessed in accordance with SWS 5.3102.6 Installation of Outdoor Reset Valve and Controller (Hot Water)

    Determine optimal location for sensor installation

    Repair and reinstall, as necessary

    Repair and reinstall will be in accordance with SWS 5.3102.6 Installation of Outdoor Reset Valve and Controller (Hot Water)

    Ensure proper functionality of the control

    Set initial high and low operating temperatures

    High and low temperatures will be set in accordance with system design, operator feedback, and/or historical data

    Minimum distribution loop water temperature requirement will be maintained

    Maintain minimum building heat requirements

    Modify operating set points based on observed system performance

    Accurate supply and return temperatures will be obtained and compared to design distribution loop temperature differential on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Settings will be adjusted to maintain design distribution loop differential temperature on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

    Minimum distribution loop water temperature requirement will be maintained

    Ensure optimal settings based on actual operating conditions to limit system overheating and improving boiler energy use

    Record and report settings

    Observed supply, return, outdoor temperatures, and all control set points on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days will be documented and provided to building operations staff

    Ensure written record of settings

    Educate building operations staff

    Building operations staff will be educated to operate outdoor reset control, including sensor location, control operation, and set points

    Ensure continued optimized performance


    5.3104.6 Repair/Replace Existing Thermostatically Controlled Zone Valves (Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Restored functionality of individual zone control valves

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment

    Replace failed actuator

    Actuator will be removed from valve stem and energized to check for functionality

    Failed actuators will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If actuator will not operate valve, valve will be replaced

    Confirm actuator operation

    Isolate zone valve location

    Nearest valves on either side of valve location will be closed

    Eliminate the water supply to the valve location

    Install zone valve

    Zone valve will be replaced in accordance with valve manufacturer specifications

    System will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Allow distribution loop to flow to the bypass zone and eliminate overheated and underheated zones

    Reinsulate area

    Where insulation was removed, valve will be reinsulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    5.3104.7 Combined Heat and Domestic Hot Water Systems Tuneup (Includes Hot Water)

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Increased efficiency of existing system

    Multifamily Homes


    Field and site conditions will be verified to determine if scope of work is applicable

    Assessment will determine whether higher efficient system is possible

    Ensure optimal system is applied


    Heat exchanger will be flushed and cleaned of scale

    Performance of heat exchanger will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and confirmed by a contractor

    Intent of control strategy will be confirmed by a contractor:

    • Winter and summer modes/operation
    • Domestic hot water (DHW) priority
    • Lead-lag/sequencing
    • Modulation
    • Pumps

    Burner will be tuned for optimal combustion efficiency

    Also refer to SWS 5.3104.14 Tune-up and Upgrades

    Ensure optimal operation of existing system


    Heating and DHW production, distribution system, and delivery temperature will be tested for proper and safe operation

    Combustion efficiency will be verified using combustion analyzer for all fuel types, and if applicable, at multiple firing rates

    Ensure system operates safely and efficiently


    Property manager will be educated on proper operation and maintenance

    Maintain optimal performance


    5.3104.8 Boiler Water Treatment

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Boiler and piping systems protected from scale and corrosion

    Multifamily Homes


    For hydronic hot water and steam systems, testing frequency will match industry standards and manufacturer specifications

    For hydronic hot water and steam systems, testing will be conducted at new installation and any modification/repair

    The quality of the water will be tested for impurities in accordance with the boiler manufacturer specifications

    Service and maintenance will be performed before treatment

    In no case shall boiler treatment be added to a system that does not have proper backflow protection on the potable water source

    Determine if chemical treatment is needed, and if applicable, the type of chemical treatment

    Addition of chemicals

    Chemicals will be added in accordance with manufacturer specifications for local conditions

    Post-addition test will be performed to verify appropriate treatment was achieved

    Ensure boiler water is within optimal quality

    Ensure maximum efficiency and longevity


    Pre- and post-treatment test results will be provided to property manager/occupant

    Property manager or outside contractor will be responsible for testing and ongoing treatment and safe storage of chemicals

    Verify water quality is maintained


    5.3104.9 Inspection Checklist

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
    Desired Outcome: 
    Thorough maintenance improves safety, efficiency, and performance
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure safe work environment

    Health and safety

    Boiler room makeup air openings shall be in compliance with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) requirements and NFPA 54 and NFPA 31

    Identify potential health and safety issues

    Visual inspection

    The following conditions will be inspected:

    • Water, steam, and fuel leaks
    • Damaged or missing pipe insulation
    • Draft and condensation venting issues (e.g., soot, rusting of flue pipe, burned paint or wires, efflorescence)
    • Corrosion (e.g., rust, mineral deposits)
    • General condition of components
    • Controls and control settings

    Observe general conditions to determine needed repairs or maintenance

    Pipe, tank, and boiler insulation inspection

    Pipe, tank, and boiler insulation will be inspected, including:

    • Integrity—complete coverage, no holes or tears
    • Damage—holes or tears
    • Complete coverage—insulation missing

    If asbestos is suspected, occupants will be notified, and asbestos will not be disturbed

    Required repair or replacement will be performed in accordance with the following conditions:

    • Materials will be approved for steam heating pipes
    • Materials will be approved for hot water heating pipes
    • Insulation will completely cover pipe

    Pipe, tank, and boiler insulation will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize heat loss

    Improve the performance of the system

    System static pressure

    For hot water systems, static pressure will be verified

    Keep system operating within pressure parameters

    Purge system

    Each accessible heat emitter will be purged

    Remove air from the system to maximize performance

    Automatic fill for hot water boilers

    Automatic fill valve will be inspected to ensure it maintains system pressure

    If pressure is not maintained, replacement will be made in accordance with the following criteria:

    • A backflow preventer will be installed upstream of automatic fill valve if one is not existing
    • Automatic fill valve and components will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications
    • Correct system pressure will be verified

    Maintain optimal system pressure to maximize performance

    Gauge glass: steam boiler

    Gauge glass will be inspected for erosion, cracks, or drying

    Damaged gauge glass on boiler will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Gauge glass that is coated with dirt or sediment, making it difficult to observe the water level of the boiler, will be removed, cleaned, and replaced

    Ensure gauge glass is in safe operating condition to allow observation of the water level in the steam boiler

    Low water cutoff: float type

    Operation of low water cutoff will be observed by opening blow-off valve

    If combustion is not extinguished, remediation will be accomplished by the following procedure:

    • Electricity will be disconnected from boiler
    • Problem will be diagnosed
    • Low water cutoff will be repaired, serviced, or replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications
    • A blow-down valve will be added if not already present
    • Boiler will be retested for proper operation

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the correct method to drain the low water cutoff weekly (must drain once per week to remove sediment from float chamber of low water cutoff)

    Ensure safe minimum water level of the boiler

    Maintain safe operation of the low water cutoff on an ongoing basis

    Low water cutoff: probe type

    A probe type low water cutoff will be installed and operable

    Low water cutoff with manual reset switch will be installed in accordance with local code requirements

    Ensure a safe minimum water level of the boiler

    Expansion tank: non-bladder and bladder

    An expansion tank will be installed and operable

    Tanks that leak or have excessive corrosion will be replaced and non-bladder tanks will include an expansion tank drain

    Tank will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Expansion tanks will be properly supported with strapping

    Tanks that are full of water will be drained and refilled before being replaced or repaired

    Expansion tanks with bladders will be pre-charged, minimum to system static pressure, while water is not present in the tank

    Bladder tanks that have water inside of the air bladder will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Absorb water expansion of the system

    Flush or skim steam boiler

    Flushing or skimming steam boiler will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Blow down after cooler shall be tested

    Ensure boiler produces dry steam

    System temperature or pressure gauge

    The temperature or pressure gauge will be inspected for erosion, cracks or dirt

    Damaged temperature or pressure gauges will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications (see SWS 5.3103.7 Installation of Pressure Gauges

    Allow for accurate observation of system temperature and pressure

    Circulating pumps

    Nonworking motors that cannot be serviced will be replaced with a new, premium efficiency motor

    New motors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Oil-lubricated circulating pumps will be installed in proper alignment with the pump coupler and will be supported so they do not sag

    Bearings will have free movement and no water leakage

    New circulator will be installed as per SWS 5.3102.16 Installation of Individual and Redundant Pumps

    Ensure circulation of water at designated velocity in system without leaks in the circulating pumps

    Zone valves

    Zone valves will be inspected for the following conditions:

    • Leaking water
    • Not responding to a call for heat

    New equipment will be replaced in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure proper zonal control of the system for comfort and efficiency

    Flue gas condensate

    If boiler is 90% efficient or greater, a neutralization kit will be installed to neutralize flue gas condensate before discharging it in accordance with local code requirements

    Condensate pumps will be installed if needed to ensure proper drainage

    Condensate neutralization kit shall be installed in such a way that the remaining neutralizing agent level is easily viewed and replaced

    Bring condensate to an acceptable pH and discharge to an appropriate location

    Air vents: steam systems

    Occupant will be informed that air vents have potential to cause moisture problems if not operating properly

    Occupant will be reminded to call for maintenance if vents discharge steam or have moisture issues

    Maintain efficient operation of the system

    Maintenance records

    Keeping records of all maintenance will be recommended to occupants

    Copies or access to installation and operation manuals will be provided

    Provide system installation and maintenance history to improve future maintenance or repair

    Occupant health and safety

    All homes with combustion appliances will have a carbon monoxide (CO) detector/alarm

    If determined to be older than 5 years old, CO detector/alarm will be replaced

    Ambient CO will be maintained at or under 5 ppm or no higher than ambient outside air levels, whichever is higher

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupants will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system

    Ensure occupant is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    5.3188.1 Water Drainage in the Boiler Room

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    No standing water in the boiler room

    Multifamily Homes

    Assessment of existing conditions

    Evidence of chronic standing water in boiler room will be addressed before installation of any new equipment

    Ensure occupant safety

    Protect equipment

    Blow-down piping

    Maintenance blow-down piping will be routed to the nearest drain

    Ensure standing water is not on the mechanical room floor

    Drain condition

    Entire drain system will be free of debris and will work properly

    Drain system will be capable of handling maximum volume of water

    Draining issues will be communicated to property manager/occupant

    Ensure proper drainage and discharge

    Blow-down pit

    If present, blow-down pit will be cleaned to handle the volume of water required to sufficiently reduce blow-down temperature for safe discharge

    Blow-down pit connection to the drain system will be free and clear

    Ensure blow-down temperature is within acceptable temperatures

    Sump pump/sump pit

    If present, sump pit will be sized to handle the volume of water required to sufficiently reduce water temperature for safe discharge

    Sump pump will be rated for high-temperature application, if applicable

    Sump pump will be checked for proper operation

    Check valve will be installed on piping between discharge side of the sump pump and termination point

    Collect and properly discharge water


    5.3188.2 Adding Mass to Low Mass Boiler—Existing or New

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimized potential for short cycling, premature component failure, and increased operational efficiencies

    Multifamily Homes

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure a safe work environment


    Need for and size of buffer tank will be based on system design and boiler manufacturer specifications

    When the smallest heating/hot water load is less than the minimum firing rate, a buffer tank will be added

    Reduce short cycling


    Buffer tank will be insulated to a minimum R-12

    Minimize tank heat loss


    Connection points to the piping system will be verified in accordance with work order and site conditions

    Ensure the proper operation

    Install buffer tank

    Nearest valves on either side of buffer tank location will be closed

    Buffer tank will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Buffer tank will be installed on a level concrete pad to minimize corrosion at the bottom

    Valves will be opened and system will be refilled and air will be eliminated

    Eliminate water supply to buffer tank location

    Properly install buffer tank

    Insulate buffer tank area

    Buffer tank and associated piping will be insulated with new insulation to IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce energy loss

    Maintain safe surface temperature


    Completed work will be reviewed with the building/property management team and operations staff

    Building/property management team and operations staff will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item

    Ensure building/property management team and operations staff is informed of the safe, efficient operation and maintenance requirements of the installed item


    5.3188.3 Radiator Reflector

    Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimized heat loss and enhanced terminal unit effectiveness

    Multifamily Homes

    Terminal heating unit

    Reflector will not make contact with heating element

    Air space will be maintained between heating element and reflector

    Optimize efficiency

    Installing insulation

    Insulation will be covered by a reflective surface

    Appearance will be considered by architect/property manager/occupant

    Reflectors will be securely attached

    Ensure maximum performance of terminal unit


    Reflectors will be kept clean

    Reflectors will be cleaned when unit is not hot

    Safely maintain performance


    5.3202.2 Reflective Roof Coatings

    Reflective Roofs
    Desired Outcome: 
    Reduced solar heat gain and increased reflectance of the roof
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Roof coating/membrane selection

    Assess condition of existing roof system and correct all deficiencies prior to application of reflective coating

    Reflective coatings will only be applied to roofing systems where its application is approved by the roofing manufacturer

    A reflective roof coating/membrane that meets the LEED New Construction Reflective Roof standard will be used where regionally appropriate

    Preserve durability of improvement

    Ensure compatibility between existing roof system and proposed reflective coating

    Ensure effectiveness of application


    5.3301.1 In-Unit Indoor Ceiling Fan Replacement

    Non-Distribution Cooling Systems
    Ceiling and Other Fans
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for ceiling fans reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Existing outlet box will be inspected for manufacturer marking, indicating the outlet box is suitable for fan mounting [NFPA 70, Section 314.27(C)]

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Ensure occupant safety

    Determine feasibility


    Fan will match existing switching and wiring configuration, unless modifications are made to allow for automatic control of the fan (e.g., occupancy or daylight sensors, etc.)

    Fan will be ENERGY STAR® qualified or better

    Existing fan will be replaced with a fan of similar functionality and size

    Fan and installation will carry a minimum 1-year warranty

    If the lighting is being controlled by a dimmer, ensure replacement lamps are dimming capable; alternatively, the dimmer control can be removed and replaced with an on/off control

    Ensure fan usability

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Outlet will be de-energized before work begins

    Appropriate lockout procedures will be followed in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Fan will be installed in accordance with NFPA 70, IFC Section 903, NFPA 13R, and manufacturer specifications

    Worker will verify outlet box is secured and supported

    Screw base lamps will be ENERGY STAR qualified or exceed Energy Independence and Security Act 2014 standard levels by at least 20%

    All penetrations will be sealed (ANSI/NFPA/ICC Fire Code)

    Any penetrations created will be patched and painted

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued energy savings

    Optimize fixture performance

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure integrity of fire barrier

    Ensure integrity of building envelope


    Worker will ensure fan operates in accordance with manufacturer specifications and test fan accordingly

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Lamps will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned in accordance with EPA guidelines, unless EPA regulations require qualified personnel to clean broken lamp area

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be provided with a manual and educated of new fan benefits

    Occupant will be provided with lamp disposal procedure determined by building operations staff

    If lamps containing mercury are used, occupants will be provided with lamp disposal procedure in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Building operations staff will provide education and shall make available one copy of the owner's/operator's manual to the operator of the equipment

    Educate occupants about new fan and benefits

    Ensure continued savings

    Protect the environment

    Ensure occupant safety


    5.3302.1 Through-Wall and Room Air Conditioning Unit Replacement

    Non-Distribution Cooling Systems
    Room Air Conditioners
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for air conditioning reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Physical size of through-wall opening will be determined

    Unit and electrical receptacle will meet requirements of NFPA 70 Article 440

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Unit will match available voltage and not exceed current available voltage at the existing electrical outlet

    Replacement unit will provide same or better functionality than existing unit, but smaller duty unit will be provided if existing is oversized

    Replacement unit will be ENERGY STAR® qualified with Energy Saver Mode or better

    Units with R22 refrigerant will not be used

    Ensure proper device function

    Avoid adding additional load

    Reduce energy use

    Protect the environment


    Extension cord will not be used (NFPA 70 Article 440)

    Where applicable unit controls and thermostat shall comply with the operable parts provisions of ICC A117.1 when the dwelling unit is required to be accessible per ADA

    Unit will be self-supporting or permanently installed

    Perimeter of unit will be sealed with a durable material (ASTM C1193)

    Egress will be addressed to be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 101 and local laws

    Ensure integrity of building envelope

    Ensure occupant comfort

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings


    Units replaced will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances

    Refrigerant will be handled in accordance with Section 608 of Clean Air Act of 1990 and local ordinances

    Prevent reuse of inefficient equipment and components

    Protect the environment

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be educated on strategies for winterizing cooling-only equipment

    Window units will be removed and stored during long periods of cold and snow

    When unit is not in use, it will be closed and covered in accordance with Envelope Wall Penetration Standard Work Specification (SWS, section 3.1102.1

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Prevent energy loss

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be provided with a manual and educated of new unit benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    Section 6:Ventilation

    6.6004.1 Central/Common Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Dwelling Units via Common Duct(s) and Dwelling Unit Branches

    Exhaust Ventilation Systems
    Desired Outcome: 
    Multiport fan system installed to provide required ventilation
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    Air flow

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Exhaust sufficient air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Fan specification

    Motors of 1 horsepower (HP) or larger will be rated as Premium Efficiency by the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA)

    Fan will be capable of maintaining a minimum operating static pressure of .25 inches of water column (WC) or the pressure that is required by the system design to ensure proper operation of all system components

    Motors less than 1 HP, used for continuous whole-building ventilation, will be rated by the Home Ventilation Institute to provide at least the required ventilation rate at a minimum operating static pressure of .25 inches WC or the pressure that is required by the system design to ensure proper operation of all system components

    Ensure proper flow rate sizing of exhaust fans

    Fan outlet termination

    Outlet will be terminated outside of the building shell and will have a louvered cover and bird screen

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlet from any doors, windows, or outside air intakes shall be in conformance with the applicable building code

    Outlet will be sealed to prevent water intrusion and exhaust air leakage into building cavities

    Direct exhaust to the outdoors and prevent re-entry

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fan and service switch will be accessible for maintenance

    Ensure unit and service switch are accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Outdoor/indoor fan mounting

    Fan will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Fan will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints, vibration, and noise control)

    Fan will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Ensure short duct runs to achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure mounting is installed securely

    Ensure fan housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Connecting exposed ductwork

    All exposed ductwork outside of the building will be insulated to a minimum R-8, protected from weather exposure, and sealed at all penetrations into building shell

    Ensure durability and energy efficiency of ductwork

    Fan/duct riser connection

    If fan is on curb, the riser will be flashed to the top of the curb and the fan will be sealed to the riser flashing

    If the fan is separate from the curb, the riser will be flashed to the top of the curb

    Duct connector will be sealed to the top of the riser flashing

    Ductwork will be attached via a flexible connection and will maintain the intended fan opening

    Provide the most efficient air transfer from targeted location to exhaust location

    Backdraft dampers

    A backdraft damper will be installed at or near the fan

    A backdraft damper will be installed at each dwelling unit unless the fan runs on a continuous operating system

    Prevent reverse air flow when the system is off

    Prevent spread of contaminants between dwelling units

    Combining intake ducts

    All individual intake ducts will be combined on the inlet side of fan (e.g., Y-fitting, T-fitting, collector box)

    Exhaust air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Duct connections

    All riser ducts or plenums will be connected and sealed to applicable intakes, collector box, fan, and termination fitting

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Ducts will be connected and sealed in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Exhaust air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope


    All components outside of the thermal envelope will be insulated to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    Preserve integrity of the duct system

    Prevent condensation in ductwork

    Prevent heat loss

    Register boot to interior surface seal

    Register boot will be sealed to interior surfaces with sealants compatible to their intended surfaces

    Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Prevent air leakage around boot

    Ensure a permanent seal to the building air barrier

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Preventing air leakage caused by exhaust fans

    Walls, ceilings, and floors will be sealed to separate any occupied space from any unconditioned spaces and adjacent dwelling units

    Refer to ASHRAE 62.2-2010 Addendum J

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent air leakage into the building and dwelling units from other spaces (e.g., adjacent dwelling units, garages, unconditioned crawl spaces, unconditioned attics)

    Balance and flow

    Air flows will be measured and adjusted to match the design specification in accordance with ANSI ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Combustion zone testing

    Pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on purpose and value of system

    Property manager will be instructed on all maintenance procedures

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6004.2 Individual Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Rooms Within Single Dwelling Unit (All Building Types)

    Exhaust Ventilation Systems
    Desired Outcome: 
    Multiport fan system installed to provide required ventilation
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    Air flow

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Exhaust sufficient air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Outlet termination

    Outlet will be terminated outside of the building shell and will have a louvered cover and bird screen

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlet from any doors, windows, or outside air intakes shall be in conformance with the applicable building code

    Outlet will be sealed to prevent water intrusion and exhaust air leakage into building cavities

    Direct exhaust to the outdoors and prevent re-entry

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Wiring will be installed by a properly licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fan and service switch will be accessible for maintenance

    Ensure unit and service switch are accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Fan mounting

    Fan will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Fan will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints, vibration, and noise control)

    Fan will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Fan will be installed remotely by ducting from intake grilles

    Ensure short duct runs to achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure mounting is installed securely

    Ensure fan housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Backdraft dampers (required in intermittent systems)

    See redline change(s)

    A backdraft damper will be installed between the fan and the exterior unless the system operates continuously

    A backdraft damper will be installed in any duct serving any room with a separate exhaust (e.g., dryer)

    Prevent reverse air flow when the system is off

    Prevent spread of contaminants between rooms

    Title: No change Specification(s): A backdraft damper will be installed between the fan and the exterior A backdraft damper will be installed in any duct serving any room with a separate exhaust (e.g., dryer) Objective(s): No change4722
    Combining intake ducts

    All individual intake ducts will be combined on the intake side of fan (e.g., Y-fitting, T-fitting, collector box)

    Exhaust air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Duct connections

    Ducts will be connected and sealed to applicable intakes, collector box, fan, and termination fitting

    Ducts will be connected and sealed in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Exhaust air from desired locations to the outdoors

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope


    All components outside of the thermal envelope will be insulated to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    Preserve integrity of the duct system

    Prevent condensation in ductwork

    Prevent heat loss

    Boot to interior surface seal

    Register boot will be sealed to interior surfaces with sealants compatible to their intended surfaces

    Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Boots will be connected and sealed in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Prevent air leakage around boot

    Ensure a permanent seal to the building air barrier

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Preventing air leakage caused by exhaust fans

    Walls, ceilings, and floors will be sealed to separate any occupied space from any unconditioned spaces and adjacent dwelling units

    Refer to ASHRAE 62.2-2010 Section 6.1

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent air leakage into the building from other spaces (e.g., adjacent dwelling units, garages, unconditioned crawl spaces, unconditioned attics)

    Balance and flow

    Air flows will be measured and adjusted to match to the design specification

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Combustion zone testing

    Pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on purpose and value of system

    Property manager will be instructed on all maintenance procedures

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6004.3 Garage Exhaust Fan (All Building Types)

    Exhaust Ventilation Systems
    Desired Outcome: 
    Contaminants properly removed from garage
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    System selection

    Garage will be ventilated at a minimum of 100 cubic feet per minute (CFM ) of ventilation per vehicle bay

    When single garage serves multiple dwellings, fan will run continuously

    System will provide exhaust at a minimum of 0.75 CFM/square feet

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlet from any doors, windows, or outside air intakes will meet specifications of ASHRAE 62.1 Table 5-1

    Motors 1 horsepower or larger will meet NEMA standards

    Remove contaminants from garage

    Reduce contaminant migration from garage to building

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fan and service switch will be accessible for maintenance

    Ensure unit and service switch are accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Outdoor/indoor fan mounting

    Fan outlet will be oriented toward the final termination location

    Fan will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Fan will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    Fan will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Ensure short duct runs to achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure mounting is installed securely

    Ensure fan housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Air leakage

    Air leakage between the building and garages will be prevented by envelope sealing, weather stripping, and duct sealing following SWS 3.1502.1 Garages - Isolating from Living Spaces and SWS 3.1502.2 Removing Supply and/or Return Registers From Garages

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Reduce conditioned air being drawn from the building

    Reduce contaminant migration from garage to building


    Exhaust flow rates will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and documented to meet design requirements

    If intermittent system is installed, proper operation of controls will be confirmed

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Combustion zone testing

    If combustion equipment is located inside of or adjacent to garage, then pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Property manager education

    Property manager will be educated on how the system works and its purpose and proper maintenance

    Property manager will be educated on maintenance procedures

    Ensure the durability of the exhaust system


    6.6005.3 Clothes Dryer (All Building Types)

    Appliance Exhaust Vents
    Desired Outcome: 
    Dryer air exhausted efficiently and safely
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    Clothes dryer ducting

    Clothes dryers exhaust will be ducted to the outdoors

    As short a run as practical of smooth wall metal duct will be used, following manufacturer specifications and the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Dryer ducts exceeding the manufacturer's recommended maximum length or the maximum length specified by the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction shall have a dryer booster fan installed, and shall have a safety interlock with the dryer(s) so they will not operate if the fan is not operating properly

    When multiple dryers vent into a common plenum or stack, the system will be engineered by a design professional and installed with a terminal exhaust fan

    Ducting will be connected and sealed as described in exhaust details SWS 6.6004.1 Centra/Common Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Dwelling Units via Common Duct(s) and Dwelling Unit Branches and SWS 6.6004.2 Individual Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Rooms Within a Single Dwelling Unit (All 3 Building Types)

    Fasteners that obstruct the exhaust flow will not be used

    Condensing dryers will be plumbed to a drain that leads to an approved sanitary disposal system

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Effectively move air from clothes dryer to the outdoors

    Meet code requirements

    Remove moisture, lint, and excess heat from laundry area

    Termination fitting

    Termination fitting manufactured for use with dryers will be installed

    A backdraft damper will be included as described in termination fitting detail

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlets installed new from any doors or operable windows or outside air intakes will meet local code requirements or specifications of ASHRAE 62.1 Table 5-1 requirements

    Outlet will be sealed to prevent water and air intrusion

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Effectively move air from clothes dryer to the outdoors

    Direct exhaust to the outdoors and prevent re-entry

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Makeup air

    When dryer(s) are installed in a single room, makeup air will be designed following the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Effectively move air from clothes dryer to the outdoors


    Visual inspection of installation and air flow out of the building will be completed

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Combustion zone testing

    Pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be instructed to keep lint filter and termination fitting clean

    Effectively move air from clothes dryer to the outdoors


    6.6005.4 Kitchen Range Hood within Dwelling Unit (All Building Types)

    Appliance Exhaust Vents
    Desired Outcome: 
    Kitchen range fan installed to specification
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation


    Wiring will be installed by a properly licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard

    Fan selection/specification

    Fans installed in range hoods over cooking appliances will be designed per Home Ventilation Institute 2100 specifications

    Air flow rate will be a minimum of 100 cubic feet per minute (CFM)

    Provide adequate ventilation to remove odors and contaminants

    Fan venting

    Kitchen range fans will be vented directly to the outside

    Recirculating fans will not be used as a ventilating device

    Remove odors and cooking contaminants from the building

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Fan ducting

    Kitchen range fans will be ducted directly to the outdoors

    As short a run as practical of smooth wall metal duct will be used, following manufacturer specifications and IMC 2009 505

    Ducting will be connected and sealed as described in exhaust duct details SWS 6.6004.1 Central/Common Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Dwelling Units via Common Duct(s) and Dwelling Unit Brances and SWS 6.6004.2 Individual Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Rooms Within a Single Dwelling Unit (All 3 Building Types)

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Effectively move air from range to the outdoors

    Termination fitting

    Termination fitting will be installed, including a backdraft damper, as described in termination fitting detail

    Outlet will be terminated outside of the building shell and will have a louvered cover and bird screen

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlets installed new from any doors or operable windows or outside air intakes will meet local code requirements or specifications of ASHRAE 62.1 Table 5-1 requirements

    Outlet will be sealed to prevent water and air intrusion

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Direct exhaust to the outdoors and prevent re-entry

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Makeup air

    Makeup air will be provided for kitchen range fans exhausting more than 400 CFM

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Minimize air leakage between dwelling units

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Exhaust flow rates will be measured and documented to meet design requirements

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Combustion zone testing

    Pressure effects caused by fans will be assessed and corrected when found outside of combustion safety standards

    Ensure safe operation of combustion appliances

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be instructed to keep grease filters and termination fitting clean

    Effectively move air from kitchen range to the outdoors


    6.6088.1 Regional Climatic Considerations

    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Regional climatic variables are taken into consideration

    Multifamily Homes

    Very cold

    Ventilation terminations will either have no backflow dampers or will use backflow dampers that resist freezing

    Soffit vents that contain a ventilation exhaust termination will be sealed within 6' of the termination

    Avoid ventilation flapper freezing

    Prevent exhaust moisture from entering the attic


    Exhaust ventilation will be terminated at the roof, gable end, or wall

    Prevent exhaust moisture from entering the attic

    Mixed humid

    Ventilation ducts will be insulated to R-8 or greater

    Ventilation exhaust ducts will be terminated on the exterior of the building

    Ventilation exhausts terminating through the soffit will direct exhaust air away from the soffit vents

    Ensure condensation does not form on or in the ductwork

    Ensure ventilation exhaust exits the building to the outside

    Prevent exhaust moisture from entering the attic

    Hot humid

    Exhaust-only ventilation will not be installed

    Avoid bringing moist outside air into the building


    6.6102.5 Detail Name: Supply Register Location

    Desired Outcome: 
    Supply register location optimizes air flow for primary or spot ventilation devices

    Multifamily Homes

    Primary whole building

    Supply register will be installed in high occupancy rooms or rooms used for sleeping

    Provide whole building air exchange

    Spot makeup

    A makeup air path and makeup air will be provided for exhaust devices that exceed 200 cubic feet per minute of air flow

    Provide makeup air


    6.6102.6 Intakes

    Desired Outcome: 
    Intake optimizes air flow while limiting the entry of insects, debris, and contaminants
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hole in building shell

    Holes cut to accommodate the terminal fittings should be no more than 1/8" larger than the fitting itself

    Ensure a weather tight installation

    Intake fitting

    Intake fitting will have integrated collar at least the same diameter as the duct

    The fitting will be appropriate for regional weather conditions and installation location on exterior of building

    Effectively draw the required volume of air from outside

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope

    Ensure durable installation

    Occupant education

    Intake fitting will be labeled "ventilation air intake"

    Occupant will be instructed to keep yard debris and other contaminants clear of the intake

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Damper (if applicable)

    The damper will be installed to open in the direction of the desired flow

    Damper will close when system is off

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Connection to intake fitting

    Duct to intake fitting will be connected and sealed in accordance with supply duct detail

    Ensure fasteners do not inhibit intake damper operation

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope

    Ensure a weather tight and durable intake installation

    Ensure unrestricted air flow


    Exterior termination fitting will be flashed or weather sealed

    Water will be directed away from penetration

    Installation will not inhibit damper operation

    Weatherproofing will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope

    Ensure a weather tight and durable intake installation

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Pest exclusion

    Screen material no less than 1/4" and no greater than 1/2" hole size in any direction will be used

    Screen will be installed so it does not inhibit intake damper operation

    Prevent pest entry

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and/or the most current version of ASHRAE 62.2

    Prevent contaminants from entering building

    Ensure unrestricted air flow


    6.6102.7 Ducts for Supply

    Desired Outcome: 
    Supply ducts effectively move the required amount of air and prevent condensation
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Duct design and configuration

    Duct shall be designed in accordance with the applicable codes adopted by the jurisdiction

    Effectively move the required volume of air

    Duct insulation

    Ducts installed outside of the thermal envelope will be insulated to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    Prevent moisture condensation

    Duct support

    Ducts will be supported as required by the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction for the type of duct used

    Effectively move the required volume of air

    Preserve integrity of the duct system

    Duct connections

    Metal-to-metal or metal-to-PVC connections will be fastened with a minimum of three equally spaced screws

    Flexible duct-to-metal or flexible duct-to-PVC connections will be fastened with tie bands using a tie band tensioning tool

    Flexible duct between the cable tie and end of metal or PVC duct will be screwed

    PVC-to-PVC materials will be fastened with approved PVC cement

    Supply ducts attached to the return side of forced air systems will be:

    • Attached as close to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system's fan as possible while remaining in compliance with manufacturer specifications
    • Set up to provide filtration of outdoor ventilation air before reaching the HVAC system
    • Attached via a mechanically fastened take off collar

    In addition to mechanical fasteners, air seal duct connections will be fastened with UL 181B or 181B-M listed material

    All other duct connections shall be in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Effectively move the required volume of air

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope

    Duct materials

    Flexible duct materials will be UL 181 listed or Air Diffusion Council approved

    Effectively move the required volume of air

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope

    Outdoor air intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and/or the most current version of ASHRAE 62.2

    Reduce opportunity for contaminants to enter the building through the ventilation system


    6.6104.1 Outdoor Supply Air Handling Unit Serving Multiple Dwelling Units or Corridors (All Building Types)

    Supply Ventilation Systems
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air handling unit system installed to provide required ventilation
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    Air flow

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Provide sufficient outdoor air to desired locations

    Fan specification

    Motors 1 horsepower or larger will meet NEMA premium efficiency standards

    Fan will be capable of maintaining a minimum operating static pressure of .25 inches of water column

    Ensure proper flow rate of outdoor air fans

    Ensure energy efficient delivery of outdoor supply air

    Intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and/or the most current version of ASHRAE 62.2

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent entry of contaminants

    Ensure unrestricted airflow

    Intake fitting

    Intake fitting will have an integrated collar at least the same diameter as the duct

    Fitting will be appropriate for regional weather conditions and installation location on exterior of building

    Effectively draw the required volume of air from outside

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope

    Ensure durable installation


    Exterior termination fitting will be flashed or weather sealed

    Water will be directed away from penetration

    Weatherproofing will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Prevent entry of weather into building shell

    Pest exclusion

    Screen material no less than 1/4" and no greater than 1/2" hole size in any direction will be used

    Prevent entry of pests into building shell

    Damper (if applicable)

    Damper will close when system is off

    Damper will be installed to open in the direction of the desired flow

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Prevent unintended airflow


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements.

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fan, service switch, filter, and conditioning coils will be accessible for cleaning, maintenance, and repair

    Allow for maintenance or replacement

    Outdoor/fresh air makeup air handling unit mounting

    Air handling unit outlet will be oriented toward the final termination location

    Air handling unit will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Air handling unit will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    Air handling unit will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Ensure short duct runs to achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure mounting is installed securely

    Ensure air handling unit housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Air handling unit/duct riser connection

    Duct will be sealed to the top of the curb (for roof-mounted systems)

    Ductwork will be attached via a flexible connection, and will be installed in accordance with OEM and duct design minimum sizing requirements

    Provide the most efficient air transfer from outdoor air to supply termination

    Prevent noise and vibration

    Duct connections

    All ducts, including intake fitting, will be connected and sealed in accordance with supply duct sealing

    Deliver outdoor air to desired locations


    All components outside of the thermal envelope will be insulated to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    All exposed ductwork outside of the building will be insulated to a minimum R-12, protected from weather exposure, and sealed at all penetrations into building shell

    Preserve integrity of the duct system

    Prevent heat and energy loss

    Prevent condensation in ductwork

    Register boot to interior surface seal

    Register boot will be sealed to interior surfaces with sealants compatible to their intended surfaces

    Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Prevent air leakage around boot

    Ensure a permanent seal to the building air barrier

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Preventing air leakage caused by air pressure differences between spaces

    Walls, ceilings, and floors will be sealed to separate any occupied space from any unconditioned spaces and adjacent dwelling units

    Refer to ASHRAE 62.2-2010 Addendum J

    If system design calls for supply air to enter dwelling units from pressurized corridor to under the door, then door will not be weatherstripped

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent unintentional air leakage into the building and dwelling units from other spaces (e.g., adjacent dwelling units, garages, unconditioned crawl spaces, unconditioned attics)

    Balance and flow

    Air flows will be measured and adjusted in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and documented to meet design requirements

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Intake fitting will be labeled "ventilation air intake"

    Occupant/property manager will be instructed on purpose and value of system, and instructed to keep underside of door unobstructed (in pressurized corridor designs)

    Property manager will be instructed on the maintenance and procedures of maintaining system

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Ensure the durability of the ventilation system


    6.6104.2 Outdoor Intake to Forced Air System—One System per Dwelling (All Building Types)

    Supply Ventilation Systems
    Desired Outcome: 
    Intake reduces pollutant entry, is easily maintained, has proper flow, and enhances building durability
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Forced air system

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Forced air system will be appropriately sized to handle latent and sensible loads of dwelling unit with the addition of conditioned or unconditioned outside ventilation air

    The manufacturer's temperature rise shall be maintained

    Forced air system duct leakage will be less than 10% of the air handler design flow when measured at 25 pascals

    Reduce migration of pollutants from unconditioned spaces


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements.

    Prevent an electrical hazard

    Intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and/or the most current version of ASHRAE 62.2

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent entry of contaminants

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Mounting intake duct

    Outdoor air ventilation duct will be attached as close to the return side of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system's circulating fan as possible while remaining in compliance with manufacturer temperature rise specifications

    Filtration of ventilation air will be provided before reaching the HVAC fan

    Duct will be connected to intake fitting

    Connection and seal will be performed in accordance with supply duct detail

    Ensure short duct run to achieve optimum air flow

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope


    All duct components from outdoor intake to the air handler cabinet will be insulated to minimum R-8

    Minimize energy loss

    Prevent condensation


    Motorized damper and service switch will be accessible for maintenance

    Ensure accessibility for maintenance

    Motorized damper

    A motorized damper or equivalent technology will be installed between the outdoor air intake fitting and the return side of the air handler circulating fan

    Outdoor air flow will be provided by scheduled operation of the damper or equivalent technology

    Damper will be open only when the air handler fan is operating

    Prevent air flow when none is desired


    Outdoor air intake flow rates will be measured and documented to meet design requirements

    Proper operation and calibration of controls and damper sequencing will be verified by installer

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on the purpose of the system and how it works

    Ensure the system is not unintentionally disabled


    6.6201.3 Primary Ventilation Air Flow Between Rooms

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Air Flow Requirements
    Desired Outcome: 
    Air circulates freely between rooms

    Multifamily Homes

    Balancing pressure

    An appropriate means of pressure balancing will be installed (e.g., transfer grilles, jumper ducts, individual room returns)

    No room will exceed +/- 3 pascals with reference to the outside with all interior doors closed and ventilation systems running

    Return airflow paths for residential space shall be designed in accordance with ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D-2009 or equivalent

    Ducts for common areas shall be designed in accordance with ASHRAE procedures or ACCA Manual Q

    Ensure free flow of air between rooms

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope


    6.6201.4 Balancing—Makeup/Outside Air (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Air Flow Requirements
    Desired Outcome: 
    Ventilation equipment operates as designed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Validate air distribution system installation

    System will be checked for existence of specified system components

    Confirm installed system

    Familiarize with system components

    Verify system readiness for testing

    Testing equipment selection

    Measurement equipment will be selected so that design value will be within the accurate range of the measuring device

    Equipment will be capable of accurately measuring +/- 10% in general case

    If design flow is less than 100 cubic feet per minute (CFM), equipment will be capable of accurately measuring down to 10 CFM (+/- 5%)

    Static pressures will be measured using manometers capable of measuring +/- 1 pascal

    Measurement equipment will be calibrated and field checked in accordance with manufacturer recommendations

    Ensure accurate measurements of ventilation rates

    Test main fan or air handler unit

    Equipment testing will check for:

    • Proper operation (programmed schedule/sequence of operation)
    • Proper rotation
    • Filter condition
    • Total flow at fan

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111; all measured values will be recorded and compared against design specifications

    Fan flow will be adjusted to meet design specification

    Verify performance of air handler system

    Measure air flow and static pressure at terminals

    Air flow and static pressure will be measured and recorded

    Measurements will be taken with terminals as found, with no adjustments made to the grille fins

    All measured values will be recorded and compared against design specifications

    The terminal with the lowest flow will be identified and recorded

    Verify distribution system

    Identify potential adjustments

    Establish baseline air flow rates

    Adjustment of system

    Adjustments will be made to fan speed, dampers, and registers until design specifications are met

    Balance system utilizing least resistance and energy

    Final balance

    Final air flow and/or pressure will be measured, confirmed, and recorded at fan and terminals

    Provide acceptable thermal comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be:

    • Instructed on proper operation and maintenance procedures
    • Educated on value and need for recommissioning requirements

    Property manager will complete a 30-hour OSHA safety education course

    Ensure continued operation of equipment at design performance levels


    6.6202.3 Airflow Control Devices (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Efficient and balanced distribution system
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer (e.g., duct size, type, shape, register type, duct static pressure)

    Access to all dwelling units and elements of distribution system will be ensured by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation


    See redline change(s)

    Duct cleaning will be performed in compliance with ANSI/ACCA 6 HVAC System Cleanliness-2007

    Register cleaning or replacement will be performed as specified

    Duct sealing will be performed as specified

    Stack pressures will be verified for proper operation of flow control device

    Presence and type of dampers and smoke control devices will be identified, and installer will ensure the installation of the air flow device will not interfere with proper operation

    Establish preconditions for installing flow control device

    Ensure health and safety of occupant

    Title: No change Specification(s): Duct cleaning, when performed, will be performed in compliance with ANSI / ACCA 6 HVAC System Cleanliness-2007 Register cleaning or replacement will be performed as specified Duct sealing will be performed as specified Stack pressures will be verified for proper operation of flow control device Presence and type of dampers and smoke control devices will be identified, and installer will ensure the installation of the air flow device will not interfere with proper operation Objective(s): No change4816
    Material selection

    Appropriate selection of air flow regulator or orifice will be confirmed by installer; if custom design is required, it will be determined by installer

    Registers will be compatible with selected flow control device

    Gasketing or transition system will be compatible with selected flow control device and existing duct components

    Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Duct sealants will be UL 181 compliant

    Sealants and materials will be continuous and in accordance with fire barrier specifications

    Ensure sealants and materials meet or exceed the performance characteristics required of the assembly (e.g., fire rating)

    Ensure conditions exist for effective installation of flow control device

    Ensure conditions exist for the flow control device to meet the design specifications


    Transition or adapter will be securely fastened and sealed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Flow control device will be installed with proper orientation and in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Adjustable devices will be set to preliminary balancing position

    Achieve specified design flows

    Provide a durable and secure installation

    Balance and flow

    Air flows will be measured and adjusted to match to the design specification in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations


    Final visual inspection of flow control installation and installer documentation will be completed

    Continued operation of dampers and smoke control devices will be verified

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on how the system works and its purpose

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on how to inspect flow control device upon unit turnover

    Ensure the durability of the ventilation system


    6.6202.4 Operational Controls

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Fan controls support ventilation strategy
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Primary ventilation fan

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Controls will be used that can meet the following conditions:

    • Run fan continuously or intermittently, depending upon the intended schedule of operation
    • Operate fan to produce the intended flow for each intended flow setting
    • Any switch for ventilation system will be labeled

    Deliver intended air exchange

    Ensure fan controls meet intended ventilation strategy

    Spot fan

    Controls will be used that meet the following conditions:

    • Run fan continuously or intermittently, depending on the intended schedule of operation
    • Run fan for intended time for timed operation
    • Operate fan to produce the intended flow for each intended flow setting

    Deliver intended air exchange

    Ensure fan controls meet intended ventilation strategy


    Wiring will be installed by a properly licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements.

    Prevent an electrical hazard

    Ensure fan controls meet intended ventilation strategy

    Occupancy sensors/humidistat

    Manual override will be present on all controls

    Occupancy sensor and/or humidistat will be calibrated and commissioned effectively, and on a maintenance schedule

    Manufacturer specifications will be followed

    Allow occupant control

    Ensure fan controls meet intended ventilation strategy

    Maintain performance of control device

    Carbon dioxide sensors (demand control)

    Multispeed or variable frequency drive fan will be required

    Sensors will be calibrated and commissioned effectively, and on a maintenance schedule

    Manufacturer specifications will be followed

    Ensure fan controls meet intended ventilation strategy

    Maintain performance of control device

    Occupant/property manager education

    When fan controls are present and controlled by occupant, a system operation guide designed for occupants (nonprofessionals) will be provided to explain how and why to operate system

    Every six months, maintenance staff will verify timer systems are in place and are operating properly

    Educate occupants about system operation and importance

    Deliver intended air exchange


    6.6202.5 Heat Recovery Ventilator and Energy Recovery Ventilator Installation serving Multiple Dwelling Units (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Heat Recovery Ventilator ( HRV HRV Heat recovery ventilator ) and Energy Recovery Ventilator ( ERV ERV Energy recovery ventilator ) systems installed to specifications
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Equipment specification

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate equipment is specified

    Ensure design and installation are feasible

    Air flow

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units; all other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Provide sufficient outdoor air to desired locations


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements.

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fans, service switch, filters, drain, and drain pan will be accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Maintain designed air flows and system performance

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    HRV/ERV mounting

    HRV/ERV will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    HRV/ERV will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    HRV/ERV will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Ensure short duct runs achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure HRV/ERV is mounted securely

    Ensure HRV/ERV housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Condensate drain

    Condensation shall be drained to a location approved by the local jurisdiction

    Prevent moisture problems

    New connecting ductwork

    All exposed ductwork outside of the building will be insulated to a minimum R-12, protected from weather exposure, and sealed at all penetrations into building shell

    Ensure durability and energy efficiency of ductwork

    Distribution systems

    Note: HRV/ERV provides the outdoor air supply fan and the exhaust fan

    The rest of the ventilation system will be installed in accordance with the following details:

    • SWS 6.6104.1 Outdoor Supply Air Handling Unit Serving Multiple Dwelling Units or Corridors )
    • SWS 6.6004.1 Central/Common Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Dwelling Units via Common Duct(s) and Dwelling Unit Branches

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on purpose of system, and how and when to change filter and clean drain pan, if applicable, in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6202.6 Heat Recovery Ventilator and Energy Recovery Ventilator Installation in Single Dwelling Unit (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Heat Recovery Ventilator ( HRV HRV Heat recovery ventilator ) and Energy Recovery Ventilator ( ERV ERV Energy recovery ventilator ) systems installed to specifications
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Equipment specifications

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate equipment is specified

    Ensure design and installation are feasible

    Air flow

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Provide sufficient outdoor air to desired locations


    Wiring will be installed by a properly licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard


    Fans, service switch, filters, drain, and drain pan will be accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Maintain designed air flows and system performance

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    HRV/ERV mounting

    Fan will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    Fan will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Fan will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Ensure short duct runs achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure fan is mounted securely

    Ensure fan housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise

    Condensate drain

    Condensation shall be drained to a location approved by the local jurisdiction

    Prevent moisture problems

    Backdraft dampers (required for intermittent operation)

    A backdraft damper will be installed between the HRV or ERV and the exterior, unless the system operates continuously

    Prevent reverse air flow when the system is off

    Fan outlet termination

    Minimum distance of exhaust outlet from any doors, windows, or outside air intakes shall be in conformance with the applicable building code

    Outlet will be sealed to prevent water intrusion and exhaust air leakage into building cavities

    Direct exhaust to the outdoors and prevent re-entry

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with the following:

    • A minimum of 6" above grade
    • A minimum of 10' from contaminant sources
    • Above local snow or flood line
    • A minimum of 18" above an asphalt-based roof

    Minimum distance between exhaust outlet and air intake will be 6' or in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent entry of contaminants

    Ensure unrestricted airflow

    Intake/exhaust fitting

    Intake/exhaust fitting will have integrated collar that is at least the same diameter as the duct

    Fitting will be appropriate for regional weather conditions and installation location on exterior of building

    Effectively draw the required volume of air from outside

    Preserve integrity of the building envelope

    Ensure durable installation


    Exterior termination fittings will be flashed or weather sealed

    Water will be directed away from penetration

    Weatherproofing will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Prevent entry of weather into building shell

    Pest exclusion

    Screen material no less than 1/4" and no greater than 1/2" hole size in any direction will be used at any exhaust and intake

    Prevent entry of pests into building shell

    Duct connections

    Ducts will be connected to applicable registers or grilles, collector box, HRV or ERV, intake fitting, and termination fitting

    Ducts will be connected and sealed in accordance with duct exhaust and supply duct detail

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope

    Duct layout for attachment to forced air systems

    Exhaust air will not be taken from the forced air system

    Outdoor air supply ducts attached to the return side of forced air systems will be:

    • Attached as close to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system's fan as possible, while remaining in compliance with manufacturer specifications
    • Connected to the outdoor air outlet from HRV/ERV system
    • Filtration of ventilation air will be provided before reaching the HVAC fan
    • Connected and sealed in accordance with the supply duct detail

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of duct system and building

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Duct layout for fully ducted HRV/ERV systems

    All ducts will be connected and sealed in accordance with SWS 6.6004.2 Individual Exhaust Fan Serving Multiple Rooms Within a Single Dwelling Unit and SWS 6.6102.7 Ducts for Supply

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of duct system and building

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Outdoor air intake duct will be insulated from the outdoor air intake to the HRV/ERV system to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    Ducts installed outside of the thermal envelope will be insulated to a minimum of R-8 or equivalent to local codes

    Preserve integrity of the duct system by eliminating condensation

    Register boot to interior surface seal

    Register boot will be sealed to interior surfaces with sealants compatible to their intended surfaces

    Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Prevent air leakage around boot

    Ensure a permanent seal to the building air barrier

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Sealant selection

    Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces

    Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Ensure a permanent seal

    Prevent a fire hazard

    Balance and flow

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to match to the design specification

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on purpose of system, and also how and when to change filter and clean drain pan, if applicable, in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6202.7 Installation and Control of Variable Frequency Drives on Fans

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Improved fan efficiency and control

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate existing fans, motors, and ventilation system

    Motors will be evaluated to determine compatibility with variable frequency drive (VFD)

    Load profile and source equipment will be analyzed for use of VFD to provide variable ventilation rates

    Control strategy will be determined (e.g., manually adjusted speed or remote sensor control)

    Ensure existing motors and ventilation system are compatible with VFD operation

    Remove and replace motor, if required

    Power supply will be disconnected; existing motor will be removed and replaced with motor suitable for VFD operation

    Provide motor suitable for VFD operation

    Remove motor starter and replace with VFD

    Power supply will be disconnected; existing starter will be replaced with VFD in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Install and connect VFD

    Install required sensors to implement VFD control strategy (for sensor controlled strategies)

    Feedback sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications at locations that will optimize chosen control strategy

    Feedback sensors will be wired to VFD in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure sensors are installed to optimize VFD operation

    Install required manual controls to implement VFD control strategy (for sensor and/or manual controlled strategies)

    Speed controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications at a location for ease of continued operation

    Ensure manual controls are installed to optimize VFD operation, and for ease of installer and continuous operation

    Restore power supply to VFD, and verify operation of VFD and fan

    Power supply will be restored

    VFD will be shown to be capable of operating fan

    VFD will be shown to be capable of receiving sensor signals

    Ensure that VFD is ready for setup

    Initial setup of VFD

    VFD parameters will be set up to accept feedback from sensors dependent upon chosen control strategy

    System will be optimized to ensure targeted design ventilation rates at the lowest possible speed setting

    Achieve targeted design ventilation requirements with reduced electrical energy use


    6.6202.8 Replacement of Conventional Fans with Electrically Commutated Motor-Driven Fans

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Improved fan efficiency and control

    Multifamily Homes

    Evaluate existing fans, motors, and ventilation system

    Control strategy will be determined (e.g., manually adjusted motor-mounted speed control, manually adjusted remote speed control, static pressure sensor control)

    Ensure existing ventilation system is compatible with electrically commutated motor (ECM) operation

    Check for presence of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)

    Potential ACMs will be handled in accordance with SWS 2.0110.2 Potential Asbestos-Containing Materials

    Ensure safe work environment

    Remove and replace existing fan with ECM fan

    Existing fan will be removed and replaced with ECM fan, installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure proper operation of ECM fan

    Install required sensors to implement ECM control strategy (for sensor controlled strategies)

    Feedback sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications at locations that will optimize chosen control strategy

    Feedback sensors will be wired to ECM in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure sensors are installed to optimize ECM operation

    Install required manual controls to implement ECM control strategy (for sensor and/or manual controlled strategies)

    Speed controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications at a location optimized for ease of continued operation

    Ensure manual controls are installed to optimize ECM operation, and for ease of installer and continuous operation

    Restore power supply to variable frequency drive, and verify operation of ECM and fan

    Power supply will be restored

    ECM will be shown to be capable of operating the fan

    ECM will be shown to be capable of receiving sensor signals, when applicable

    Ensure that ECM is ready for setup

    Initial setup of ECM

    ECM parameters will be set up to accept feedback from sensors dependent upon chosen control strategy

    System will be optimized to ensure targeted design ventilation rates at the lowest possible speed setting

    Achieve targeted design ventilation requirements with reduced electrical energy use


    6.6202.9 Filtration for Fan-Powered (Active) Systems

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Indoor air quality ( IAQ IAQ Indoor air quality ) improved and equipment efficiency maintained
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation


    See redline change(s)

    All mechanically supplied outdoor air will pass through filter before conditioning

    Filters and filter racks/holders will have a rating of minimum efficiency rating value 6 or higher when tested in accordance with ASHRAE 52.2-2007

    Pressure drop across filter will match equipment capabilities

    Filter systems that produce ozone will not be allowed

    Ensure outdoor air is filtered before entering occupied space

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    (Add detail 6.6202.9 (Filtration for Fan-Powered (Active) Systems) to the Single Family Library.) Title: No change Specification(s): All mechanically supplied outdoor air will pass through filter before conditioning Filters and filter racks/holders will have a rating of minimum efficiency rating value 6 or higher when tested in accordance with ASHRAE 52.2 Pressure drop across filter will match equipment capabilities Filter systems that produce ozone will not be allowed Objective(s): No change4874

    Filter will be located and installed to facilitate access and regular service by occupant/maintenance staff

    Filter will be located on the inlet side of the equipment fan

    Filter access panel will include gasket or comparable sealing mechanism and fit snugly against exposed edge of filter when closed to prevent air bypass

    Filter plenum construction will be airtight and sealed to adjoining ductwork

    Prevent air bypass of filter

    Allow for proper maintenance and replacement

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be instructed on proper maintenance procedures and replacement schedule

    Ensure continued performance of equipment efficiency and IAQ


    6.6203.2 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Multiple Dwelling Units (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Humidity controlled to achieve optimum indoor air quality ( IAQ IAQ Indoor air quality )
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Equipment specification

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Equipment will be ENERGY STAR® qualified (where applicable)

    Settings will be maintained through power failure (auto restart)

    Dehumidification ventilator will be a ducted unit

    Dehumidification ventilator will be able to provide outside air

    Efficiently remove humidity

    Ensure ease of operation

    Provide ventilation with outside air

    Ensure appropriate equipment is specified

    Ensure design and installation are feasible


    System with enough capacity to handle humidity from outside air ventilation and internal gains will be selected

    Humidity levels inside the space will be maintained at less than 60%

    Note: As outdoor temperature drops, indoor humidity will need to be low enough to prevent condensation in building enclosure

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Efficiently remove humidity

    Provide sufficient outdoor air to desired locations

    Avoid moisture problems associated with over ventilation in a hot and humid climate


    Equipment will be located in an area with access to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning supply trunk line or plenum, outside air

    Fans, service switch, filters, drain, and drain pan will be accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Easily maintain equipment

    Maintain designed air flows and system performance

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Installation will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code

    Requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Maintain manufacturer warranty and proper installation

    Ensure short duct runs achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure dehumidifying ventilator is mounted securely

    Ensure dehumidifying ventilator housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise


    Operation of the dehumidifier will be based upon humidity/temperature in the return air, or provide supply air at a specified temperature and humidity

    Ensure system operation controls the humidity


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard

    Condensate drain

    Condensation shall be drained to a location approved by the local jurisdiction

    Prevent moisture problems

    New connecting ductwork

    All exposed ductwork outside of the building will be insulated to a minimum R-12, protected from weather exposure and sealed at all penetrations into building shell

    All ductwork outside of conditioned space will be insulated to a minimum of R-8

    Ensure durability and energy efficiency of ductwork

    Distribution systems

    Note: Dehumidifying ventilator provides the outdoor air supply fan

    The rest of the ventilation system will be installed in accordance with SWS 6.6104.1 Outdoor Supply Air Handling Unit Serving Multiple Dwelling Units or Corridors (All Three Building Types)

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope


    Verification of the dehumidification unit and controls will be performed and documented

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Property manager education

    Property manager will be educated on purpose of system, and how and when to change filter and clean drain pan, if applicable, in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6203.3 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Single Dwelling or Special Use Space (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Humidity controlled to achieve optimum indoor air quality ( IAQ IAQ Indoor air quality )
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Equipment specification

    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer

    Equipment will be ENERGY STAR® qualified

    Settings will be maintained through power failure (auto restart)

    Dehumidification ventilator will be a ducted unit

    Dehumidification ventilator will be able to provide outside air

    Efficiently remove humidity

    Ensure ease of operation

    Provide ventilation with outside air

    Ensure appropriate equipment is specified

    Ensure design and installation are feasible


    System with enough capacity to handle humidity from outside air ventilation and internal gains will be selected

    Humidity levels inside space will be maintained at less than 60%

    Note: As outdoor temperature drops, indoor humidity will need to be low enough to prevent condensation in building enclosure

    ASHRAE 62.2 and local code requirements should be followed for identifying design airflow rates within apartment dwelling units.

    All other areas will follow local code requirements and/or ASHRAE 62.1-2010 requirements

    Air flows will be measured in accordance with ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 or ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

    Efficiently remove humidity

    Provide sufficient outdoor air to desired locations

    Avoid moisture problems associated with over ventilation in a hot and humid climate


    Equipment will be located in an area with access to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning supply trunk line or plenum, outside air (where applicable)

    Fans, service switch, filters, drain, and drain pan will be accessible for maintenance or replacement

    Easily maintain equipment

    Maintain designed air flows and system performance

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Installation will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be mounted securely in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements (in terms of seismic restraints)

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be oriented so the equivalent length of the duct run is as short as possible

    Dehumidifying ventilator will be isolated from the building framing unless specifically designed to be directly attached

    Maintain manufacturer warranty and proper installation

    Ensure short duct runs achieve optimum air flows

    Ensure dehumidifying ventilator is mounted securely

    Ensure dehumidifying ventilator housing or building framing does not shake, rattle, or hum when operating

    Minimize noise


    Dehumidistat controls will be located near thermostat

    Ensure system operation controls the humidity


    Wiring will be installed by a licensed contractor

    Wiring will be installed in accordance with original equipment manufacturer specifications, and local and national electrical and mechanical codes

    Refer to NFPA 70: National Electrical Code for installation requirements

    Prevent an electrical hazard

    Condensate drain

    Condensation shall be drained to a location approved by the local jurisdiction

    Prevent moisture problems

    New connecting ductwork

    All exposed ductwork outside of the building will be insulated to a minimum R-12, protected from weather exposure, and sealed at all penetrations into building shell

    All ductwork outside of conditioned space will be insulated to a minimum of R-8

    Ensure durability and energy efficiency of ductwork

    Distribution systems

    Note: Dehumidifying ventilator provides the outdoor air supply fan

    The rest of the ventilation system will be installed in accordance with SWS 6.6202.6 Heat Recovery Ventilation and Energy Recovery Ventilator Installation in Single Dwelling Unit (note: exhaust side does not apply)

    Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations

    Preserve integrity of the duct system and building envelope


    Verification of the dehumidification unit and controls will be performed and documented

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Fire dampers

    Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing by the local authorities; if fire dampers are not accessible from a grill or register, an access door in the ductwork is required

    Sealing activities will not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

    Type B fire dampers will be used as required by fire code

    Ensure access to fire dampers for safe operation

    Minimize static pressure

    Maximize air flow

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on purpose of system, and how and when to change filter and clean drain pan, if applicable, in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Preserve integrity of system


    6.6207.1 Passive Ventilation (All Building Types)

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Passive Ventilation
    Desired Outcome: 
    Passive ventilation system installed to provide effective and efficient ventilation
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer (e.g., presence of operating exhaust system, specified location, and type of trickle vent specifications)

    Access to all affected dwelling units will be ensured by installer

    Ensure appropriate design for installation

    Intake location

    Intake will be installed in accordance with the following:

    • A minimum of 6" above grade
    • A minimum of 6' from exhaust outlets and will meet specifications of ASHRAE 62.1 Table 5-1 for all other contaminant sources
    • Above local snow or flood line
    • A minimum of 18" above an asphalt based roof

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Prevent entry of contaminants

    Ensure unrestricted air flow

    Equipment selection

    A system that provides a proper amount of air flow in accordance with ASHRAE 62.2 will be selected that minimizes potential occupant discomfort and/or drafts

    Ensure proper equipment

    Ensure conditions for thermal comfort

    Material selection

    Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Sealants and materials will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

    Ensure sealants and materials meet or exceed the performance characteristics required of the assembly (e.g., fire rating)


    Install in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Inlet will be sealed to prevent water intrusion and air leakage into building cavities

    Prevent entry of weather and pests into building shell

    Ensure occupant health and safety


    Verification of the passive inlet device will be performed and documented

    Air will flow through the device in the correct direction

    Ventilation system operation will be tested to confirm it is not causing pressure imbalances

    Room-to-room pressure differential within the dwelling unit will be no greater than 3 pascals

    Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Occupant/property manager education

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on how the system works, and its purpose and value

    Occupant/property manager will be educated on how to inspect passive intake device upon unit turnover

    Ensure the durability of the ventilation system


    6.6288.3 Regional Climatic Considerations

    Whole Building Ventilation
    Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Regional climatic variables are taken into consideration

    Multifamily Homes

    Very cold

    Energy recovery ventilators will not be installed in very cold climates unless they are equipped with frost controls

    A filter will be installed before heat recovery ventilator (HRV)

    Ventilation ducts will be insulated to a minimum of R-19

    Prevent freezing of ventilator

    Ensure the ventilation system remains clean and operates properly

    Ensure condensation does not form on or in the ductwork

    Hot humid

    HRVs will not be installed

    Ventilation air intake will not be terminated at roof

    Determine whether net latent load from ventilation (both natural and mechanical) requires dehumidification; if so, install dehumidification. See SWS 6.6203.2 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Multiple Dweeling Unit (All Building Types) and SWS 6.6203.3 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Single Dwelling or Special Use Space (All Building Types)

    Avoid low energy recovery equipment

    Prevent excessive heat entering ventilation air


    Section 7:Baseload

    7.8001.3 Refrigerator and Freezer Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy efficient appliance installed
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Unit and electrical receptacle will meet requirements of NFPA 70 Article 440

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Appliance shall be ENERGY STAR® rated

    Appliance will fit in the available space without blocking access to light switches, cabinets, etc.

    Appliance will carry a minimum 1-year warranty, which will provide a replacement appliance if repeated issues relating to health, safety, or performance occur

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions properly

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Appliance will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Where applicable, appliance shall be accessible to the disabled as required by the Federal Fair Housing Act and ICC A117.1; the appliance shall not reduce required maneuvering clearances in the kitchen to less than that permitted by the AHJ

    Any penetrations to the exterior created by the installation of the appliance will be sealed

    Specific information on the proper maintenance of the equipment will be provided to the occupant

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to the occupant

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Achieve intended appliance function

    Preserve food at low energy use


    Confirm appliance is operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications indicated in operation and maintenance manuals

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Appliances replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of properly

    Appliances infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    All OSHA standard practices will be followed

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to building operations staff

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Specific information on the proper maintenance of the equipment will be provided to the occupant

    Educate occupants about appliance and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8002.2 Entertainment, and Computer Systems and Components Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for electronic entertainment and computers reduced while effective performance is maintained
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Unit and electrical receptacle will meet requirements of NFPA 70 Article 442

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Category of equipment selected will meet occupant preferences and have the lowest available energy use (e.g., plasma vs. light-emitting diode)

    Equipment will have a minimum energy-efficiency level of ENERGY STAR®

    Equipment will be selected that does not have to be left on during nonuse periods for updates (e.g., gaming systems, set-top boxes)

    Standby losses for system will be 1 watt or less

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Equipment will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications (e.g., air circulation) and meet all applicable codes

    Any penetrations to the exterior of the home created by the installation of the equipment will be sealed

    All energy-saving features will be enabled unless specifically directed otherwise by the occupant

    Readily accessible means of disconnection (e.g., power strip, timer) will be provided for equipment that must be disconnected from the power source to avoid standby losses and whose performance will not be damaged by being disconnected

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Achieve intended appliance function


    Confirm equipment is operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications indicated in operation and maintenance manuals

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Equipment will be recycled or disposed of using EPA Responsible Recycling (R2) initiative principles

    Protect the environment

    Reduce waste

    Properly dispose of hazardous material

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    All OSHA standard practices will be followed

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to the building operations staff

    All equipment controls will be demonstrated to the building operations staff

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Specific information on the proper maintenance of the equipment will be provided to the occupants

    All equipment controls will be demonstrated to the occupants

    Educate occupants about appliance and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.10 Bi-Level Controls

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Safety and crime prevention will be considered as part of the strategy

    Determine appropriate device, settings, and location

    Determine existing electrical conditions

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Switches will be compatible with existing wiring

    Switches will meet the appropriate nationally recognized product standard

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure multiple switching strategies can be used


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Switches will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    Switches will be positioned in a secure location and not subject to physical damage

    Labels will be permanently affixed without the use of adhesives near switch location to indicate light level and fixture control

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Prevent tampering

    Ensure continued savings

    Optimize system performance


    Settings will be verified and tested to meet lighting design criteria

    Optimize system performance

    Ensure occupant safety

    Occupant safety

    Switches will not compromise egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Switches will not impact minimum light levels, as required by codes or local ordinances

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.11 Lamp Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Lamps will be compatible with existing fixtures

    Lamps will meet the appropriate nationally recognized product standard (UL 542, UL 1570)

    Outdoor lamps will be suitable for local climate conditions and in accordance with ANSI/UL product standards

    Screw base lamp replacements will be ENERGY STAR® qualified or exceed EISA 2014 standard levels by at least 20%

    Compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diode lamps will be ENERGY STAR qualified

    Linear fluorescent lamps will not be replaced with a T12, and T8 lamps will be minimum standard installed

    Living space lamps will be a correlated color temperature of less than 3000 kelvin

    Vandal-proof pin-based lamps will be used, if appropriate

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions properly

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Fixture will be de-energized before beginning work

    Worker will follow appropriate lockout procedures in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Lamps will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If fixture is broken, worker will refer to SWS 7.8003.14 Fixture Replacement

    Lens and reflector will be cleaned

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Optimize fixture performance


    Relamping will be tested to meet IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels for certain tasks and emergency levels, as required by the applicable code

    Lamps will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Meet target light levels

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Lamps will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines, local ordinances, or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lamp type and benefits

    Occupant will be provided with lamp disposal procedure, as determined by building operations staff

    If lamps containing mercury are used, occupants will be provided with lamp disposal procedure in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new lamps and benefits

    Ensure continued savings

    Protect the environment

    Ensure occupant safety


    7.8003.12 Re- and Retro-Commissioning

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy efficiency of existing lighting controls maximized. (Re- means going through a commissioning process again; retro- means a first-time commissioning on an existing building)
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting control optimization will be included as part of whole building re- or retro-commissioning

    Assessment will occur if lighting controls exist

    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional in consultation with a licensed electrical professional

    Assessment will follow Lighting Controls Association EE110 and IES procedures (or appropriate section of ASHRAE's whole-building commissioning procedure)

    Determine and ensure appropriate control settings


    Adjustments will be made in accordance with lighting strategy

    Optimize system performance


    Controls will not compromise egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101 and IBC

    Lighting controls will ensure that required egress light levels are maintained at times when the building is occupied and meet minimum light level requirements by codes or local ordinances

    Fixtures will be on when spaces are occupied

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Lighting professional will provide building operations staff with education on lighting control functions

    Lighting professional or installer will provide building operations staff with documentation on lighting control systems

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.13 Ballast Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Assessment will identify magnetic ballast location

    If the ballast is known to contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), does not have "No PCBs" on the ballast, or if the manufacturer cannot determine if the ballast contains PCBs, assume the ballast contains PCBs and dispose of ballast in an EPA-approved facility

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Ballasts will be compatible with new or existing fixture

    Ballasts will meet the appropriate nationally recognized product standards (ANSI C82.1, ANSI C82.4, UL 924, UL 1029, NEMA)

    Pulse start, high-efficiency electronic ballast will be used

    Ballast factor will be a minimum of 0.85

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety


    Fixture will be de-energized before work begins

    Worker will follow appropriate lockout procedures in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Ballasts will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If fixture is broken, worker will refer to Fixture Replacement Standard Work Specifications, Section 7.8003.14.

    Lens and reflector will be cleaned

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Optimize fixture performance


    Fixture will be tested to meet IESNA light levels for certain tasks

    Fixture will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Meet target light levels

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Ballast manufacture date will be determined, if possible

    If the ballast is known to contain PCBs, does not have "No PCBs" on the ballast, or if the manufacturer cannot determine if the ballast contains PCBs, assume the ballast contains PCBs and dispose of ballast in an EPA-approved facility

    Ballasts manufactured in 1979 and after will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Disposal manifests will be filed and available to building representatives

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.14 Fixture Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Hard-wired indoor fixtures will be in accordance with ANSI/UL 1598

    Plug-in indoor fixtures will be in accordance with ANSI/UL 153

    Hard-wired outdoor fixtures will be suitable for local climatic conditions and in accordance with ANSI/UL product standards

    Fixture will be capable of being attached to existing wiring

    Fixture will carry at least a 1-year warranty

    Existing emergency fixtures will be replaced with new emergency fixtures

    In-unit replacement fixtures will be ENERGY STAR® qualified

    Fixture will comply with selection criteria of SWS 7.8003.11 Lamp Replacement and SWS 7.8003.13 Ballast Replacement

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant safety


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional or a qualified contractor

    Fixture will be de-energized before work begins

    Appropriate lockout procedures will be followed in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Fixture will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    All penetrations will be sealed (ANSI/NFPA/ICC Fire Code)

    Egress fixtures will be installed in accordance with applicable codes (NFPA 101)

    Lighting fixtures will be installed and secured as specified NECA/IESNA 500

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Ensure integrity of fire barrier

    Ensure quality installation


    Fixtures will be tested to meet IESNA light levels for certain tasks

    Fixtures will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Meet target light levels

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Fixtures, lamps, and ballasts will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Ballast manufacture date will be determined, if possible

    If the ballast is known to contain PCBs, does not have "No PCBs" on the ballast, or if the manufacturer cannot determine if the ballast contains PCBs, assume the ballast contains PCBs and dispose of ballast in an EPA-approved facility

    Ballasts manufactured in 1979 and after will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated on new fixtures and benefits

    Occupants will be provided with lamp disposal procedure, as determined by building operations staff

    If lamps containing mercury are used, occupants will be provided with lamp disposal procedure in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new fixtures and benefits

    Ensure continued savings

    Protect the environment

    Ensure occupant safety


    7.8003.15 Security Lighting

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Security light fixtures will meet the appropriate nationally recognized product standard (UL 542, UL 1570)

    Outdoor lamps will be suitable for local climate conditions and in accordance with ANSI/UL product standards

    Security cameras will be considered

    Security lighting shall be configured to be switched off unless motion is detected

    Lighting shall remain on for no more than 30 minutes if continued motion is not detected

    Photo and motion sensors will be included

    Vandal proof fixtures will be used

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions properly

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure adequate lighting during emergency situations


    Fixture will be de-energized before work begins

    Worker will follow appropriate lockout procedures in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Lamps will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If fixture is broken, worker will refer to SWS 7.8003.14 Fixture Replacement

    Lens and reflector will be cleaned

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Optimize fixture performance


    Security lighting will be tested in accordance with local ordinances and manufacturer specifications

    To limit light pollution, aiming of light fixtures shall minimize light emitted above the horizontal

    Security lighting shall not shine light directly beyond the perimeter of the development, and shall not shine light directly into any window of any residence

    Meet target light levels

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Lamps will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Occupant education

    Education regarding security lighting will be provided by building operations staff

    Ensure occupant safety


    7.8003.2 Exit Sign Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be developed to meet applicable life safety requirements (IBC 1011 or NFPA 101)

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Ensure occupant safety

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Exit signs will meet all applicable codes (UL 924, NFPA 70, and/or IBC and IFC, as appropriate) and shall be selected from the NEMA Premium Exit Sign List

    Existing battery backup signs will be replaced with new battery backup signs in accordance with NEC 70 Section 700.12(F)

    Exit signs will be capable of being attached to existing outlet box

    Battery backup exit signs will indicate system failure with visual and audible alarm

    Exit signs will be rated for a maximum of 5 watts per illuminated side

    Exit signs will carry at least a 1-year warranty

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure low energy use

    Provide quality exit sign


    Fixture will be de-energized before beginning work

    Appropriate lockout procedures will be followed in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Exit signs will be installed in accordance with all applicable codes (NFPA 70) and manufacturer specifications

    All penetrations will be sealed per ANSI/NFPA/ICC Building Code or applicable local code

    Any penetrations created will be patched and painted

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Protect integrity of building envelope and exit sign

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure integrity of fire barrier


    Battery backup exit signs will be tested to meet NEC 70 Section 700.12(F)

    Battery backup exit signs will be tested to simulate loss of power

    Exit signs will be tested in accordance with local ordinances and manufacturer specifications

    Exit sign placement will be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 101

    Ensure sign visibility and correct operation

    Ensure occupant safety


    Exit signs will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines, local ordinances, or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned up in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety


    7.8003.3 Emergency Lighting

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Emergency light fixtures will meet the appropriate nationally recognized product standard (UL 542, UL 1570)

    Emergency lighting will include battery backup capable of operating for 90 minutes and will comply with NFPA 70 section 700.12

    Outdoor lamps will be suitable for local climate conditions and in accordance with ANSI/UL product standards

    Linear fluorescent lamps will not be replaced with T12 lamps, and T8 lamps will be installed as minimum standard

    Lamps in luminaires with emergency ballasts shall be replaced with a appropriate type of lamp

    Vandal-proof fixtures will be used, if appropriate

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions properly

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure adequate lighting during emergency situations


    Fixture will be de-energized before work begins

    Worker will follow appropriate lockout procedures in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Lamps will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If fixture is broken, worker will refer to SWS 7.8003.14 Fixture Replacement

    Lens and reflector will be cleaned

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Optimize fixture performance


    Emergency lighting will not inhibit required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Battery backup will be tested to meet NEC 70 Section 700.12(F)

    Battery backup emergency lighting will be tested to simulate loss of power

    Emergency lighting will be tested in accordance with local ordinances and manufacturer specifications

    Exit sign placement will be in accordance with NFPA 110

    Meet target light levels

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Lamps will be disposed of in accordance with EPA guidelines, local ordinances, or manufacturer specifications

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    Broken lamps containing mercury will be cleaned in accordance with EPA guidelines

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, product specification, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Occupant education

    Education regarding emergency lighting will be provided by building operations staff

    Ensure occupant safety


    7.8003.4 Remove Common Area Lamps

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Electrical use and demand reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Delamping strategy will be provided by lighting professional and follow IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels for certain tasks

    Determine relevant lamp removal

    Determine appropriate strategy


    Lamps will be removed based on the strategy provided by assessment

    Reduce energy use and demand


    Final lighting levels will be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 or 90.2

    Final egress lighting will be in accordance with NFPA 70 and NFPA 101

    Ensure that occupant egress lighting safety has not been compromised


    If operational, lamps will be stored and reused if the lamps meet retrofit standards

    If nonoperational, lamps will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Disposal manifests will be filed and available to building representatives

    Use resources efficiently

    Reduce cost of lamp replacement

    Protect the environment

    Occupant safety

    Delamping will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting levels and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new lighting levels and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.5 Remove Common Area Fixtures

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Electrical use and demand reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Delamping strategy will be provided by lighting professional in consultation with licensed electrician

    Remaining fixtures will follow IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels for certain tasks

    Determine relevant fixture removal

    Determine appropriate strategy


    Fixtures will be removed or disconnected by a licensed electrician or qualified contractor based on the strategy provided by assessment

    Removal or disconnection will be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70 and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Any penetrations caused by fixture removal will be patched, sealed, and painted with equivalent material (ANSI/NFPA/ICC Fire Code)

    If operational, lamps will be stored and reused if the lamps meet retrofit standards

    Fixtures, lamps, and ballasts will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Disposal manifests will be filed and available to building representatives

    Reduce energy use and demand

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure worker safety

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Ensure integrity of fire barrier

    Use resources efficiently

    Reduce operational budget costs

    Protect the environment


    Final lighting levels will be in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 or 90.2

    Final egress lighting will be in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70 and ANSI/NFPA 101 or in compliance with local codes

    Ensure occupant egress lighting safety has not been compromised

    Occupant safety

    Delamping will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting levels and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new lighting levels and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.6 Occupancy Sensors for Indoor Common Areas and Offices

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Determine appropriate device, settings, and location

    Determine existing electrical conditions


    Sensors will be compatible with existing wiring

    Sensors will meet UL 60730-1

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Sensor will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    All penetrations will be sealed (ANSI/NFPA/ICC Fire Code)

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Preserve integrity of building envelope

    Ensure integrity of fire barrier


    Settings will match the intended use of the space in accordance with lighting plan

    Reduce energy use


    Settings will be verified and tested to meet lighting design criteria

    For certain tasks, lighting levels will follow IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels

    Optimize system performance

    Ensure occupant safety

    Occupant safety

    Occupancy sensors will not inhibit required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Occupancy sensors will not be installed in electrical and mechanical rooms

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure worker safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.7 Stand-Alone Timers in Outdoor and Common Areas

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Safety and crime prevention will be considered as part of the strategy

    Determine appropriate device, settings, and location

    Determine existing electrical conditions

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Timer will be compatible with existing wiring

    Timer will be in accordance with UL 917 where applicable

    Timer will have a minimum of 10 hours of battery backup time

    Timer will have a minimum of two programmable schedules

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Timer will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    Timer will be positioned in a secure location

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Prevent tampering


    Timer will be set in accordance with the assessment

    Exterior fixtures will be turned off when there is sufficient day light (civil twilight) or when lighting is no longer needed at night per ASHRAE 90.1 or 90.2, and tested to meet IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels for certain tasks

    Interior fixtures will be turned off when light is no longer needed

    Reduce energy use

    Reduce light pollution

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Settings will be verified and tested to meet lighting design criteria

    Optimize system performance

    Ensure occupant safety

    Occupant safety

    Timer will not impact egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Timer will not impact minimum light level, as required by codes or local ordinances

    Fixtures will be on when spaces are occupied, per ASHRAE 90.1 or 90.2 or local codes, and tested to meet IESNA protocol for appropriate light levels for certain applications

    Appropriate override switch shall be provided

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.8 Outdoor Motion Control

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Safety and crime prevention will be considered as part of the strategy

    Determine appropriate device, settings, and location

    Determine existing electrical conditions

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Motion sensor will be compatible with existing wiring

    Motion sensor will meet UL 60730-1

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Motion sensor will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    Motion sensor will be located in a secure location and not subject to physical damage

    Motion sensor will be installed to minimize false starts

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Prevent tampering

    Ensure continued savings


    Motion sensor will be set in accordance with the assessment

    Reduce energy use

    Reduce light pollution

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Settings will be verified and tested to meet lighting design criteria

    Optimize system performance

    Ensure occupant safety

    Occupant safety

    Motion sensor will not impact egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Motion sensor will not impact minimum light level, as required by codes or local ordinances

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8003.9 Outdoor Photo Sensors

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for lighting reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Lighting strategy will be provided by lighting professional

    Safety and crime prevention will be considered as part of the strategy

    Determine appropriate device, settings, and location

    Determine existing electrical conditions

    Prevent property damage

    Ensure occupant safety


    Photo sensor will be compatible with existing wiring

    Photo sensor will be UL certified

    Photo sensor will meet the requirements of the lighting design

    Fixture will allow for replacement of photo sensor

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure device functions appropriately

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure continued savings


    Work will be performed by licensed electrical professional

    Photo sensor will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ANSI/NFPA 70E, and manufacturer specifications

    Photo sensor will be positioned in a secure location and not subject to physical damage

    Photo sensor will not be obstructed from natural light

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Prevent tampering


    Photo sensor and aperture will be set in accordance with the assessment

    Ensure sensor performance


    Settings will be verified and tested to meet lighting design criteria

    Optimize system performance

    Reduce light pollution

    Occupant safety

    Photo sensor will not impact required egress lighting, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Photo sensor will not impact required minimum light level, as required by codes or local ordinances

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8004.3 Clothes Dryer Replacement

    Plug Load
    Desired Outcome: 
    Reduce energy and environmental impact for drying clothes
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Unit and electrical receptacle will meet requirements of NFPA 70 Article 422

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Total energy use will be factored into the selection process if fuel switching is being considered

    Dryer will be equipped with moisture sensor

    Equipment will be selected with energy features that reduce both peak electric demand and absolute energy use

    Standby losses for equipment will be 1 watt or less

    Appliance will be covered by a minimum 1-year warranty

    Reduce energy use

    Avoid increasing total energy use (gas and electric) when fuel switching

    Ensure product safety

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Appliance will be installed according to manufacturer specifications (e.g., leveling, plumbing connection, electrical connection, interior lighting) and meet all applicable codes

    If existing venting does not meet the following criteria (as well as manufacturer specifications and applicable codes), new venting will be installed using the following specifications:

    • Appliance will be vented to the outdoors using rigid metal-to-metal venting
    • Venting design will meet standards for optimal venting, including demand control venting
    • Venting will not be constricted or blocked
    • Only clamps, not screws, will be used on vents
    • Pest screen will be installed at the termination
    • At least 3' of the vent closest to the exterior of the house will be insulated

    Where applicable, appliance shall be accessible to the disabled, as required by the Federal Fair Housing Act and ICC A117.1; the appliance shall not reduce required maneuvering clearances in the kitchen to less than that permitted by the AHJ

    If a combustion appliance is used, the building must pass a combustion appliance zone test upon completion of installation

    Any penetrations to the exterior created by the installation of the appliance will be sealed

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure continued savings

    Achieve intended appliance function


    Confirm appliance is operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications indicated in operation and maintenance manuals

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Appliances replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of properly

    Appliances infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components


    All OSHA standard practices will be followed

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to the building operations staff

    All equipment controls will be demonstrated to the building operations staff

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Specific information on the proper maintenance of the equipment will be provided to the occupants

    All equipment controls and proper operation will be demonstrated to the occupants

    Operators of clothes dryers will be provided with information on using the clothes dryers safely and effectively; this will include information on items that are prohibited to be placed in the clothes dryer (Refer to the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers recommendations)

    Educate occupants about appliance and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8005.1 Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines

    Plug Load
    Vending Machines and Water Coolers
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for vending machines reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Vending machines, including those leased from a third-party vendor, will be ENERGY STAR® qualified and compliant with ANSI/UL 541

    Increase energy efficiency

    Ensure occupant safety


    Cord and plug-connected vending machines will comply with ANSI/NFPA 70 Section 422.51

    Where applicable per ADA, clear floor space and unit controls complying with the operable parts provisions of ICC A117.1 shall be provided for each type of vending machine provided

    Motion controls will be installed for all non-refrigeration functions

    Building operations staff will be provided warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Vandal-proof enclosures will be installed, as necessary

    Ensure occupant safety

    Reduce light pollution

    Minimize nonessential energy use


    Vending machines replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances

    Vending machines infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    All refrigerant will be handled in accordance with EPA 40 CFR 82.156 and local ordinances

    Prevent reuse of inefficient equipment and components

    Protect the environment

    Ensure worker safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8005.2 Non-Refrigerated Vending Machines

    Plug Load
    Vending Machines and Water Coolers
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for vending machines reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    All vending machines will be compliant with ANSI/UL 751

    Ensure occupant safety


    Cord and plug-connected vending machines will comply with ANSI/NFPA 70 Section 422.51

    Where applicable per ADA, clear floor space and unit controls complying with the operable parts provisions of ICC A117.1 shall be provided for each type of vending machine provided

    Motion controls will be installed

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to building operations staff

    Vandal-proof enclosures will be installed, as necessary

    Ensure occupant safety

    Reduce light pollution

    Minimize nonessential energy use


    Vending machines replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances

    Vending machines infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    Prevent reuse of inefficient equipment and components

    Protect the environment

    Ensure worker safety

    Occupant safety

    Appliance will not impact required egress, as required by ANSI/NFPA 101

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be educated of new lighting controls and benefits

    Education will be provided by building operation staff

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8005.3 Freestanding Water Coolers

    Plug Load
    Vending Machines and Water Coolers
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for freestanding bottled and point-of-use water coolers reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Freestanding water coolers, including those leased from a third-party vendor, will be ENERGY STAR® qualified

    Child-resistant hot faucet will be included for hot water delivery

    Increase energy efficiency

    Ensure occupant safety


    Freestanding water coolers will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    If applicable, equipment shall have outlets provided that comply with the operable parts provisions of the ICC A117.1

    Ensure proper appliance operation


    Freestanding water coolers replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances

    Refrigerant will be handled in accordance with Section 608 of Clean Air Act of 1990 and local ordinances

    Prevent reuse of inefficient equipment and components

    Protect the environment

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8101.2 Low-Flow Retrofit Devices

    Water Heating
    Water Use Reduction
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and reliable hot water delivery system that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life-cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes


    Work area will be dry

    Care will be taken not to damage existing plumbing fixtures, finishes, and surroundings

    Unusual pressure conditions will be noted and communicated to property manager (e.g., high, low, fluctuating)

    Existing showerhead or aerator will be removed

    Ensure work area is safe

    Prevent water damage to living unit


    Low-flow showerheads or aerators will be installed using a non-hardening thread sealant

    Temperature-protected shutoff valves will be used

    Showerheads with shut off valves will not be installed in buildings with central water heating systems

    Ensure safe and quality installation

    Eliminate crossover


    Proper function at the fixture will be verified by turning water on to full flow

    Notification should be given to tenants informing them not to remove low flow showerheads to maintain energy efficiency

    Verify the new end-use device is operating properly


    7.8101.4 Washing Machine

    Water Heating
    Water Use Reduction
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy and environmental impact for washing clothes reduced
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Unit and electrical receptacle will meet requirements of NFPA 70

    Determine and ensure appropriate device and location


    Minimum appliance efficiency will be ENERGY STAR® and WaterSense® or better

    Washers within ENERGY STAR standards or CEE Tier 2 will be considered to achieve greater savings

    Adequate clearance will be maintained around appliance when fit in available space so access to cabinets and light switches are not blocked

    Appliance will be covered by a minimum 1-year warranty

    Equipment will be selected with features that reduce both peak electric demand and absolute energy use and water use

    Reduce energy use and water consumption

    Ensure occupant satisfaction with appliance


    Appliance will be installed according to manufacturer specifications (e.g., leveling, plumbing connection, electrical connection, interior lighting) and meet all applicable codes

    Outlet will be grounded or provide ground

    Shut off valves will be installed, if not already present

    Water and electricity to existing washer will be shut off and disconnected

    Function and proper connection (hot to hot/cold to cold) of hot and cold supply to washer will be verified

    Hot water temperature shall be confirmed to be a maximum of 125°F or according to local code

    Washer will operate through all cycles

    Washer will be labeled with contact information

    Information listing poison control contacts shall be provided

    Floor surfaces and surroundings will be protected when removing washing machine

    Hoses that can withstand water pressure at the location will be installed

    If appliance is located in conditioned or finished area, overflow pan will be installed and drained to appropriate location

    Any penetrations to the exterior created by the installation of the appliance will be sealed

    Central laundry facilities will be considered over in-unit laundry rooms

    Water quality will be evaluated via pH tests if area is prone to hard water conditions

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to the occupant

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure equipment functions as designed

    Reduce water consumption

    Prevent water damage

    Educate occupants on how to maintain washer to ensure savings


    Confirm appliance is operating in accordance with manufacturer specifications indicated in operation and maintenance manuals

    Ensure occupant satisfaction

    Ensure occupant safety


    Appliances replaced by new units will be recycled or disposed of properly

    Appliances infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient equipment and its components

    Reduce waste

    Ensure occupant health


    All OSHA-standard practices will be followed

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Staff education

    Warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information will be provided to the building operations staff

    Energy-related appliance controls will be demonstrated to the occupant

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Specific information on the proper maintenance of the equipment will be provided to the occupants

    All equipment controls will be demonstrated to the occupants

    Educate occupants about appliance and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8101.5 In-Unit Dishwasher Replacement

    Water Heating
    Water Use Reduction
    Desired Outcome: 
    Energy used for dishwashing reduced
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Assessment will determine if dishwasher connection is cord and plug or directly connected; if directly connected, a means to disconnect the appliance should be provided in accordance with NEC 422.31

    Appliance electrical connection shall determine if NEC 422.16 or NEC 422.31 applies

    Work order will be evaluated against site circumstances

    Determine appropriate appliance


    Appliance will be ENERGY STAR® qualified or better

    Appliance will fit in the available space without blocking access to light switches, cabinets, etc.

    Appliance will carry a minimum 1-year warranty

    Reduce energy use

    Ensure occupant satisfaction


    Directly connected dishwasher will be installed by licensed electrical professional

    Directly connected appliance will be de-energized before beginning work

    For directly connected appliance, appropriate lockout procedures will be followed in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Directly connected dishwasher will comply with ANSI/NFPA 70

    Cord and plug connected dishwasher will comply with ANSI/NFPA 70 Section 422.16

    Plumbing connections will be sealed to prevent leaks

    Plumbing supply lines will be installed with the shortest length possible

    Appliance will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Water quality will be evaluated via pH and hardness tests

    The occupant will be informed on detergent levels and type to optimize performance

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure proper appliance performance

    Limit water use of appliance


    Dishwasher will be run for one full cycle

    Worker will inspect for water leaks during operation

    Hot water temperature will be confirmed to be a maximum of 125 °F or according to local code

    Ensure proper appliance performance

    Prevent property damage


    Dishwasher will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances

    Dishwashers infested with pests will be enclosed before moving

    Protect the environment

    Prevent the reuse of inefficient components

    Ensure worker safety

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, water shut off valve location, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings

    Occupant education

    Occupants will be provided with a manual and educated of new dishwasher benefits

    Education will be provided by building operations staff

    Dishwasher detergent levels shall be determined per owner's manual

    Educate occupants about new controls and benefits

    Ensure continued savings


    7.8101.6 Drain Heat Recovery

    Water Heating
    Water Use Reduction
    Desired Outcome: 
    Reduce hot water use at the primary fixtures through heat recovery from the drain

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant, building operations staff, property manager)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Drain heat recovery will be installed where:

    • Cold water draw is concurrent with a warm drain
    • Vertical drop of drain is sufficient to allow installation of the recovery device

    Identify locations that allow for cost-effective heat recovery


    Drain heat recovery device will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications (e.g., cold water counter flow)

    Maximize effectiveness of heat exchange

    Cold/tempered water supply

    The tempered water line (post-drain heat recovery device) will be plumbed:

    • As close to the primary fixture as possible (e.g., showerhead)
    • To fixtures that will have water use concurrent with drain heat recovery (e.g., shower that is supplying the drain water)

    Minimize heat loss from tempered water


    Drain heat recovery device will be checked for leaks

    Cold water line above drain heat recovery device will be checked for warmth

    Ensure system operates as designed


    7.8102.4 Storage Tank-Type Water Heater

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and reliable hot water source provided that meets occupant needs at lowest possible cost of ownership
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Accepted industry procedures and practices will be followed to:

    • Remove old water heater and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimney openings
    • Remove unused oil tank, lines, valves, and associated equipment

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Preserve integrity of the building

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    New equipment installation

    New water heater and associated components will be installed in accordance with local codes, accepted industry standards and practices, and manufacturer specifications

    The system will be installed to be freeze resistant

    Any existing water leaks will be repaired before installation begins

    Any penetrations to the exterior of the home created by the installation of the equipment will be sealed

    Where earthquake loads are applicable, supports shall be designed and installed for seismic forces

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    Ensure worker and occupant safety

    Preserve integrity of the building

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    Emergency drain pan

    An emergency drain pan with a minimum depth of 1 1/2" and sufficient size and shape to receive all dripping or condensate if leakage would cause damage to the space should be installed.

    A 3/4" drain line or larger will be connected to tapping on pan and run to an indirect drain or pumped to daylight

    Collect and safely dispose of water escaping from the storage tank

    Expansion tank

    A stainless steel bladder expansion tank will be installed on the cold water side

    Expansion tank shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions

    A direct connection with no valves between the storage tank and expansion tank will be installed

    Protect the storage tank from expansion

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Temperature and pressure relief valve discharge tube will terminate within 6" of the floor, or as prescribed by local code

    Discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from storage tank to safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator) will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the storage tank

    Backflow prevention

    Backflow prevention will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and all applicable codes

    Backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the time of installation, repair, or relocation, and not less than on an annual schedule or more often where required by local code

    Protect water supply from contamination

    Thermal efficiency and insulation

    If additional tank insulation is installed, it will be rated a minimum of R-11 and installed to manufacturer specifications

    If additional insulation is installed, it will be installed based on fuel type, making sure not to obstruct draft diverter, pressure relief valve, thermostats, hi-limit switch, plumbing pipes or elements, and thermostat access plates

    The first 6' of inlet and outlet piping will be insulated in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Pipe insulation must remain 3" from gas water heater vent

    Heat traps will be installed on the inlet and outlet piping where not provided by manufacturer

    Reduce standby loss from near tank piping and storage tank

    Ensure insulation does not make contact with flue gas venting

    Required combustion air

    Combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer's installation requirements

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    In absence of a local code, combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

    Ensure adequate combustion air for operation of the appliance

    Venting of flue gases

    Combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer's installation requirements

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    In absence of a local code, combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

    Ensure the safety and durability of the venting system

    Combustion testing

    Undiluted flue gases will be checked with a calibrated flue gas analyzer in accordance with accepted protocol

    If combustion is not happening safely or to the appropriate combustion efficiency, diagnostics and adjustments will be done in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Confirm that combustion is occurring safely with appropriate combustion efficiency

    Fuel supply

    Electric, natural gas, and oil supply components will be installed to accepted industry standards and codes in accordance with NFPA70 (NEC) for electric, NFPA 54 for gas, or NFPA 31 for oil

    Energy input required by the appliance will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications (e.g., ensure gas pipe size and pressure are adequate)

    Provide sufficient fuel to the water heater, burner, or element

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature at fixtures will not exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure safe hot water supply temperature to fixtures

    Commissioning of system

    The following will be checked once the system has been filled and purged:

    • Safety controls
    • Combustion safety and efficiency
    • Operational controls
    • Fuel and water leaks
    • Local code requirements

    Commissioning will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and relevant industry standards

    Ensure system functions safely

    Keep cost of ownership as low as possible

    Occupant health and safety

    All spaces with combustion appliances will have a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm

    Locations of CO alarms in the space shall be in accordance with state law and local codes

    Ambient CO levels will be maintained under code-acceptable thresholds

    Ensure occupant health and safety

    Occupant education

    Completed work will be reviewed

    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Operation of backflow preventer and pressure regulator
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8102.5 Tankless Water Heater

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide a safe and reliable hot water source that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/building operations staff)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Decommission the applicable system components by completing the following, in accordance with accepted industry procedures and practices:

    • Remove old water heater and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimney openings
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned utility (fuel and electric) connections

    Preserve the integrity of the building and services

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    New equipment installation

    Tankless water heaters and associated components will be installed in accordance with local codes, accepted industry standards and practices, and manufacturer specifications

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Emergency drain pan

    In instances where, due to the installation location of the tankless water heater, a leak could cause damage building components, an emergency drain pan should be installed

    A 3/4" drain line or larger will be connected to tapping on pan and run emergency drain line to floor drain, pump, or building exterior

    Collect and safely dispose of water escaping from the appliance

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location no greater than 6" from the floor or as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    Discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from the appliance to a safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator), if needed, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Stray voltage protection

    Electrical connection to the water heating equipment should be made per manufacturer's instructions and per NEC (NFPA 70)

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance

    Backflow prevention

    Backflow prevention will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and all applicable codes

    Backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the time of installation, repair, or relocation, and not less than on an annual schedule or more often where required by local code

    Protect the water supply from contamination

    Pressure verification

    Building water pressure and volume will be verified as sufficient and will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    A pressure regulator or booster pump will be installed as needed

    Provide proper water pressure to the appliance

    Pipe insulation

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce line losses

    Required combustion air

    Recommendations will be made to install all tankless appliances as sealed combustion

    If not possible:

    Combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer's installation requirements

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    In absence of a local code, combustion air shall be calculated and provided in conformance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

    Ensure adequate combustion air for operation of the appliance

    Venting of flue gases

    Combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction and manufacturer's installation requirements

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    In absence of a local code, combustion byproducts shall be removed in accordance with any of the following: NFPA 54, IFGC, or NFPA 31

    Ensure the safety and durability of the venting system

    Combustion testing

    Undiluted flue gases will be checked with a calibrated flue gas analyzer in accordance with accepted protocol

    If combustion is not happening safely or to maximum efficiency, diagnostics and adjustments will be done in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local codes

    Confirm that combustion is occurring safely with maximum efficiency

    Fuel supply

    Electric, natural gas, and oil supply components will be installed to accepted industry standards and codes in accordance with NFPA 70 (NEC) for electric, NFPA 54 for gas, or NFPA 31 for oil

    Energy input required by the appliance will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications (e.g., ensure gas pipe size and pressure are adequate)

    Provide sufficient fuel to the water heater burner or element

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella)

    Commissioning of system

    The following will be checked once the system has been connected and filled:

    • Safety controls
    • Combustion safety and efficiency
    • Operational controls
    • Fuel and water leaks
    • Cycle unit
    • Local code requirements
    • Other system components (e.g., expansion tank, storage tank)

    Commissioning will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications and relevant industry standards

    Ensure system functions safely and is designed with the lowest possible cost of ownership

    Ambient carbon monoxide (CO)

    All spaces with combustion appliances will have a CO alarm

    Locations of CO alarms in the space shall be in accordance with state law and local codes

    Ambient CO levels will be maintained under code-acceptable thresholds

    Ensure worker, occupant, and building management staff health and safety


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Operation of backflow preventer and pressure regulator
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8102.6 Point-of-Use Water Heater

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide a safe and reliable hot water source that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/property manager/building operations staff)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Decommission the applicable system components by completing the following in accordance with accepted industry procedures and practices:

    • Remove existing water heater and associated components
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned utility (fuel and electric) connections
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned waterlines as close to the main line as possible (avoid deadleg)

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Preserve the integrity of the building and services

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    Water supply

    The volume and pressure of the water supplied will be sufficient to meet the needs of the water heater

    The methods utilized to determine pipe sizes shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction

    Provide sufficient volume and pressure of water to the fixture

    New equipment installation

    Point-of-use water heaters and associated components will be installed in accordance with local codes, accepted industry standards and practices, and manufacturer specifications

    Where conflicts occur between the code and manufacturer installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location no greater than 6" from the floor or as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    Safely discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from the water heater to a safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator), if needed, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Stray voltage protection

    Electrical connection to the water heating equipment should be made per manufacturer's instructions and per NFPA 70

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance

    Pipe insulation

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce loss of heat

    Power supply

    Electric supply components will be installed in accordance with accepted industry standards and codes (NFPA 70 for electric); breaker for the circuit on which the heater is installed will be checked for proper ampacity

    Provide sufficient power to the water heating element

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella)

    Commissioning of system

    The following will be checked once the system has been connected and filled:

    • Safety controls
    • Operational controls
    • Water leaks
    • Cycle unit
    • Local code requirements

    Manufacturer specifications and all relevant industry standards will be met in commissioning

    Ensure the system functions safely and is designed with lowest possible cost of ownership


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8102.7 Solar Water Heater

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide a safe and reliable hot water source that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    Solar water heating typically utilizes a backup source. Refer to other domestic hot water generation SWS (e.g., 7.8102.4, 7.8102.5, 7.8102.6, 7.8102.8) for the selected backup source for guidance on installation or removal of those systems
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/building operations staff/property manager)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Decommission the applicable system components by completing the following in accordance with accepted industry procedures and practices:

    • Remove old water heater and associated components
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned utility (fuel and electric) connections

    Ensure worker/occupant/building operations staff/property manager health and safety

    Preserve the integrity of the building and services

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    Storage tank accessibility

    Storage tank will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the appliance and its components

    Anode rod will be accessible for replacement

    Ensure the storage tank can be easily maintained and replaced

    Solar collector accessibility

    Solar collector will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the appliance and its components

    There will be a path that allows the solar collector to be safely accessed without damaging the roof

    Ensure solar collector can be easily maintained and replaced

    Solar collector location

    Installation of the solar collector will not exceed the structural capability of the building (e.g., dead load, wind load)

    Solar collectors will be sited to minimize shading factor and maximize solar gain

    Maximize system performance with minimal negative impacts on the structure and occupant/building management/building operations staff

    New equipment installation

    Solar collectors, storage tank, and associated components will be installed in accordance with local codes, accepted industry standards and practices, and manufacturer specifications

    Roof penetrations will be sealed in conformance with the applicable code adopted by the jurisdiction

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building operations staff/property manager

    Preserve the integrity of the building

    Maximize performance

    Freeze protection

    The system will incorporate freeze protection for applicable climates, including, but not limited to, closed glycol loops, drain back systems, supplemental heat, or other methods, as approved by local code and manufacturer specifications

    Prevent freezing liquid in pipes in cold weather climates

    Drain pan

    In instances where a leak could cause damage, a drain pan will be installed under the storage tank in accordance with manufacturer specifications and the following criteria:

    • Connected to 3/4" drain line or larger to tapping on pan
    • Run to drain, pump, or daylight

    Collect and safely dispose of water escaping from the storage tank

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Storage tank will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location no greater than 6" from the floor or as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    Solar collectors will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location, as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    When applicable, safely discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from the storage tank and collectors to a safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator), if needed, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Stray voltage protection

    When electric equipment (e.g., pumps motors) is used in conjunction to or connected to the solar water heater, the electrical connection should be made per manufacturer's instructions and per NEC (NFPA 70)

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance

    Backflow prevention

    Backflow prevention will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and all applicable codes

    Backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the time of installation, repair, or relocation, and not less than on an annual schedule or more often where required by local code

    Protect potable water supply from contamination

    Pipe insulation

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Pipe insulation exposed to the sun will be protected from ultraviolet radiation and other damage

    Reduce line losses

    Prevent insulation from deteriorating

    Required ventilation and clearances

    Ventilation and clearances will be provided under solar collectors in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code

    Prevent damage to solar collectors, mounts, and roof

    Electric supply

    Electric supply components will be installed to accepted industry standards and codes in accordance with NEC (NFPA 70)

    Required energy input to the pumps and controls will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Provide sufficient electricity to pumps and solar water heating systems

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Commissioning of system

    System design criteria will be checked once the system has been connected and filled, including:

    • Safety controls
    • Operational controls
    • Water leaks
    • Cycle unit modes (e.g., freeze protection, high limit, collection, idle)
    • Other system components (e.g., expansion tank, storage tank)

    Manufacturer specifications and all relevant industry standards will be met in commissioning

    Ensure the system functions safely and is designed with the lowest possible cost of ownership


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Operational modes
    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Adjustment of tempering valve
    • Tank maintenance (e.g., anodes, temperature, and pressure relief valve)
    • Fluid maintenance and replacement
    • Solar collector maintenance (e.g., cleaning the collectors, checking gaskets, and mounts)
    • Shade prevention, including trimming nearby trees and vegetation; inform manager/owner/staff that new construction of high-rise buildings on the south side of property may cause shadows, limiting the effectiveness of the solar thermal system
    • Operation of backflow preventer and pressure regulator
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate the occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8102.8 Heat Pump Water Heater

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide a safe and reliable hot water source that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/building operations staff/property manager)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Decommission the applicable system components by completing the following in accordance with accepted industry procedures and practices:

    • Remove old water heater and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimney openings
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned utility (fuel and electric) connections at source

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Preserve the integrity of the building and services

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    Equipment accessibility

    A level working space not less than 30" in length and 30" in width shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance

    Water heaters shall be installed in accordance with their listings and the manufacturer's installation instructions

    Appliance will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the appliance and its components, without disturbing any installed equipment, controls, piping, and components, other than what requires repair/replacement

    Anode rod will be accessible for replacement

    Ensure the appliance can be easily maintained and replaced

    Equipment location

    Appliance will be located to minimize noise impact

    Appliance will be located to maximize efficient operation and auxiliary benefits (e.g., dehumidification)

    Maximize operation of the appliance with minimal negative impact on building management/building operations staff

    New equipment installation

    A new water heater and associated components will be installed in accordance with local codes, accepted industry standards and practices, and manufacturer specifications

    In instances where conflicts occur between the code and the manufacturer's installation instructions, the more restrictive provisions shall apply

    In instances where a leak could cause damage, a drain pan will be installed under the storage tank in accordance with manufacturer specifications and the following criteria:

    • Connected to 3/4" drain line or larger to tapping on pan
    • Run to drain, pump, or daylight

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Drain pan

    In instances where a leak could cause damage, a drain pan will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and the following criteria (Uniform Plumbing Code 5.10.7, IRC 20801.5.1):

    • Connected to 3/4" drain line or larger to tapping on pan
    • Run to drain, pump, or daylight

    Collect and safely dispose of water escaping from the appliance

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Equipment will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location no greater than 6" from the floor or as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    There will be no shut off valve installed on the discharge tube

    Safely discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from the appliance to a safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator), if needed, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Stray voltage protection

    Electric water heating equipment should be installed per the NEC (NFPA70)

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance

    Backflow prevention

    Backflow prevention will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and all applicable codes

    Backflow devices shall be tested by a certified backflow assembly tester at the time of installation, repair, or relocation, and not less than on an annual schedule or more often where required by local code

    Protect the water supply from contamination

    Pressure verification

    Water pressure and volume capacity of the building will be verified as sufficient to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    A pressure regulator or booster pump will be installed as required

    Provide proper water pressure to the appliance

    Pipe insulation

    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Reduce line losses

    Required air

    Ventilation and clearances for adequate heat transfer will be provided in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure adequate air for heat exchange across the coil

    Electric supply

    Electric supply components will be installed to accepted industry standards and codes in accordance with NEC (NFPA70)

    Energy input required by the appliance will be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Provide sufficient electricity to the water heater

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella, etc.)

    Commissioning of system

    The following will be checked once the system has been connected and filled:

    • Safety controls
    • Operational controls
    • Water leaks
    • Cycle unit through modes
    • Filter
    • Other system components (e.g., expansion tank, storage tank)
    • Temperature set point

    Manufacturer specifications and all relevant industry standards will be met in commissioning

    Ensure the system functions as designed with the lowest possible cost of ownership


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Operation of backflow preventer and pressure regulator
    • Filter replacemen
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate the occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8102.9 Non-Fired Storage Tank

    Water Heating
    Installation and Replacement
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide safe and reliable hot water storage that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/building operations staff/property manager)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Decommission the applicable system components by completing the following in accordance with accepted industry procedures and practices:

    • Remove old water heater and associated components
    • Seal any unused chimney openings
    • Safely disconnect and secure any abandoned utility (fuel and electric) connections

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Preserve the integrity of the building and services

    Remove old equipment in a timely and efficient manner

    Site security

    Work site will be secured to prevent unauthorized entry

    Temporarily disconnected equipment will be locked up and tagged out

    All trash and unused materials will be removed from work site daily

    Protect the occupant from exposure to potential hazards

    Equipment accessibility

    Storage tank will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the tank and its components

    Anode rod, when present, will be accessible for replacement

    Ensure the storage tank can be easily maintained and replaced

    Storage tank location

    Storage tank will be located to maximize efficient operation of the water heating system

    Maximize operation of the water heating system

    Storage tank installation

    Verify storage tank size will meet the building water requirements

    A new storage tank and associated components will be installed in accordance with accepted industry standards and practices and manufacturer specifications

    Storage tanks will be installed level, with seismic bracing (when needed) and in a manner to prevent rust and corrosion

    Storage tank will be installed on a housekeeping pad

    Storage tanks shall be placed in a location that does not obstruct building egress or access, as required by local codes adopted by the AHJ

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Drain pan

    A drain pan will be installed in accordance with storage tank manufacturer specifications and the following criteria:

    • Connected to 3/4" drain line or larger to tapping on pan
    • Run to drain, pump, or daylight

    Collect and safely dispose of water escaping from the storage tank

    Temperature and pressure relief valve

    Correct temperature and pressure relief valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Storage tank will be connected to properly sized discharge tube and run to a safe location no greater than 6" from the floor or as prescribed by local code (in the absence of local code, as prescribed by UPC)

    Safely discharge excessive energy (pressure or temperature) from the storage tank to a safe location

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator)

    Dielectric unions (dielectric insulator), if needed, will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Stray voltage protection

    Electrical connection to the water heating equipment should be made per manufacturer's instructions and per NEC (NFPA 70)

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance


    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Tanks will be insulated to a minimum of R-12.5

    Reduce heat loss from the storage tank and pipe

    Electric components

    Electric components will be installed to accepted industry standards and codes in accordance with NEC (NFPA 70)

    Provide electricity to the storage tank electric control components

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella, etc.)


    Temperature and pressure gauges on storage tank will be installed and visible

    Provide information for safe and effective operation of water heating system


    Valves will be installed to isolate tank from water heating system and to allow for bypass in multiple tank systems

    Allow for easy removal and maintenance of the tank

    Commissioning of system

    The following will be checked once the system has been connected and filled:

    • Safety controls
    • Operational controls
    • Valves
    • Water leaks
    • Temperature set point

    Manufacturer specifications and all relevant industry standards will be met in commissioning

    Ensure the system functions safely and is designed with the lowest possible cost of ownership


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Proper use of isolation valves
    • Need for inspection and replacement of anode rod
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate the occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8103.3 Purging

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Damage to the equipment will be prevented by effectively removing all air from the water heating system

    Multifamily Homes

    System analysis

    Water piping will be analyzed to identify air collection points (e.g., highpoints, deadheads, side-plumbed tanks, large pumps)

    Ensure purging will be effective


    Purging will be done in the following order:

    • New equipment
    • Entire system
    • Verify equipment

    Ensure purging will be effective

    Purge new equipment

    Equipment will be purged in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Effectively purge new equipment

    Purge system

    System will be manually purged using water pressure

    Auto air vents will not be relied on for purging

    Purging of air collection points (e.g., highpoints, deadheads, side-plumbed tanks, large pumps) will be verified

    Effectively purge system

    Verify purging of new equipment

    Equipment will be purged in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Verify equipment is purged

    Energize system

    System will be energized and checked for air noise

    Conduct final verification of purge


    7.8103.4 Rooftop Potable Water Storage Tanks ("Standpipe" or "Gravity" Tanks)

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Ensure rooftop potable water storage tanks (seen in older high-rise buildings, typically made of wood, used to provide potable cold water to building via gravity, and filled by ground floor pumps) are properly maintained

    Multifamily Homes


    Drain, clean, disinfect, and flush storage tank with chlorine solution or equivalent no less than annually

    Ensure water quality

    Maintain system durability

    Tanks floats

    Inspect tank floats annually, and lubricate and repair, as needed

    Maintain proper operation of float and ground floor pumps

    Tank sealing

    Repair and caulk any tank cracks and holes

    Carefully tighten vertical slats, as necessary

    Fill and pressure test after completion of sealing

    Prevent water leakage

    Maintain water quality and prevent contamination

    Ensure system durability

    Freeze protection

    If large water mass and regular water flow is inadequate for freeze protection in cold climates, minimize freezing by implementing tank insulation, electric resistance heating, or hydronic/steam coils, as needed

    Prevent water from freezing


    7.8103.5 Water Softening/Conditioning

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Water softened/conditioned to a range that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff without damaging the water system
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Test water quality

    Major water parameters (e.g., pH, iron, sodium, manganese) will be measured and compared to state and national standards, such as American Water Works Association

    Determine water quality to choose appropriate treatment system


    Water softeners/conditioners will be installed in the cold water supply of water heater

    Ensure longevity of the system

    Ensure sodium content in drinking water is not increased

    Selection and installation

    A water treatment system capable of remedying identified water quality issue will be installed

    Drinking water treatment units shall comply with local water standards and requirements

    Water softened/conditioned to a range that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff without damaging the water system


    Isolation valves and bypass piping will be installed on water treatment systems

    Water treatment system can be isolated for maintenance or bypass

    Stray voltage protection

    Electrical connection to the water equipment should be made per manufacturer's instructions and per NEC (NFPA 70)

    Break the stray voltage electrical circuit through the appliance

    Storage of salt

    Salts for treating the system will be stored in a cool and dry environment and away metal solids

    Prevent corrosion


    Treatment levels (e.g., 60-120 parts per million calcium carbonate) will be set in accordance with the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE TPC 7)

    System will be checked for leaks

    System will be purged

    Ensure proper function of water treatment system

    Ensure water does not damage pipes or tanks due to overtreatment


    An operation manual and educational materials from NACE will be provided to property manager

    Educate occupant/ building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8103.6 Operation Manual

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    The occupant/ building operations staff/property manager will properly maintain the water heating system throughout the life of the equipment

    Multifamily Homes

    Operation manual

    An operation manual that details inspection and maintenance of the water heating system will be provided to the property manager

    Operation manual will have a table of contents and will be tabbed and in a ringed binder

    Educate the occupant/ building operations staff/property manager about maintenance of the system


    Operation manual will include information on:

    • Safety
    • Installer contact details
    • Manufacturer specifications
    • Warranties
    • Hot water source
    • –Boilers
    • –Storage water heater
    • –Tankless water heaters
    • Storage tanks
    • Pumps
    • Piping
    • –Materials
    • –Location
    • –Pipe tracing
    • Valves
    • Controls
    • –Safety
    • –Operational
    • –Recirculation
    • Sensors
    • Gauges
    • Combustion venting
    • Wiring
    • Insulation

    Installer will complete pertinent sections

    Ensure the operation manual provides all necessary information

    Additional resources

    Refer to the commissioning and education subsection of the SWS, when present, for the applicable measure being installed

    Provides guidance for detailed development


    7.8103.7 Crossover Due to a Backflow into the Cold Water Supply

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimize energy and water waste to the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Check valve will be installed on the cold water supply to the water heating equipment

    A thermal expansion tank will be installed, if not present

    Eliminate crossover


    Water pressure downstream of the check valve will be verified

    Expansion tank charge will be verified or set in accordance with SWS 7.8104.8 Domestic Hot Water Expansion Tank (Potable Water)

    Ensure proper operation


    7.8103.8 Crossover Due to Improper Plumbing Connections Between Multiple Storage Tanks

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimize energy and water waste to the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Spring-loaded check valve will be installed on the cold water supply to the non-recirculating tank

    System will be purged

    Work will be completed in an aesthetically pleasing manner (e.g., repairs made to structure and finished surfaces)

    Eliminate crossover


    Water pressure downstream of the check valve will be verified

    Ensure proper operation


    7.8103.9 Crossover Due to Missing Check Valve in Recirculation of Hot Water Return

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimize energy and water waste to the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Spring-loaded check valve will be installed on the hot water return of a recirculation loop immediately upstream of the storage tank

    System will be purged

    Valves will be added to the recirculation line to purge the system if needed

    Work will be completed in an aesthetically pleasing manner (e.g., repairs made to structure and finished surfaces)

    Eliminate crossover


    Water pressure downstream of the check valve will be verified

    Ensure proper operation


    7.8104.1 Mixing Valves

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and reliable hot water delivery that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Existing mixing valves will be hydraulically isolated (shut isolation valves) and drained before removal

    Existing mixing valves will be disconnected from electricity before removal

    Safely remove the existing mixing valve


    Mixing valve will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local code requirements

    Controls, sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not expose occupant/building operations staff/property manager to hazardous conditions

    When controls are using low voltage, the low voltage and line voltage wiring will be separated

    Controls, sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not pose an unnecessary risk to the integrity of the installation (e.g., wiring, sensors)

    Ensure the mixing valve is properly installed

    Allow proper and effective function of the valve

    Ensure long-term safety and durability of components


    Mixing valves will be installed at as many locations as necessary to ensure delivery of safe and adequate hot water

    Mixing valve will be installed with a heat trap or at a distance from heat sources sufficient enough to prevent scaling or damage to the valve

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding at all locations

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella)

    Ensure the valve does not fail prematurely


    Mixing valve will be mounted in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Prevent the mixing valve from coming loose


    Mixing valve will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the valve

    Ensure the mixing valve can be easily maintained and replaced

    Isolation valve

    Isolation valves will be installed to isolate mixing valve

    Allow for easy removal and maintenance of the mixing valve

    Check valve

    Check valve will be installed on the cold and hot water supply lines

    Prevent crossover

    Temperature gauges

    Temperature gauges will be installed on hot, cold, and tempered supply water lines within line of sight of the mixing valve

    Allow verification of proper operation of the mixing valve


    Controls and sensors will be installed or reconnected in accordance with design specifications

    When controls are using low voltage, the low voltage and line voltage wiring will be separated

    Installer will understand the function of the mixing valve as part of the hot water control system

    Ensure proper function of the mixing valve

    Discharge water temperature

    Discharge water temperature will be set not to exceed 120 °F or as prescribed by local code

    Install mixing valve when higher storage/generation temperatures are required

    Ensure water temperature is low enough to prevent scalding

    Ensure water temperature is high enough to inhibit growth of pathogens (e.g., Legionella)


    The following will be checked:

    • System filled and purged
    • Water leaks
    • Valves open
    • Isolation and check valve orientation correct
    • Function of mixing valves across full range of incoming hot water temperatures

    Relevant information will be added to operation manual

    Verify operation of the mixing valve


    Completed work will be reviewed

    Occupant/building operations staff/property manager will be educated on the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the system, including:

    • Adjustment of water temperature
    • Proper use of isolation valves
    • Importance of keeping operating manuals accessible

    Educate occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8104.2 Crossover Due to a Single Lever Valve or a Failed Valve

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Minimize energy and water waste to the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Check valves will be installed on the hot and cold water supply lines upstream of the valve

    Eliminate crossover


    Water pressure at the fixture will be verified

    Ensure proper operation


    7.8104.3 Piping

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide safe and reliable hot water that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos) will be identified

    Upon the discovery of hazardous material, written notification and contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator will be provided to appropriate people (e.g., occupant/building operations staff/property manager)

    Property manager will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (property manager is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Visible abandoned piping will be removed

    Obsolete but inaccessible piping will be capped as close as possible to point of no access

    Allow for proper future maintenance


    Piping will be installed to minimize length

    Hot water piping will be purposely located to allow for insulation of each individual pipe (e.g., no bundling)

    Piping will be located with the following priority:

    • Within conditioned space
    • Within the building
    • Outdoor air
    • Below ground (insulated and sleeved)

    Tracer lines will be installed and labeled when piping is installed below ground or when the pipe is hidden within the building

    Piping will not be placed in locations prohibited by adopted buildings codes; such locations include, but are not limited to, exit stairs enclosures, exit passageways, and electrical equipment rooms

    Piping will be installed to protect occupant/building management/building operations staff from hot water pipes

    Ensure piping is safe, efficient, durable, and accessible


    All piping and fittings will be insulated with fixed insulation to IECC 2012 or ASHRAE 90.1-2010, at a minimum

    Tanks will be insulated to a minimum of R-12.5

    Insulation will be protected from damage (e.g., protected from underground water, contact, friction from pipe hangers, woodpeckers, ultraviolet radiation )

    Prevent the pipe from freezing

    Minimize heat loss from the pipes

    Reduce the risk of moisture damage

    Friction loss

    Friction loss will be minimized using the following criteria:

    • Smooth piping
    • Minimized number of fittings
    • Sweeps will be selected instead of 90° elbows
    • Full port valves

    Maximize effective delivery of water

    Minimize the energy use of the pump

    Minimize pipe damage

    Dissimilar metals

    Dissimilar metals shall be connected in a manner to prevent galvanic corrosion

    When connecting nonferrous metal piping to existing ferrous piping, dielectric unions (dielectric insulator) will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Alternatively, if dielectric unions are not required by code, consider using a plastic-lined steel nipple a minimum of 4" long to connect the two piping systems to separate dissimilar metals

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Bracing and hangers

    Piping, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances shall be adequately supported in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction

    Ensure the piping is safe and durable

    Stray voltage protection

    Piping will be bonded and grounded as required by NEC (NFPA 70)

    Eliminate stray voltage from piping


    Piping will be charged and checked for leaks

    Ensure the piping and fittings operate as designed


    7.8104.4 Pumps

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide safe and reliable hot water that meets the needs of the occupant/buildingmanagement/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors


    Old pumps will be hydraulically isolated (valves shut) and drained before removal

    Old pumps will be disconnected from electricity before removal

    Safely remove the old pump

    Installation and location

    Pump will be installed and plumbed to allow for inspection, maintenance, and replacement of the pump

    Ensure the pump can be easily maintained and replaced


    Pumps will not be insulated

    Prevent the pump from overheating


    Valves will be installed to isolate pump from water heating system

    Allow for easy removal and maintenance of the pump

    Controls and sensors

    Controls and sensors will be installed or reconnected in accordance with design specifications

    Installer will understand the control system

    When controls are using low voltage, the low voltage and line voltage wiring will be separated

    Ensure proper function of the water heating system


    Pressure gauges will be installed to measure suction, discharge, and pressure differential

    Verify proper operation of the pump


    Pumps will be mounted in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Prevent the pump from coming loose

    Minimize vibration

    Laminar flow

    Pumps will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications with sufficient straight line piping before and after the pump

    Minimize pump cavitation

    Ensure proper operation of the pump


    Damaged wiring will be replaced

    Wiring will be protected from physical damage and water sources

    Polarity of pump wiring will be verified before starting the pump

    Prevent damage to the pump

    Ensure pump is properly wired

    Drain/purge valve

    A drain spigot will be installed in close proximity of the discharge end of the pump

    Allow the piping to be purged of air

    Dissimilar metals

    When connecting nonferrous metal pump to existing ferrous piping, a plastic-lined steel nipple a minimum of 4" long will be installed to connect the two piping systems

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals

    Pump materials

    Pump will be made with metals suitable for potable water, such as bronze or stainless steel

    Ensure safe domestic water for building occupants

    Stray voltage protection

    Motors will be grounded per NEC (NFPA 70)

    Eliminate stray voltage


    The following will be checked before energizing the pump:

    • System filled and purged
    • Safety controls present
    • Valves open
    • Pump and check valve properly oriented
    • Shipping bolts removed

    The following will be checked once pump is energized:

    • System purge complete
    • Rotation
    • Function of safety controls
    • Integration of system controls
    • Water leaks
    • Operation of pressure gauges

    Manufacturer specifications will be met in commissioning

    Ensure the pump operates as designed


    7.8104.5 Gauges

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Gauges will provide accurate information to allow for safe and reliable operation of water heating system

    Multifamily Homes

    System analysis

    System design specifications will be reviewed and understood

    Properly install the correct gauges in the correct location


    Calibration for analog gauges will be verified

    Digital gauges will be calibrated

    Provide accurate measurements


    A gauge will be selected with an appropriate range for the design specifications

    Provide accurate measurement

    Dissimilar metals

    When connecting a nonferrous metal pump to existing ferrous piping, a plastic-lined steel nipple a minimum of one pipe diameter in length will be installed to connect the two pipes

    Minimize corrosion between dissimilar metals


    Gauges will be selected that can be easily read for light conditions

    Gauges will be installed so they can be easily read (e.g., not facing the wall)

    Allow for easy reading


    Temperature gauges will be installed so they are not adversely affected by other equipment through heat conduction

    Pressure gauges will be installed so they are not adversely affected by turbulent flow and vibration

    Provide accurate measurements

    Placement: surface-mount thermometer

    Thermocouple for digital gauges will be installed tightly to the pipe

    Thermocouple for digital gauges will be wrapped with insulation to exclude ambient temperature

    Provide accurate measurements

    Placement: wet-mount thermometer

    Gauges will be installed so they are not in an air pocket (e.g., install on side of pipe, not on top of side-plumbed tanks)

    Measure fluid temperature, not air temperature


    Gauges will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    An isolation valve will be installed to allow pressure gauges to be replaced

    Gauges will be installed in a location (where possible) that allows instructions to be easily read without the need of a ladder or step stool

    Provide accurate measurements


    7.8104.6 Recirculation System Temperature Modulation Controls

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and reliable hot water delivery system that meets the needs of occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors

    Electric safety

    Electric circuit will be disconnected before removing or installing controls

    Ensure the health and safety of the worker/occupant/building management/building operations staff

    Removal of controls

    Decommissioned controls will be removed or labeled as abandoned

    Allow system to be maintained


    Controls will be mounted on a stable and sturdy surface

    Controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure safe and effective installation


    Controls will be clearly identified or labeled to identify associated equipment ("this device controls boiler #2," etc)

    Location and purpose of controls for water heating equipment (e.g., boiler, storage type water heater) will be clearly identified or labeled

    Allow system to be maintained

    Integration with other system controls

    Purpose and function of controls integral to water heating equipment (including input data from sensors) will be identified before installing additional controls

    Existing hot water supply set points will be logged

    Function and set point of anti-scald mixing valve will be determined

    Location and interaction of sensors and controls will be sketched or described

    Location of sensors and interaction of final control configuration will be sketched or described

    Maintain the integrity of the hot water system and components


    Sensors and controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    When controls are using low voltage, the low voltage and line voltage wiring will be separated

    Controls, sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not expose occupant/ building operations staff/property manager to hazardous conditions

    Controls, sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not pose an unnecessary risk to the integrity of the installation (e.g., wiring, sensors)

    Allow proper and effective function of the controls

    Ensure long-term safety and durability of components


    Controls will be mounted on a stable and sturdy surface

    Controls will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure safe and effective installation

    Site security

    All trash and unused materials will be removed from work site daily

    Protect the occupant from exposure to potential hazards


    Modulation of hot water supply temperature will be verified in accordance with settings

    Proper operation of anti-scald mixing valve, if present, will be verified

    Transmission of monitored data (or data logging) will be verified in accordance with settings

    Operator/owner manual will be updated or completed with site-specific data

    Ensure proper and effective function of the controls

    Allow for long-term maintenance or monitoring of the system


    Operator/owner manual will be provided

    Site staff will be educated

    Manual and education will include:

    • Purpose of control system
    • How to identify expected control modes
    • How to identify system or component failure modes
    • Which failures to fix
    • Which failures to have a plumber fix
    • Which failures require a different specialist
    • Contact information for controls installer/manufacturer

    Educate occupant/building operations staff/property manager about the safe, efficient operation and maintenance of the system


    7.8104.7 Recirculation System Demand-Controlled Pump

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Safe and reliable hot water delivery system that meets the needs of the occupant/building management/building operations staff at the lowest possible life cycle cost

    Multifamily Homes

    Hazardous material removal

    Health concerns in the removal and replacement of equipment (e.g., asbestos, other hazardous materials) will be identified

    Written notification will be provided to occupants of the discovery of hazardous material, including contact information for regional EPA asbestos coordinator

    Occupant will be asked to contract with an EPA-certified asbestos contractor to conduct abatement before decommissioning and replacement (occupant is responsible for abatement or remediation)

    Remediate health hazards using EPA-certified contractors

    Pump removal

    SWS 7.8104.4 Pumps will be used

    Electricity to the pump will be turned off

    Water to recirculation pump will be shut off (using isolation valves if possible) and section of water line with the pump will be drained

    Existing pump will be removed safely

    Safely remove the existing pump

    Removal of controls

    Decommissioned controls will be removed or labeled as abandoned

    Allow the system to be maintained

    Pump installation

    SWS 7.8104.4 Pumps will be used, particularly the parts about isolation valves and drain/purge valve

    Demand controlled pump will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    Ensure safe and effective installation of the new pump

    Allow for ease of maintenance

    Allow for proper purging

    Sensor installation

    Flow and temperature sensors will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

    When controls are using low voltage, the low voltage and line voltage wiring will be separated

    Sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not expose occupant/ building operations staff/property manager to hazardous conditions

    Sensors, wiring, and other components will be installed in a manner that does not pose an unnecessary risk to the integrity of the installation

    Allow for proper operation of the demand-controlled pump

    Ensure long-term safety and durability of components

    Site security

    All trash and unused materials will be removed from work site daily

    Protect the occupant from exposure to potential hazards


    SWS 7.8104.4 Pumps will be used for commissioning

    Signal from hot water return temperature sensor to control unit will be verified for accuracy

    Signal from flow sensor to control unit will be verified for accuracy

    Proper control response to sensor signals will be verified

    Operator/owner manual will be updated or completed with site-specific data

    Verify sensors and control function as designed

    Allow for long-term maintenance or monitoring of system


    Operator/owner manual will be provided

    Site staff will be educated

    Manual and education will include:

    • Purpose of control system
    • How to identify expected control modes
    • How to identify system or component failure modes
    • Which failures to fix
    • Which failures to have a plumber fix
    • Which failures require a different specialist
    • Contact information for controls installer/manufacturer

    Ensure safe, efficient, reliable, and long-term operation of demand-controlled pump


    7.8104.8 Domestic Hot Water Expansion Tank (Potable Water)

    Water Heating
    Desired Outcome: 
    Provide for adequate expansion of domestic hot water as it is heated to prevent damage to piping and equipment

    Multifamily Homes

    Adequate air pressure of existing air tank

    Unit will be hydraulically isolated and removed from piping and drain tank

    Cap will be removed on bottom of tank

    Pressure will be checked using a tire pressure gauge

    Pressure will be closely matched to incoming water pressure

    Ensure that expansion tank is properly charged and operating

    Proper sizing of new expansion tank

    Collect necessary information to determine expansion tank size, including:

    • Operating water pressure of water heater (a pressure gauge may need to be installed to verify)
    • Water heater and tank volume
    • Operating water temperature
    • Relieve valve pressure setting
    • Value of incoming street water pressure

    Ensure that the newly installed expansion tank will be properly sized for the system

    Precharge air pressure in new expansion tank

    Using a tire pressure gauge and a tire pump to adjust as necessary, pressure in potable water expansion tank will be set to match the incoming street water pressure

    Set correct air pressure for proper operation of tank

    New installation location of expansion tank

    Expansion tank shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions

    The expansion tank will be located on the cold water inlet to the water heater

    The expansion tank should be located between the water heating equipment and the required shut off

    Ensure correct location of tank


    7.8801.1 Replacement and Maintenance

    Baseload—Special Considerations
    Desired Outcome: 
    Proper operation of elevator
    The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Inspection will be performed by a licensed elevator professional

    Ensure occupant safety

    Energy efficiency

    Evaluation will be performed by a licensed elevator professional in conjunction with energy efficiency professionals

    Elevator room heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment will be installed with energy efficient components and proper controls

    Optimize energy performance

    Installation and maintenance

    Any work will be performed to comply with ASME A17.1, ICC A117.1, and ANSI NFPA 70 Article 620

    Ensure occupant safety

    Ensure proper installation


    7.8802.1 Motor and Control Replacement

    Baseload—Special Considerations
    Spas, Hot Tubs, Saunas
    Desired Outcome: 
    Peak energy demand decreased
    For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

    Multifamily Homes


    Pool service professional will determine specifications for motor and controls

    Electric energy rate will be assessed

    Determine need for motor replacement

    Ensure cost savings


    Motor will be physically compatible with frame size

    Motor will be electrically compatible with voltages and phases

    Motor will be UL listed for pool, spa, or hot tub use

    Motor will meet efficiency standards of APSP-15

    Motor will be at least 2-speed

    If controls are outdoors or near water, they will be suitable for use in a wet location

    Ensure proper equipment operation

    Reduce peak energy demand

    Ensure occupant safety


    Installation will be performed by qualified personnel

    Pump will be de-energized before beginning work

    Appropriate lockout procedures will be followed in accordance with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and ANSI/NFPA 70E

    Motor and controls will be installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70 Article 680 and manufacturer specifications

    Ensure worker safety

    Ensure occupant safety

    Optimize motor and control performance


    If operational, motor will be stored for temporary backup use and labeled as such

    If nonoperational, motor will be disposed of in accordance with local ordinances or manufacturer specifications

    Use resources efficiently

    Protect the environment

    Staff education

    Building operations staff will be provided with warranty information, operation manuals, and installer contact information

    Educate building operations staff about operation and maintenance of equipment

    Ensure continued savings



    General Information on Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF)

    Low-Pressure SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam

    Low-pressure SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam systems are two-component polyurethane foam products. They are typically delivered to the job site in pressurized canisters (~250 psi Psi Pounds per square inch ), dispensed though unheated hoses through a disposable mixing nozzle system, and applied as a froth-like material to substrate. This type of SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam product is typically used for large sealing and small-scale insulation products.


    High-Pressure SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam

    High-pressure SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam systems are two-component polyurethane foam products. They are typically delivered to the job site in unpressurized drums or totes and dispensed by a proportioner pump where heat and pressure are added. These chemicals travel through heated hoses to a spray gun where the material is aerosolized during application. This type of SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam product is typically used for larger insulation applications.


    Note on SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam Delivery Methods

    Once installed, there is essentially no difference in product performance between low- and high-pressure foams. It should be noted that the main differences between the delivery methods are in capital equipment investment, application rate, and PPE PPE Personal protective equipment requirements.


    Installer Training

    Applicators should obtain training from the suppliers of SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam to help assure installation quality and use of all equipment as well as safe handling, use, and disposal of all chemicals used in the process. Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance ( SPFA SPFA Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance ) also offers additional training and accreditation for high-pressure SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam applicators.


    Manufacturer Installation Instructions

    SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam applicators should follow all manufacturer installation instructions for the product being used. These instructions include product-specific documents such as application instructions, MSDSs, and evaluation reports.

    To view this information in PDF format, see this document.

    Referenced Standards

    The following lists the codes, standards, and other technical publications that support the standard work specifications for single-family home energy upgrades and can be used in two ways:

    1. Starting with a publication, a reader can identify which specification(s) that publication supports.
    2. Starting with a specification, a reader can identify which publication(s) support that specification.

    List of Acronyms




    Air Conditioning Contractors of America


    American National Standards Institute


    American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers


    American Society for Testing and Materials


    Building Performance Institute


    U.S. Department of Energy


    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


    International Building Code


    International Energy Conservation Code


    International Fuel Gas Code


    International Mechanical Code


    International Residential Code


    National Appliance Energy Conservation Act


    U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration


    Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance


    Federal Trade Commission


    New York City Department of Health


    Air Diffusion Council


    U.S. Food and Drug Administrations


    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health


    Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contracts National Association


    Publications Referenced in the Standard Work Specifications

    Standard Reference



    2012 IRC

    International Residential Code for One-and Two-Family Dwellings

    See IRC tables in Appendix C

    Air Diffusion Council

    Flex Duct Standard

    3.1601.1j, 3.1601.2b, 4.1601.1b, 4.1601.1c, 4.1601.1d, 4.1601.1f, 4.1601.1g, 4.1601.1h, 4.1601.1j

    ANSI Z21.1

    Household Cooking Gas Appliances


    ANSI Z21.10.1

    Gas Water Heaters Volume I, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings Of 75,000 Btu Per Hour Or Less


    ANSI Z21.11.2

    Gas-fired room heaters Volume II, unvented room heaters

    2.0202.1a, 2.0401.1e

    ANSI Z21.74

    Gas-Fired Central Furnaces


    ANSI Z223.1

    National Fuel Gas Code

    2.0201.1f, 2.0203.1a, 2.0203.1b, 2.0203.2b, 2.0203.2c, 2.0203.2d, 5.3003.7d, 6.6003.2i, 6.6003.3j, 6.6003.4k, 6.6003.5c, 7.8102.2j, 7.8102.3i, 7.8102.3l, 7.8103.2c


    Residential Duct Systems

    4.1601.1c, 5.3001.2a, 6.6202.2c


    Residential Load Calculation

    5.3001.1a, 5.3101.1a, 5.3101.2a


    Residential Equipment Selection

    5.3001.1b, 5.3101.1b

    ANSI/ACCA Standard 12 QH-2011

    Existing Home Evaluation and Performance Improvement

    2.0201.1a, 2.0201.1i

    ANSI/ACCA Standard 4 QM-2007

    Maintenance for Residential HVAC Systems

    5.3104.2a, 5.3104.2b

    ANSI/ACCA Standard 5 QI-2010

    HVAC Quality Installation Specification

    5.3003.3a, 5.3003.6a, 6.6003.1h, 6.6003.2g, 6.6201.1c, 6.6202.2j


    Air Distribution Basics


    ANSI/ASHRAE 111-2008

    Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems

    6.6003.1h, 6.6003.2g

    ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2

    Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size

    6.6102.3f, 6.6103.1f

    ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2

    Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings

    2.0401.1e, 5.3003.7i, 5.3104.3q, 6.6005.1a, 6.6005.1e, 6.6005.2b, 6.6005.2d, 6.6102.1f, 6.6102.3f, 6.6103.1f, 6.6201.1a, 6.6201.1b, 6.6201.1c, 6.6288.1a, 6.6288.1b, 6.9901.1

    ASHRAE Handbook



    ASTM C522

    Standard Test Method for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials

    4.1103.1a, 4.1103.2c

    ASTM C665-06

    Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing


    ASTM D703

    Standard Specification for Polystyrene Molding and Extrusion Materials

    2.0403.1c, 2.0403.2c

    ASTM E2178

    Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials

    4.1103.1a, 4.1103.2c

    ASTM E283

    Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen

    4.1103.1a, 4.1103.2c

    BPI 102

    Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications—Material Specification

    4.1005.6a, 4.1103.1a, 4.1103.2c

    BPI 104

    Envelope Professional

    4.1004.1b, 4.1005.5b, 4.1005.6a, 4.1101.1b, 4.1103.1a, 4.1103.2c, 6.6102.3a


    Home Energy Auditing Standard

    2.0100.1e, 2.0201.1a, 2.0201.1b, 2.0201.1c, 2.0201.1d, 2.0201.1g, 2.0201.1h, 2.0201.1i, 2.0201.2d, 2.0201.2e, 2.0201.2f, 2.0203.3a, 2.0301.1 (all), 2.0301.2 (all), 5.3003.2d, 5.3003.2h, 5.3104.2f, 7.8102.3k, 7.8103.2d

    Canadian General Standards Board

    Section 51.71

    2.0299.1 (all)

    DE-FC26-00NT40998 (2005)

    A Field Study Comparison of the Energy and Moisture Performance Characteristics of Ventilated Versus Sealed Crawl Spaces in the South


    DOE WPN 11-06

    DOE Weatherization Program Notice

    2.0100.1o, 2.0100.1p. 4.1101.2a, 4.1101.1a



    2.0404.1a, 2.0404.3b, 2.0404.4a, 6.6203.1a, 7.8002.1a, 7.8003.1b, 7.8004.1a

    Environmental Protection Agency

    EPA Indoor airPLUS


    Environmental Protection Agency

    Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades

    2.0100.1e, 2.0202.1a, 2.0203.2f, 2.0203.2g, 2.0203.3d, 2.0501.1a, 2.0501.2a, 4.1088.5a, 4.1101.2a, 7.8003.1b

    FDA Consumer Health Website

    Are you storing food safely?


    Federal Trade Commission

    16 CFR Part 460

    4.1003.4d, 4.1003.5b, 4.1003.6b, 4.1005.4d


    Section C301

    4.1402.1b, 4.1402.2a, 4.1402.3g


    Section R402.2.3



    Section R402.2.4

    4.1006.1a, 4.1006.2a


    International Fuel Gas Code

    2.0203.2b, 7.8103.2f


    International Mechanical Code

    6.6003.5a, 6.6005.1a, 6.6102.1e, 6.6003.5a

    International Building Code

    Section 1203.3.2


    Minnesota Energy Code

    Section 7672.0900

    2.0299.1 (all)


    National Appliance Energy Conservation Act

    2.0404.1a, 7.8001.1a, 7.8002.1a, 7.8004.1a, 7.8004.2a

    New York City Department of Health

    Guidelines on Assessments and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments


    NFPA 211

    Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances


    NFPA 31

    Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment

    5.3003.2 (all), 5.3003.7d, 7.8102.2j, 7.8102.3l, 7.8103.2f, 7.8103.2g,

    NFPA 54

    National Fuel Gas Code

    2.0201.1f, 2.0203.1a, 2.0203.1b, 2.0203.2b, 2.0203.2c, 2.0203.2d, 5.3003.7d, 6.6003.2i, 6.6003.3j, 6.6003.4k, 6.6003.5c, 7.8102.2j, 7.8102.3i, 7.8102.3l, 7.8103.2c, 7.8103.2f

    NFPA 58

    Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code

    5.3003.7d, 7.8102.3l, 7.8103.2f

    NFPA 70

    National Electrical Code®

    2.0111.2b, 2.0601.1c, 2.0601.1d, 4.1001.2c, 5.3003.4d, 6.6003.2b, 6.6003.4b, 7.8003.1b, 7.8102.2j, 7.8102.3l, 7.8103.1a, 7.8103.2a, 7.8103.2g

    NFPA 70A

    National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings

    2.0100.1d, 7.8001.1b

    NFPA 70E

    Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®


    NFPA 90A/B

    Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems / Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems

    3.1602.3a, 6.6102.1e


    Recommended Exposure Limit for Carbon Monoxide

    2.0100.1e, 2.0105.1b, 2.0201.1a



    2.0100.1f, 2.0104.1b, 3.1201.4b


    Duct Construction Standards

    3.1601.1 (all), 4.1601.2a, 4.1601.2b, 4.1601.2c, 4.1601.2d, 6.6002.1 (all)

    Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

    AY-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam and Cathedral Roofs and Cathedralized Attics

    4.1003.5a, 4.1003.6a

    Wood Handbook

    Wood as an Engineering Material

    2.0404.2c, 4.1001.7a, 4.1101.3c, 4.1301.9a, 4.1401.1a


    2012 International Residential Code

    IRC Section



    2.0111.2a, 2.0111.2d, 2.0111.2e, 2.0111.2f, 2.0111.2g, 2.0201.2a, 2.0203.2b, 2.0301.1a, 2.0301.1b, 2.0301.2a, 2.0301.2b, 2.0401.2a, 4.1402.3i, 6.6005.2a, 7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3c, 7.8102.3f, 7.8103.1b, 7.8103.2b

    Chapter 4


    Chapter 16

    3.1601.1a, 3.1601.1b, 3.1601.1c, 3.1601.1d, 3.1601.1g, 3.1601.1h, 3.1601.1i, 3.1601.1j, 3.1601.3a,
    3.1602.1 (all), 4.1601.1d, 6.6002.1d, 6.6002.2c, 6.6002.2d, 6.6003.1e, 6.6003.2e, 6.6003.3d,
    6.6003.4f, 6.6102.2e, 6.6202.2f, 6.6202.2i

    Chapter 23


    Chapter 24

    2.0201.2a, 7.8102.3j, 7.8102.3l




    6.6003.1b, 6.6003.2a, 6.6003.3b, 6.6003.4a, 6.6102.3b, 6.6103.1a, 6.6202.1c, 6.6202.2a


    4.1001.1a, 4.1001.1c




    4.1001.1b, 4.1001.1c


    2.0203.1b, 2.0203.2e, 6.6005.2f, 7.8102.3i, 7.8103.2e


    2.0203.1a, 2.0203.2d, 2.0404.2a, 7.8102.3i, 7.8103.2e


    7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3f




    7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3f


    7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3f
















    2.0701.1a, 3.1402.5b


    6.6003.1c, 6.6003.2c, 6.6003.3c, 6.6003.4c, 6.6103.1c




    6.6003.2b, 6.6003.4b, 6.6102.3c, 6.6103.1b, 6.6202.2b, 6.6203.1c


    5.3003.10a, 5.3003.10c, 5.3003.10d, 5.3003.10e, 5.3003.10f






    2.0401.1e, 6.6003.4e, 6.6005.1a






    2.0401.1e, 6.6003.4e,




    6.6002.1e, 6.6002.2g, 6.6005.2c










    2.0401.1e, 6.6003.1h, 6.6003.2g, 6.6003.3i, 6.6003.4i


    4.1601.1e, 6.6002.1a, 6.6202.2c


    3.1601.1b, 6.6002.1d, 6.6002.2c, 6.6003.1e, 6.6003.2e, 6.6003.4f, 6.6102.1d, 6.6102.2e






    3.1601.1e, 3.1601.1f, 4.1601.1f, 4.1601.1h, 4.1601.1j, 4.1601.2b, 6.6102.1d, 6.6103.1e


    3.1601.3a, 6.6002.1c, 6.6102.1c








    5.3104.3h, 5.3104.3i




    7.8102.2b, 7.8102.3b


    4.1003.4d, 4.1003.5b, 4.1003.6b, 4.1005.2d, 4.1005.4d, 4.1005.5d, 4.1005.6c, 4.1005.7c






    6.6002.2d, 6.6003.3d


    3.1602.4a, 3.1602.5c, 3.1602.6b, 4.1088.1a, 6.6003.4h, 6.6003.5b, 7.8102.2b, 7.8102.3b


    3.1001.1b, 3.1001.2b, 3.1001.3b, 3.1003.5b






    3.1601.1a, 3.1601.1b, 3.1601.1c, 3.1601.1d, 3.1601.1g, 3.1601.1h, 3.1601.1i, 3.1601.1j, 6.6003.1f, 6.6003.1g, 6.6003.1i, 6.6003.2f, 6.6003.2h, 6.6003.3f, 6.6003.3g, 6.6003.3i, 6.6003.4j, 6.6003.5b, 6.6103.1h


    3.1501.1b, 3.1602.4b, 6.6202.2f




    7.8102.2i, 7.8102.3h, 7.8103.1c


    6.6003.2d, 6.6003.4d, 6.6102.2d, 6.6102.3e, 6.6103.1d, 6.6202.2d




    7.8102.2d, 7.8102.3d


    7.8102.2d, 7.8102.3d


    7.8102.2f, 7.8102.3e, 7.8103.1e, 7.8103.2c


    7.8102.2f, 7.8102.3e, 7.8103.1e, 7.8103.2c








    7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3f




    7.8102.2g, 7.8102.3f


    6.6003.1j, 6.6003.2i, 6.6003.3j, 6.6003.4k, 6.6003.5c


    7.8102.2b, 7.8102.3b


    3.1001.2c, 3.1602.4a, 3.1602.5c, 3.1602.6b, 6.6103.1h


    6.6002.2b, 6.6102.2b, 6.6202.2e


    6.6102.1f, 6.6102.2h


    6.6002.2e, 6.6102.2f


    2.0301.1a, 2.0301.1b








    3.1602.2a, 4.1301.9c, 4.1401.1c










    2.0401.1f, 2.0402.1c


    2.0401.1f, 2.0402.1c




    2.0401.1b, 2.0401.2a


    2.0401.1b, 2.0403.3a


    2.0701.1a, 3.1402.5b








    4.1003.1a, 4.1088.1a, 4.1088.1c


    4.1088.1b, 4.1088.1e








    Publications Supporting Each Specification


    Standard Reference


    2.0100.1d NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    2.0100.1d NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    2.0100.1e ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0100.1e BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0100.1e Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0100.1e NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit for Carbon Monoxide
    2.0100.1f OSHA General
    2.0100.1o DOE WPN 11-06 DOE Weatherization Program Notice
    2.0100.1p DOE WPN 11-06 DOE Weatherization Program Notice
    2.0103.2a OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour education
    2.0103.2c ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    2.0103.2c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0103.2c BPI General
    2.0103.2d EPA Indoor airPLUS Construction Specifications Section 1.1
    2.0104.1b OSHA General
    2.0104.2a OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Section 134
    2.0104.2a OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Section 103
    2.0104.2b OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Section 1101
    2.0104.2c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart Z
    2.0104.2c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Section 134
    2.0104.2c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Section 103
    2.0104.2d EPA 40 CFR Part 745
    2.0104.2d EPA 40 CFR Part 745
    2.0105.1b NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit for Carbon Monoxide
    2.0107.2a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    2.0107.2a NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    2.0107.2a OSHA General
    2.0111.2a 2012 IRC General
    2.0111.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    2.0111.2c New York City Department of Health Guidelines on Assessments and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments
    2.0111.2d 2012 IRC General
    2.0111.2e 2012 IRC General
    2.0111.2f 2012 IRC General
    2.0111.2g 2012 IRC General
    2.0111.3a 2012 IRC R408.5
    2.0201.1a ANSI/ACCA Standard 12 QH-2011 Existing Home Evaluation and Performance Improvement
    2.0201.1a BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1a NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limit for Carbon Monoxide
    2.0201.1b 2012 IRC G2417.1.2
    2.0201.1b BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1c BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1d BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1f ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0201.1f NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0201.1g ANSI Z21.10.1 Gas Water Heaters Volume I, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings Of 75,000 Btu Per Hour Or Less
    2.0201.1g BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1h BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.1i ANSI/ACCA Standard 12 QH-2011 Existing Home Evaluation and Performance Improvement
    2.0201.1i BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.2a 2012 IRC Chapter 24
    2.0201.2a 2012 IRC General
    2.0201.2b 2012 IRC G2427.8
    2.0201.2c ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0201.2d ANSI Z21.1 Household Cooking Gas Appliances
    2.0201.2d BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.2e BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0201.2f BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0202.1a ANSI Z21.11.2 Gas-Fired Room Heaters Volume II, Unvented Room Heaters
    2.0202.1a Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0203.1a 2012 IRC G2407.5.1
    2.0203.1b 2012 IRC G2407
    2.0203.2b 2012 IRC G2425
    2.0203.2b 2012 IRC General
    2.0203.2b ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.2b IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.2b NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances
    2.0203.2b NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.2c ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.2c NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.2d 2012 IRC G2407.5.1
    2.0203.2e 2012 IRC G2407
    2.0203.2f ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0203.2f Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0203.2g Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0203.3a BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0203.3d ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0203.3d Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0203.7a IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.7a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    2.0203.7a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0203.7b ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    2.0203.7b BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0203.7c ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    2.0203.7c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0204.2b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    2.0204.2c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    2.0204.2c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    2.0204.2d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    2.0204.2d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    2.0205.1a ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    2.0205.1a IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    2.0205.1a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    2.0205.1a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0205.1b IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    2.0205.1b NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    2.0205.1b NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0205.1c IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    2.0205.1c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    2.0205.1c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    2.0299.1 (all) Canadian General Standards Board Section 51.71
    2.0299.1 (all) Minnesota Energy Code Section 7672.0900
    2.0301.1 (all) BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0301.1a 2012 IRC General
    2.0301.1a 2012 IRC R314
    2.0301.1b 2012 IRC General
    2.0301.1b 2012 IRC R314
    2.0301.2 (all) BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    2.0301.2a 2012 IRC R315
    2.0301.2a ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0301.2b ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0401.1b 2012 IRC R408.1
    2.0401.1b 2012 IRC R408.2
    2.0401.1b 2012 IRC R408.3
    2.0401.1b 2012 IRC R702.7.2
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1502
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1503
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1504
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1505
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1506
    2.0401.1e 2012 IRC M1507
    2.0401.1e ANSI Z21.11.2 Gas-Fired Room Heaters Volume II, Unvented Room Heaters
    2.0401.1e ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0401.1f 2012 IRC R405
    2.0401.1f 2012 IRC R406
    2.0401.1f 2012 IRC R703.8
    2.0401.1f Environmental Protection Agency EPA Indoor airPLUS
    2.0401.2a 2012 IRC General
    2.0401.2a 2012 IRC R408.2
    2.0402.1c 2012 IRC R405
    2.0402.1c 2012 IRC R406
    2.0403.1c ASTM D703 Standard Specification for Polystyrene Molding and Extrusion Materials
    2.0403.2c ASTM D703 Standard Specification for Polystyrene Molding and Extrusion Materials
    2.0403.3a 2012 IRC R408.3
    2.0404.1a ENERGY STAR General
    2.0404.1a NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
    2.0404.1b 2012 IRC G2439.1
    2.0404.1b 2012 IRC M1502.2
    2.0404.1b 2012 IRC P3303.1.2
    2.0404.2a 2012 IRC G2407.5.1
    2.0404.2c Wood Handbook Wood as an Engineering Material
    2.0404.3b ENERGY STAR General
    2.0404.3c DE-FC26-00NT40998 (2005, Advanced Energy) A Field Study Comparison of the Energy and Moisture Performance Characteristics of Ventilated Versus Sealed Crawl Spaces in the South
    2.0404.4a ENERGY STAR General
    2.0501.1a Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0501.2a Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    2.0502.1a EPA - Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Retrofits Single Family Residential
    2.0601.1c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    2.0601.1d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    2.0701.1a 2012 IRC AF103.4.10
    2.0701.1a 2012 IRC M1305.1.4
    2.0701.1a 2012 IRC N1102.2.4
    2.0701.1a 2012 IRC R408.4
    2.0702.2a ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.2c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.2d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.2e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.2i ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3a ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.3g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4a ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    2.0702.4i ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    3.1001.2b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.2
    3.1001.2c 2012 IRC R302.9
    3.1001.3b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.2
    3.1001.5 ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1001.5c ASTM C834 - 10 Standard Specification for Latex Sealants
    3.1001.5c Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1001.5c GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1001.5d ASTM E136 - 09b Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C
    3.1001.6c Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1001.6c GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1001.7c Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1001.7c GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1001.8b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1001.8b IBC - 2009 International Building Code
    3.1001.8b IRC International Residential Code
    3.1001.8b NFPA General
    3.1001.8e ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    3.1001.8f Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    3.1001.9d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1001.9d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1001.9e ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1001.9f IECC - 2009 International Energy Conservation Code, Section 402.2.3
    3.1001.9h ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1001.9j Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    3.1002.1b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.2
    3.1003.5b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.2
    3.1003.5b 2012 IRC R402.4.1.2
    3.1005.2d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1005.2d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1005.2e ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1005.2f ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    3.1005.2g Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    3.1005.3c ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    3.1005.3c ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1005.3e ASTM C834 - 10 Standard Specification for Latex Sealants
    3.1005.3f Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1005.3f GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1005.3g ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1102.1c Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1102.1c GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1102.1d ASTM E136 - 09b Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750°C
    3.1201.4b OSHA General
    3.1201.7f Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1201.7f GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1201.7i ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1201.7i ASTM E783-02 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
    3.1201.8e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1201.8e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1201.8h ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1201.8h ASTM E783-02 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
    3.1203.4a AMAA/WDMA/CSA/101/IS2/A440 North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors and skylights
    3.1203.4a National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) General
    3.1203.4e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1203.4e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1203.4g ASTM E1105-00 Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference
    3.1203.4g ASTM E783-02 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
    3.1203.5a CPSC 16 CFR Part 1201 General
    3.1203.5a National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) General
    3.1203.5d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1203.5d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1203.5f ASTM E1105-00 Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference
    3.1203.5f ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1203.5f ASTM E783-02 Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
    3.1402.2a International Building Code Section 1203.3.2
    3.1402.5a IECC Section 402.2.3
    3.1402.5b 2012 IRC Chapter 4
    3.1402.5b 2012 IRC M1305.1.4
    3.1402.5b 2012 IRC R408.4
    3.1403.1a ANSI-AARST Protocol for Conducting Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Multifamily Buildings
    3.1403.1b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1403.1c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1403.1c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1403.1d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1403.1d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1501.1b 2012 IRC N1103.2.2
    3.1501.1f ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    3.1501.2a ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    3.1501.2c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    3.1501.2e CPSC 16 CFR 1201 General
    3.1502.1b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1502.1c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1502.1c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1502.1d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1502.1d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1502.2f ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    3.1502.2f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    3.1601.1 (all) SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    3.1601.1a 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1a 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1b 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1b 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    3.1601.1b 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1c 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1c 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1d 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1d 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1e 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    3.1601.1f 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    3.1601.1g 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1g 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1h 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1h 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1i 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.1i 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1j 2012 IRC N1103.2
    3.1601.1j Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    3.1601.1l 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.2b Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    3.1601.3a 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1601.3a 2012 IRC M1601.4.3
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 UL 181B Closure Systems for Use With Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.6 NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    3.1601.7 NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    3.1601.7 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8b SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8c SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8c UL 181B Closure Systems for Use With Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    3.1601.8d SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8e NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    3.1601.8e SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8i SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8j SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8k SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.8l SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.9a NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    3.1601.9a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.9a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.9b SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1601.9c SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.1 (all) 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    3.1602.15b OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1602.15b OSHA 1929 Lead in Construction
    3.1602.15c ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1602.15g UL 181 Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    3.1602.15j ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    3.1602.16 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.16 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.16 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.17 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.17 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.17 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.18 ASTM C834 - 10 Standard Specification for Latex Sealants
    3.1602.18 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.19 NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    3.1602.19 NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    3.1602.20 NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    3.1602.20 NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    3.1602.20 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.20 UL 181B Closure Systems for Use With Flexible Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    3.1602.22a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.22b SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.22c SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.22c UL 181 Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    3.1602.23a NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    3.1602.23a NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    3.1602.23a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    3.1602.23a UL 181M General
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC M1601.3
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.1
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.2
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.3
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.4
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.5
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.6
    3.1602.2a 2012 IRC R316.7
    3.1602.3a NFPA 90A/B Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems / Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    3.1602.4a 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    3.1602.4a 2012 IRC R302.9
    3.1602.4b 2012 IRC N1103.2.2
    3.1602.5c 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    3.1602.5c 2012 IRC R302.9
    3.1602.6b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    3.1602.6b 2012 IRC R302.9
    3.1801.2e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1801.2e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1801.2i ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1802.1c Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1802.1c GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1802.2h ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1802.2i ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    3.1802.2i UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    3.1901.1b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1901.1c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1901.1c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1901.1d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1901.1d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1901.3b ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1901.3c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1901.3c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1901.3d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1901.3d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1901.4c ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1901.4c OSHA Lock Out Standard
    3.1901.4d OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1901.4d OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1901.4e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1901.4e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    3.1901.c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    3.1901.c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    3.1901.d ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    3.1901.e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    3.1901.e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    4.1001.1a 2012 IRC E4003.2
    4.1001.1a 2012 IRC E4004.2
    4.1001.1b 2012 IRC E4004.9
    4.1001.1c 2012 IRC E4003.2
    4.1001.1c 2012 IRC E4004.9
    4.1001.1d 2012 IRC N1102.4.4
    4.1001.2c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    4.1001.3b 2012 IRC M1801.3.4
    4.1001.3b 2012 IRC R1003.18
    4.1001.7a Wood Handbook Wood as an Engineering Material
    4.1001.8d IRC International Residential Code, Section 806.4
    4.1003.12d IRC International Residential Code, Section 806.4
    4.1003.12e ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.12e IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 1405.3
    4.1003.12e IRC - 2009 International Residential Code, Section R806.4
    4.1003.12e Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance - AY-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam and Cathedral Roofs and Cathedralized
    4.1003.12e UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.13a ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.13a IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 1405.3
    4.1003.13a IRC - 2009 International Residential Code, Section R806.4
    4.1003.13a Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance - AY-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam and Cathedral Roofs and Cathedralized
    4.1003.13a UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.13b Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    4.1003.13c Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    4.1003.14d ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.14d IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code, Section 303.1.1.1
    4.1003.14d UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1003.14e ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    4.1003.1a 2012 IRC R806
    4.1003.2a 2012 IRC N1102.2.2
    4.1003.2c BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1003.4d 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1003.4d Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460
    4.1003.5a Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance AY-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam and Cathedral Roofs and Cathedralized Attics
    4.1003.5b 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1003.5b Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460
    4.1003.6a Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance AY-141 Spray Polyurethane Foam and Cathedral Roofs and Cathedralized Attics
    4.1003.6b 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1003.6b Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460
    4.1004.1b BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1005.2d 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1005.4d 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1005.4d Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460
    4.1005.5b BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1005.5d 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1005.6a BPI 102 Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications—Material Specification
    4.1005.6a BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1005.6c 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1005.7c 2012 IRC N1101.16
    4.1005.8a IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code, Section 303.1.1.1
    4.1005.8b ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    4.1005.8c ASTM C1015 - 06 Standard Practice for Installation of Cellulosic and Mineral Fiber Loose Fill Thermal Insulation
    4.1005.8c ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1005.8d Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    4.1006.1a IECC Section R402.2.4
    4.1006.2a IECC Section R402.2.4
    4.1088.1a 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    4.1088.1a 2012 IRC R806
    4.1088.1b 2012 IRC R806.1
    4.1088.1c 2012 IRC R806
    4.1088.1d 2012 IRC R806.3
    4.1088.1e 2012 IRC R806.1
    4.1088.1e 2012 IRC R806.2
    4.1088.5a Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    4.1088.9d Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    4.1088.9d GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    4.1101.1a DOE WPN 11-06 DOE Weatherization Program Notice
    4.1101.1b BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1101.2a DOE WPN 11-06 DOE Weatherization Program Notice
    4.1101.2a Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    4.1101.3c Wood Handbook Wood as an Engineering Material
    4.1103.1a ASTM C522 Standard Test Method for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials
    4.1103.1a ASTM E2178 Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials
    4.1103.1a ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
    4.1103.1a BPI 102 Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications—Material Specification
    4.1103.1a BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    4.1103.2c ASTM C522 Standard Test Method for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials
    4.1103.2c ASTM E2178 Standard Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials
    4.1103.2c ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
    4.1103.2c BPI 102 Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications—Material Specification
    4.1103.4a OSHA 3142-09R Lead in Construction
    4.1103.4e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    4.1103.4e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    4.1103.4f ASTM C522 Standard Test Method for Airflow Resistance of Acoustical Materials
    4.1103.4f ASTM E1186 - 03(2009) 03(2009) Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
    4.1103.4f ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1103.4f BPI-102 Standard for Air Resistance of Thermal Insulation Used in Retrofit Cavity Applications - Material Specification
    4.1103.4f E 2178 General
    4.1103.4f E 283 General
    4.1103.4f Federal Trade Commission 16 CFR Part 460, Section 460.17
    4.1103.5c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 2603.4
    4.1103.5e Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    4.1103.5e GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    4.1301.10b OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    4.1301.10b OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    4.1301.10c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 2603.1
    4.1301.10c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 2603.4
    4.1301.10c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 2603.4.1
    4.1301.10c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 2603.4.1.14
    4.1301.10c IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 718
    4.1301.10c NFPA 275 Standard Method of Fire Tests for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers
    4.1301.14b OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    4.1301.14b OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction
    4.1301.14f ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.14f UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.14g ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.14g UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.15e ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.15e UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.15f ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.15f UL 723 Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
    4.1301.15f Green Seal Standard GS-36 Adhesives for Commercial Use
    4.1301.15f GREENGUARD Children and Schools Certification Program General
    4.1301.9a Wood Handbook Wood as an Engineering Material
    4.1301.9c 2012 IRC R316.4
    4.1401.1a Wood Handbook Wood as an Engineering Material
    4.1401.1c 2012 IRC R316.4
    4.1402.1b IECC Section 301
    4.1402.2a IECC Section 301
    4.1402.3b ASTM C665-06 Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing
    4.1402.3g IECC Section 301
    4.1402.3i 2012 IRC General
    4.1601.1b Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1c Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1c ANSI/ACCA D Residential Duct Systems
    4.1601.1d Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1e 2012 IRC M1601.1
    4.1601.1f 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    4.1601.1f Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1g Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1h 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    4.1601.1h Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.1j 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    4.1601.1j Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    4.1601.2a SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2a SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2b 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    4.1601.2b SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2b SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2c SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2c SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2d 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    4.1601.2d SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    4.1601.2d SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    5.3001.1a ANSI/ACCA J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3001.1b ANSI/ACCA S Residential Equipment Selection
    5.3001.2a ANSI/ACCA D Residential Duct Systems
    5.3001.2b ANSI/ACCA T Air Distribution Basics
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation for Small Commercial Buildings
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.4d ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.4d ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA Manual CS Commercial Applications, Systems and Equipment
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ACCA Manual S Residential Equipment Selection
    5.3001.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.4e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.4f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3001.5a ANSI/ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems
    5.3001.5a ANSI/ACCA Manual Q Low Pressure, Low Velocity Duct System Design
    5.3001.5a ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.5b ANSI/ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems
    5.3001.5b ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.5c ANSI/ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems
    5.3001.5c ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.5e NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    5.3001.5e SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3001.5f ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook
    5.3001.5h ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics
    5.3001.5i ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics
    5.3001.5l SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3001.6a ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3001.6a ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3001.6a ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation for Small Commercial Buildings
    5.3001.6a ASHRAE General
    5.3001.6b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3001.6b ANSI/ACCA Manual CS Commercial Applications, Systems and Equipment
    5.3001.6b ANSI/ACCA Manual S Residential Equipment Selection
    5.3001.6b ASHRAE General
    5.3001.6h ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3002.12a ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3002.12a ASHRAE Standard 15 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems
    5.3002.12ac ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12af ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12b ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3002.12e ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12h ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12j ASHRAE Standard 15 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems
    5.3002.12n ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12q ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12t ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12v ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3002.12w ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.12y ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3002.12z ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3002.13a OSHA 9 CFR 1926 Subpart M - Fall Protection
    5.3002.13c NAHB-OSHA Jobsite Safety Handbook, Second Edition: Electrical
    5.3002.13c OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K – Electrical
    5.3002.13d EPA 40 CFR 608
    5.3002.13d EPA 40 CFR 82.154
    5.3002.16b NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3002.16c NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3002.16h NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    5.3002.16h NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3002.16h SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3002.4a OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart M
    5.3002.4c NAHB-OSHA Jobsite Safety Handbook
    5.3002.4c OSHA 1926 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart K
    5.3002.4d EPA 40 CFR 82.154
    5.3002.7b NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3002.7c NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3002.7h SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.10a 2012 IRC M1411.3
    5.3003.10c 2012 IRC M1411.3
    5.3003.10d 2012 IRC M1411.3
    5.3003.10e 2012 IRC M1411.3
    5.3003.10f 2012 IRC M1411.3
    5.3003.18a BPI General
    5.3003.18b NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.18c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.19d EPA 40 CFR 608
    5.3003.2 (all) NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.20a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.20b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.20e NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.20f NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.20g NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.20h NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.21d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.21d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.21h ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.21h ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.21l ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.21l ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.21m OSHA General
    5.3003.22b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.22c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22d NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22e NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22f NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22g NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22h NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22i NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22j NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22k NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.22l NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.23c ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.23d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.24c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3003.25d EPA 40 CFR 608
    5.3003.26a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26e NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26f NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26g NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26h NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.26j NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    5.3003.26j NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    5.3003.26k NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    5.3003.26k NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    5.3003.27 OSHA General
    5.3003.27d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.27d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.27h ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.27h ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.27i ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.27i ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.28a ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.28d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    5.3003.28f ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3003.28f ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.2d BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    5.3003.2h BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    5.3003.30c ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.30d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.32c ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3003.32c ANSI/ACCA/ASHRAE Standard 180-2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.33a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.33b NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.34a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.34b NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.34c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.34d NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.35a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.35a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.35c NFPA 211 Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances
    5.3003.35c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.35c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.35d NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.35d NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    5.3003.36 Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    5.3003.36 NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    5.3003.36 NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 UL 181A Closure Systems for Use With Rigid Air Ducts
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 ACCA Manual T Air Distribution Basics
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.36 ASHRAE General
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.36 SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.37a EPA 40 CFR 271.13
    5.3003.37b OSHA 3142-09R Lead in Construction
    5.3003.37c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    5.3003.37e ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.37e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.37m ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3003.39a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.39b NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.39c AGA General
    5.3003.39c NFPA General
    5.3003.40a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.40b NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.41a NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.41a NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.41c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.41c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.42a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42b SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42d SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42e Air Diffusion Council Flex Duct Standard
    5.3003.42e NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standards
    5.3003.42e SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42g SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42h NFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems
    5.3003.42h NFPA 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    5.3003.42h SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42i UL 181A Closure Systems for Use With Rigid Air Ducts
    5.3003.42j SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42k SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42m SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42n ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.42r SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.42s SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    5.3003.43a EPA 40 CFR 271.13
    5.3003.43b OSHA 3142-09R Lead in Construction
    5.3003.43c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    5.3003.43e ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3003.43e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3003.43m ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3003.4d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    5.3003.5a 2012 IRC M1411.5
    5.3003.5b 2012 IRC N1103.3.1
    5.3003.7d ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.7d NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    5.3003.7d NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3003.7d NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
    5.3003.7h ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3003.7i ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3003.8b 2012 IRC M1202.3
    5.3003.8b 2012 IRC M1413
    5.3003.8b 2012 IRC P2902
    5.3003.9j 2012 IRC N1103.1
    5.3088.3a ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3088.3b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3088.3c ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3088.3d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3088.3e ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3088.3f ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3101.1a ANSI/ACCA J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3101.1b ANSI/ACCA S Residential Equipment Selection
    5.3101.2a ANSI/ACCA J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3102.19b ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3102.19b ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation for Small Commercial Buildings
    5.3102.19b ASHRAE General
    5.3102.19b ASHRAE Standard 183 Peak Cooling and Heating Load Calculations in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3102.19i IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 101.3
    5.3102.19i IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 101.4
    5.3102.19i IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 301.7
    5.3102.19i UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 101.2
    5.3102.1b ANSI/ACCA Manual J Residential Load Calculation
    5.3102.1b ANSI/ACCA Manual N Commercial Load Calculation for Small Commercial Buildings
    5.3102.1b ASHRAE General
    5.3102.1b ASHRAE Standard 183 Peak Cooling and Heating Load Calculations in Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3102.1h ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3102.24c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, Section 3.3.50
    5.3102.26b NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, Section 3.3.50
    5.3102.27d EPA General
    5.3102.28a ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3102.28a ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180 - 2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3102.28b ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3102.28b ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180 - 2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3102.28f NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment, Section 3.3.50
    5.3102.2e ANSI General
    5.3102.31f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3102.31f IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3102.37b EPA General
    5.3102.37c Federal Fair Housing Act General
    5.3102.37c NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    5.3102.37e EPA 40 CFR 271.13
    5.3102.37f ANSI/ACCA 5 -- 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3102.37f ANSI/ACCA Manual S Residential Equipment Selection
    5.3102.37f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3102.38a ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3102.38e ASHRAE General
    5.3102.38e LEED NC/EB
    5.3103.1f ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3103.1f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3103.4d ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    5.3103.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    5.3103.4e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3103.4e IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3103.7e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3103.7e IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3103.8e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3103.8e IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3103.9e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3103.9e IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3104.10a ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    5.3104.10a BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    5.3104.10b ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3104.10b ANSI/ACCA 4 -- 2007 Maintenance of Residential HVAC Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings Less Than Three Stories, 2007
    5.3104.10b ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180 - 2008 Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC Systems
    5.3104.10b NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.10c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.10d NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.10e NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.10f NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.10g ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    5.3104.10g BPI General
    5.3104.10g NATE General
    5.3104.10h NFPA General
    5.3104.10h NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and Warning Equipment
    5.3104.10i ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.11f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.11f IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3104.12f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.12f IECC 2012 International Energy Conservation Code
    5.3104.2a ANSI/ACCA Standard 4 QM-2007 Maintenance for Residential HVAC Systems
    5.3104.2b ANSI/ACCA Standard 4 QM-2007 Maintenance for Residential HVAC Systems
    5.3104.2e 2012 IRC G2427
    5.3104.2f BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    5.3104.2h ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.3g 2012 IRC M2002.3
    5.3104.3h 2012 IRC M2002.5
    5.3104.3i 2012 IRC M2002.5
    5.3104.3j 2012 IRC M2003
    5.3104.3k 2012 IRC M2001
    5.3104.3q ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.3r ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.9d NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and Warning Equipment
    5.3104.9d NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and Warning Equipment
    5.3104.9g NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.9i NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.9j NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.9m NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.9q NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    5.3104.9r ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3104.9t ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    5.3202.2a LEED New Construction
    5.3301.1a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 314.27 C
    5.3301.1b ENERGY STAR General
    5.3301.1c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Section 903
    5.3301.1c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    5.3301.1c EISA General
    5.3301.1c ENERGY STAR General
    5.3301.1c NFPA 13R Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Low-Rise Residential Occupancies
    5.3301.1c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    5.3301.1f EPA General
    5.3301.1h EPA General
    5.3302.1a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 440
    5.3302.1b ENERGY STAR General
    5.3302.1c ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    5.3302.1c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    5.3302.1c ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    5.3302.1c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 440
    5.3302.1d Clean Air Act Section 608
    6.6002.1 (all) SMACNA Duct Construction Standards
    6.6002.1a 2012 IRC M1601.1
    6.6002.1c 2012 IRC M1601.4.3
    6.6002.1d 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6002.1d 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6002.1e 2012 IRC M1503.2
    6.6002.1e 2012 IRC M1601.2
    6.6002.2b 2012 IRC R303.5
    6.6002.2c 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6002.2c 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6002.2d 2012 IRC N1102.4
    6.6002.2e 2012 IRC R303.6
    6.6002.2f 2012 IRC M1506.2
    6.6002.2g 2012 IRC M1503.2
    6.6003.1b 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6003.1c 2012 IRC M1307
    6.6003.1e 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6003.1e 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6003.1f 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.1g 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.1h 2012 IRC M1507
    6.6003.1h ANSI/ASHRAE 111-2008 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6003.1i 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.1j 2012 IRC R102.7
    6.6003.2a 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6003.2b 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6003.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    6.6003.2c 2012 IRC M1307
    6.6003.2d 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6003.2e 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6003.2e 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6003.2f 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.2g 2012 IRC M1507
    6.6003.2g ANSI/ASHRAE 111-2008 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6003.2h 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.2i 2012 IRC R102.7
    6.6003.2i ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.2i NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.3b 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6003.3c 2012 IRC M1307
    6.6003.3d 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6003.3d 2012 IRC N1102.4
    6.6003.3f 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.3g 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.3i 2012 IRC M1507
    6.6003.3i 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.3i ANSI/ASHRAE 111-2008 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6003.3j 2012 IRC R102.7
    6.6003.3j ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.3j NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.4a 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6003.4b 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6003.4b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    6.6003.4c 2012 IRC M1307
    6.6003.4d 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6003.4e 2012 IRC M1502
    6.6003.4e 2012 IRC M1503
    6.6003.4f 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6003.4f 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6003.4h 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    6.6003.4i 2012 IRC M1507
    6.6003.4j 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.4k 2012 IRC R102.7
    6.6003.4k ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.4k NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.5a IMC International Mechanical Code
    6.6003.5a IMC International Mechanical Code
    6.6003.5b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    6.6003.5b 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6003.5c 2012 IRC R102.7
    6.6003.5c ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6003.5c NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6004.1b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6004.1b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6004.1b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6004.1c HVI General
    6.6004.1c NEMA National Electricla Manufacturers Association
    6.6004.1e NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6004.1l SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6004.1n ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6004.1o ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Addendum J
    6.6004.1o ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6004.1p ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6004.1p ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6004.1q ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6004.2b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6004.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6004.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
    6.6004.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6004.2c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    6.6004.2d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6004.2g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6004.2g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6004.2i SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6004.2k ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6004.2l ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Section 6.1
    6.6004.2l ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6004.2n ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6004.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 5-1
    6.6004.3b ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6004.3b NEMA National Electricla Manufacturers Association
    6.6004.3c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6004.3g ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6004.3g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6004.3h ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6005.1a 2012 IRC M1502
    6.6005.1a ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.1a IMC International Mechanical Code
    6.6005.1b 2012 IRC M1502.3
    6.6005.1c 2012 IRC G2439.4
    6.6005.1e ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.2a 2012 IRC General
    6.6005.2b ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.2c 2012 IRC M1503.1
    6.6005.2c 2012 IRC M1503.2
    6.6005.2d ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.2f 2012 IRC G2407
    6.6005.2f 2012 IRC G2447
    6.6005.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.3c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 5-1
    6.6005.3f ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6005.3g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.4b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6005.4b OSHA Technical Manual Section VIII: Chapter 1, part III
    6.6005.4c HVI 2100 General
    6.6005.4d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.4e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.4e IMC-2009 International Mechanical Code, Section 505
    6.6005.4f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 5-1
    6.6005.4f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6005.4g IMC-2009 International Mechanical Code, Section 504.5
    6.6005.4i ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    6.6005.4j ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.1c 2012 IRC M1601.4.3
    6.6102.1d 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6102.1d 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    6.6102.1e IMC International Mechanical Code
    6.6102.1e NFPA 90A/B Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems / Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems
    6.6102.1f 2012 IRC R303.5.1
    6.6102.1f ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.2b 2012 IRC R303.5
    6.6102.2d 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6102.2e 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6102.2e 2012 IRC M1601.1.1
    6.6102.2f 2012 IRC R303.6
    6.6102.2h 2012 IRC R303.5.1
    6.6102.3a BPI 104 Envelope Professional
    6.6102.3b 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6102.3c 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6102.3e 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6102.3f ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
    6.6102.3f ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.6c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.6g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.6g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.6h ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6102.7a ANSI/ACCA Manual D Residential Duct Systems
    6.6102.7a ANSI/ACCA Manual Q Low Pressure, Low Velocity Duct System Design
    6.6102.7a SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6102.7c SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6102.7d SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6102.7e SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6102.7f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6103.1a 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6103.1b 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6103.1c 2012 IRC M1307
    6.6103.1d 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6103.1e 2012 IRC M1601.4.1
    6.6103.1f ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2 Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
    6.6103.1f ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6103.1h 2012 IRC N1103.2
    6.6103.1h 2012 IRC R302.9
    6.6104.1b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6104.1b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6104.1b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6104.1c NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
    6.6104.1d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6104.1g ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6104.1i NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6104.1m SMACNA Duct Construction Standard
    6.6104.1o ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6104.1p ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings, Addendum J
    6.6104.1q ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6104.1q ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6104.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6104.2c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6201.1a ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6201.1b ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6201.1c ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6201.4g OSHA General
    6.6202.1c 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6202.2a 2012 IRC E3403
    6.6202.2b 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6202.2c 2012 IRC M1401.1
    6.6202.2c 2012 IRC M1601.1
    6.6202.2c ANSI/ACCA D Residential Duct Systems
    6.6202.2d 2012 IRC N1103.5
    6.6202.2e 2012 IRC R303.5
    6.6202.2f 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6202.2f 2012 IRC N1103.2.2
    6.6202.2i 2012 IRC Chapter 16
    6.6202.3c UL 181 Factory-Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors
    6.6202.3e ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6202.3e ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6202.4c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6202.5b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6202.5b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6202.5b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6202.5c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6202.6b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6202.6b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6202.6b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6202.6c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6202.6l ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6202.6q ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    6.6202.9b ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007 Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size
    6.6203.1a ENERGY STAR General
    6.6203.1b ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals
    6.6203.1c 2012 IRC M1401.2
    6.6203.2b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6203.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6203.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6203.2b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6203.2f NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6203.3a ENERGY STAR General
    6.6203.3b ANSI/ACCA 5 - 2010 QI HVAC Quality Installation Specification
    6.6203.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111 Measurement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Building HVAC Systems
    6.6203.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6203.3b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6203.3f NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    6.6207.1b ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Table 5-1
    6.6207.1c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6288.1a ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.6288.1b ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    6.9901.1 ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8001.1a NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
    7.8001.1b NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8001.2a FDA Consumer Health Website Are you storing food safely?
    7.8001.3a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 440
    7.8001.3b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8001.3b NAECA National Appliance Energy Cnservation Act
    7.8001.3c Federal Fair Housing Act General
    7.8001.3c ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8001.3c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8001.3f OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards
    7.8002.1a ENERGY STAR General
    7.8002.1a NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
    7.8002.2a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 422
    7.8002.2b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8002.2b NAECA National Appliance Energy Cnservation Act
    7.8002.2e EPA Responsible Recycling (R2)
    7.8002.2f OSHA General
    7.8003.10c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.10c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.10e ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.11b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8003.11b UL 1570 Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures
    7.8003.11b UL 542 Fluorescent Lamp Starters
    7.8003.11c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.11d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.11e EPA General
    7.8003.11f EPA General
    7.8003.11g EPA Chapter
    7.8003.12a LCA EE110 Lighting Control Association
    7.8003.12c ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.12c IBC - 2009 International Building Code
    7.8003.13b ANSI C82.1 Ballasts - for High-Intensity-Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps (Multiple-Supply Type)
    7.8003.13b ANSI/NEMA C82.4 Ballasts for High-Intensity Discharge and Low-Pressure Sodium (LPS) Lamps (Multiple-Supply Type)
    7.8003.13b NEMA National Electricla Manufacturers Association
    7.8003.13b UL 1029 High-Intensity-Discharge Lamp Ballasts
    7.8003.13b UL 924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment
    7.8003.13c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.13c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.13d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.14b UL 153 Portable Electric Luminaires
    7.8003.14b UL 1598 Luminaires
    7.8003.14b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8003.14c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.14c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.14c NECA/IESNA 500 General
    7.8003.14c NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
    7.8003.14c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.14d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.14f EPA General
    7.8003.14h EPA General
    7.8003.15b UL 1570 Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures
    7.8003.15b UL 542 Fluorescent Lamp Starters
    7.8003.15c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.15c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.15f EPA General
    7.8003.1b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8003.1b Environmental Protection Agency Healthy Indoor Environment Protocols for Home Energy Upgrades
    7.8003.1b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8003.2a IBC - 2009 International Building Code, Section 1011
    7.8003.2a NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
    7.8003.2b IFC General
    7.8003.2b IBC - 2009 International Building Code
    7.8003.2b NEMA Premium Exit Sign List
    7.8003.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 700.12 F
    7.8003.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8003.2b UL 924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment
    7.8003.2c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.2c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8003.2c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.2d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.2d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 700.12 F
    7.8003.2e EPA General
    7.8003.2f EPA Chapter
    7.8003.3b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 700.12 F
    7.8003.3b UL 1570 Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures
    7.8003.3b UL 542 Fluorescent Lamp Starters
    7.8003.3c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.3c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8003.3d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.3d NFPA 110 Life Safety Code
    7.8003.3d NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 700.12 F
    7.8003.3e EPA General
    7.8003.3f EPA Chapter
    7.8003.4c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.4c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.4c NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
    7.8003.4c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8003.4e ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.5b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.5b NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.5c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.5c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.5c ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.5c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.5d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.6b UL 60730-1 Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General Requirements
    7.8003.6c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.6c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.6f ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.7b UL 917 Clock Operated Switches
    7.8003.7c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.7c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.7d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.7d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.7f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.7f ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8003.7f ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.8b UL 60730-1 Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General Requirements
    7.8003.8c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.8c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.8f ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8003.9c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8003.9c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8003.9f ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8004.1a ENERGY STAR General
    7.8004.1a NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
    7.8004.1b 2012 IRC P2903.9.3
    7.8004.1b 2012 IRC P2903.9.4
    7.8004.2a NAECA National Appliance Energy Conservation Act
    7.8004.3a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Section 422
    7.8004.3b NAECA National Appliance Energy Cnservation Act
    7.8004.3c ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8004.3c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8004.3c ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    7.8004.3c Federal Fair Housing Act General
    7.8004.3c ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8004.3c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8004.3f OSHA General
    7.8004.3h AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
    7.8005.1a UL 541 Refrigerated Vending Machines
    7.8005.1a ENERGY STAR General
    7.8005.1b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 422.51
    7.8005.1b ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8005.1c EPA 40 CFR 82.156
    7.8005.2a UL 751 Vending Machines
    7.8005.2b NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 422.51
    7.8005.2b ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8005.2d ANSI/NFPA 101 Building Exit Codes
    7.8005.3a ENERGY STAR General
    7.8005.3b ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8005.3c Clean Air Act Section 608
    7.8101.4a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8101.4b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8101.4b NAECA National Appliance Energy Cnservation Act
    7.8101.4b EPA WaterSense
    7.8101.4c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8101.4c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8101.4f OSHA General
    7.8101.5a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Article 422.31
    7.8101.5a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Article 422.16
    7.8101.5b ENERGY STAR General
    7.8101.5c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 422.16
    7.8101.5c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8101.5c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8101.5c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S
    7.8102.1a 2012 IRC P2801
    7.8102.1b 2012 IRC Chapter 23
    7.8102.2b 2012 IRC M2201.7
    7.8102.2b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    7.8102.2b 2012 IRC R105.1
    7.8102.2d 2012 IRC P2801.5
    7.8102.2d 2012 IRC P2801.5.2
    7.8102.2f 2012 IRC P2803
    7.8102.2f 2012 IRC P2803.6.1
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC G2415.5
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC G2420.5
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC G2422.1.4
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC General
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC P2905.17
    7.8102.2g 2012 IRC P3003.18.2
    7.8102.2i 2012 IRC N1103.4.2
    7.8102.2j ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.2j NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.2j NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.2j NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8102.2m ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.3b 2012 IRC M2201.7
    7.8102.3b 2012 IRC N1102.4.1.1
    7.8102.3b 2012 IRC R105.1
    7.8102.3c 2012 IRC General
    7.8102.3d 2012 IRC P2801.5
    7.8102.3d 2012 IRC P2801.5.2
    7.8102.3e 2012 IRC P2803
    7.8102.3e 2012 IRC P2803.6.1
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC G2415.5
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC G2420.5
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC G2422.1.4
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC General
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC P2905.17
    7.8102.3f 2012 IRC P3003.18.2
    7.8102.3h 2012 IRC N1103.4.2
    7.8102.3i 2012 IRC G2407
    7.8102.3i 2012 IRC G2407.5.1
    7.8102.3i ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.3i NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.3j 2012 IRC Chapter 24
    7.8102.3k BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    7.8102.3l 2012 IRC Chapter 24
    7.8102.3l ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.3l NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.3l NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.3l NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
    7.8102.3l NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8102.3p ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.4b ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8102.4c ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8102.4c NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4d IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504.7
    7.8102.4d UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 507.4
    7.8102.4f IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504
    7.8102.4f ANSI Z21.22 Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems
    7.8102.4g NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4j IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4j NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.4j NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4k IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4k NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.4k NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4l ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    7.8102.4m NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.4m NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4m NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.4o NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.4o NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.4o NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.4p NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and Warning Equipment
    7.8102.4q ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.5b ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8102.5c NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.5c NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.5d IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504.7
    7.8102.5d UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 507.4
    7.8102.5e IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504
    7.8102.5e ANSI Z21.22 Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems
    7.8102.5f NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.5g NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.5i NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5j ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.5j IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8102.5k ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.2 - 2007 Energy Efficient Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.5k IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5k NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.5k NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5l IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5l NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.5l NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5m ASTM E1998 - 02(2007) Standard Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
    7.8102.5n NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.5n NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5n NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.5o NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.5o NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.5o NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.5q ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
    7.8102.5q NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detection and Warning Equipment
    7.8102.6e IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504
    7.8102.6e ANSI Z21.22 Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems
    7.8102.6e UPC Universal Plumbing Code
    7.8102.6g NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.6h ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.6h IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8102.6i NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.6k NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.6k NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.6k NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.7h IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504.7
    7.8102.7h UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 507.4
    7.8102.7i NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.7i UPC Universal Plumbing Code
    7.8102.7k NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.7m ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.7m IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8102.7o NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.8b ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8102.8e NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.8e NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.8e NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.8f IRC International Residential Code, Section 20801.5.1
    7.8102.8f UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 5.10.7
    7.8102.8g IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504
    7.8102.8g ANSI Z21.22 Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems
    7.8102.8g UPC Universal Plumbing Code
    7.8102.8h IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504.7
    7.8102.8h UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 507.4
    7.8102.8i NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.8l ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.8l IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8102.8n NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.9b ASTM C1193 - 09 Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants
    7.8102.9f NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8102.9f NFPA 54/ANSI/AGA Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8102.9f NFPA 70A National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
    7.8102.9g IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504.7
    7.8102.9g UPC Universal Plumbing Code, Section 507.4
    7.8102.9h IPC International Plumbing Code, Section 504
    7.8102.9h ANSI Z21.22 Relief Valves for Hot Water Supply Systems
    7.8102.9h UPC Universal Plumbing Code
    7.8102.9j NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8102.9k ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8102.9k IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8102.9l NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8103.1a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8103.1b 2012 IRC General
    7.8103.1c 2012 IRC N1103.4.2
    7.8103.1e 2012 IRC P2803
    7.8103.1e 2012 IRC P2803.6.1
    7.8103.1g ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8103.2a NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8103.2b 2012 IRC General
    7.8103.2c 2012 IRC P2803
    7.8103.2c 2012 IRC P2803.6.1
    7.8103.2c ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8103.2c NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8103.2d BPI-1100-T-2012 Home Energy Auditing Standard
    7.8103.2e 2012 IRC G2407
    7.8103.2e 2012 IRC G2407.5.1
    7.8103.2f IFGC International Fuel Gas Code
    7.8103.2f NFPA 31 Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
    7.8103.2f NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code
    7.8103.2f NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code
    7.8103.2g NFPA 70 National Electrical Code®
    7.8103.5c CSA B483.1
    7.8103.5c NSF 42 Drinking Water Treatment Units - Aesthetic Effects
    7.8103.5c NSF 42 Drinking Water Treatment Units - Aesthetic Effects
    7.8103.5c NSF 53 Drinking Water Treatment Units - Health Effects
    7.8103.5c NSF 62 Drinking Water Distillation Systems
    7.8103.5e NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8103.5h NACE TPC 7 National Association of Corrosion Engineers
    7.8103.5h NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
    7.8104.1c ASSE 1017 Temperature Actuated Mixing Valves for hot Water Distribution Systems
    7.8104.1c ASSE 1069 Performance Requirements for Automatic Temperature Control Mixing Valves
    7.8104.1c ASSE 1070 Performance Requirements for Water Temperature Limiting Devices
    7.8104.3d ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings
    7.8104.3d IECC International Energy Conservation Code
    7.8104.3h NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8104.4n NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
    7.8801.1c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 620
    7.8801.1c ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators
    7.8801.1c ICC/ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities
    7.8802.1b APSP-15 Standard for Energy Efficiency for Residential Inground Swimming Pools and Spas
    7.8802.1c NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Requirements for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, Article 680
    7.8802.1c NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®
    7.8802.1c OSHA 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart S


    2012 International Residential Code


    Standard Reference



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    To view this information in PDF format, see this document.


    ACM (asbestos-containing materials), 2.0110.2
    Advanced combustion controls, 5.3102.24
    Air conditioning. See also Cooling equipment; Package terminal air conditioner (PTAC)
    condensate drainage – low rise, 5.3003.38
    equipment selection – low rise, 5.3001.4d
    through-wall and room air conditioning unit replacement, 5.3302.1
    Air flow. See Exhaust; Ventilation; Ventilation, whole building
    Air flow control devices, 6.6202.3
    Air handling unit systems, 6.6104.1
    Air sealing complex ceiling planes, 3.1005.3
    Air sealing moisture precautions, 2.0401.2
    Air sealing worker safety, 2.0103.2
    Air separators, 5.3102.1l
    Appliances. See specific appliances
    Aquastat, 5.3102.4
    Asbestos-containing materials (ACM), 2.0110.2
    air sealing complex ceiling planes, 3.1005.3
    air sealing moisture precautions, 2.0401.2a
    attic ceilings
    accessible unvented flat roof with or without existing insulation, 4.1003.14
    roof decks (underside – attic space ceilings) – spray polyurethane foam preparation and application, 4.1003.12
    roof decks (underside of deck – attic space ceilings) – spray polyurethane foam vented roof decks installation, 4.1003.13
    attic floors, loose fill over existing insulation on accessible attic floors, 4.1005.8
    general preparation, spray polyurethane foam vented roof decks preparation, 4.1001.8
    installation/correction of unconditioned attic ventilation, 4.1088.8
    insulating inaccessible attics, 4.1088.7
    penetrations and chases, 3.1001.5
    firewall in conditioned attic, 3.1001.7
    firewall in unconditioned attics, 3.1001.6
    insulating around high temperature devices, systems and components , 3.1001.8
    sealing access doors and similar intentional penetrations, 3.1001.9
    skylights and shafts, 3.1005.2
    tenting, air sealing and insulating wet sprinkler system components in unconditioned attic spaces, 4.1088.9
    Backdraft dampers, 6.6004.1j, 6.6004.2g, 6.6202.6g
    Ballast replacement, 7.8003.13
    elevator replacement and maintenance, 7.8801.1
    spas, hot tubs, and saunas motor control and replacement, 7.8802.1
    worker safety for licensed professionals, 7.1.1
    Basements and crawl spaces. See Crawl spaces and basements
    Beverage vending machines, refrigerated, 7.8005.1
    Bi-level lighting controls, 7.8003.10
    Bladder expansion tanks, 5.3102.1m
    Blown insulation, 4.1103.4
    Boilers. See also Hydronic heating (hot water and steam)
    adding mass to low mass boiler/installation of buffer tank – existing or new, 5.3188.2
    boiler room safety, 2.0204.2
    boiler water treatment, 5.3104.8
    burner modulation controls, 5.3102.27
    flow control through multiple boilers in all primary configurations (hot water), 5.3102.11
    flow control through multiple boilers in primary/secondary configurations (hot water), 5.3102.12
    gas boiler service inspection, 5.3104.10
    insulation of condensate tank and boiler feed, 5.3102.23
    lead-lag controls installation, 5.3102.25
    low water cut-offs, 5.3102.36
    pressure and temperature relief valve, 5.3102.3
    pressure operating controls, 5.3102.21
    pressure relief safety valves, 5.3102.20
    replacement with hot water boiler, 5.3102.1
    steam boiler replacement, 5.3102.19
    variable frequency drive systems on burners, 5.3102.26
    water drainage in the boiler room, 5.3188.1
    Buffer tanks, 5.3188.2
    Building operations staff education, installed equipment – mid and high rise, 2.0702.4
    equipment installation, 5.3102.28
    modulation controls, 5.3102.27
    variable frequency drive systems on, 5.3102.26
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors, 6.6202.4e
    Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. See CO (carbon monoxide) detectors
    Chemical safety, 6.6202.4e
    Chillers. See Cooling equipment
    Clothes dryers
    exhaust vents, 6.6005.3
    replacement, 7.8004.3
    CO (carbon monoxide) detectors, 2.0100.3e, 2.0103.2c, 2.0702.2h, 2.0702.3h, 2.0702.4h, 3.1501.2f, 3.1502.1, 5.3003.18a, 5.3104.9s, 5.3104.10i, 7.8102.4p, 7.8102.5q
    CO2 (carbon dioxide) sensors, 6.6202.4e
    Combined heat and domestic hot water system, 5.3102.10, 5.3102.35
    Combustion analysis – low rise, 5.3003.22
    Combustion appliance room safety, 2.0204.2
    Combustion appliance venting systems
    low rise, 5.3003.35
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.41
    Combustion safety
    gas and oil fired equipment, 2.0205.1
    manufactured home water heater closet, 2.0204.2
    vented gas appliances, 2.0203.7
    Common area fixtures removal, 7.8003.5
    Common area lamps removal, 7.8003.4
    chase ways (service spaces containing pipes, wires, ducts, and/or structural components; dumbwaiters and trash chutes), 3.1901.3
    enclosed common area stairwells, elevators (floor-to-floor access), rooftop elevator mechanical rooms, 3.1901.4
    general techniques, 3.1901.1
    performance-based air sealing of dwelling units and corridors, 3.1901.2
    Compressors – mid and high rise, system assessment and maintenance, 5.3003.28
    Computer systems and components replacement, 7.8002.2
    Concrete decks, above grade, 4.1403.1
    Condensate drainage
    dehumidifiers, 6.6203.2g, 6.6203.3g
    HRV and ERV in multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5f
    HRV and ERV in single dwelling units, 6.6202.6f
    low rise, 5.3003.38
    Condensate drainage of heating and air conditioning equipment – low rise, 5.3003.38
    Condensate treatment, flue gas, 5.3102.18
    Confined space safety, 2.0100.3g
    Controls, energy management systems, 5.3102.30
    Cooling and heating controls
    low rise, 5.3003.37
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.43
    Cooling equipment. See also Air conditioning
    installation, maintenance and commissioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12
    locking refrigerator caps - mid and high rise, 2.0302.1
    Cooling towers
    conditioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12u
    installation – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12s
    maintenance – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12t
    selection – mid and high rise, 5.3001.6f
    system assessment and maintenance – mid and high rise, 5.3003.31
    Copper piping, 6.100.2, 6.100.7
    Corrosion, pipe, 6.100.10
    CPVC piping, 6.100.3, 6.100.8
    Crawl spaces and basements
    air sealing worker safety, 2.0103.2b
    covers for sump pumps, drains, pits and other intentional slab penetrations, 3.1488.3
    slab foundations
    air seal concrete floor slab foundation: raised, on grade and below-grade, 3.1403.1
    slab-edge foundations and above grade concrete decks: raised, on-grade, 4.1403.1
    Dampers, motorized, 6.6104.2g
    Data plate verification – low rise, 5.3003.17
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2
    slab-edge foundations and above grade concrete decks: raised, on-grade, 4.1403.1
    underside of roof decks – attic space ceilings – preparation and application, 4.1003.12
    vented roof deck SPF installation, 4.1003.13
    vented roof decks preparation, 4.1001.8
    dehumidifying ventilator serving multiple dwelling units, 6.6203.2
    dehumidifying ventilator serving single dwelling unit or special use space, 6.6203.3
    Delamping, 7.8003.4
    Dense packing blown insulation, 4.1103.4
    DHW (domestic hot water) heat exchanger, 5.3102.34
    Direct vent boiler exhaust leaks, 5.3104.13
    Dishwasher replacement, in-unit, 7.8101.5
    Distribution leaks, 5.3104.12
    Domestic hot water (DHW) heat exchanger, 5.3102.34
    Doors. See Windows and doors
    Drain pans
    condensate drainage of heating and air conditioning equipment – low rise, 5.3003.38f
    heat pumps, 7.8102.8f
    non-fired storage tanks, 7.8102.9g
    solar water heaters, 7.8102.7h
    storage tank-type water heaters, 7.8102.4d
    tankless water heaters, 7.8102.5d
    condensate, 5.3003.38
    covers for, 3.1488.3
    Drain use recovery, 7.8101.6
    Ducts. See also Forced air; Ventilation; Ventilation, whole building
    clothes dryer exhaust vents, 6.6005.3
    ductwork system
    low rise, 5.3003.36
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.42
    exhaust ventilation systems, 6.6004.1
    forced air ductwork and termination design – low rise, 5.3001.5
    individual exhaust fan serving multiple rooms within single dwelling unit, 6.6004.2
    metal – low rise, 4.1601.6
    metal – mid and high rise, 4.1601.7
    kitchen range hood within dwelling unit, 6.6005.4
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1
    and mechanical fastening – low rise, 3.1601.6
    and mechanical fastening – mid and high rise, 3.1601.8
    support – low rise, 3.1601.7
    support – mid and high rise, 3.1601.9
    air sealing system components – low rise, 3.1602.17
    air sealing system components – mid and high rise, 3.1602.22
    air sealing system – low rise, 3.1602.16
    air sealing system – mid and high rise, 3.1602.21
    dual cooling up ducts – low rise, 3.1602.19
    framed platform – low rise, 3.1602.18
    HVAC supply and return ducts and plenums, 3.1602.14
    proprietary spray application, 3.1602.20
    proprietary spray application – mid and high rise, 3.1602.23
    ventilation existing duct sealing (all building types), 3.1602.15
    supply ducts, 6.6102.7
    Dumb waiters, 3.1901.3
    ECM (electrically commutated motor) driven fans, 6.6202.8
    ECM (electrically commutated motor) driven pumps, 5.3102.8
    Economizers, 5.3002.12v–5.3002.12x
    selection, 5.3001.6g
    Electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven fans, 6.6202.8
    Electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven pumps, 5.3102.8
    Electrical safety, 2.0100.3d
    Electrical service
    forced air system assessment and maintenance
    low rise, 5.3003.20
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.26
    Electronics, entertainment and computer systems and components replacement, 7.8002.2
    compartmentalization of, 3.1901.4
    replacement and maintenance, 7.8801.1
    Emergency drain pans. See Drain pans
    Emergency heat pumps, 5.3003.26k
    Emergency lighting, 7.8003.3
    Energy management system controls, 5.3102.30
    Energy recovery ventilator (ERV) installation
    multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5
    single dwelling units, 6.6202.6
    Entertainment and computer systems and components replacement, 7.8002.2
    Ergonomic safety, 2.0100.3j
    ERV (energy recovery ventilator) installation
    multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5
    single dwelling units, 6.6202.6
    Evaporative coolers
    maintenance and repair
    low rise, 5.3003.24
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.32
    appliance exhaust vents
    clothes dryers, 6.6005.3
    kitchen range hood within dwelling unit, 6.6005.4
    exhaust ventilation systems
    central/common exhaust fan serving multiple dwelling units via common duct(s) and dwelling unit branches, 6.6004.1
    garage exhaust fans, 6.6004.3
    individual exhaust fan serving multiple rooms within single dwelling unit (all three building types), 6.6004.2
    regional considerations, 6.6005.5
    Exit sign replacement, 7.8003.2
    Expansion tanks (hot water), 5.3102.14, 7.8102.4e, 7.8104.8
    Exterior door replacement, 3.1203.5
    Exterior water air sealing worker safety, 2.0103.2d
    Eye protection, 2.0100.3f
    Falls, trips, and slips, 2.0100.3l
    Fan coil units, 5.3002.12ab–5.3002.12ad
    central/common exhaust fan serving multiple dwelling units via common duct(s) and dwelling unit branches, 6.6004.1
    electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven, 6.6202.8
    filtration for fan powered (active) systems, 6.6202.9
    garage exhaust fans, 6.6004.3
    individual exhaust fan serving multiple rooms within single dwelling unit (all three building types), 6.6004.2
    installation and control of variable frequency drives (VFDs) on fans, 6.6202.7
    kitchen range hood within dwelling unit, 6.6005.4
    operational controls, 6.6202.4
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1c
    in-unit indoor ceiling fan replacement, 5.3301.1
    Fire dampers
    dehumidifiers, 6.6203.2k, 6.6203.3k
    exhaust ventilation systems, 6.6004.1r, 6.6004.2o
    HRV and ERV in multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5i
    HRV and ERV in single dwelling units, 6.6202.6t
    outdoor intake to forced air system – one system per dwelling, 6.6104.2i
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1r
    in conditioned attics, 3.1001.7
    in unconditioned attics, 3.1001.6
    removal from common areas, 7.8003.5
    replacement, 7.8003.14
    above grade exposed floor, joisted assemblies, 4.1301.10
    above grade exposed floor, non-joisted assemblies (pre-cast concrete, poured in place, metal deck), 4.1301.14
    non-joisted floors over basements or crawl spaces (pre-cast concrete, poured in place, metal deck), 4.1301.15
    pier house subfloor insulation – batt installation with rigid barrier, 4.1301.11
    pier house subfloor insulation – loose fill with rigid barrier, 4.1301.13
    pier house subfloor insulation – spray polyurethane foam preparation and installation, 4.1301.12
    attic, loose fill over existing insulation on accessible attic floors, 4.1005.8
    Flow, 6.99.5, 6.100.11
    Flue gas condensate treatment, 5.3102.18
    Forced air. See also Ventilation
    ductwork and termination design – low rise, 5.3001.5
    equipment selection – low rise, 5.3001.4
    load calculation and equipment selection – mid and high rise, 5.3001.6
    duct sealing
    air sealing system components – low rise, 3.1602.17
    air sealing system – low rise, 3.1602.16
    dual cooling up ducts – low rise, 3.1602.19
    framed platform – low rise, 3.1602.18
    proprietary spray application, 3.1602.20
    regional considerations
    low rise, 5.3088.2
    mid and high rise, 5.3088.3
    site preparation
    cooling equipment – installation, maintenance and commissioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12
    for new equipment – mid and high rise, 5.3002.13
    preparation for new equipment – low rise, 5.3002.4
    sequence of operation – low rise, 5.3002.2
    sequence of operation – mid and high rise, 5.3002.3
    setting of air handler – low rise, 5.3002.7
    setting of air handler – mid and high rise, 5.3002.16
    system assessment and maintenance
    air flow – low rise, 5.3003.21
    air flow – mid and high rise, 5.3003.27
    combustion analysis – low rise, 5.3003.22
    combustion appliance venting system – low rise, 5.3003.35
    combustion appliance venting system – mid and high rise, 5.3003.41
    compressor – mid and high rise, 5.3003.28
    condensate drainage of heating and air conditioning equipment – low rise, 5.3003.38
    cooling tower – mid and high rise, 5.3003.31
    data plate verification – low rise, 5.3003.17
    ductwork system – mid and high rise, 5.3003.42
    ductwork system – low rise, 5.3003.36
    electrical service – low rise, 5.3003.20
    electrical service – mid and high rise, 5.3003.26
    evaporative cooler maintenance and repairs – low rise, 5.3003.24
    evaporative cooler maintenance and repairs – mid and high rise, 5.3003.32
    fuel delivery system for fuel oil – low rise, 5.3003.33
    fuel delivery system for fuel oil – mid and high rise, 5.3003.40
    fuel delivery system for natural gas – mid and high rise, 5.3003.39
    fuel delivery system for natural gas and propane – low rise, 5.3003.34
    heating and cooling controls – low rise, 5.3003.37
    heating and cooling controls – mid and high rise, 5.3003.43
    leak detection – low rise, 5.3003.18
    refrigerant charge evaluation – low rise, 5.3003.23
    refrigerant charge evaluation – mid and high rise, 5.3003.30
    refrigerant line inspection – low rise, 5.3003.19
    refrigerant line inspection – mid and high rise, 5.3003.25
    thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) – mid and high, 5.3003.29
    Freestanding water coolers, 7.8005.3
    Freezer replacement, 7.8001.3
    Fuel leak detection and repair, 5.3104.11
    Fuel oil delivery systems
    high rise, 5.3003.40
    low rise, 5.3003.33
    Fuel oil leak detection, 5.3003.18c
    equipment selection – low rise, 5.3001.4f
    furnace room safety, 2.0204.2
    wall, 5.3002.12ae–5.3002.12ag
    Galvanized and iron piping, 6.99.1–6.99.2, 6.99.3
    Galvanized piping, 6.100.1, 6.100.6
    Garage exhaust fans, 6.6004.3
    Garages, attached
    garage openings, sealing penetrations, 3.1501.2
    isolating from living space, 3.1502.1
    removing supply and/or return registers, 3.1502.2
    Gas and oil fired equipment combustion safety, 2.0205.1
    Gas boosters, 5.3102.29
    Gas leak detection, 5.3003.18b
    Gas trains, 5.3102.29
    Gauges, water heating distribution, 7.8104.5
    Generator room safety, 2.0204.2
    Gravity potable water storage tanks, 7.8103.4
    Hand protection, 2.0100.3b
    Hand tool safety, 2.0100.3k
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2
    Health and safety, 2.0100.3
    air sealing worker safety, 2.0103.2
    asbestos-containing materials (ACM), 2.0110.2
    baseload worker, 7.1.1
    carbon monoxide, 2.0100.3e
    chemical safety, 2.0100.3i
    combustion air - boilers, 2.0203.7
    confined space safety, 2.0100.3g
    electrical safety, 2.0100.3d
    ergonomic safety, 2.0100.3j
    hand protection, 2.0100.3b
    hand tool safety, 2.0100.3k
    heat and thermal stress, 2.0100.3m
    insulation worker safety, 2.0104.2
    lead-based paint assessment, 2.0100.3o
    licensed electrical professional, 2.0107.2
    power tool safety, 2.0100.3h
    prevention through design, 2.0100.3a
    protective clothing, 2.0100.3f
    respiratory protection, 2.0100.3c
    site security, 2.0100.3p
    slips, trips, and falls, 2.0100.3l
    vented gas appliances, 2.0203.7
    work area inspection and stabilization, 2.0100.4
    Heat and thermal stress safety, 2.0100.3m
    Heat exchangers, 5.3102.22
    Heating and cooling controls
    low rise, 5.3003.37
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.43
    Heat pumps
    ductwork system, low rise, 5.3003.36o
    emergency heat, 5.3003.26k
    equipment selection – low rise, 5.3001.4d, 5.3001.4e
    installation, maintenance and commissioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12p–5.3002.12r
    outdoor temperature sensor
    low rise, 5.3003.37g
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.43h
    selection, 5.3001.6e
    supplementary heat control, mid and high rise, 5.3003.43g
    supplementary heat control wiring
    low rise, 5.3003.37i
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.43i
    thermostat selection
    low rise, 5.3003.37f
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.43f
    water source, 5.3002.12y–5.3002.12z, 5.3002.12aa
    Heat pump water heaters, 7.8102.8
    Heat recovery ventilation (HRV) installation
    multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5
    single dwelling units, 6.6202.6
    High-pressure SPF, Appendix C
    Hot tubs, motor control and replacement, 7.8802.1
    Hot water boilers, pressure and temperature relief valve, 5.3102.3
    Hot water heating. See Hydronic heating (hot water and steam)
    Hot water operating controls (Aquastat), 5.3102.4
    HRV (heat recovery ventilation) installation
    multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5
    single dwelling units, 6.6202.6
    Humidistats, 5.3003.37l
    HVAC. See Air conditioning
    Hydronic heating (hot water and steam)
    adding mass to low mass boiler/installation of buffer tank – existing or new, 5.3188.2
    equipment installation
    advanced combustion controls, 5.3102.24
    bladder type expansion tank pressurization (hot water), 5.3102.15
    boiler – pressure and temperature relief valve – hot water boilers, 5.3102.3
    boiler – pressure relief safety valve – steam boilers certified, 5.3102.20
    burner modulation controls, 5.3102.27
    burners, 5.3102.28
    combined heat and domestic hot water system, 5.3102.10
    controls – energy management systems, 5.3102.30
    controls – thermostat replacement, 5.3102.37
    expansion tank installation (hot water), 5.3102.14
    flow control through multiple boilers in all primary configurations (hot water), 5.3102.11
    flow control through multiple boilers in primary/secondary configurations (hot water), 5.3102.12
    flue gas condensate treatment - condensing, 5.3102.18
    full commissioning, 5.3102.38
    gas trains and gas boosters (water and steam), 5.3102.29
    hot water operating controls – aquastat (hot water), 5.3102.4
    individual and redundant pumps, 5.3102.16
    installation of outdoor reset boiler controller (hot water), 5.3102.5
    insulation of condensate tank and boiler feed, 5.3102.23
    lead – lag controls for boilers, 5.3102.25
    lead-lag controls – pumps (hot water), 5.3102.7
    low water cut-offs, 5.3102.36
    mechanical insulation – removable and reusable vs. non-reusable (fixed) insulation, 5.3102.17
    optimize variable frequency drive (VFD) control, 5.3102.33
    outdoor reset valve and controller (hot water), 5.3102.6
    replacement of conventional pumps with electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven pumps (hot water), 5.3102.8
    replacement with hot water boiler, 5.3102.1
    steam boiler pressure operating controls, 5.3102.21
    steam boiler replacement, 5.3102.19
    steam or hot water to domestic hot water (DHW) heat exchanger, 5.3102.34
    steam to domestic hot water heat exchanger (steam), 5.3102.22
    thermometer installation, 5.3102.31
    thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), 5.3102.32
    upgrade to a combined heat and domestic hot water system, 5.3102.35
    variable frequency drives (VFDs) (hot water), 5.3102.9
    variable frequency drive systems on burners, 5.3102.26
    venting sealed combustion appliances, 5.3102.2
    equipment maintenance, testing and repair
    boiler water treatment, 5.3104.8
    combined heat and domestic hot water systems tune up (hot water), 5.3104.7
    controls – underground leak detection, 5.3104.15
    gas boiler – service inspection, 5.3104.10
    inspection checklist, 5.3104.9
    leak detection and repair – direct vent boiler exhaust, 5.3104.13
    leak detection and repair – distribution leaks, 5.3104.12
    leak detection and repair – fuel piping, 5.3104.11
    optimize outdoor reset boiler controller (hot water), 5.3104.4
    optimize outdoor reset valve controller (hot water), 5.3104.5
    repair/replace existing thermostatically controlled zone valves (hot water), 5.3104.6
    tune-up and upgrades, 5.3104.14
    piping (distribution installation)
    air elimination (hot water), 5.3103.2
    balancing valve installation, 5.3103.1
    check valves (hot water), 5.3103.3
    convert two-pipe steam to hot water, 5.3103.10
    distribution load balancing, 5.3103.4
    installation of pressure gauges, 5.3103.7
    installation of strainers, 5.3103.9
    isolation valve installation, 5.3103.8
    one pipe steam system – steam air vents, 5.3103.5
    replacement of tankless coil for domestic hot water production, 5.3103.11
    two pipe stream system – steam traps, 5.3103.6
    radiator reflectors, 5.3188.3
    water drainage in the boiler room, 5.3188.1
    Inspection, work area, 2.0100.4
    Inspection checklist, hydronic heating equipment, 5.3104.9
    Installed equipment
    building operations staff education – mid and high rise, 2.0702.4
    occupant and building staff education - low rise, 2.0702.2
    occupant and building staff education - mid and high rise, 2.0702.3
    above grade exposed floor, joisted assemblies, 4.1301.10
    above grade exposed floor, non-joisted assemblies (pre-cast concrete poured in place, metal deck), 4.1301.14
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1f
    around high temperature devices, systems and components, 3.1001.8
    buffer tanks, 5.3188.2f
    condensate tank and boiler feed, 5.3102.23
    dense packing blown insulation in enclosed walls, 4.1103.4
    exterior wall surface, 4.1103.5
    HRV and ERV, 6.6202.6p
    of inaccessible attics, 4.1088.7
    insulation worker safety, 2.0104.2
    mechanical insulation – removable and reusable vs. non-reusable (fixed) insulation, 5.3102.17
    metal ducts – low rise, 4.1601.6
    metal ducts – mid and high rise, 4.1601.7
    non-joisted floors over basements or crawl spaces (pre-cast concrete, poured in place, metal deck), 4.1301.15
    outdoor intake to forced air system – one system per dwelling, 6.6104.2e
    pier house subfloor
    batt installation with rigid barrier, 4.1301.11
    loose fill with rigid barrier, 4.1301.13
    spray polyurethane foam preparation and installation, 4.1301.12
    refrigerant line inspection – low rise, 5.3003.19a
    refrigerant line inspection – mid and high rise, 5.3003.25a
    of refrigerant lines, 5.3003.19a
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2h
    sealing/isolating exposed fibrous insulation in areas with routine human activity, 2.0703.1
    supply ducts, 6.6102.7b
    tenting, air sealing and insulating wet sprinkler system components in unconditioned attic spaces, 4.1088.9
    ultraviolet (UV) protection of, 5.3003.19b, 5.3003.25b
    water heater installation and replacement, 7.8102.4i
    water heating piping, 7.8104.3d
    Intake optimization, 6.6102.6
    Kitchen range hood ventilation, 6.6005.4
    re-commissioning, 7.8003.12
    removal from common areas, 7.8003.4
    replacement, 7.8003.11
    retro-commissioning, 7.8003.12
    Laundry, clothes dryer replacement, 7.8004.3
    Lead-based paint, 2.0100.3o, 2.0104.2e
    Lead-lag controls
    for boilers, 5.3102.25
    for pumps (hot water), 5.3102.7
    Leak detection, 5.3003.18
    Leak detection and repair
    direct vent boiler exhaust, 5.3104.13
    distribution leaks, 5.3104.12
    fuel piping, 5.3104.11
    underground leak detection, 5.3104.15
    Licensed baseload professional worker safety, 7.1.1
    Licensed electrical professional worker safety, 2.0107.2
    Licensed lighting professional worker safety, 7.1.1
    ballast replacement, 7.8003.13
    bi-level controls, 7.8003.10
    common area fixtures removal, 7.8003.5
    common area lamps removal, 7.8003.4
    emergency lighting, 7.8003.3
    exit sign replacement, 7.8003.2
    fixture replacement, 7.8003.14
    lamp replacement, 7.8003.11
    occupancy sensors for indoor common areas and offices, 7.8003.6
    outdoor motion control, 7.8003.8
    outdoor photo sensors, 7.8003.9
    re-commissioning, 7.8003.12
    retro-commissioning, 7.8003.12
    security lighting, 7.8003.15
    stand alone timers in outdoor and common areas, 7.8003.7
    worker safety for licensed professionals, 7.1.1
    Living space air sealing worker safety, 2.0103.2c
    Locking refrigerator caps - mid and high rise, 2.0302.1
    Low-flow retrofit devices, 7.8101.2
    Low-pressure SPF, Appendix C
    Low water cut-offs, 5.3102.36
    Mechanical insulation, removable and reusable vs. non-reusable (fixed) insulation, 5.3102.17
    Mercury-based thermostats, 5.3003.37a, 5.3003.43a
    Mercury containing boiler pressure controls, 5.3102.21d
    Mixing valves, 7.8104.1
    Moisture, air sealing moisture precautions, 2.0401.2
    Moisture precautions
    for crawl spaces, 2.0103.2b
    for exterior water, 2.0103.2d
    for living spaces, 2.0103.2c
    Motorized dampers, 6.6104.2g
    Natural gas delivery systems
    low rise, 5.3003.34
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.39
    Non-distribution cooling systems
    fans, ceiling and other, in-unit indoor ceiling fan replacement, 5.3301.1
    room air conditioners, through-wall and room air conditioning unit replacement, 5.3302.1
    Non-fired hot water storage tanks, 7.8102.9
    Non-refrigerated vending machines, 7.8005.2
    Occupancy sensors for indoor common areas and offices, 7.8003.6
    Occupant education and access
    building operations staff education – mid and high rise, 2.0702.4
    installed equipment – low rise, 2.0702.2
    installed equipment – mid and high rise, 2.0702.3
    insulation, sealing/isolating exposed fibrous insulation in areas with routine human activity, 2.0703.1
    Occupant service requests, 2.0702.2g, 2.0702.3g, 2.0702.4g
    Operation manuals for water heating systems, 7.8103.6
    Orphaned combustion appliance venting equipment, 5.3003.35d
    Orphaned gas and oil fired equipment, 2.0205.1c
    Outdoor motion control, 7.8003.8
    Outdoor photo sensors, 7.8003.9
    Outdoor reset boiler controller (hot water), 5.3102.5
    Outdoor reset valve controller (hot water), 5.3102.6, 5.3104.5
    Package terminal air conditioner (PTAC)
    commissioning, 5.3002.12r
    installation, 5.3002.12p
    maintenance, 5.3002.12q
    selection, 5.3001.6e
    Package terminal heat pump (PTHP)
    commissioning, 5.3002.12r
    installation, 5.3002.12p
    maintenance, 5.3002.12q
    selection, 5.3001.6e
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2
    Passive ventilation, 6.6207.1
    Penetrations and chases
    attics, 3.1001.5
    firewall in conditioned attic, 3.1001.7
    firewall in unconditioned attics, 3.1001.6
    insulating around high temperature devices, systems and components, 3.1001.8
    sealing access doors and similar intentional penetrations, 3.1001.9
    Personal protective equipment (PPE), 2.0100.3i, 2.0100.3j, 2.0104.2a, 2.0104.2c
    Pest exclusion
    heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilator (ERV) installation in single dwelling unit, 6.6202.6l
    at intakes, 6.6102.6g
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1g
    PEX piping, 6.100.5, 6.100.9
    Photo sensors, outdoor, 7.8003.9
    Pier house subfloor SPF installation, 4.1301.12
    supply piping types, 6.100
    waste piping types, 6.99
    water heating distribution, 7.8104.3
    Pits, 3.1488.3
    Plug load
    electronics, entertainment and computer systems and components replacement, 7.8002.2
    laundry, clothes dryer replacement, 7.8004.3
    ballast replacement, 7.8003.13
    bi-level controls, 7.8003.10
    common area fixtures removal, 7.8003.5
    common area lamps removal, 7.8003.4
    emergency lighting, 7.8003.3
    exit sign replacement, 7.8003.2
    fixture replacement, 7.8003.14
    lamp replacement, 7.8003.11
    occupancy sensors for indoor common areas and offices, 7.8003.6
    outdoor motion control, 7.8003.8
    outdoor photo sensors, 7.8003.9
    re- and retro-commissioning, 7.8003.12
    security lighting, 7.8003.15
    stand alone timers in outdoor and common areas, 7.8003.7
    refrigerators/freezers, replacement of, 7.8001.3
    vending machines and water coolers
    freestanding water coolers, 7.8005.3
    non-refrigerated vending machines, 7.8005.2
    refrigerated beverage vending machines, 7.8005.1
    Point of use water heaters, 7.8102.6
    Potable water storage tanks
    domestic hot water expansion tanks, 7.8104.8
    rooftop, 7.8103.4
    Power tool safety, 2.0100.3h
    PPE. See Personal protective equipment
    Pressure gauges, 5.3103.7
    Pressure relief safety valves, 5.3102.20
    Propane delivery systems, 5.3003.34
    Protective clothing, 2.0100.3f
    PTAC (package terminal air conditioner)
    commissioning, 5.3002.12r
    installation, 5.3002.12p
    maintenance, 5.3002.12q
    selection, 5.3001.6e
    PTHP (package terminal heat pump)
    commissioning, 5.3002.12r
    installation, 5.3002.12p
    maintenance, 5.3002.12q
    selection, 5.3001.6e
    heat pump water heaters, 7.8102.8
    installation of individual and redundant pumps, 5.3102.16
    installation of lead-lag controls, 5.3102.7
    re-circulation system demand controlled pump, 7.8104.7
    replacement of conventional pumps with electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven pumps, 5.3102.8
    sump pump covers, 3.1488.3
    water heating distribution, 7.8104.4
    Purging of water heating systems, 7.8103.3
    PVC and ABS piping, 6.99.2, 6.99.4
    PVC piping, 6.100.4, 6.100.8
    Radiator reflectors, 5.3188.3
    Radon testing and evaluation, 2.0502.1
    Re-circulation system demand controlled pump, 7.8104.7
    Re-commissioning of lamps, 7.8003.12
    Reflective roof coatings, 5.3202.2
    Refrigerant charge evaluation
    low rise, 5.3003.23
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.30
    Refrigerant line inspection
    low rise, 5.3003.19
    mid and high rise, 5.3003.25
    Refrigerant locking caps, 2.0302.1
    Refrigerant recovery, 5.3002.4d, 5.3002.13d
    Refrigerated beverage vending machines, 7.8005.1
    Refrigerator replacement, 7.8001.3
    Regional considerations
    exhaust ventilation systems, 6.6005.5
    forced air systems and maintenance
    low rise, 5.3088.2
    mid and high rise, 5.3088.3
    whole building ventilation, 6.6288.3
    Relamping, 7.8003.11
    Respiratory protection, 2.0100.3c, 2.0104.2c
    Retro-commissioning of lamps, 7.8003.12
    Roof coatings, reflective, 5.3202.2
    Roof decks
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2
    spray polyurethane foam vented roof decks preparation, 4.1001.8
    underside, attic space ceilings
    spray polyurethane foam preparation and application, 4.1003.12
    spray polyurethane foam vented roof decks installation, 4.1003.13
    air sealing moisture precautions, 2.0401.2a
    roof decks, panels, and hatches
    above roof deck air sealing, 3.1801.1
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2
    roof/wall connections
    exterior overhangs communicating to or through pressure boundary, 3.1802.2
    roof/exterior wall connection, including joints at roof/parapet/wall connections, 3.1802.1
    Rooftop elevator mechanical rooms, compartmentalization of, 3.1901.4
    Room air conditioners, 5.3302.1
    Room pressure balancing, 5.3003.42q
    Safety devices, cooling equipment, locking refrigerator caps – mid and high rise, 2.0302.1
    Safe work practices. See Health and safety
    Salt storage for water conditioners, 7.8103.5f
    Saunas, motor control and replacement, 7.8802.1
    Sealed combustion appliances, 5.3102.2
    Security lighting, 7.8003.15
    occupancy, 7.8003.6
    outdoor photo, 7.8003.9
    Shading, reflective roofs, reflective roof coatings, 5.3202.2
    Shafts and skylights, 3.1005.2
    Site security, 2.0100.3p
    Skylights and shafts, 3.1005.2
    Slab foundations
    and above grade concrete decks: raised, on-grade, 4.1403.1
    air seal concrete floor slab foundation: raised, on grade and below-grade, 3.1403.1
    Slips, trips and falls, 2.0100.3l
    Solar water heaters, 7.8102.7
    Spa motor control and replacement, 7.8802.1
    Spray polyurethane foam (SPF)
    general information, Appendix C
    pier house subfloor SPF installation, 4.1301.12
    underside of roof decks – SPF attic space ceilings – preparation and application, 4.1003.12
    vented roof deck SPF installation, 4.1003.13
    vented roof deck SPF preparation, 4.1001.8
    Sprinkler systems in unconditioned attic spaces, 4.1088.9
    Stabilization, work area, 2.0100.4
    Stairwells, common area, compartmentalization of, 3.1901.4
    Stand alone timers, 7.8003.7
    Standing water in boiler room, 5.3188.1
    Standpipe potable water storage tanks, 7.8103.4
    Steam boilers. See Boilers
    Steam heating. See Hydronic heating (hot water and steam)
    Steam or hot water to domestic hot water (DHW) heat exchanger, 5.3102.34
    Steam to domestic hot water heat exchanger, 5.3102.22
    Steam traps, 5.3103.6
    Storage tanks, non-fired hot water, 7.8102.9
    Strainers, 5.3103.9
    Sump pump covers, 3.1488.3
    intakes, 6.6102.6
    supply ducts, 6.6102.7
    supply register location, 6.6102.5
    supply ventilation systems
    outdoor intake to forced air system – one system per dwelling, 6.6104.2
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1
    Supply ducts, 6.6102.7
    Supply piping types, 6.100
    Supply register location, 6.6102.5
    Supply ventilation systems, 6.6104.2
    Tankless water heaters, 7.8102.5
    bladder type expansion tank pressurization (hot water), 5.3102.15
    bladder type expansion tank replacement, 5.3102.1m
    buffer tanks, 5.3188.2
    domestic hot water expansion tank (potable water), 7.8104.8
    expansion tank installation (hot water), 5.3102.14
    insulation of condensate tank and boiler feed, 5.3102.23
    water heater installation and replacement, 7.8102.4
    Temperature modulation controls, water heating distribution, 7.8104.6
    Termites, 4.1403.1h
    Thermometers, 5.3102.31
    Thermostatic expansion valves (TXVs), 5.3003.29
    Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), 5.3102.32
    Thermostats, 5.3003.37, 5.3003.43, 5.3102.37
    Timers, stand alone, 7.8003.7
    Trash chutes, 3.1901.3
    Trips, slips, and falls, 2.0100.3l
    TRVs (thermostatic radiator valves) , 5.3102.32
    TXVs (thermostatic expansion valves), 5.3003.29
    Ultraviolet (UV) protection of insulation, 5.3003.19b, 5.3003.25b
    Underground leak detection, 5.3104.15
    Variable frequency drive (VFD) controls
    on burners, 5.3102.26
    on fans, 6.6202.7
    installation (hot water), 5.3102.9
    optimizing, 5.3102.33
    Variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
    installation, maintenance and commissioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12j–5.3002.12l
    selection, 5.3001.6c
    Vending machines
    non-refrigerated, 7.8005.2
    refrigerated beverage, 7.8005.1
    Vented gas appliances, combustion safety, 2.0203.7
    Vented roof decks preparation, 4.1001.8
    Ventilation. See also Forced air
    clothes dryer exhaust, 6.6005.3
    garage, 6.6004.3
    installation/correction of unconditioned attic ventilation, 4.1088.8
    kitchen range hood within dwelling unit, 6.6005.4
    outdoor intake to forced air system – one system per dwelling, 6.6104.2
    outdoor supply air handling unit serving multiple dwelling units or corridors, 6.6104.1
    Ventilation, whole building
    air flow requirements
    balancing – make up/outside air, 6.6201.4
    primary ventilation air flow between rooms, 6.6201.3
    airflow control devices, 6.6202.3
    filtration for fan powered (active) systems, 6.6202.9
    heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilator (ERV) installation in single dwelling unit, 6.6202.6
    heat recovery ventilation (HRV) and energy recovery ventilator (ERV) installation serving multiple dwelling units, 6.6202.5
    installation and control of variable frequency drives (VFDs) on fans, 6.6202.7
    operational controls, 6.6202.4
    replacement of conventional fans with electrically commutated motor (ECM) driven fans, 6.6202.8
    dehumidifying ventilator serving multiple dwelling units, 6.6203.2
    dehumidifying ventilator serving single dwelling unit or special use space, 6.6203.3
    passive ventilation, 6.6207.1
    regional considerations, 6.6288.3
    VFD (variable frequency drive) controls, 5.3102.9, 5.3102.33, 6.6202.7
    VRF (variable refrigerant flow)
    installation, maintenance and commissioning – mid and high rise, 5.3002.12j–5.3002.12l
    selection, 5.3001.6c
    Wall furnaces, 5.3002.12ae–5.3002.12ag
    Wall penetration sealing, 3.1102.1
    dense packing blown insulation, 4.1103.4
    exterior wall surface insulation, 4.1103.5
    multifamily, wall penetration sealing, 3.1102.1
    Warranty and service education, 2.0702.2i, 2.0702.4i
    Washing machines, water use reduction, 7.8101.4
    distribution system
    supply piping types, 6.100
    waste piping types, 6.99
    Water conditioning, 7.8103.5
    Water coolers, freestanding, 7.8005.3
    Water drainage in boiler room, 5.3188.1
    Water heaters
    heat pump, 7.8102.8
    point of use, 7.8102.6
    solar, 7.8102.7
    storage tank-type, 7.8102.4
    tankless, 7.8102.5
    Water heating
    crossover due to a single lever valve or a failed valve, 7.8104.2
    domestic hot water expansion tank (potable water), 7.8104.8
    gauges, 7.8104.5
    mixing valves, 7.8104.1
    piping, 7.8104.3
    pumps, 7.8104.4
    re-circulation system demand controlled pump, 7.8104.7
    re-circulation system temperature modulation controls, 7.8104.6
    installation and replacement
    heat pump water heaters, 7.8102.8
    non-fired storage tanks, 7.8102.9
    point of use water heaters, 7.8102.6
    solar water heaters, 7.8102.7
    storage tank-type water heater, 7.8102.4
    tankless water heaters, 7.8102.5
    crossover due to a backflow into the cold water supply, 7.8103.7
    crossover due to improper plumbing connections between multiple storage tanks, 7.8103.8
    crossover due to missing check valve in recirculation of hot water return, 7.8103.9
    gravity tanks, 7.8103.4
    operation manuals, 7.8103.6
    purging, 7.8103.3
    rooftop potable water storage tanks, 7.8103.4
    standpipe tanks, 7.8103.4
    water softening/conditioning, 7.8103.5
    water use reduction
    drain heat recovery, 7.8101.6
    low-flow retrofit devices, 7.8101.2
    in-unit dishwasher replacement, 7.8101.5
    washing machines, 7.8101.4
    Water softening, 7.8103.5
    Water source heat pumps, 5.3002.12y–5.3002.12z, 5.3002.12aa
    Water storage tanks, rooftop potable, 7.8103.4
    Water use reduction
    drain heat recovery, 7.8101.6
    low-flow retrofit devices, 7.8101.2
    in-unit dishwasher replacement, 7.8101.5
    washing machines, 7.8101.4
    Weather considerations
    exhaust ventilation systems, 6.6005.5
    forced air systems and maintenance
    low rise, 5.3088.2
    mid and high rise, 5.3088.3
    whole building ventilation, 6.6288.3
    doors, 3.1201.8g
    sealing and insulating of exterior roof access panels and hatches, 3.1801.2g
    windows, 3.1201.7h
    Whole building ventilation. See Ventilation, whole building
    Windows and doors
    maintenance, repair and sealing
    doors, 3.1201.8
    windows, 3.1201.7
    exterior doors, 3.1203.5
    windows, 3.1203.4
    Work area inspection and stabilization, 2.0100.4
    Worker safety. See Health and safety
    Zone valves, 5.3104.6