Los Alamos National Laboratory Collaboration for Explosives Detection

Our world-class expertise, facilities, detection capabilities. Your solutions.

EXPERTISE - LACED is built upon Los Alamos’ unparalleled explosive detection capabilities derived from the expertise of award-winning scientists and state-of-the-art facilities. LACED is made up of 57 scientific experts spanning 18 divisions at Los Alamos. Ranging across 11 unique fields of expertise, these scientists have published over 100 explosive detection-related publications.

GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PARTNERING MECHANISMS - At LACED, we believe that technological know-how is best leveraged through top-tier industrial partners, federal agencies, and universities. LACED offers a variety of partnering mechanisms that allow access to federally developed technologies and R&D capabilities.

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Los Alamos Team Demonstrates Bottle Scanner Technology

Los Alamos Team Demonstrates Bottle Scanner Technology

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