6.6202.3 Airflow Control Devices (All Building Types)

Whole Building Ventilation
Desired Outcome: 
Efficient and balanced distribution system
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Specifications will be field verified as appropriate to site conditions by installer (e.g., duct size, type, shape, register type, duct static pressure)

Access to all dwelling units and elements of distribution system will be ensured by installer

Ensure appropriate design for installation


See redline change(s)

Duct cleaning will be performed in compliance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org 6 HVAC HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning System Cleanliness-2007

Register cleaning or replacement will be performed as specified

Duct sealing will be performed as specified

Stack pressures will be verified for proper operation of flow control device

Presence and type of dampers and smoke control devices will be identified, and installer will ensure the installation of the air flow device will not interfere with proper operation

Establish preconditions for installing flow control device

Ensure health and safety of occupant

Material selection

Appropriate selection of air flow regulator or orifice will be confirmed by installer; if custom design is required, it will be determined by installer

Registers will be compatible with selected flow control device

Gasketing or transition system will be compatible with selected flow control device and existing duct components

Sealants and materials will be compatible with their intended surfaces and applied in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Duct sealants will be UL UL Underwriters Laboratories 181 compliant

Sealants and materials will be continuous and in accordance with fire barrier specifications

Ensure sealants and materials meet or exceed the performance characteristics required of the assembly (e.g., fire rating)

Ensure conditions exist for effective installation of flow control device

Ensure conditions exist for the flow control device to meet the design specifications


Transition or adapter will be securely fastened and sealed in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Flow control device will be installed with proper orientation and in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Adjustable devices will be set to preliminary balancing position

Achieve specified design flows

Provide a durable and secure installation

Balance and flow

Air flows will be measured and adjusted to match to the design specification in accordance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org Standard 5 or ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ASHRAE ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, www.ashrae.org Standard 111

Achieve the desired air flows to and from the desired locations


Final visual inspection of flow control installation and installer documentation will be completed

Continued operation of dampers and smoke control devices will be verified

Ensure the performance of the ventilation system

Ensure occupant health and safety

Occupant/property manager education

Occupant/property manager will be educated on how the system works and its purpose

Occupant/property manager will be educated on how to inspect flow control device upon unit turnover

Ensure the durability of the ventilation system