Screenshot from the Energy Infrastructure with Flood Vulnerability tool

Energy Infrastructure with Flood Vulnerability

Examine map layers to assess which key energy infrastructure assets may be vulnerable to rising sea levels, storm surges, and flash flooding.

This interactive map gives users a way to identify which assets of the U.S. energy sector are vulnerable to flooding hazards. The map shows flood hazard information from the Federal Emergency Management Adminitstration along with energy infrastructure layers from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

State, county, city, and private-sector planners can use the map to assess which energy infrastructure assets are vulnerable to rising sea levels, storm surges, and flash flooding.

Note that flood hazard layers must be zoomed in to street level before they become visible. For a full set of energy infrastructure layers, refer to the U.S. Energy Mapping System.

Last modified: 
29 August 2016 - 4:12pm