Urban and rural communities have a new source of information and tools to help them plan and prepare for weather- and climate-related impacts: the new Built Environment topic in the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit can help community leaders and businesses address a wide range of risks facing cities and towns.

Webinar: Tuesday, November 1, 12 noon EDT

The National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System (CRS) rewards communities that go above and beyond minimum flood safety requirements. In addition to benefitting from reduced risk of flooding, residents of participating communities can receive a discount on flood insurance. Information from this Webinar can help floodplain managers and others implement practical methods to improve their communities' CRS scores.

» Launch the new version of the Climate Explorer

Our updated application offers climate projections for every county in the contiguous United States.

We're proud to launch a design refresh for the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit. Based on user feedback, we've implemented new designs to simplify navigation, build a responsive layout for all platforms, and provide more resources and information on building climate resilience.