6.6288.3 Regional Climatic Considerations

Whole Building Ventilation
Special Considerations
Desired Outcome: 
Regional climatic variables are taken into consideration
Very cold

Energy recovery ventilators will not be installed in very cold climates unless they are equipped with frost controls

A filter will be installed before heat recovery ventilator ( HRV HRV Heat recovery ventilator )

Ventilation ducts will be insulated to a minimum of R-19

Prevent freezing of ventilator

Ensure the ventilation system remains clean and operates properly

Ensure condensation does not form on or in the ductwork

Hot humid

HRVs will not be installed

Ventilation air intake will not be terminated at roof

Determine whether net latent load from ventilation (both natural and mechanical) requires dehumidification; if so, install dehumidification. See SWS 6.6203.2 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Multiple Dweeling Unit (All Building Types) and SWS 6.6203.3 Dehumidifying Ventilator Serving Single Dwelling or Special Use Space (All Building Types)

Avoid low energy recovery equipment

Prevent excessive heat entering ventilation air