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Past Webinars

We post these past events regarding renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power as a courtesy to our web site visitors. Unless otherwise noted, the following events and accompanying presentations are neither supported nor endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy, Green Power Network.

Date and Location


Feb 24, 2016

Free Webinar - Using Power Purchase Agreements for Solar Deployment at Universities

More than 60 universities have used solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) to deploy more than 100 megawatts of solar PV on campuses around the country. This webinar was intended for university financial planners and other stakeholders who are assessing the financial aspects of deploying solar. The speakers provided an overview of how universities are using PPAs and key PPA components. In addition, they discussed the process of using PPAs, why PPAs make sense for campus solar deployment, and the benefits and challenges for universities. Tools and other resources were shared to help universities interested in using PPAs for campus solar deployment.

  • Jenny Heeter, Senior Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Eric O'Shaughnessy, Renewable Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Download the presentation (PDF 2.0 MB)
January 27, 2016  

Free Webinar - State of the Voluntary Green Power Market

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership (GPP) hosted a webinar examining the state of the green power market within the United States. This webinar focused on the voluntary market, through which consumers and institutions voluntarily procure renewable energy for all or part of their electricity needs. The webinar reviewed:

  • The various green power product options
  • Where these products are available
  • The most up-to-date statistics and trends in green power purchasing
  • The emergence of new green power procurement options, including power purchase agreements (PPAs), community solar programs, and community choice aggregations
The presentations drew heavily from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's recently published Status and Trends in the U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market (53 pp, 3.6MB) as well as the Green Power Partnership's program data.

  • Christopher Kent, U.S. EPA's Green Power Partnership (PDF 2.6 MB)
  • Eric O'Shaughnessy, Renewable Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (PDF 4.4 MB)
July 28, 2015

NREL Webinar - New Report and Upcoming Webinar on Renewable Electricity Use by ICT Industry

Although the U.S. information and communication technology (ICT) sector is a large consumer of electricity, little is known regarding present and forecasted electricity acquisition and use, especially with regard to renewables. Jenny Heeter with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) highlighted the results of NREL's recent report, which found that 113 ICT companies are purchasing 8.3 million MWh of renewable energy, representing 14% of the 59 million MWh of electricity consumed by those companies in 2014. Under a range of scenarios, renewable procurement by these 113 companies could increase to between 18.5 million and 37 million MWh in 2020.

The webinar will also provided case study examples of recent ICT company renewable purchasing. Ryan Schuchard with BSR, Future of Internet Power discussed how U.S. data center operators are sharing knowledge about how to source renewable energy and working with suppliers to encourage proactive renewables procurement.

  • Jenny Heeter, Senior Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • Ryan Schuchard, Associate Director, Climate Change, BSR
Download the presentation (PDF 2.2 MB)

Download the video (MPEG 41.4 MB)

Transcription (PDF 191 KB)

Download Report: Renewable Electricity Use by the U.S. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Industry. Authors - John Miller, Lori Bird, Jenny Heeter, and Bethany Gorham
July 8, 2015

Clean Energy Solution Center Webinar - Renewable Energy Tracking and Claims: Experience from the United States

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, hosted a no-cost, webinar-based training on U.S. experiences with renewable energy tracking and claims.

Because the flow of electrons cannot be traced from generator to consumer, some accounting mechanism is needed to ensure that renewable generation is being added to the grid. In the United States, the concept of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) emerged as a way to demonstrate compliance with Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs), which require utilities to supply a certain percentage of renewable electricity. One REC is equal to one megawatt-hour of renewable generation, and it can be sold separately from the underlying electricity.

More recently, RECs started to be used by voluntary purchasers — institutions looking to purchase renewable energy to match their electricity needs; for example, as part of a corporate sustainability initiative or to make a marketing claim (e.g., "this product was made with 100% wind power").

This presentation explored REC definitions, explained how RECs are tracked and traded electronically, and examined the tradeoffs to buying and selling RECs. The presentation concluded with a comparison of how renewable attributes are tracked in other countries and was followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.

  • Jenny Heeter, Senior Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Download the presentation (PDF 5.9 MB)
June 18, 2015

NREL Webinar - Shared Solar Continues to Trend: Market Update and Implementation Questions

Regulated utilities across the country are assessing program design options for voluntary community solar programs. In this webinar, Adam Capage, discussed answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, such as how to mitigate supply risks, how to set pricing, and best practices for marketing. David Feldman presented his recent forecast of community solar market potential, through 2020.

  • Adam Capage, Vice President of Utility Partnerships, 3Degrees
  • David Feldman, Senior Financial Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Download the presentation (PDF 1.5 MB)

Download the Windows Media Video (WMV 94.9 MB) Mac users might experience plug-in troubles.

Transcription (PDF 191 KB)
February 26, 2015    

Webinar - Understanding Solar Power Claims: Best Practices for Hosting, Leasing, and Owning Solar Generation

The new solar boom has brought with it increasing complexity around renewable energy claims. Because ownership of the environmental benefits is not always made clear, the potential for double claiming on the part of utilities, providers, and hosts has never been greater. Join Robin Quarrier, CRS Chief Counsel; Jenny Heeter, Energy Analyst at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and Bryce Smith, Chief Executive Officer of OneEnergy Renewables for a look at the current state of the market and best practices for participants in the solar marketplace.

  • Jenny Heeter, Energy Analyst, NREL
  • Robin Quarrier, Chief Counsel, Center for Resource Solutions
  • Bryce Smith, CEO, OneEnergy Renewables
Download the presentation (PDF 3 MB)

Download the Windows Media Video (WMV 108.9 MB) Mac users might experience plug-in troubles

Transcription (PDF 179 KB)
January 27, 2015    

EPA Webinar - State of the Voluntary Green Power Market

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership hosted a webinar examining the state of the green power market within the United States. This webinar focused primarily on the voluntary market, which is the market consumers and institutions use to voluntarily procure renewable energy for all or part of their electricity needs.

The webinar reviewed:
  • The various green power product options
  • Where these products are available
  • Resource and pricing information
  • The most up-to-date statistics and trends in green power purchasing
  • The emergence of new green power procurement options
The presentations drew heavily from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's recently published Status and Trends in the U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market as well as the Green Power Partnership's program data.

  • James Critchfield, Program Director, U.S. EPA's Green Power Partnership
  • Jenny Heeter, Renewable Energy Analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Download presentation slides
September 18, 2014

NREL Webinar - Encouraging Solar Development through Green Energy Tariffs for Large Utility Customers

Several utilities are beginning to create renewable energy tariffs for large customers looking to meet more of their energy needs with renewables. This webinar provided key considerations for designing these tariffs in order to promote utility-sponsored solar development.

  • Autumn Proudlove and Jim Kennerly, North Carolina Clean Technology Center (PDF 816 KB)
Download the audio (MP3 53.7 MB)

Transcription (MS Word 81 KB)
February 25, 2014

Webinar - Incorporating Solar in Green Power Offers from Coast to Coast

The webinar discussed how utility green pricing programs and other voluntary green power offers have incorporated solar into their product mix. Leslie Brown discussed how Silicon Valley Power in CA, has developed a product with 20% solar from CA. Jay Carlis shared how Community Energy has been engaged with developing solar, buying and selling solar renewable energy certificates, and supplying solar to voluntary program.

Download the video (WMV 14.6 MB) Does not include audio on Mac.

Transcription (MS Word 61 KB)
August 20, 2013

Webinar - Including Solar Resources in Green Pricing Programs: Lessons from Leading Programs

This webinar explored green pricing programs. Utility product managers Wade Hughes and Jennifer Lynn Wright spoke about the rational for modifying the product mix, the process for including more solar, and challenges they faced. SMUD and TVA were recently recognized as the top two programs incorporating solar into their green power supply, using 14.5% and 5.9% solar in 2012, respectively.

March 21, 2013

Webinar - Corporate Perspectives on Investing in Renewable Energy

This webinar highlighted the recent report by Calvert Investments, Ceres and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Power Forward: Why the World's Largest Companies are Investing in Renewable Energy. The report found that a majority of Fortune 100 companies have set a renewable energy commitment, a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction commitment or both. Google and General Motors presented their perspectives on renewable energy investments.

  • Bryn Baker (WWF), Anne Kelly (Ceres) and Ellen Kennedy (Calvert) on the Power Forward report (PowerPoint 1.3 MB)
  • Rick Needham, Director, Energy & Sustainability, Google (PDF 4.6 MB)
  • Rob Threlkeld, Manager of Renewable Energy, General Motors (PowerPoint 7.6 MB)
December 18, 2012    

Webinar - Innovations in Voluntary Renewable Energy Procurement

New purchasing methods have been created by utilities, local governments, businesses, and others to expand access, lower the cost, and simplify the process of procuring voluntary renewables. This webinar explored innovative options for voluntarily procuring renewable energy generation or systems including Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), crowdfunded solar, and reverse auctions.

Download the video (WMV 63.8 MB) Does not include audio on Mac
September 27, 2012

Webinar - Best Practices in the Design of Utility Solar Programs

This webinar brought together representatives from industry, utilities, and regulatory authorities to share insights into the lessons learned from designing and implementing solar energy incentive programs. Specifically, the discussion featured topics ranging from responding to changing solar costs, implementing consumer protection measures, incentivizing optimal system performance, emerging third-party ownership models, and stimulating various market segments.

  • James Loewen, California Public Utilities Commission — California Solar Initiative (PDF 346 KB)
  • Eran Mahrer, Solar Electric Power Association — formerly of Arizona Public Service Co. (PDF 444 KB)
  • Karl Rabago, Rabago Energy — formerly of Austin Energy (PDF 277 KB)
  • Frank Mace and Dana Levy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) (PDF 388 KB)
April 26, 2012

Webinar - Made with Renewable Energy: How and Why Companies are Labeling Consumer Products

This webinar discussed the experience of companies that communicate to consumers that their products are 'made with renewable energy.' The webinar highlighted the findings of NREL's recent report, Made with Renewable Energy: How and Why Companies are Labeling Consumer Products, which gathered insights from 20 companies.

Download the presentations with audio (WMV 70.8 MB)
March 30, 2012

Webinar - California REC Market Update

This webinar presented current updates regarding the California REC market. Participants will learn how California's 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard treats renewable energy certificates (RECs). The webinar highlighted implementation of the 33% RPS from the perspectives of state government, REC marketers, and utilities. The webinar also explained the function of the voluntary renewable energy reserve account established under California's Cap and Trade Program.

Download the audio (WMA 11.2 MB)
January 18, 2012

Webinar - SREC Markets: Status and Trends

This webinar reviewed the status and trends in SREC markets, building off of the recent NREL paper, Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) Markets: Status and Trends.



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