5.3102.11 Flow Control Through Multiple Boilers in all Primary Configurations (Hot Water)

Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
Equipment Installation
Desired Outcome: 
Optimized flow through all boilers
Evaluate current boiler piping configuration

Existing piping and pump layout will be visually inspected and compared to manufacturer installation instructions

Identify required modifications necessary to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications

New boiler installation

Installation (e.g., specifications, work order, etc.) will be verified to be in accordance with manufacturer specifications, and water flow through tall boilers will be measured in accordance with ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ACCA ACCA Air Conditioning Contractors of America, www.acca.org Standard 5 or ANSI ANSI American National Standards Institute, www.ansi.org / ASHRAE ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, www.ashrae.org Standard 111 and adjusted to meet design requirements

Proper flow rate through all boilers will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length or balance valves

Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize fluid's heat transfer, i.e. "delta T") to system design requirements and within manufacturer acceptable flow range

Optimize existing boiler flow

Flow rate will be measured and compared to manufacturer optimal requirements

Optimal flow rates will be achieved through the use of equivalent piping length or balance valves

Make modifications to minimize water flow rate (maximize delta T across boiler) to system design requirements and within manufacturer acceptable flow range