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  • Penn State President Barron and the Nittany Lion in the front seat of a car

    Happy Holidays!

    VIDEO: Wherever you go this holiday season, keep the Penn State spirit with you.

  • Huitting Zhang, a Ph.D candidate at Penn State studying plant biology, examines samples of parasitic plants in the research team's laboratory.

    Cultivating Resistance

    A research team's genetic studies may lead to developing plants that resist parasitic weeds. The team's work ultimately could contribute to reducing crop loss.

  • Three women wear yellow pollinator hats and pink dresses.

    Be the Bee

    What made these women strap on bee bonnets and venture into the world of another species? An undergraduate research project examines the sting of undervalued gender-related labor.

  • The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences’ Center for Advanced Undergraduate Studies (CAUSE) class visited the Mendenhall Glacier ice caves after hiking the West Glacier Trail near Juneau, Alaska.

    CAUSE and Effect

    Students were on the front lines researching climate change this summer as part of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences' 2016 Center for Advanced Undergraduate Studies (CAUSE) course.

  • Silhouetted people stand near lit jack-o-laterns and a glowing orange tree on a dark night at the Arboretum at Penn State.

    Haunted Penn State

    An exploration of the legends and lore that are part of the University's hallowed halls on Halloween.