5.3104.4 Optimize Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

Hydronic Heating (Hot Water and Steam)
Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Repair
Desired Outcome: 
Varied distribution loop temperatures match seasonal heating load
Verify proper placement and condition of indoor and outdoor sensors

Sensor location and condition will be assessed in accordance with SWS 5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

Determine optimal location for sensor installation

Repair and reinstall, as necessary

Repair and reinstall will be in accordance with SWS 5.3102.5 Installation of Outdoor Reset Boiler Controller (Hot Water)

Ensure proper functionality of the control

Determine minimum boiler return water temperature

Manufacturer specifications will be reviewed to determine minimum boiler water return temperature requirements

Ensure boiler operates within design parameters

Set initial high and low operating temperatures

High and low temperatures will be set in accordance with system design, operator feedback, and/or historical data

Minimum boiler water temperature requirement will be maintained to prevent thermal shock and flue gas condensation

Maintain minimum building heat requirements without compromising boiler integrity

Modify operating set points based on observed system performance

Accurate supply and return temperatures will be obtained and compared to design distribution loop temperature differential on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

Settings will be adjusted to maintain design distribution loop differential temperature on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days

Minimum boiler water temperature requirement will be maintained

Ensure optimal settings based on actual operating conditions

Limit system overheating and improving boiler thermal efficiency

Record and report settings

Observed supply, return, outdoor temperatures, and all control set points on representative mild, cold, and design temperature days will be documented and provided to building operations staff

Ensure written record of settings

Educate building operations staff

Building operations staff will be educated to operate outdoor reset control, including sensor location, control operation, and set points

Ensure continued optimized performance