Executive Director’s Quarterly Report Now Available

The Executive Director’s Report provides a quarterly update on OPC’s outcomes and accomplishments since the previous Council meeting. The most recent report, highlighting efforts between September 18 and December 15, 2020, can be viewed here.

CANCELED: OPC Virtual Public Meeting – December 15, 2020

To provide additional time to develop recommendations that can reduce plastic pollution in California’s coastal and ocean ecosystems, the Ocean Protection Council’s December 15 meeting has been canceled. Items on the December agenda will be considered at the February 16, 2021 meeting, which is scheduled from 11am – 3pm. The Executive Director’s report highlighting OPC’s efforts over the last three months will be posted on our home page soon.

OPC is Hiring an Environmental Scientist for our Sustainable Fisheries Program

The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) is hiring an Environmental Scientist to help advance strategic priorities related to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, resilient fishing communities, and thriving fish and wildlife populations in California. The Environmental Scientist will also be responsible for grant and contract management including developing scopes of work and budgets, tracking deliverables, processing invoices, and coordinating with grantees. The Environmental Scientist will also provide additional support and capacity for OPC’s other strategic priorities, as needed.

Applicants should have a strong scientific background, working knowledge of coastal and ocean issues and stakeholders in California, experience working on projects and/or research related to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in California or elsewhere, and excellent written and verbal communication skills. Proficiency reading and speaking Spanish is preferred. The ability to work in a fast-paced environment and prioritize tasks is a must.  Completion of the Environmental Scientist State Civil Service Examination is required, and exam scores must rank in the top three tiers within the applicant pool to be further considered in the application process; information on the examination can be found here.   Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all OPC staff are currently working remotely.  However, once staff return to the office, this position will be located in Sacramento, California.

OPC is a Cabinet-level state policy body that works to ensure healthy coastal and ocean ecosystems by advancing innovative, science-based policy and management, making strategic investments, and catalyzing action through partnerships and collaboration.

The application deadline is December 28, 2020.  For more details and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=226320

Ocean Protection Council Meeting — December 15, 2020 — Teleconference

CANCELED: OPC Virtual Public Meeting – December 15, 2020

To provide additional time to develop recommendations that can reduce plastic pollution in California’s coastal and ocean ecosystems, the Ocean Protection Council’s December 15 meeting has been canceled. Items on the December agenda will be considered at the February 16, 2021 meeting, which is scheduled from 11am – 3pm.  The Executive Director’s report highlighting OPC’s efforts over the last three months will be posted on our home page soon.

… read more

Invitation to Bid: Communications Strategy for California’s Coast and Ocean

The Ocean Protection Council is seeking bids for contract to develop and implement a Communications Strategy for California’s Coast and Ocean that will provide centralized access to California’s extensive coastal and ocean information, ensure unified messaging of the State’s coastal management and scientific efforts, and help to engage ocean stakeholders, key legislators, decision-makers, and the general public in the process.

Through updated media platforms, targeted outreach, annual State of the Ocean reports, development of an Ocean Health Dashboard and report card, and many more actions, the Communications Strategy will help OPC become a communications hub for the state, serving to share California’s progress towards meeting our ambitious Strategic Plan goals, objectives, and targets.

Please submit bids by 12pm on December 15th, 2020.

For more information follow this link: https://caleprocure.ca.gov/event/0540/0000017900

Awards for MPA Communications Contracts

On October 27, 2020, OPC anticipates awarding the following projects to support communications related to California’s MPA management program:

0CA20001 – Communications Plan for California’s Marine Protected Area Management Program will be awarded to Kearns and West.

0CA20002 – Communications Plan for California’s 2022 Marine Protected Area Network Management Review will be awarded to Strategic Earth.

If you bid on these projects and have questions, please contact Matt Warham at matthew.warham@resources.ca.gov.

Governor Newsom Signs Executive Order to Conserve Biodiversity, Combat Climate Change, and Build Climate Resilience Through Nature-Based Solutions

Today, Governor Newsom signed an Executive Order to combat the biodiversity and climate change crises in California using nature-based solutions. Notably, the Executive Order will establish a state goal to conserve at least 30% of California’s land and coastal waters by 2030, launch the California Biodiversity Collaborative, and elevate the role of natural and working lands as a pillar of California’s climate change strategy.  This bold announcement, which highlights the role of California Native American tribes as critical partners, will further catalyze action to protect California’s coastal and ocean ecosystems and help achieve the goals of the Strategic Plan to Protect California’s Coast and Ocean.  For more information on the state’s biodiversity efforts, please visit http://biodiversity.ca.gov/.

The full text of the Executive Order can be read here.

West Coast Entanglement Science Workshop

Join us for the West Coast Entanglement Science Workshop which will inform development of management strategies to reduce whale and sea turtle entanglement risk within US West Coast fixed-gear fisheries. The event is being co-hosted by the California Ocean Protection Council and The Nature Conservancy, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission and state fishery managers from California, Oregon and Washington.

The workshop will feature presentations by researchers and targeted discussions with invited fishery managers and fishing industry and NGO stakeholders actively working to reduce risk of entanglement in West Coast fisheries. The workshop will be held as a 5-part series of virtual modules over the course of two weeks, August 25th-September 3rd. Please visit the workshop webpage for agendas and more information.

Visit the State of California Department of Public Health online for all the latest publicly available information and guidance on the COVID-19 virus Visit the State of California
Department of Public Health online
for all the latest publicly available information
and guidance on the COVID-19 virus

  • February 26 - Sacramento
  • June 19 - San Francisco Bay Area
  • September 17 - location TBD
  • December 15 - location TBD

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The OPC works jointly with government agencies responsible for ocean and coastal resource management, and is supported by several partner organizations.