5.3003.10 Condensate Drainage of Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment

Forced Air
System Assessment and Maintenance
Desired Outcome: 
Equipment and condensate drain operate as designed
The authority having jurisdiction may require that a licensed professional perform certain tasks outlined in this detail.

Connections in condensate drain system will be watertight

Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak


Condensate drainlines will be insulated with a minimum 1" of insulation with a vapor retarder Vapor retarder A material that slows the passage of water vapor and contains a perm rating above 1 when there is potential for condensation or freezing on the drainline

Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak

Overflow protection: upflow

Secondary drain pan and float switch will be installed when overflow could damage finished surfaces


Float switch in the primary condensate drain for upflow systems will be installed when overflow could damage finished surfaces

Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak


Condensate drain pumps will be installed when condensate cannot be drained by gravity

Power source for pump will be installed

Operation and drainage of pump will be verified

Ensure condensate drain connections do not leak

Vents and traps

Vents and traps will be installed on condensate drainlines

Trap supplied with the equipment will be used and manufacturer specifications will be followed

Ensure condensate drain operates as designed

Ensure condensate drain does not leak air

Drain pan

Condensate from all cooling coils or evaporators shall be conveyed from the drain pan outlet to an approved place of disposal

Such piping shall maintain a minimum horizontal slope in the direction of discharge of not less than 1/8 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal (1% slope)

Condensate shall not discharge into a street, alley, or other areas where it would cause a nuisance

Prevent water damage from drain system malfunction

Float switch

All secondary drain pans will have a float switch and be drained away through a drainline

Prevent water overflowing the pan and draining onto the ceiling below


Condensate drain will be terminated in accordance with local codes

Ensure condensate does not leak to the house

Ensure condensate drain does not freeze