4.1301.12 Pier Construction Subfloor Insulation—Spray Polyurethane Foam Preparation and Installation

Accessible Floors
Desired Outcome: 
Floors over unconditioned spaces (e.g., basements, garages) insulated and sealed

All floor areas will be open and accessible for spray polyurethane foam ( SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam ) application

Any openings larger than 1/4" will be covered with appropriate materials

Insulation dams or end blockers will be installed where needed

All surfaces where SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam is applied will be clean, dry, and free of contamination and degradation

Substrate surfaces will be wiped, blown, or vacuumed to be free of excessive dust and dirt

Grease and oil will be removed using appropriate cleaners or solvents

Moisture content of all wood substrate materials will be checked to ensure it is below 18%

Prepare all substrate surfaces for the application of SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam


Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value in accordance with manufacturer specifications

Applicator will be certified by a recognized entity for safe and effective application of spray foam

SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam will be applied to specified thickness with a tolerance that establishes a minimum thickness; tolerance standards for the installation will NOT use "average" thickness method

Insulation will be installed to design thickness to perimeter of floor deck, including all adjacent rim/band joists

Application pass thickness will not exceed manufacturer's maximum pass thickness, including inside corners where deck and joists are located

Insulate and seal floors

Fire protection

SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam will be separated from the occupied space of the building with a thermal and ignition barrier Ignition barrier Any layer of material that protects another from catching fire due to heat or spark

Thermal and ignition barriers will be applied as required by building code to all exposed foam insulation

Provide necessary fire protection for combustible SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam insulation

Installation for fireproofed assemblies with sprayed-on cellulose insulation

SPF SPF Spray polyurethane foam insulation will not be applied to existing spray-applied fireproofing

Prevent the compromise of the existing fireproofing

Onsite documentation
A dated receipt signed by the installer will be provided that includes:
  • Coverage area
  • Thickness
  • R-value

Document job completion to contract specifications

Confirm amount of insulation installed

Comply with 16 CFR 460.17