Special Report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems

At its 43rd Session (Nairobi, Kenya, 11 – 13 April 2016), the IPCC Panel decided to prepare a special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
Experts will meet on 13 - 17 February 2017 in Dublin, Ireland to prepare a draft outline for the report to be considered by the Panel at its next Session in March 2017.
The Special Report will be developed under the joint scientific leadership of Working Groups I, II and III supported by the WG III TSU.


The meeting to prepare the outline for the Special Report will be held on 13 - 17 February 2017 in Dublin, Ireland. The draft outline resulting from the meeting will be considered by the Panel at its 45th Session at the end of March 2017.
A call for expert nominations was issued to Governments, Observer Organizations and IPCC Bureau members on 5 September 2016, requesting them to submit nominations via their focal points before Monday, 3 October 2016 midnight CEST.
Relevant expertise for the Scoping Meeting will be diverse, as the proposed Special Report will integrate information and perspectives across the domains of all the three Working Groups of the IPCC. Participants in the meeting should collectively cover the following topics, areas of expertise, climate change perspectives and regional perspectives.

  • Topics covered by the Report
    • Desertification
    • Other aspects of land degradation
    • Sustainable land management
    • Food security
    • Greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
  • Areas of Expertise as applied to the topics covered by the report
    • Agricultural systems
    • Agroclimatology and agrometeorology
    • Biomass for energy generation and fuels
    • Carbon cycle and other biogeochemical cycles
    • Climate observations and projections
    • Demand-side management
    • Detection and attribution
    • Eremology
    • Food systems
    • Land economy
    • Land-atmosphere interactions and biogeophysics
    • Monitoring and reporting of information relating to AFOLU inventories
    • Nutrition and nutrition-related health, food quality and access
    • Plant and animal physiology
    • Rangeland management
    • Rural development and livelihoods
    • Soil science
    • Sustainable consumption
    • Urban and forestry aspects of sustainable land management
    • Water and biodiversity in relation to land-uses within the scope of the report
  • Climate Change Perspectives
    • Contribution to climate change drivers
    • Climate change impacts
    • Climate change adaptation options
    • Climate change mitigation options
    • Adaptation and mitigation interactions
  • Regional Expertise
    • WMO Region I: Africa
    • WMO Region II: Asia
    • WMO Region III: South America
    • WMO Region IV: North America, Central America and the Caribbean
    • WMO Region V: South-West Pacific
    • WMO Region VI: Europe


Provisional Participant List for the scoping meeting is available here.

Steering Committee

The Chair of the IPCC herein establishes a Steering Committee to undertake the scoping of the special report with the following composition and mandate:
Composition of the Steering Committee
  • Chair: Youba Sokona (IPCC Vice-Chair)
  • Vice-chair: Andy Reisinger, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Ko Barrett, IPCC Vice-Chair
  • Eduardo Calvo, TFI Co-Chair
  • Josep Canadell, Lead Author, WG I AR5 Carbon and other biogeochemical cycles Chapter 6
  • Jan Fuglestvedt, WG I Vice-Chair
  • Mark Howden, WG II Vice-Chair
  • Thelma Krug, IPCC Vice-Chair
  • Nagmeldin Goutbi Elhassan Mahmoud, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Valerie Masson-Delmotte, WG I Co-Chair
  • Cheikh Mbow, Lead Author, WG III AR5 AFOLU Chapter 11
  • Carlos Mendez, WG II Vice-Chair
  • Ramon Pichs-Madruga, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Hans Pörtner, WG II Co-Chair
  • Debra Roberts, WG II Co-Chair
  • Sergey Semenov, WG II Vice-Chair
  • PR Shukla, WG III Co-Chair
  • Jim Skea, WG III Co-Chair
  • Pete Smith, CLA, WG III AR5 AFOLU Chapter 11
  • Diana Urge-Vorsatz, WG III Vice-Chair
  • Caroline Vera, WG I Vice-Chair
  • Noureddine Yassaa, WG I Vice-Chair
  • Taha Zatari, WG II Vice-Chair

Terms of Reference



Graphics and statistical reports concerning the initial nominations and shortlisting of each stage are available in the public portal. Statistical reports include nominations by: