Starting a Clean Cities Coalition

Starting a Clean Cities coalition can be a valuable first step toward establishing partnerships that can impact petroleum use in your area. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grants official Clean Cities designation to coalitions that exhibit broad commitment to and support for cutting petroleum use in transportation. Coalitions that receive designation must have:

  • An active network of stakeholders who meet regularly and have defined roles
  • A clear organizational structure
  • A coordinator to lead the coalition
  • Reliable funding for the coordinator position
  • Specific, attainable goals and a strategic plan for achieving them
  • Strong partnerships with air-quality officials, energy officials, and other decision makers who control resources and help guide policy.

Receiving official designation as a Clean Cities coalition is a multiyear process. Coalitions receive guidance from a regional manager before, during, and after designation. For step-by-step instructions on starting a coalition, see the Clean Cities Coalition Designation Guide.