3.1801.1 Above Roof Deck Air Sealing and Insulation

Roof Decks, Panels, and Hatches
Desired Outcome: 
Continuous air, thermal and moisture boundary at roof
Worker safety

Worker safety specifications will be in accordance with SWS 2.0100.3 Worker Safety

Ensure worker safety, especially in regard to fall protection considerations and contaminants found in demolition, such as asbestos, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.

Occupant safety

An occupant safety plan will be prepared, reviewed with and approved by building operators, and implemented throughout production

Ensure occupant safety


Existing roof water management system will be identified

Plans will be made for future water management system

Existing roof system will be evaluated to determine suitable materials and techniques that will not compromise the integrity of the roofing system and will not adversely impact warranty or serviceability of roofing system after work has been performed

Nail base strategy for the perimeter of the roof will be determined to guide how the flashing and/or roof will be anchored at the exterior of the building

Ensure adequate water management system

Ensure adequate roof adherence

Prevent air infiltration Infiltration The uncontrolled passage of outside air into a building through unintended leaks in the building envelope between roof system and the perimeter of the building

Roof covering removal

Existing roof covering will be removed

Prepare for installation of above roof deck insulation


If the existing roof deck can be used as an air barrier Air barrier The separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building that slows air flow to the point that no smoke movement is visible at 50 pascals of pressure difference across the boundary , joints, seams, holes, gaps, and penetrations will be sealed with sealants compatible with existing materials, and as approved by both sealant manufacturer and manufacturer of materials being sealed

Prevent air and water leaks

Installation of insulation

Insulation will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications without gaps, voids, compressions, misalignments, or exposure to wind intrusion Wind intrusion A condition where air from outside of a structure can pass through insulation and reduce its performance or UV UV Ultraviolet

Insulation will be installed to prescribed R-value

Before rigid insulation installation, a bead of sealant will be laid along the perimeter of the roof deck to prevent air infiltration Infiltration The uncontrolled passage of outside air into a building through unintended leaks in the building envelope and again at subsequent layers of insulation board

Roof and wall water management systems will be installed or maintained

Install insulation that is properly sealed so insulation performs at specified R-value

Ensure adequate water management system

Roof covering replacement

New roof covering will be installed in accordance with manufacturer specifications and local building code requirements

Install roof covering correctly

Meet local code requirements

Building operations staff education

Documentation of material and R-value will be provided to building operations staff

Building operators equipped with documentation of installation