3.1602.18 Framed Platform—Low Rise

Duct Sealing
Desired Outcome: 
The return duct installed prevents air leakage
For supporting material, see Referenced Standards.

Debris and dirt will be cleaned out of the return platform

Ensure the platform will support the weight of the equipment

Allow for the application of rigid materials and sealants

Infill and backing

Backing or infill will be provided as needed to meet the specific characteristics of the selected material and the characteristics of the open space

Backing or infill will not bend, sag, or move once installed

Material will be rated for use in return duct systems

Minimize the hole size to ensure successful use of sealant

Ensure the closure is permanent and supports any load (e.g., return air pressure)

Ensure the sealant does not fall out

Sealant selection

Sealants will be compatible with their intended surfaces

Sealants will be continuous and meet fire barrier specifications

Select permanent sealant

Ensure that sealant meets or exceeds the performance characteristics of the surrounding materials