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ASC at the Labs

The problems that ASC solves for Science-Based Stockpile Stewardship span the activities and responsibilities of the NNSA’s three Defense Programs laboratories (Los Alamos, Sandia, and Lawrence Livermore). Cooperation among the Defense Programs laboratories is essential to solving these problems in an efficient and effective manner with a high degree of confidence. In accordance with this cooperative philosophy, representatives of the laboratories participate in the ongoing ASC planning process. There has been, and will continue to be, unprecedented cooperation, with sufficient independence to ensure adequate peer review, among the three Defense Programs laboratories.

The ASC Program is implemented by project leaders at each of the laboratories, guided by the Office of Advanced Simulation and Computing and Institutional Research and Development under the Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs. With the exception of their independently-developed codes, weapon laboratories share their resources and research efforts (e.g. supercomputers and numerical libraries) across laboratory boundaries.

ASC @ Lawrence Livermore
ASC @ Los Alamos
ASC @ Sandia