Dynamic Device

Any part of the device that moves.

Dynamic Device


Any part of a renewable energy device that moves has the potential to have a deleterious effect on both resident and migratory organisms. Collisions between animals and tidal or wind turbine blades could result in injury or death, either by direct contact with the device or by pressure changes created around the moving parts. The consequence of a collision with a blade may vary based on the rotational or mechanical speed of the moving parts, the presence and density of animals in the area, the time of day, weather conditions, and the ability of animals to sense and evade the device. Carcasses found around land-based wind turbines provide an estimate of bird and bat fatalities, while it is much more difficult to estimate the effect of collisions with offshore wind turbines.  To date there have been no observed collisions of marine animals or diving seabirds with tidal turbines. Wave devices also have moving parts such as heave plates, flaps, and other large heavy components that could potentially cause harm, although the likelihood is thought to be extremely small. Collisions resulting in injury and death of individual animals with moving parts of devices become particularly important if the loss of those individuals affect the stability and sustainability of the population in the area.


Photo Credit: "Wind Turbine Close-Up" by Jorge Láscar

Total Results: 615
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
The Birds of Blyth Harbour Still, D., et al. June 1994 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Shorebirds
Macrotidal Estuaries: A Region of Collision Between Migratory Marine Animals and Tidal Power Development Dadswell, M., Rulifson, R. January 1994 Journal Article Tidal Dynamic Device Fish, Marine Mammals
Wind Power and Planning: The Environmental Impact of Windfarms in the UK Coles, R., Taylor, J. July 1993 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Birds, Socio-economics
The Effects of Aero-Generators on Moorland Bird Populations in the Orkney Islands, Scotland Meek, E., et al. January 1993 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Seabirds
Wind Power and the Local Environment - No Free Lunches Plowden, B. March 1992 Conference Paper Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Bats, Birds
Assessment of Avian Use and Mortality Related to Wind Turbine Operations, Altamont Pass, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California, September 1988 through August 1989, Final Report Howell, J., Didonato, J. November 1991 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Raptors
A Review of Studies Related to the Effects of Propeller-Type Turbine Passage on Fish Early Life Stages Cada, G. January 1990 Journal Article Riverine Dynamic Device Fish
Small But Powerful - A Review Guide to Small Alternative Energy Projects for California's Local Decisionmakers Perkins, J., Senior, J., Hing, W. September 1987 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Raptors
Vogels en windturbines (Birds and windturbines) Winkelman, J. January 1987 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds
Cape Blanco Wind Farm Feasibility Study Technical Report No. 11: Terrestrial Ecology Portland General Electric Company April 1986 Report Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Environmental Aspects of Large-Scale Wind-Power Systems in the UK Robson, A. December 1983 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device, Noise Birds, Socio-economics
Bird Movements and Collision Mortality at a Large Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Byrne, S. January 1983 Journal Article Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Passerines, Raptors, Waterfowl
Environmental Effects of Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems (SWECS) Lawrence, K., Strojan, C. January 1980 Book Land-Based Wind Dynamic Device Birds
Comparison of Simulation Models Used in Assessing the Effects of Power-Plant-Induced Mortality on Fish Populations Swartzman, G., Deriso, R., Cowan, C. May 1977 Conference Paper Dynamic Device Fish
Human skin as an elastic membrane Danielson, D. September 1973 Journal Article Dynamic Device


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