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Water Resources

Ensuring access to a clean, reliable water source is critical. Use ArcGIS software to understand impacts to the natural system, and preserve water quantity and quality. Strong mapping and analytics combined with easy-to-use apps allows you to see how today's actions affect tomorrow's water system.



A mission-critical approach to water

Protecting surface waters and aquifers; monitoring water quality; mitigating floods risks; and ensuring a clean, safe water supply are priorities at Southwest Florida Water Management District. The organization uses GIS broadly in everyday workflows.


To make better-informed decisions, calculate accurate information about the water you have and the water you need.


Predict how extreme weather events and population growth will affect operations.


Track the movement of water in real time to empower people to make smarter choices.


Share information using any device, anywhere, anytime.

Specialized apps

Water in the Living Atlas

Explore datasets—live stream gauges, soils, rivers, pollution, wetlands, and more—in this story map.

Learn more about datasets in the Living Atlas of the World

Arc Hydro

Model and explore groundwater data, ranging from aquifer maps and well databases to geologic maps. Archive, manage, and visualize watershed information.

Learn more about Arc Hydro

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