State of New Mexico > Environment Department > Swimming Pool Program

           New Regulations

The New Mexico Environment inspects all public Aquatic Venues (swimming pools and spas, including pools and spas) at:

Apartment Complexes Bed and Breakfasts
Home Owners Associations RV Parks
Motels/Hotels Colleges and Universities
Health Clubs Organizational Camps
Condominiums and others specified in 7.18.2 NMAC
Municipal Pools    

Residential housing or lodging facilities having five or less units are not considered public pools or spas in accordance with 7.18.1 NMAC (see Regulations)

An annual operating permit is required for each public swimming pool and spa. The operating permit will be issued only after a satisfactory inspection of the pool and/or spa and receipt of all applicable fees. The swimming pool and spa fees are addressed in 7.18.2 NMAC (see Regulations)

For information concerning inspections of public swimming pools contact your local New Mexico Environment Department field office. Click here to view a list of field offices.





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