Marine Mammals

A broad term that encompasses pinnipeds (seals, sea lions), cetaceans (dolphins and whales), and sea otters.

Marine Mammals

Marine mammals include pinnipeds (seals, sea lions), cetaceans (dolphins and whales), and sea otters. Because these organisms are intelligent and can be curious about new objects within their environment, it is fairly difficult to gauge how offshore renewable energy devices will affect marine mammals. Some of these organisms use echolocation to communicate and navigate themselves through the marine environment, which poses a concern because all offshore renewable energy devices create an acoustic output and have the potential to mask or hide echolocation of marine mammals. Some marine mammals also have very sensitive hearing, which makes these organisms vulnerable to loud noises generated underwater (i.e. pile driving/construction). With these issues in mind, the stressors that pose the greatest risks to marine mammals are the dynamic and static physical presence of devices as well as acoustic outputs.

Total Results: 539
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Assessing The Benefit Of Noise Reduction Measures During Offshore Wind Farm Construction On Harbour Porpoises Verfuss, U., et al. September 2016 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
A Coordinated Action Plan for Addressing Collision Risk for Marine Mammals and Tidal Turbines Hutchison, I., Copping, A. August 2016 Workshop Article Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Harbour Porpoise Distribution can Vary at Small Spatiotemporal Scales in Energetic Habitats Benjamins, S., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Tidal Marine Mammals
Temporal Patterns in Habitat Use by Small Cetaceans at an Oceanographically Dynamic Marine Renewable Energy Test Site in the Celtic Sea Cox, S., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general Static Device Marine Mammals
Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands Costa, B., Kendall, M. July 2016 Report Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Assessing Auditory Evoked Potentials of Wild Harbor Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Ruser, A., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing: Underwater Acoustic Thresholds for Onset of Permanent and Temporary Threshold Shifts National Marine Fisheries Service July 2016 Report Noise Marine Mammals
Scottish Government Demonstration Strategy: Trialling Methods for Tracking the Fine Scale Underwater Movements of Marine Mammals in Areas of Marine Renewable Energy Development Sparling, C., et al. June 2016 Report Marine Energy general Marine Mammals
Auditory Sensitivity in Aquatic Animals Lucke, K., et al. June 2016 Journal Article Noise Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Effects of Offshore Pile Driving on Harbour Porpoise Abundance in the German Bight: Assessment of Noise Effects Brandt, M., et al. June 2016 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Avoidance of Wind Farms by Harbour Seals is Limited to Pile Driving Activities Russell, D., et al. May 2016 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Riding the Tide: Use of a Moving Tidal-Stream Habitat by Harbour Porpoises Benjamins, S., et al. May 2016 Journal Article Marine Mammals
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Seal Telemetry Inventory Sparling, C. March 2016 Report Tidal Marine Mammals
Harbor Seal - Tidal Turbine Collision Risk Models. An Assessment of Sensitivities. Wood, J., Joy, R., Sparling, C. March 2016 Report Tidal Marine Mammals
Environmental Interview: Effects of Wind Power on Marine Life Kautsky, L. March 2016 Video Offshore Wind Fish, Marine Mammals
Habitat-Based Cetacean Density Models for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Roberts, J., et al. March 2016 Report Marine Mammals
Environmental Monitoring of the Paimpol-Brehat Tidal Project Barillier, A., Carlier, A. February 2016 Presentation Tidal Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Marine Mammals
Communication Masking in Marine Mammals: A Review and Research Strategy Erbe, C., et al. February 2016 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Refining Estimates of Collision Risk for Harbour Seals and Tidal Turbines Band, B., et al. January 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Data Based Estimates of Collision Risk: An Example Based on Harbour Seal Tracking Data around a Proposed Tidal Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth Thompson, D., et al. January 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Review of Offshore Wind Farm Impact Monitoring and Mitigation with Regard to Marine Mammals Verfuss, U., et al. January 2016 Book Chapter Offshore Wind Marine Mammals
A Self-Contained Subsea Platform for Acoustic Monitoring of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments at Wave and Tidal Energy Sites in Orkney, Scotland Williamson, B., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Understanding the Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance for Marine Mammals Harwood, J., et al. January 2016 Book Chapter Marine Energy general Noise Marine Mammals
Multiple-Pulse Sounds and Seals: Results of a Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Telemetry Study During Wind Farm Construction Hastie, G., et al. January 2016 Book Chapter Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Fulfilling EU Laws to Ensure Marine Mammal Protection During Marine Renewable Construction Operations in Scotland Dolman, S., et al. January 2016 Book Chapter Marine Energy general Noise Marine Mammals, Legal and Policy
Trends of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Density in the Southern North Sea Peschko, V., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Marine Mammals
Interim Sound Threshold Guidance National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration January 2016 Website Noise Marine Mammals
Drivers and Annual Estimates of Marine Wildlife Entanglement Rates: A Long-Term Case Study with Australian Fur Seals McIntosh, R., et al. December 2015 Journal Article Marine Mammals
Sound Science: Maintaining Numerical and Statistical Standards in the Pursuit of Noise Exposure Criteria for Marine Mammals Wright, A. November 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Passive Acoustic Monitoring the Diel, Lunar, Seasonal and Tidal Patterns in the Biosonar Activity of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in the Pearl River Estuary, China Wang, Z., et al. November 2015 Journal Article Marine Mammals
NERC Knowledge Exchange: An Autonomous Device to Track Porpoise Movements in Tidal Rapids Macaulay, J., et al. November 2015 Report Tidal Marine Mammals
Wales' Marine Evidence Report Welsh Government October 2015 Report Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Ecosystem, Fish, Marine Mammals
Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Life: Publication Patterns, New Discoveries, and Future Directions in Research and Management Williams, R., et al. October 2015 Journal Article Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Wildlife Densities and Habitat Use Across Temporal and Spatial Scales on the Mid-Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (2012-2014) Williams, K., et al. October 2015 Report Seabirds, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Marine Mammals: A Review of Temporary Threshold Shift Studies from 1996 to 2015 Finneran, J. September 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Simulating Harbour Porpoise Habitat Use in a 3D Tidal Environment Lake, T., Masters, I., Croft, T. September 2015 Conference Paper Marine Mammals
Discussion of the Effects of the Underwater Noise Radiated by a Wave Energy Device - Portugal Cruz, E., Simas, T., Kasanen, E. September 2015 Conference Paper Wave Noise Marine Mammals
Numerical Modeling of the Impact Response of Tidal Devices and Marine Mammals Grear, M., Motley, M. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Marine Mammals
Continuation Implementation Masterplan Wind at Sea Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksoverheid), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Rijkwaterstaat) September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise, Static Device Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Towards Acoustic Monitoring of Marine Mammals at a Tidal Turbine Site: Grand Passage, NS, Canada Malinka, C., Hay, A., Cheel, R. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Marine Mammals
An Integrated Solution to Real Time Marine Mammal Monitoring for Tidal Turbines Bromley, P., Boake, C., Broudic, M. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Static Device Marine Mammals
Surveying Marine Mammals in Nearby Tidal Energy Development Sites: a Comparison Benjamins, S., et al. September 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Static Device Farfield Environment, Marine Mammals
Hearing Thresholds of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for Playbacks of Seal Scarer Signals, and Effects of the Signals on Behavior Kastelein, R., et al. September 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Hearing Thresholds of Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) for Playbacks of Seal Scarer Signals, and Effects of the Signals on Behavior Kastelein, R., et al. September 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Effect of exposure duration to pile driving sounds on temporary hearing threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Kastelein, R., et al. September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
NYSERDA Environmental Research Program Plan Research Area 4: Marine Wind and Wildlife New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Towards a Numerical Model to Simulate the Observed Displacement of Harbour Porpoises Phocoena phocoena Due to Pile Driving in Belgian Waters Haelters, J., et al. September 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Assessment of Entanglement Risk to Marine Megafauna due to Offshore Renewable Energy Mooring Systems Harnois, V., et al. September 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Marine Mammals
Confusion Reigns? A Review of Marine Megafauna Interactions with Tidal-Stream Environments Benjamins, S., et al. August 2015 Book Chapter Tidal Birds, Marine Mammals
Consolidating the State of Knowledge: A Synoptical Review of Wind Energy's Wildlife Effects Schuster, E., Bulling, L., Köppel, J. August 2015 Journal Article Wind Energy general Bats, Birds, Marine Mammals
Guidance to Inform Marine Mammal Site Characterisation Requirements at Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Sites in Wales Sparling, C., et al. July 2015 Report Wave, Tidal Marine Mammals
Underwater Noise from a Wave Energy Converter Is Unlikely to Affect Marine Mammals Tougaard, J. July 2015 Journal Article Wave Noise Marine Mammals
MR7.1.1 Quantifying Porpoise Depth Distributions and Underwater Behaviour in Tidal Rapids Areas Macaulay, J., et al. July 2015 Report Marine Mammals
MR7.2.1 Collision Risk: A Brief Review of Available Information on Behaviour of Mammals and Birds in High Tidal Energy Areas Onoufriou, J., Thompson, D. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
MR7.2.2 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Examination of Models for Estimating the Risk of Collisions Between Seals and Tidal Turbines Lonergan, M., Thompson, D. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
MR7.2.3 Collision Risk and Impact Study: Field Tests of Turbine Blade-Seal Carcass Collisions Thompson, D., et al. July 2015 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
MR8.1 Tests of Acoustic Signals for Aversive Sound Mitigation with Harbour Seals Gordon, J., et al. July 2015 Report Noise Marine Mammals
Use of Anthropogenic Sea Floor Structures by Australian Fur Seals: Potential Positive Ecological Impacts of Marine Industrial Development? Arnould, J., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Marine Mammals
Hearing thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for narrow-band sweeps (0.125-150 kHz) Kastelein, R., et al. July 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
MR7.1.2 The Density and Behaviour of Marine Mammals in Tidal Rapids Macaulay, J., et al. July 2015 Report Marine Mammals
Killer Whale Call Frequency is Similar Across the Oceans, but Varies Across Sympatric Ecotypes Filatova, O., et al. July 2015 Journal Article Marine Mammals
MR1 & MR2 Current State of Knowledge of the Effects of Offshore Renewable Energy Generation Devices on Marine Mammals and Research Requirements: Update, September 2014 Thompson, D., et al. July 2015 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Marine Mammals
MR6.1 Review of Methodology and Main Results of the JCP Analysis of Cetacean Densities in the Context of Marine Renewable Development Lonergan, M., Hammond, P. July 2015 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Marine Mammals
MR6.2 Definition of 'Range' in the Context of Marine Renewable Energy Development and Marine Mammal Conservation Northridge, S. July 2015 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Marine Mammals
SORIANT VUM - final report von Benda-Beckmann, A., et al. June 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Sound Exposure in Harbour Seals During the Installation of an Offshore Wind Farm: Predictions of Auditory Damage Hastie, G., et al. June 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Survey of Beached Birds and Mammals: Sao Jãcinto - Torreira (Portugal) - March 2014 to March 2015 van Nus, T., Moreira, P. May 2015 Report Offshore Wind Birds, Marine Mammals
Advancing a Key Consenting Risk for Tidal Energy: The Risk of Marine Mammal Collision for In-Stream Tidal Energy Devices Booth, C., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Understanding the Risk to Marine Mammals from Collision with a Tidal Turbine Copping, A., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Framework for Assessing Ecological and Cumulative Effects of Offshore Wind Farms: Cumulative Effects of Impulsive Underwater Sound on Marine Mammals Heinis, F., de Jong, C. April 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Integrating Passive Acoustic and Visual Data to Model Spatial Patterns of Occurrence in Coastal Dolphins Thompson, P., Brookes, K., Cordes, L. April 2015 Journal Article Marine Mammals
Evaluation of a Passive Acoustic Monitoring Network for Harbor Porpoise in California Jacobson, E., Forney, K., Harvey, J. March 2015 Report Marine Energy general Static Device Marine Mammals
Cetacean Noise Criteria Revisited in the Light of Proposed Exposure Limits for Harbour Porpoises Tougaard, J., Wright, A., Madsen, P. January 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Assessing Marine Mammal Presence in and Near the FORCE Lease Area During Winter and Early Spring - Addressing Baseline Data Gaps and Sensor Performance Redden, A., Porskamp, P. January 2015 Report Tidal Marine Mammals
Animal Reactions to Oncoming Vehicles: A Conceptual Review Lima, S., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Dynamic Device Birds, Marine Mammals
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) Polagye B., et al. January 2015 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Grey Seals use Anthropogenic Signals from Acoustic Tags to Locate Fish: Evidence from a Simulated Foraging Task Stansbury, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Patterns of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Humpback Whales at the Southern Limit of the Southeast Pacific Breeding Area Guidino, C., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Marine Mammals
Detecting Potential and Actual Turbine-Marine Life Interactions: A Call for the Development of Best Practices Redden, A. November 2014 Presentation Tidal Dynamic Device, Static Device Fish, Marine Mammals
Estimates of Collision Risk of Harbour Porpoises and Marine Renewable Energy Devices at Sites of High Tidal-Stream Energy Wilson, B., et al. November 2014 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Assessing the Underwater Acoustics of the World's Largest Vibration Hammer (OCTA-KONG) and Its Potential Effects on the Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) Wang, Z., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
An International Assessment of the Environmental Effects of Marine Energy Development Copping, A., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
Source Levels of the Underwater Calls of a Male Leopard Seal Rogers, T. October 2014 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Marine Mammals and Ocean Noise: Future Directions and Information Needs with Respect to Science, Policy and Law in Canada Williams, R., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Assessing Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Farms: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future Bailey, H., Brookes, K., Thompson, P. September 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Dynamic Device, Noise Birds, Ecosystem, Marine Mammals
Hearing frequencies of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) temporarily affected by played back offshore pile driving sounds Kastelein, R., et al. September 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals
Getting it Right for the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis): A Last Opportunity for Effective Marine Spatial Planning? Petruny, L., Wright, A., Smith, C. August 2014 Journal Article Static Device Marine Mammals
EMEC Fall of Warness Test Site: Environmental Appraisal European Marine Energy Centre August 2014 Report Tidal Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Marine Mammals Trace Anthropogenic Structures at Sea Russell, D., et al. July 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Marine Mammals
Temporal Patterns in Minas Basin Intertidal Weir Fish Catches and Presence of Harbour Porpoise during April - August 2013 Baker, M., Reed, M., Redden, A. July 2014 Report Tidal Marine Mammals
Whale To Turbine Impact Using The GPU Based SPH-LSM Method Longshaw, S., Stansby, P., Rogers, B. June 2014 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Marine Mammals
Evidence of a Lombard Response in Migrating Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) Dunlop, R., Cato, D., Noad, M. May 2014 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Effect of Level, Duration, and Inter-Pulse Interval of 1-2 kHz Sonar Signal Exposures on Harbor Porpoise Hearing Kastelein, R., et al. May 2014 Journal Article Noise Marine Mammals
Understanding the Potential for Marine Megafauna Entanglement Risk from Renewable Marine Energy Developments Benjamins, S., et al. May 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Marine Mammals
An Overview of a Simulation Approach to Assessing Environmental Risk of Sound Exposure to Marine Mammals Donovan, C., et al. May 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Noise Marine Mammals
MERiFIC 3.3.3: Technical Report Biodiversity Assessment - Methods for Surveying Marine Mammal Biodiversity around Small Islands Ingram, S. May 2014 Report Marine Energy general Marine Mammals
EMEC Billia Croo Wave Test Site: Wildlife Observations Project Annual Report Marine Scotland May 2014 Report Wave Birds, Marine Mammals
Use of Population Viability Analysis (PVA) to Assess the Potential for Long Term Impacts from Piling Noise on Marine Mammal Populations - A Case Study from the Scottish East Coast De Silva, R., et al. May 2014 Presentation Offshore Wind Noise Marine Mammals


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