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Autumn 2014

Ready or Not

See Also:

bullet Media Kit
bullet Firearm Safety Interactive Experience
bullet Having a problem downloading files? Order a DVD.

Autumn Safety

The cooler days and longer nights of autumn are finally here, and with them come hazards unique to this welcome time of year. As the temperature drops and Soldiers, Army civilians and Family members take to roads and the great outdoors for some well-deserved down time, they'll be exposed to risk more often than they might think. It's critically important to prepare them now for what lies ahead.

The tabs below contain feature articles, posters and resource documents themed on seasonal topics to augment your existing safety programs. Just as in seasons past, all are easily downloadable and ready to use in whatever format you prefer. Extended holiday leaves and rapidly changing weather conditions will open the door for risk, and getting this information to Soldiers now will help them mitigate the hazards in whatever they do.

As always, the USACR/Safety Center welcomes your feedback. We will populate this site with more campaign material through the coming months. Please check back often, and remember, Army Safe is Army Strong!
We value your opinion. If you have a suggested topic or any other feedback please let us know!