Applicable Army Safety Programs


Army Safety Program: This regulation prescribes Department of the Army policy, responsibilities, and procedures to safeguard and preserve Army resources worldwide, to include Soldiers, Army civilians, and Army property against accidental loss. It establishes composite risk management as the Army’s principal risk reduction methodology and assures regulatory and statutory compliance. It provides for public safety incident to Army operations and activities.

Strategic Planning, Army Safety Program Structure, Safety Program Evaluation, Councils, and Committees (AR 385-10, Chapter 2): The Army Safety Program is designed to provide the guidance and emphasis necessary to ensure that the Army operates in as safe and efficient an environment as is possible. This is achieved through the application of the mishap risk management component of CRM and the formal Occupational Safety and Health programs directed at the individual Soldier and Army civilian. Therefore, it is important that safety organizations at all levels support the Army Safety Program. Each organization’s goals and objectives are aligned to execute the Army Safety Program in the most effective manner possible.

Accident Investigation and Reporting (AR 385-10, Chapter 3): The policies and procedures for initial notification, investigating, reporting and submitting reports of Army accidents and incidents.

Contracting Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 4): The Army policy for integrating safety into the contracting process. Safety and occupational health must be a critical consideration in the pre-solicitation phase of each contract awarded to determine safety and occupational health requirements. Safety will be an integral part of the design and construction of military facilities and buildings and for the design, development, production and fielding of Army systems and in services contracts. The capability of a contractor to define and achieve system safety requirements will be evaluated during source selection process when require by the solicitation package.

Explosives Safety Management (AR 385-10, Chapter 5): This program applies to activities and organizations with missions involving ammunition and explosives and applies during peacetime, wartime, contingency operations, training, exercises, military munitions responses, and Research Development Test and Evaluation (Refer to AR 385–63 for guidance specific to live fire training and training ranges).

Public, Family, Off–Duty Recreation and Seasonal Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 6): Public, Family, and recreational safety programs are an essential part of the Army Safety Program that must continually heighten accident prevention awareness during all on–duty and off–duty recreational programs for Soldiers, Army civilians and their families. Sports and recreational activities continue to rank high as a major cause of accidental injury.

Radiation Safety Management (AR 385-10, Chapter 7): This program applies to activities and organizations with a mission involving ionizing and non–ionizing sources and applies during peacetime, wartime, contingency operations, training, exercises and RDT&E.

Safety Awards Program (AR 385-10, Chapter 8): The purpose of this program is to establish safety awards for recognizing organizations and individuals for their contributions and enhancements to the Army Safety Program.

System Safety Management (AR 385-10, Chapter 9): Inapplicable program

Training Requirements (AR 385-10, Chapter 10): This program establishes the training requirements for safety support during Army operations and is intended to reduce losses of manpower and equipment, thus conserving combat power.

Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention (AR 385-10, Chapter 11): This program establishes requirements for traffic safety and loss prevention to reduce the risk of death or injury to Army personnel from POV, AMV and ACV accidents. It also establishes requirements for motor vehicle accident prevention on Army installations and supplements public traffic safety law. This program applies to all active duty Army military personnel at any time, on or off a DOD installation; to Army National Guard and USAR personnel while in a military duty status; to all Army civilian personnel in a duty status, on or off a DOD installation; to all personnel (including contractor personnel) in a DOD owned motor vehicle; and to all persons (including contractor personnel) at any time on an Army installation.

Force Mobilization (AR 385-10, Chapter 12): Inapplicable program

Tactical Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 13): This program establishes the requirements for safety support during training, contingency and tactical operations. Unless otherwise specified the provisions of this regulation apply to both peacetime training operations and operations in a combat theater. The tactical safety element is intended to reduce losses of manpower and equipment thus conserving combat power. Composite risk management will be integrated into all tactical and contingency operations in accordance with FM 5–19. Analyze all expected tactical threat–based and accidental hazard–based vulnerabilities to determine associated risk. Implement, enforce and review appropriate control measures. Eliminate all hazards on a greatest risk first basis.

Safe Cargo Operations (AR 385-10, Chapter 14): This program establishes safety requirements for cargo operations by all transport modes during routine transport and deployment/redeployment operations.

Aviation Safety Management (AR 385-10, Chapter 15): This program establishes the safety component of protecting the force as an integral part of Army aviation training and operations and provides responsibilities, policies, and duties for the integration of safety and CRM into existing command processes and in accordance with FM 5–19 and DA Pam 385–90.

Occupational Safety and Health Program (Workplace Safety) (AR 385-10, Chapter 16): This program prescribes policy and responsibilities for implementation of the OSHA program mandated by Federal or state regulations and to reduce risk of accidental losses, injuries and occupational illness to the military and Army civilian workforce as required by EO 12196, 29 CFR 1960, and DODI 6055.1. The OSHA programs will be implemented in all Army operations CONUS and OCONUS with the exception of military unique operations as defined below. Procedures for occupational or workplace safety are in DA Pam 385–10.

Workplace Inspections (AR 385-10, Chapter 17): Under the OSHA Act, employers are required to furnish each employee a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Workplace inspections are one method to identify hazards in work areas.

Industrial Operational Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 18): An effective safety program will improve industrial operational readiness and reduce costs. Industrial operations comprise activities that contribute to the development, testing, procurement, deployment and logistical support of Army equipment and weapon systems. The principles of this chapter will apply to Civil Works.

Emergency Planning and Response (AR 385-10, Chapter 19): This program prescribes DA safety policy for planning emergency response to save lives; protect the health and safety of the public, responders, and recovery workers; and to exchange information.

Biological Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 20): Inapplicable program

Chemical Agent Safety Management (AR 385-10, Chapter 21): Inapplicable program

Marine Activities (AR 385-10, Chapter 22): Inapplicable program

Medical Safety (AR 385-10, Chapter 23 - managed by Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center): The health care delivery industry requires strenuous activities to include lifting, pulling, sliding, turning of patients, transferring of patients, moving of equipment, and standing for long periods of time. Such requirements create environments conducive to accidents and injuries. This program provides the additional practices and procedures that constitute a safety program in Army medical treatment facilities and supplement other codes, standards, and laws. b. Guidance for medical commanders, MTF safety personnel, supervisors, and other personnel in the hospital to provide a safe, functional, supportive and effective environment for patients, staff members, and other individuals in the hospital. An effective medical safety program must go beyond the minimum requirements found in the regulations, codes, and standards. Therefore, the requirements of Environment of Care Essentials for Health Care, published by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health care Organizations (JCAHO) and DA Pam 385–80, are mandatory.

Facility Reuse and Closure (AR 385-10, Chapter 24): Due to changing unit missions and relocations, it is often necessary to close an installation or a portion of an installation, or reuse a portion of an installation to support new and different missions. This chapter establishes requirements that are necessary to document, identify, evaluate, and, where appropriate, remediate contamination resulting from past Army activities. Ensure immediate response to discoveries of biological warfare materiel RCWM, and munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) from past DOD activities. This program applies when responding to planned and unplanned discoveries of biological warfare materiel, RCWM, and MEC on active DOD installations, on installations awaiting realignment or closure under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Program and at FUDS where the Army is the executive agent and prior Army installations.

Electrical Safety (AR 385-10)

The purpose of this program is to ensure that effective electrical safety procedures prescribed in DA Pam 385–26 are appropriately integrated into their operations.

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