President’s Message

This is without doubt the most exciting time of opportunity and challenge any of us have experienced. Within our modest capacities we are focusing increasingly on collaborative efforts to achieve collective impact on the root causes of systemic dysfunctions and inequities.  As with other foundations, we find our role in relation to our grantee partners to be evolving towards more mutual accountabilities. For over half a century we have learned from and with dozens of visionary social entrepreneurs who lead the eminently worthy organizations we are privileged to support.  Our learning over time has led us to a commitment to align our grants with emergent strategies within our specific areas of interest.

—Fred Bay, President & CEO

Areas of Focus

The Bay and Paul Foundations support organizations that prepare agents of change working to strengthen our social compact and develop authentic solutions to the problems of this pivotal century.

“We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.”

—from the preamble to the Earth Charter

Work We Have Supported

  • Young People's Chorus of NYC

    Young People's Chorus of New York City

    The Young People’s Chorus of New York City is a multicultural youth chorus internationally renowned not only for its superb virtuosity and brilliant showmanship, but as a model for an inclusive society that is being replicated globally.

  • First Peoples Worldwide

    First Peoples Worldwide is an Indigenous-led organization that supports Indigenous Peoples to positively affect some of the largest global issues being faced by all of humankind. Its mission is to build upon a foundation of Indigenous values and rights to achieve a sustainable future for all.

    Left: Fundación Maya (FUNDAMAYA – Guatemala) have been funded by a regrant from First Peoples Worldwide

  • The Ocean Foundation

    The Ocean Foundation’s mission is to support, strengthen and promote those organizations dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world.

  • Research-based learning in Vermont

    UP for Learning

    UP for Learning helps educational institutions across the country fully engage students in their own learning through a research-based model that focuses on deepening youth-adult partnerships in schools.

Application Procedures

The Foundation is in transition from three to two grantmaking cycles per year. We expect to award grants in January and in June going forward. Please note: the Foundation no longer accepts unsolicited proposals; all full proposals to the Foundation will be by invitation only. You may submit an Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) related to one or more of our Program Areas.