Changes You Can Make to Manage High Blood Pressure

Updated:Dec 19,2016
Make Changes That Matter

Fighting back against the “silent killer”
High blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is a symptomless “silent killer” that quietly damages blood vessels and leads to serious health threats.

While there is no cure, using medications as prescribed and making positive lifestyle changes can help enhance your quality of life and reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and more.

Make changes that matter:

Know your numbers
The best way to know if your blood pressure is in a healthy or unhealthy range is to get it checked. If high blood pressure is diagnosed, regular monitoring can help confirm if you have high blood pressure, detect patterns and alert you any changes. It will also show you if the changes you’ve made are working. 

Blood Pressure
mm Hg (upper #)
mm Hg (lower #)
Normal less than 120
and less than 80
Prehypertensionmiddle 120139 or 8089
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 1middle
140159 or 9099
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 2
160 or higher or 100 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis
(Emergency care needed)
Higher than 180 or Higher than 110

Managing blood pressure is a lifelong commitment
Listen to and partner with your doctor, read sound information on your condition, learn how to monitor your blood pressure at home and act on this information to live a heart-healthy life.

By adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, you can:

Calculator your risks from HBP Calculate your health risks from high blood pressure.

All it takes is a few clicks and a few minutes

You can fight high blood pressure
While heart disease is still the number-one killer in the United States and around the world, death rates have decreased significantly, thanks in part to earlier and better treatment of high blood pressure.

This content was last reviewed October 2016.

Our Sponsor

Bayer Consumer Health, maker of Coricidin® HBP, is a proud sponsor of the AHA High Blood Pressure Web content area. 
Learn more about Bayer Consumer Health.

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Interactive High Blood Pressure Guide

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