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NRCS and RI Conservation Districts Conduct "A Walk in the Woods" Forestry Tour

Gary Casabona, Rhode Island NRCS State Biologist highlights the benefits of pollination on forest land.
Gary Casabona, RI NRCS State Biologist, explains the benefits of pollinator habitat on forest land.
Attendees learn about the many benefits of a forest management plan.
Attendees learn about the many benefits of a forest management plan on forest land.

On October 26, 2016, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and Southern RI Conservation District conducted "A Walk in the Woods' forestry tour to show how voluntary conservation works in Rhode Island.  The tour had over 30 attendees who learn about forestry practices implemented on a private property in Carolina, RI.  Gary Casabona, RI NRCS State Biologist explained the benefits of creating pollinator habitat to support pollinators and encourage wildlife on the land along with best practices for planting pollinator seeds.  In addition, the attendees learned about the benefits of a forest management plan which improve the overall health of the forest and may reduce local property taxes in certain communities.  Forest health challenges were highlights where attendees learned about best practices when completing clear cuts and thinning of trees on forest land.

The tour provided insight on how NRCS provides federal funding to complete many of these conservation practices with the support of the Conservation Districts who act as liaisons between NRCS and forest land owners.  The synergy created in this partnership improves forest health and increases landowners' enjoyment of their land!