
Stronger Economies Together (SET) represents an exciting initiative launched in 2009 by USDA Rural Development in collaboration with the four Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) and their land-grant university partners, including the Purdue Center for Regional Development. The purpose of SET is to strengthen the capacity of communities/counties in rural America to work together in developing and implementing an economic development blueprint that strategically builds on the current and emerging economic strengths of their region. The SET process has occurred or is occurring in 28 states across the U.S.

Quick Video Overview of SET

Here are some of the important elements of the Stronger Economies Together initiative:

  • State Resource Teams will bring the talents and resources of key state and federal agencies, land grant university Extension programs, and other organizations together to provide coaching and technical assistance to each of the regional teams.
  • Step-by-step coaching to guide the design and implementation of a practical and viable regional economic development plan.
  • In-depth data tailored to the region, describing its current and emerging clusters, comparative economic advantages, and detailed demographic and socio-economic information.
  • Technical assistance is provided to the regions over a period of 6 to 7 months upon completion of the SET training.
  • Experiences and insights will be shared among the regions thru multi-state meetings.

For more information on SET:
Website: http://www.srdc.msstate.edu/set
YouTube Video by the Western NV Region WNDD Video

Email or phone:
Suzette Agans, USDA Rural Development at 202-401-1922 or
Hiwot Gebremarian, USDA Rural Development at 202-690-4749
Rachel Welborn, Southern Rural Development Center at 662-325-5885 or
Bo Beaulieu, Purdue Center for Regional Development at 765-494-7273.

For state or regional specific information - contact USDA Rural Development State Staff or your local Cooperative Extension agent.

