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News Release

NRCS Celebrates the Soil on World Soil Day

Julie Wright, Acting Public Affairs Officer
340-692-9632 x 107 / 340-626-0444

Happy World Soil Day. Long live the soil. Long live planet earth.

Soil is the gift that keeps on giving. But until recently, we’ve given little in return. 

Healthy soils are the foundation of agriculture. The bounty from this living resource feeds and clothes more than 7 billion people world-wide.

Healthy soil is essential as global demands rise for food, fuel and fiber. But in many parts of the Caribbean and around the world we continue to lose this precious resource to development, erosion and desertification.

Unfortunately, soil is one natural resource that’s often overlooked, under-appreciated and too often degraded,” said NRCS Caribbean Area State Soil Scientist, Manuel Matos. “Especially on World Soil Day, it’s important to recognize that healthy soil and the teeming life within it, could very well help us address some of Earth’s biggest challenges,” he said.

Not only does soil feed and clothe us, but we now know that improving the health of our soil can help us mitigate climate change impacts, improve water quality and quantity, increase food production and improve wildlife and pollinator habitat,” Matos said.

Recently there’s been an awakening – a realization that soil is alive and shouldn’t be treated like “dirt.” Farmers, researchers and governments are recognizing that by using soil health-improving, regenerative conservation systems, we can stop soil loss and degradation AND improve soil health and function.

Through NRCS’ Unlock the Secrets in the Soil campaign, Matos hopes urban consumers will become more aware of the role soil health plays in their environment, food, lives and futures.

In rural areas, we’ll be connecting with actual farmers, ranchers and landowners who can adopt soil health management systems – which is good for the farm, the environment and the farmer’s bottom line,” he said.

To highlight the soil’s importance, the Caribbean Climate Hub has just released a new video entitled, Permaculture, Soil & Water Conservation for Climate Change Adaptation that focuses on regenerative agriculture.

In the face of mounting challenges such as a growing global population, climate change and extreme weather events, soil health is critical to our future.Unlock the Secrets in the Soil logo

For more information on how NRCS is working with farmers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands to Unlock the Secrets in the Soil, visit the NRCS Caribbean Area Soil Health page.


Release No. 2017-03