Frequent Questions

How has EPA engaged tribal governments in the TRI program?

On April 19, 2012, EPA published a final rule that improves and clarifies certain opportunities allowing tribal governments to participate more fully in the TRI Program (77 FR 23409). First, beginning with Reporting Year 2012 (RY12), facilities located in Indian Country will be required to submit annual TRI reports to EPA and the appropriate tribal representative, rather than to the state in which the facility is geographically located. This rule also clarifies the opportunities available to tribal governments to modify the list of covered chemicals and TRI reporting facilities. In particular, EPA included a provision that provides the following opportunity for the Tribal Chairperson or equivalent elected official to request that EPA apply the TRI reporting requirements to a specific facility located within their respective tribal land. The Tribal Chairperson may also petition EPA to add or delete a particular chemical to or from the list of chemicals covered by TRI.

Additional information about TRI reporting in Indian County, including a copy of the final rule, is available at the following URL:

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