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CHIPS Articles: FRCMA Detachment Patuxent River scores a “zero off-track” inspection

FRCMA Detachment Patuxent River scores a “zero off-track” inspection
By COMFRC Public Affairs - March 5, 2015
COMMANDER, FLEET READINESS CENTERS, PATUXENT RIVER, Md. — Having a zero “off-track” Aviation Maintenance Inspection (AMI) is the equivalent of winning a championship, and Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic Detachment Patuxent River (FRCMA Det Pax River) can hoist its proverbial trophy high in celebration.

FRCMA Det Pax River hosted inspectors from Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF) Jan. 26-30 for the grueling AMI and scored well. Out of 42 programs inspected, 39 were graded as On-Track, with zero Off-Track. Three programs were listed as “Needs More Attention.”

“AMI is the Super Bowl of all inspections in the field of Aerospace Maintenance,” said Lt. Cmdr. Jerry Timog, FRCMA Det Pax River maintenance officer. “Scoring a ‘zero off-track’ inspection makes us all feel like world champions in our profession. I am extremely proud of my team!”

AMIs help ensure the overall readiness and safety of CNAF activities, of which FRCMA DET PAX River is a part.

“Efficient, effective and sustained maintenance programs and practices are the cornerstone of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program,” said Cmdr. Rich Fairchild, CNAF policy and inspections officer. “The AMI is used to ensure these programs and practices are in place, verify the material condition of related equipment and identify performance improvement opportunities. Additionally, fleet best practices are shared, and program standardization and training of program managers is accomplished during these inspections.”

As part of the AMI, FRCMA Det Pax River was tested on 55 drill and practical examinations, and 30 material condition inspections, all of which were graded as Satisfactory with no “Safety of Flight” and “Safety of Personnel” discrepancies.

“Though we don’t keep statistics on the grading of drills, practical exercises and material condition inspections, it is rare to have 100 percent of them graded as Satisfactory,” Fairchild said.

Rear Adm. Paul Sohl, Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers (COMFRC) dropped by FRCMA Det Pax River Feb. 4 to chat with those involved with the AMI and to present Commander’s coins.

Sailors recognized include petty officers 1st Class Vincent Aloia, Glenn Gulmatico and Felicia Oliver; petty officers 2nd Class Jeffrey Piorkowski, Jesse Garner and Matthew Fischer; petty officers 3rd Class Eric Veltre, Brock Arnold, and Ivan Thyberg; and Airman Zoe Adams-Robinson.

“It is the culmination of eight months of hard work, attention to detail, and a clear vision that we can achieve spectacular results if we put our energy and focus into that common goal,” Timog said. “Having achieved a ’zero off-track’ inspection is a testament to the highest quality of our aviation programs, products and services that we provide in support of the fleet, NAVAIR, and our flightline assets every day.”

For more information, contact COMFRC Public Affairs at 301-342-7366.

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