Layout of Paleo Reports

Layout of Paleo Reports
Paleo Data File

The Start Position Column is used for fixed dumps only.

001 001 Record Type CHAR RECORD TYPE
002 012 API Well Number CHAR API WELL NUMBER - A unique well identification number consisting of a two digit state code, a three digit county code, a five digit unique well code, and, if applicable, a two digit bypass or sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
014 002 Paleo Report ID Number NUM PALEO REPORT ID NUMBER - A sequence number applied by MMS to each paleontologic report submitted for a given borehole.
016 002 Total Number of Reports for API NUM TOTAL NUMBER OF REPORTS FOR API.
018 005 Paleo Sample (MD) NUM PALEO SAMPLE MEASURED DEPTH - The actual distance, measured along the axis of the borehole from the rig Kelly bushing to the point where the paleontologic sample was taken.
023 005 Paleo Sample (TVD) NUM PALEO SAMPLE TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH - The actual true vertical distance measured along the axis of the borehole from the rig kelly bushing to the point where the paleontologic sample was taken.
028 003 Definite/Possible CHAR DEFINITE/POSSIBLE - Indicates the confidence level of the biostratigraphic marker picked or called (definite = an abundant or well-picked paleobioevent; possible = a rare, questionable, or poorly picked marker or called top).
031 002 At/In CHAR AT/IN - Indicates whether the marker identified is at its top (i.e., AT the foraminiferal or coccolith extinction point) or somewhere below (IN) the top of the biostratigraphic zone.
033 100 Paleo Age CHAR PALEO AGE - The specific paleobiologic event (extinction point, acme, abundance increase) with its associated relative stratigraphic age, determined by paleontologic examination of well cuttings or cores.
133 003 Definite/Possible CHAR DEFINITE/POSSIBLE - Indicates the confidence level of the picked or called ecozone.
136 002 At/In CHAR AT/IN - Indicates whether the paleobathymetry of the depositional environment (ecozone) noted is at the top (AT) or somewhere below (N) the top of the ecozone.
138 001 Ecozone CHAR ECOZONE - The marine paleobathymetric zone (according to MMS classification of marine ecological zones) at the time of deposition.