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Manure Nutrient Relative to the Capacity of Cropland and Pastureland to Assimilate Nutrients
Spatial and Temporal Trends for the United States. A report of the USDA-NRCS. It compares the quantity of recoverable nutrients contained in animal manure with the quantity nutrients removed in the biomass of harvested agricultural commodities. The report was developed from data in the U.S. Census of Agriculture. It contains data for 1997 and previous census cycle years.

Nutrient Management Policy & Technical Guidance
The material and guidance contained in these documents establish agency policy and technical requirements for nutrient management.

Nutrient Management Technical Notes:

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Effects of Diet and Feeding Management on nutrient Content of Manure (Tech Note #1) (PDF; 443 KB)

Feed and Animal Management for Beef Cattle (Tech Note #2) (PDF; 437 KB)

Feed and Animal Management for Swine (Growing and Finishing Pigs) (Tech Note #3) (PDF; 437 KB)

Feed and Animal Management for Poultry (Tech Note #4) (PDF; 437 KB)

Feed and Animal Management for Dairy Cattle (Tech Note #5) (PDF; 437 KB)

National Conservation Practice Standards:

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Nutrient Management (Ac.)  (590) (PDF; 40 KB)

Waste Utilization (Ac.) (633) (PDF; 62 KB)

Agricultural Phosphorus and Eutrophication
A recent publication of the Agricultural Research Service (publication ARS-149). It describes the way phosphorus moves on the landscape, how phosphorus impairs surface water quality, and some of the ways to remediate or reduce phosphorus losses.

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Alternative Manure Utilization Report (DOC; 142 KB)

— A report relating to Alternative Animal Waste Management Technologies. It is a summary of the findings with contacts and internet addresses as appropriate. The appendices include two papers, one a summary of existing manure management systems and secondly a report on dairy waste management technologies.

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Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis (PDF; 1.27 MB)

—A publication of the University of Wisconsin and contributing authors that describes recommended methods for manure sampling, laboratory quality assurance, laboratory procedures, and reporting manure analysis results. This reference is among the most current available for manure sampling, testing, and reporting.

See also:  Plant Materials Program publications relating to nutrient management

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