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The Office of Investigations performs investigations into allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse in programs and operations of the Department, NNSA and FERC. Priority is given to investigations of suspected violations of criminal and civil statutes, as well as serious administrative misconduct. Particular focus is placed on the prevention and detection of contract and grant fraud; environmental, health and safety violations; computer crimes; and issues that reflect on the integrity and credibility of Department officials.

Suspected criminal and civil violations are reported promptly to the Department of Justice for prosecutive consideration. Potential outcomes from such referrals include declination or acceptance for further action, civil settlements, indictments, convictions, recoveries, fines, restitution, probation, and incarceration. Administrative deficiencies are reported to Department management for appropriate positive change or corrective action. Potential outcomes include revision of policies, procedures, or practices, disciplinary action, recovery of funds, and suspension/debarment.

In addition, a Technology Crimes Section within the Office of Investigations is staffed by investigators with specialized skills necessary to proactively and reactively respond to complex computer crimes committed against the Department and to provide computer forensic support during general fraud investigations. Further, the Office of Investigations maintains the Office of Inspector General Hotline to facilitate the reporting of allegations and processes referrals of administrative allegations to Department management.

The Office consists of a Headquarters office in Washington, DC, three Operations offices, the Technology Crimes Section and the Hotline and Management Referral Section. Field offices are located in Washington, DC; Pittsburgh, PA; Aiken, SC; Chicago, IL; Oak Ridge, TN; Denver, CO; Richland, WA; Idaho Falls, ID; Albuquerque, NM; and, Livermore, CA.