Click on hyperlinked Column Aliases to show possible values.

LeaseNumber LEASE_NUMBER - The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located.
LeaseTypeCode LEASE_TYPE_CODE -A 1 digit code which identifies the stage of of development (no development, exploration, or development) on a leasehold. The field label for this data element is Lease Type Code.
LeaseStatusCd LEASE_STATUS_CD -Identifies the development stage of the lease as assigned by the Minerals Management Service's Office of Leasing and Environment.
BlkMaxWtrDpth BLK_MAX_WTR_DPTH -The point of highest (or maximum) vertical distance from mean sea level to the sea floor for a block. The distance is measured in meters.
PaAdjustmentFl PA_ADJUSTMENT_FL -A Yes/No flag to indicate if the costs of site clearance, platform removal, and plugging of boreholes on a leasehold have been modified by the MMS' Office of Technical Assessment rather than being dervied by a standard calculation. The field label for this data element is "P&A Modified Flag".
WellInstDcomCst WELL_INST_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated permanent wellbore abandonment cost on an OCS leasehold.
WellInstDcomCount WELL_INST_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS installed permanent wellbore abandonment cost on an OCS leasehold.
WellPrpDcomCst WELL_PRP_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated permanent wellbore abandonment cost on an OCS leasehold.
WellPrpDcomCount WELL_PRP_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS proposed permanent wellbore abandonment cost on an OCS leasehold.
StrucInstDcomCst STRUC_INST_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated structure decommissioning cost on an OCS leasehold.
PtfrmInstDcomCount PTFRM_INST_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS installed structure count on an OCS leasehold.
StrucInstSiteClrnceCst STRUC_INST_SITE_CLRNCE_CST -The MMS estimated cost of site clearance on an OCS leasehold.
PtfrmPrpSiteClrnceCount PTFRM_PRP_SITE_CLRNCE_COUNT -The MMS proposed site clearance count on an OCS leasehold.
StrucPrpDcomCst STRUC_PRP_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated structure decommissioning cost on an OCS leasehold.
PtfrmPrpDcomCount PTFRM_PRP_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS proposed structure count on an OCS leasehold.
StrucPrpSiteClrnceCst STRUC_PRP_SITE_CLRNCE_CST -The MMS estimated cost of site clearance on an OCS leasehold.
PtfrmInstSiteClrnceCount PTFRM_INST_SITE_CLRNCE_COUNT -The MMS installed site clearance count on an OCS leasehold.
PplInstDcomCst PPL_INST_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated pipeline decommissioning cost on an OCS leasehold.
PplInstDcomCount PPL_INST_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS installed pipeline count on an OCS leasehold.
PplPrpDcomCst PPL_PRP_DCOM_CST -The MMS estimated pipeline decommissioning cost on an OCS leasehold.
PplPrpDcomCount PPL_PRP_DCOM_COUNT -The MMS proposed pipeline count on an OCS leasehold.
AreaCode AREA_CODE -The designated abbreviation assigned to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) geographical units for identification purposes and for use on maps and in data bases.
BlockNumber BLOCK_NUMBER -Identifies a subdivision of an Official Protraction Diagram.
LastUpdated LAST_MODIFIED_DATE -The date the record was modified by the user.