
Resident fish living near the device and migratory fish passing through the area.

Migratory Fish

Migratory fish can be defined as fish that follow predictable movements and migration patterns throughout their life cycle. A classic example of a migratory fish would be salmon, which leave their native rivers and springs towards the ocean as juveniles, but return on a yearly basis to spawn in their native rivers. While these fish are not present during all times of operation, when they are they can be in great numbers. The risk posed by offshore renewable energy stressors on migratory fish depends on various factors such as the affected species, life stage, population level of affected species, and scale of project. The most important issue pertaining to migratory fish is to understand the dynamic effects of the technology, assessing the acoustic outputs of the devices and evaluating electromagnetic fields associated with energy generation.

Resident Fish

Resident fish can be defined as those saltwater fish that do not migrate. It is important to note that while these fish do not undergo long distance migrations, they do have daily, tidal, and seasonal movements. Examples of resident fish can be sharks and rays, rockfish or flatfish. Resident fish can be affected by the same stressors as migratory fish including dynamic physical presence, acoustic output of the device and EMF. While they can be affected by the same stressors as migratory fish, resident fish may be more susceptible to exposure which can potentially increase their risks.

Total Results: 484
Title Author Research Start Datesort ascending Type of Content Technology Type Stressor Receptor
Computational Prediction of Pressure Change in the Vicinity of Tidal Stream Turbines and the Consequences for Fish Survival Rate Zangiabadi, E., et al. February 2017 Journal Article Tidal Dynamic Device, Static Device Fish
Effects of Pile Driving on the Residency and Movement of Tagged Reef Fish Iafrate, J., et al. November 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Fish
Use of Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV) and Motion Analysis for Studying the Impacts of Underwater Noise upon Free Ranging Fish and Implications for Marine Energy Management Roberts, L., Perez-Dominguez, R., Elliott, M. November 2016 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Noise Fish
Estimating the Probability of Fish Encountering a Marine Hydrokinetic Device Shen, H., et al. November 2016 Journal Article Tidal Fish
Effects of EMF Emissions from Undersea Electric Cables on Coral Reef Fishes Jermain, R. July 2016 Thesis EMF Fish
Atlantic Sturgeon Spatial and Temporal Distribution in Minas Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada, a Region of Future Tidal Energy Extraction Stokesbury, M., et al. July 2016 Journal Article Tidal Fish
Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Main Hawaiian Islands Costa, B., Kendall, M. July 2016 Report Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Informing a Tidal Turbine Strike Probability Model through Characterization of Fish Behavioral Response using Multibeam Sonar Output Bevelhimer, M., et al. July 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Auditory Sensitivity in Aquatic Animals Lucke, K., et al. June 2016 Journal Article Noise Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Integrating a Multibeam and a Multifrequency Echosounder on the Flowbec Seabed Platform to Track Fish and Seabird Behavior around Tidal Turbine Structures Williamson, B., et al. April 2016 Conference Paper Tidal Seabirds, Fish
Annex IV 2016 State of the Science Report: Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy Development Around the World Copping, A., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, EMF, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles, Socio-economics
Renewable Energy in situ Power Cable Observation Love, M., et al. April 2016 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind EMF Benthic Invertebrates, Fish
Quantification of Massive Seasonal Aggregations of Blacktip Sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in Southeast Florida Kajiura, S., Tellman, S. March 2016 Journal Article Fish
Environmental Interview: Effects of Wind Power on Marine Life Kautsky, L. March 2016 Video Offshore Wind Fish, Marine Mammals
Brims Tidal Array Collision Risk Modelling - Atlantic Salmon Xodus Group March 2016 Report Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Effects of Offshore Wind Farms on the Early Life Stages of Dicentrarchus labrax Debusschere, E., et al. January 2016 Book Chapter Offshore Wind Noise Fish
A Self-Contained Subsea Platform for Acoustic Monitoring of the Environment Around Marine Renewable Energy Devices - Field Deployments at Wave and Tidal Energy Sites in Orkney, Scotland Williamson, B., et al. January 2016 Journal Article Tidal, Wave Dynamic Device, Static Device Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Potential Impacts of the Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) cable on the seabed and benthic faunal assemblages Kuhnz, L., et al. December 2015 Report Static Device Fish, Nearfield Habitat
Wales' Marine Evidence Report Welsh Government October 2015 Report Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Ecosystem, Fish, Marine Mammals
Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Life: Publication Patterns, New Discoveries, and Future Directions in Research and Management Williams, R., et al. October 2015 Journal Article Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Changes in Vertical Fish Distributions Near a Hydrokinetic Device in Cobscook Bay, Maine, USA Staines, G., et al. September 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Static Device Fish
Continuation Implementation Masterplan Wind at Sea Ministry of Economic Affairs (Rijksoverheid), Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (Rijkwaterstaat) September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Noise, Static Device Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Using Temporal Analysis Techniques to Optimize Hydroacoustic Surveys of Fish at MHK Devices Viehman, H., Zydlewski, G. September 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Static Device Fish
Equivocal Effects of Offshore Wind Farms in Belgium on Soft Substrate Epibenthos and Fish Assemblages Vandendriessche, S., Derweduwen, J., Hostens, K. September 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Fish
Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Behavior of Largemouth Bass and Pallid Sturgeon in an Experimental Pond Setting Bevelhimer, M., Cada, G., Scherelis, C. September 2015 Report EMF Fish
NYSERDA Environmental Research Program Plan Research Area 4: Marine Wind and Wildlife New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) September 2015 Report Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Seabirds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Characterizing the Juvenile Fish Community in Turbid Alaskan Rivers to Assess Potential Interactions with Hydrokinetic Devices Bradley, P., Evans, M., Seitz, A. August 2015 Journal Article Riverine Fish
Impulsive Sounds Change European Seabass Swimming Patterns: Influence of Pulse Repetition Interval Neo, Y., et al. August 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Fish
Temporal Variation in Environmental Conditions and the Structure of Fish Assemblages around an Offshore Oil Platform in the North Sea Fujii, T. July 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Fish
Long-Term Effects of an Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea on Fish Communities Stenberg, C., et al. May 2015 Journal Article Offshore Wind Fish
Evaluating the Potential for Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices to Act as Artificial Reefs or Fish Aggregating Devices, Based on Analysis of Surrogates in Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate U.S. West Coast and Hawaiian Coastal Waters Kramer, S., et al. May 2015 Report Marine Energy general Static Device Fish
Improvements to Probabilistic Tidal Turbine-Fish Interaction Model Parameters Tomechik, C., Colby, J., Adonizio, M. April 2015 Conference Paper Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Estimating the Probability of Fish Encountering a Marine Hydrokinetic Device [Conference Paper] Shen, H., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Fish
Passive Acoustic Telemetry Detection of Striped Bass at the FORCE TISEC Test Site in Minas Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada Broome, J., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Fish
Fish Behavioral Response during Hydrokinetic Turbine Encounters Based on Multi-Beam Hydroacoustics Results Bevelhimer, M., et al. April 2015 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Dynamic Device Fish
A Probabilistic Model for Hydrokinetic Turbine Collision Risks: Exploring Impacts on Fish Hammar, L., et al. March 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device Fish
Evaluation of Behavior and Survival of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine Amaral, S., et al. February 2015 Journal Article Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Environmental Risk Evaluation System - An Approach to Ranking Risk of Ocean Energy Development on Coastal and Estuarine Environments Copping, A., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal, Wave, Offshore Wind Chemicals, Dynamic Device, Energy Removal Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Fish Interactions with a Commercial-Scale Tidal Energy Device in the Natural Environment Viehman, H., Zydlewski, G. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal Fish
Survival and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to a Hydrokinetic Turbine on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon and Adult American Shad Castro-Santos, T., Haro, A. January 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Fish
Estimation of Acoustic Particle Motion and Source Bearing Using a Drifting Hydrophone Array Near a River Current Turbine to Assess Disturbances to Fish Murphy, P. January 2015 Thesis Riverine Noise Fish
Using Hydroacoustics to Understand Fish Presence and Vertical Distribution in a Tidally Dynamic Region Targeted for Energy Extraction Viehman, H., et al. January 2015 Journal Article Tidal Fish
Multibeam Acoustic Detection of Fish and Water Column Targets at High-Flow Sites Melvin, G., Cochrane, N. January 2015 Journal Article Marine Energy general Fish
Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) Polagye B., et al. January 2015 Research Study Annex IV Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles
Effect of pile-driving sound on the survival of fish larvae Bolle, L., et al. December 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Fish
Power and Perspective: Fisheries and the Ocean Commons Beset by Demands of Development Pomeroy, C., Hall-Arber, M., Conway, F. December 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Fish, Socio-economics
Investigating the Co-Existence of Fisheries and Offshore Renewable Energy in the UK: Identification of a Mitigation Agenda for Fishing Effort Displacement de Groot, J., et al. December 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Static Device Fish
Assessment of Fish and Wildlife Presence Near Two River Instream Energy Conversion Devices in the Kvichak River, Alaska in 2014 Nemeth, M., Priest, J., Patterson, H. December 2014 Report Riverine Static Device Fish
Detecting Potential and Actual Turbine-Marine Life Interactions: A Call for the Development of Best Practices Redden, A. November 2014 Presentation Tidal Dynamic Device, Static Device Fish, Marine Mammals
Design and Implementation of a New Autonomous Sensor Fish to Support Advanced Hydropower Development Deng, Z., et al. November 2014 Journal Article Riverine Fish
Simulating Blade-Strike on Fish Passing Through Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines Romero-Gomez, P., Richmond, M. November 2014 Journal Article Riverine, Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Quantifying Fish Assemblages in Large, Offshore Marine Protected Areas: An Australian Case Study Hill, N., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Fish
In Situ Mortality Experiments with Juvenile Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Relation to Impulsive Sound Levels Caused by Pile Driving of Windmill Foundations Dubusschere, E., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Noise Fish
An International Assessment of the Environmental Effects of Marine Energy Development Copping, A., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise Fish, Marine Mammals
Environmental Impact Assessments for Wave Energy Developments - Learning from Existing Activities and Informing Future Research Priorities Leeney, R., et al. October 2014 Journal Article Wave Fish
PMEC: Tanana River Test Site Kasper, J., et al. October 2014 Presentation Riverine Fish
Using Medaka Embryos as a Model System to Study Biological Effects of the Electromagnetic Fields on Development and Behavior Lee, W., Yang, K. October 2014 Journal Article EMF Fish
In-Situ Ecological Interactions with a Deployed Tidal Energy Device; An Observational Pilot Study Broadhurst, M., Barr, S., Orme, D. October 2014 Journal Article Tidal Static Device Fish
Oil Platforms off California are Among the Most Productive Marine Fish Habitats Globally Claisse, J., et al. September 2014 Journal Article Static Device Fish
EMEC Fall of Warness Test Site: Environmental Appraisal European Marine Energy Centre August 2014 Report Tidal Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Collaborative Research on Finfish, Their Distribution, and Diversity in Cobscook Bay Vieser, J. August 2014 Thesis Fish
Report on Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation Strategies TROPOS July 2014 Report Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Energy Removal, Lighting, Static Device Ecosystem, Fish, Nearfield Habitat, Socio-economics
Computational Tools to Assess Turbine Biological Performance Richmond, M., et al. July 2014 Magazine Article Riverine Fish
A Sustainability Index of Potential Co-Location of Offshore Wind Farms and Open Water Aquaculture Benassai, G., et al. July 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Fish, Socio-economics
Locating Spawning Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus, Linnaeus, 1758) at Sea by Means of Sound Casaretto, L., et al. June 2014 Journal Article Fish
Quantifying Barotrauma Risk to Juvenile Fish during Hydro-Turbine Passage Richmond, M., et al. June 2014 Journal Article Riverine Dynamic Device Fish
Assessing Ecological Risks of Offshore Wind Power on Kattegat Cod Hammar, L., Wikström, A., Molander, S. June 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Chemicals, EMF, Noise, Static Device Fish
The Interactive Effects of Climate Change, Riparian Management, and a Nonnative Predator on Stream-Rearing Salmon Lawrence, D., et al. June 2014 Journal Article Fish, Socio-economics
Rearing in a Distorted Magnetic Field Disrupts the 'Map Sense' of Juvenile Steelhead Trout Putman, N., Meinke, A., Noakes, D. May 2014 Journal Article EMF Fish
Exploring the Movements of Atlantic Salmon around Scottish Coasts, using Historical Tagging Data and a Simple Agent-Based Modelling Approach Guerin, A., Jackson, A., Youngson, A. May 2014 Presentation Fish
Responses of Free-Living Coastal Pelagic Fish to Impulsive Sounds Hawkins, A., Roberts, L., Cheesman, S. May 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Noise Fish
A Tool to Predict the Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Fish Bruinjes, R., et al. May 2014 Presentation Noise Fish
EcoSpatial Information Database: U.S. Atlantic Region Madsen, K., et al. May 2014 Report Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem, Fish
Use of Animal Tracking Technology to Assess Potential Risks of Tidal Turbine Interactions with Fish Redden, A., et al. May 2014 Presentation Tidal Fish
Fish Interactions with Marine Renewable Devices: Lessons Learned, from Ecological Design to Improving Cost-Effectiveness Zydlewski, G., et al. April 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Fish
Salmon in Scottish Coastal Waters: Recent Advancements in Knowledge in Relation to their Interactions with Marine Renewable Energy Installations Godfrey, J., et al. April 2014 Presentation Marine Energy general Fish
Responses of Free-Living Coastal Pelagic Fish to Impulsive Sounds [Presentation] Hawkins, A. April 2014 Presentation Noise Fish
Report of the Workshop on International Harmonisation of Approaches to Define Underwater Noise Exposure Criteria Lucke, K., et al. April 2014 Workshop Article Offshore Wind Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Fish, Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles
Annex IV - Investigating Environmental Effects of Wave and Tidal Devices Through International Cooperation Copping, A., et al. April 2014 Conference Paper Tidal, Wave Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Fish, Marine Mammals
Discrete Element Modeling of Blade-Strike Frequency and Survival of Fish Passing Through Hydrokinetic Turbines Romero-Gomez, P., Richmond, M. April 2014 Conference Paper Ocean Current, Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Scaling of Spatial and Temporal Biological Variability at Marine Renewable Energy Sites Jacques, D., Horne, J. April 2014 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Ecosystem, Fish
Tagged Species Detection: Approach to Monitoring Marine Species at Marine Hydrokinetic Projects Tomichek, C., et al. April 2014 Conference Paper Marine Energy general Fish
Review of Environmental Data Associated with Post-Consent Monitoring of Licence Conditions of Offshore Wind Farms Marine Management Organisation April 2014 Report Offshore Wind Noise Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Ecosystem, Fish, Marine Mammals
Effects of Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Wildlife - A Generalized Impact Assessment Bergström, L., et al. March 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind EMF, Noise, Static Device Ecosystem, Fish, Marine Mammals
Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Project: 2013 Environmental Monitoring Report ORPC Maine LLC March 2014 Report Tidal Dynamic Device, Energy Removal, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat
Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Environmental Statement - Chapter 13: Fish and Shellfish Ecology Brown & May Marine Ltd March 2014 Report Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Fish
Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Environmental Statement - Chapter 15: Commercial Fisheries Brown & May Marine Ltd March 2014 Report Offshore Wind Fish
Assessing the Impact of Underwater Sounds on Fishes and Other Forms of Marine Life Hawkins, A., Popper, A. March 2014 Magazine Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Noise Fish
Mapping Fisheries for Marine Spatial Planning: Gear-Specific Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), Marine Conservation and Offshore Renewable Energy Campbell, M., et al. March 2014 Journal Article Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Fish, Legal and Policy, Navigation
The Potential of Offshore Wind Farms to Act as Marine Protected Areas Ashley, M., Mangi, S., Rodwell, L. March 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Fish
An Inherited Magnetic Map Guides Ocean Navigation in Juvenile Pacific Salmon Putman, N., et al. February 2014 Journal Article EMF Fish
The Ecology of Benthopelagic Fishes at Offshore Wind Farms: A Synthesis of 4 Years of Research Reubens, J., Degraer, S., Vincx, M. January 2014 Journal Article Offshore Wind Static Device Ecosystem, Fish
Evaluation of Survival and Behavior of Fish Exposed to an Axial-Flow Hydrokinetic Turbine Amaral, S., Giza, D., McMahon, B. January 2014 Report Ocean Current, Riverine, Tidal Dynamic Device Fish
Elasmobranch Cognitive Ability: Using Electroreceptive Foraging Behaviour to Demonstrate Learning, Habituation and Memory in a Benthic Shark Kimber, J., et al. January 2014 Journal Article EMF Fish
Environmental Impacts of Offshore Wind Power Production in the North Sea Draget, E. January 2014 Report Offshore Wind Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Power from the Brave New Ocean: Marine Renewable Energy and Ecological Risks Hammar, L. January 2014 Thesis Marine Energy general, Offshore Wind Dynamic Device Fish, Socio-economics
Acoustic Tracking of Fish Movements in the Minas Passage and FORCE Demonstration Area: Pre-Turbine Baseline Studies (2011-2013) Redden, A., Stokesbury, M. January 2014 Report Tidal Fish
Plastic and Evolutionary Responses to Climate Change in Fish Crozier, L., Hutchings, J. January 2014 Journal Article Fish, Socio-economics
Environmental Monitoring at the Sotenäs Wave Energy Park Sundberg J. January 2014 Research Study Annex IV Wave Dynamic Device, Noise, Static Device Benthic Invertebrates, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals
Wave Energy Test Site Environmental Assessment: Marine Corps Base Hawaii Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) January 2014 Report Wave Benthic Invertebrates, Ecosystem, Farfield Environment, Fish, Marine Mammals, Nearfield Habitat, Sea Turtles


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