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CHIPS Articles: Two-Part Discussion of Design in Latest CNO Podcast

Two-Part Discussion of Design in Latest CNO Podcast
By Chief of Naval Operations Public Affairs - February 5, 2016
WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Two new episodes of 'Soundings' were released this week, in which Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson expands on key points in his strategic guidance, 'A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority'.

The Design released last month identifies significant changes in the strategic environment and outlines four Lines of Effort that must be undertaken to ensure the Navy continues to meet mission and stay ahead of potential competitors.

"The character of the entire 'game' has changed, and that's the thing that captures my attention as I begin my tenure as Chief of Naval Operations," said Richardson.

In the first episode, CNO discuses several forces changing the environment and identifies new competitors within the maritime domain.

"If we do not responds to those changes, if we do not recognize and adapt to the changing character of the game, we are a Navy that is at risk of falling behind-shooting below our potential-or worse, falling behind our competitors," said Richardson.

The second episode, further discusses each of the design's four Lines of Effort, which focus on warfighting, learning faster, strengthening our Navy team and building partnerships.

Soundings can be downloaded through iTunes or

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson. Official U.S. Navy file photo.
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson. Official U.S. Navy file photo.
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