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Science & Technology

This is a computer simulation of a Class 1a supernova. Argonne National Laboratory's Mira will have enough computing power to help researchers run simulations of exploding stars, specifically, of the turbulent nuclear combustion that sets off type 1a supernovae. | Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory

This is a computer simulation of a Class 1a supernova. Argonne National Laboratory's Mira will have enough computing power to help researchers run simulations of exploding stars, specifically, of the turbulent nuclear combustion that sets off type 1a supernovae. | Photo courtesy of Argonne National Laboratory


Lab Game-Changers in Our Past and Future
A researcher at the Joint Bioenergy Institute at Berkeley National Lab chooses bacteria colonies in their efforts to create a game-changing biofuel from sustainable, energy-dense plants, such as switchgrass. The JBEI is one example of the ability for Energy Department labs to form scientific partnerships designed to hurdle an energy barrier with transformative technology. | Photo courtesy of Berkeley National Lab.

The products of scientific research are how we define our modern life and the National Labs play an important role, as evidenced by these innovations.

Dark Energy Cam: Fermilab Expands Understanding of Expanding Universe
Researchers at Fermi National Lab team stand beside the 570-megapixels, five-ton Dark Energy camera, which will be capable of measuring the expansion of the universe - and developing better models about how dark energy works. | Photo by Reidar Hahn, Fermi National Lab

In Dark Energy science, scientists have found flaws in accepted theories using them to build even better models of how nature actually works.

Electrofuels: Tiny Organisms Making a Big Impact
Science & Technology

Biofuels produced here in the U.S. increase our energy security, but there is still a need for next-generation renewable fuels that can be integrated into the nation's current fuel refining and distribution infrastructure. If successful, electrofuels projects sponsored by ARPA-E could help fill this void.

New Mariners and a Massive Map: Berkeley Computers Calculate What's in the Sky
This is the Southern Galactic Cap view as recorded by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A 2.5-meter telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico took in light from over a third of the total area of the sky (14,000 square degrees) including 1.5 million galaxies. | Photo courtesy of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Berkeley computers helped crunch the data to create the largest 3-D color map of the universe ever made.

Transformative Battery Technology at the National Labs

Researchers have been charged with building a better battery for future generations of electric cars -- a mission to improve energy security, reduce petroleum dependence and lower emissions.