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National Security & Safety

In the video above, three veterans discuss how the skills they learned in the service are helping them advance energy security and grow the clean energy economy. The veterans shared their experiences at a Champions of Change event at the White House. | Video by Matty Greene, Energy Department.

The Energy Department plays an important and multifaceted role in protecting national security. In addition to our work to increase nuclear nonproliferation and ensure the security of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, we manage the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, invest in protections against cyber and physical attacks on U.S. energy infrastructure, conduct programs to ensure worker health and safety, provide training tools and procedures for emergency response and preparedness, and fight the effects of climate change.


History of the Energy Department's Role in Nuclear Security

A timeline of nuclear security at the Department of Energy from the Manhattan Project to present day.

The Development of EAGLE-I: the First-Ever Technology to Track Power Outages Nationwide
Hurricane Sandy -- shown here via satellite on the night of November 2, 2012 -- was the first real test of EAGLE-I's capabilities | Photo courtesy of CIMSS/University Wisconsin-Madison/NASA/NOAA.

Eagle-I is the first-ever system to monitor energy infrastructure disturbances nationwide in real-time; and the team that created it is now being recognized for their service.

10 Questions with Author and Energy Expert Daniel Yergin
Secretary Moniz presents the first ever James Schlesinger Medal for Energy Security to Dr. Daniel Yergin. | Photo Courtesy of the Energy Department.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Daniel Yergin is the first recipient of the James Schlesinger Medal for Energy Security.

Increasing Energy Security
National Security & Safety

There is a lot of discussion lately about domestic energy production and American energy security. For the Obama Administration, moving towards the goal of energy independence has been a clear priority since day one.

Climate Change: Effects on Our Energy

A new report shows how a changing climate has impacted and may continue to affect our energy supplies and electricity infrastructure. Read highlights from the report and explore a map that shows how climate change has already made an impact.