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Power Services Account Executives

Eastern Customer Service Area
Click on city name to view street address and FAX number
Account Executive Location Telephone E-mail

Nancy Schimmels  Acting Manager

Spokane, WA 509-822-4591 nmschimmels@bpa.gov

Mike Normandeau 

Ronan, MT 406-676-2669 mrnormandeau@bpa.gov
Dan Bloyer Bend, OR 541-318-1680 debloyer@bpa.gov
Larry Felton Richland, WA 509-392-2069 lxfelton@bpa.gov
Hope Ross Mead, WA 509-822-4590 heross@bpa.gov
Nancy Schimmels Mead, WA 509-822-4591 nmschimmels@bpa.gov
Celeste Schwendiman Burley, ID 208-677-6775 cxschwendiman@bpa.gov
Western Customer Service Area
Click on city name to view street address and FAX number
Account Executive Location Telephone E-mail

Brian Altman  Acting Manager

Portland, OR 503-230-3691 bdaltman@bpa.gov

Claire Hobson  

Portland, OR 503-230-5544 cahobson@bpa.gov
Kevin Farleigh Portland, OR 503-230-4055 ksfarleigh@bpa.gov
Paul Munz Seattle, WA 206-220-6763 pgmunz@bpa.gov
Marcus Perry Seattle, WA 206-220-6779 miperry@bpa.gov
Kirsten Watts Seattle, WA 206-220-6762 rkwatts@bpa.gov
Scott Wilson Portland, OR 503-230-7638  skwilson@bpa.gov
Bulk Power Marketing
Click on city name to view street address and FAX number
Account Executive Location Telephone E-mail
Rob C. Johnson 
  Real Time Mgr. Trading Floor
Portland, OR 503-230-3183


Larry Kitchen
  Long Term Sales Manager
Portland, OR 503-230-5458 lekitchen@bpa.gov
Alex Spain
  Trading Manager
Portland, OR 503-230-5780 ajspain@bpa.gov
Nga (Dan) Le
Portland, OR 503-230-3144 nle@bpa.gov
Debra Malin
  Long Term Sales
Portland, OR 503-230-5701 djmalin@bpa.gov
Mark Miller
  Long Term Sales
Portland, OR 503-230-4003 memiller@bpa.gov
John Wellschlager 
  Long Term Sales
Portland, OR 503-230-5944



Page content last modified on:  May 12, 2016.
Content provided by: Traci Yazzolino, 503-203-5204, tjyazzolino@bpa.gov. Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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