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Financial Choices for FY 2003-2006          www.bpa.gov/power/financialchoices

(Updated on May 28, 2003)

Summary:   In April and May 2002, BPA Administrator Steve Wright and Power Business Line (PBL) Senior Vice-President Paul Norman wrote letters to the region describing BPA's financial situation. This was the beginning of a process to solicit comments and recommendations from interested parties throughout the region for addressing the financial challenges faced by BPA. Since the start of this process, we have used this website to provide interested parties with information on our financial choices public process, workshop handouts, and letters to the region. We will continue to use this website to provide updates on the Agency's progress managing this financial situation. The announcements listed below provide specific details for each action taken.


May 28, 2003 - PBL FY2003 through FY2006 Budget (May Forecast): Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will meet with customer representatives and other interested parties on Friday, May 30, 2003 from 9:30-11:30 AM. The meeting will be at the Public Power Council's office located at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon. This meeting is to discuss the PBL's FY2003 through FY 2006 budget (May forecast). If you would like to participate in this meeting by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443, Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 or Andrew Mooney at (503) 230-4297 to be connected to the conference bridge. For more information about the meeting, contact Chuck Maichel at (503)-230-7496.

April 23, 2003 - PBL FY 2003 Budget and Spending Review Meeting Scheduled on April 30th: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will meet with customer representatives and other interested parties on Wednesday afternoon, April 30, 2003, from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. This meeting will be held at BPA Headquarters in the Rates Hearing Room located at 911 N.E. 11th Avenue in Portland. The meeting is to review and discuss the PBL's FY 2003 budget and spending to date. Previous monthly budget updates have been held at the Public Power Council office. However, this meeting will be held at BPA to accommodate some people who will also be attending a Regional Dialogue meeting in the Rates Hearing Room in the morning. If you would like to participate in this meeting by telephone, please call Dianna Auman at 503-230-4600 to be connected. For more information about the meeting, contact Chuck Maichel at 503-230-7496.

March 20, 2003 - PBL FY2003 Budget and Spending Review Meeting: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will meet with customer representatives and other interested parties on Wednesday, March 26, 2003 from 9:00-11:00 AM. The meeting will be at the Public Power Council's office located at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon. This meeting is to review and discuss the PBL's FY2003 budget and spending to date. If you would like to participate in this meeting by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443, Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 or Andrew Mooney at (503) 230-4297 to be connected to the conference bridge. For more information about the meeting, contact Chuck Maichel at (503)-230-7496.

February 24, 2003 - PBL FY2003 Budget and Spending Review Meeting: Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will meet with customer representatives and other interested parties on Wednesday, February 26, 2003, from 9:00-11:00 AM. The meeting will be at the Public Power Council's office located at 1500 NE Irving, Suite 200, Portland, Oregon. This meeting is to review and discuss the PBL's FY2003 budget and spending to date. If you would like to participate in this meeting by telephone, please call Cain Bloomer at (503) 230-7443, Cynthia Jones at (503) 230-5459 or Andrew Mooney at 503-230-4297 to be connected to the conference bridge. For more information about the meeting, contact Chuck Maichel at 503-230-7496.

February 7, 2003 - Power Rates Process Now Underway: Today BPA's Administrator and Chief Executive Officer, Steve Wright, sent a follow-up letter (PDF, 4 pages, 101 kb) to the region providing an update on BPA's deteriorating financial situation and informing interested parties and customers that a process to raise rates is now underway. On November 22, 2002, Steve Wright sent a letter to the region summarizing actions BPA had taken to date through cost cuts, deferrals, and other actions hoping to avoid a rate increase. (See November 22 announcement below.) However, BPA's financial circumstances have not improved and factors primarily due to poor water conditions and lower than expected secondary (surplus power) revenues make a rate increase necessary. Today's letter describes those factors in greater detail. Additional information regarding the Safety Net Cost Recovery Adjustment Clause (SN CRAC) rates process, workshops, and schedule can be found on the new SN-03 Rate Case web page.


Previous Announcements


Archive of content originally provided by:  Val Roadman, BPA Power Business Line.
Content currently provided by:  Power Financial Management, Rates, and Planning - PF.
Page maintained by:  BPA Web Team.
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