FY 2012

FY 2012 Budget Request to Congress (complete narrative).pdf file (2.2MB)

FY 2012 Energy and Water Development Appropriations

House Senate Conference Enacted
Bill H.R. 2354.pdf file (225KB)
(SC Only).pdf file (26KB)
H.R.2354.pdf file (454KB)
(SC Only).pdf file (100KB)
HR 2055.pdf file (1.1MB)
(SC Only).pdf file (26KB)
Report H.Rpt. 112-118.pdf file (3.3MB)
(SC Only).pdf file (268KB)
S.Rpt. 112-75.pdf file (521KB)
(SC Only).pdf file (77KB)
H. Rpt. 112-331.pdf file (1.3MB)
(SC Only).pdf file (206KB)

12/17/2011: Congressional action on H.R. 2055 (the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012) was completed. The bill contained $4,889.0 million for the Office of Science.

9/7/2011: The Senate passed H.R. 2354, the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, 2012. The bill contained $4,842.7 million for the Office of Science.

7/15/2011: The House passed H.R. 2354, the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, 2012. The bill contained $4,800.0 million for the Office of Science.

6/24/2011: The House Appropriations Committee approved H.R. 2354, the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, 2012. The bill contained $4,800.0 million for the Office of Science.


Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:19:19 PM