FY 2011

FY 2011 Budget Request to Congress (complete narrative).pdf file (1.9MB)

FY 2011 Energy and Water Development Appropriations

House Senate Conference Enacted
Bill not issued S. 3635.pdf file (228KB)
(SC Only).pdf file (24KB)
not issued
Report S. 111-228.pdf file (574KB)
(SC Only).pdf file (43KB)

4/15/2011: The President signed H. 1473, the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Bill, 2011. This bill provides the Office of Science with $4,884.0 million, less $16.6 million to reflect the contractor pay freeze, $15.0 million for a general reduction to prior year balances, and $9.7 million for an across-the-board rescission, for a net total of $4,842.7 million.

4/9/2011: The 7th continuing resolution through 4/15/2011 is enacted.

3/18/2011: The 6th continuing resolution through 4/8/2011 is enacted.

3/9/2011: The Senate voted to disapprove H.R. 1, as well as to disapprove a Senate amendment to the bill that would have provided $4,725.8 million for the Office of Science.

3/2/2011: The 5th continuing resolution through 3/18/2011 is enacted.

2/19/2011: The House approved H.R. 1, the Full Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, which provided $4,010.5 million for the Office of Science.

12/22/2010: The 4th continuing resolution through 3/4/2011 is enacted.

12/18/2010: The 3rd continuing resolution through 12/21/2010 is enacted.

12/4/2010: The 2nd continuing resolution through 12/18/2010 is enacted.

9/30/2010: A continuing resolution, providing funding at the FY 2010 enacted level through 12/3/2010 is enacted.


7/22/2010: The Senate Appropriations Committee approved S. 3635, the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill, 2011. The bill was not brought to the Senate floor for approval. The bill contained $5,012.0 million for the Office of Science.

7/15/2010: The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development marked up the FY 2011 appropriations bill. The bill was not brought to the full committee level for approval, and was not published.

Last modified: 3/5/2016 8:19:20 PM