Watershed Wise

Landscape Training

Professional Certification: Redefining Outdoor Water Use Efficiency

Certified Pro

G3’s US EPA WaterSense recognized Watershed Wise Landscape Professional Certification (WWLP) qualifies conservation, water quality and landscape professionals to evaluate irrigation systems and factor rainwater use efficiency into outdoor water efficiency analysis.  The WWLP workshop provides its participants with a deeper understanding of the plant/soil/water relationship, plant water requirements, landscape water budgeting, irrigation management and using rainwater as a resource to reduce landscape water and resource use, regardless of the climate in which the landscape is situated.  Today’s professionals need to be more than water wise, they need to become Watershed Wise in order to manage the limited resources of the planet without sacrificing the beauty and functionality of our landscapes.

  • Complete 2 Day (16 hour) WWLP coursework offered in your area by a G3 Qualified WWLP Trainer.  Coursework includes Conducting an Irrigation Audit and Site Assessment, Removing Turf and Building Living Soil through Sheet Mulching, and Designing a Passive Rainwater Catchment System (Rain Garden)
  • Successfully Pass the WWLP Certification Exam
  • Submit a Whole Landscape Site Evaluation
  • Maintain Annual CEU Requirements
  • Conduct a Landscape Water Audit and Site Evaluation
  • Design Projects within Water Budgets using Plant Factors
  • Use Soil Food Web Principles to Remove Lawn without chemicals and Build Living Soil
  • Size and Site a Rain Garden that holds on to First Flush
  • Calculate Irrigation Run Times and Precipitation Rates to Eliminate Dry-weather Runoff
  • Select Highly Efficient New Techniques and Technologies


Register For Professional Certification and Exams

Date Time Event City / Town
12/19/2016 - 12/26/2016 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM WWLP Certification Exam - Chino Basin Montclair
02/09/2017 - 02/10/2017 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM Watershed Wise Landscape Professional Certification - Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara
Teach Me Math? You’re joking! The WELO application is complex! G3 breaks it down into logical steps that I could follow. I was riveted and shocked by the presentation and left feeling passionate about our need to change our practices and influence others to do so as well.
Debby Ruskin, APLD, Ruskin Gardens Co., Palo Alto, CA
One of the most professionally taught workshops I have attended. G3 motivates and inspires you, and can effectively communicate what you need to know.
Tom Rau, ASLA, Tom Rau Landscape Architecture; Los Angeles, CA
G3 manages to make WELO, MAWA and ETo calculations fun and easy to grasp! Taking the (certification) class was invaluable as topics span from how to feed soil microbes to the recharge of aquifers. Pamela is truly remarkable; with humor and passion she effortlessly teaches the concepts, the reality, the reasons why, as well as the practical knowledge of “How to do it”!
Lenica Castner, Water Conservation Specialist
Ms. Berstler is an enthusiastic teacher with a rare ability to keep audiences involved. As I told a colleague about G3’s (certification) Workshop, “this was basically every class we took for the first two years of our landscape architecture program at UW.” That’s an incredible feat and well worth the price of admission.
J. Burke, Landscape Architect, Ventura, CA
I have had the pleasure of attending both the Watershed Basics Class and Professional (certification) Workshop with G3. Both classes were as educational as they were entertaining. The teacher knows how to keep the class engaged and involved by creatively getting attendees to morph from spectators to participants through fun group activities both in the lecture hall as well as into the garden where we all want to be learning in a hands-on participatory environment.
T. Burke, Educator; Redondo Beach, CA
The (Professional certification) Workshop was super informative and fun to take part in such a revolutionary way to manage stormwater runoff, recharge aquifers, and filter contaminants in one fell swoop! The Ocean Friendly Gardens concept time has come, and we appreciate your promotion of the action!
Loren L., Surfers Without Borders; Santa Barbara, CA
The teacher was relaxed, organized, insightful, extremely knowledgeable and fun. She managed to hold our interest through some very technical information. I especially enjoyed G3’s group participation techniques which helped us network with each other and keep us all on our feet. I left with a huge amount of very valuable information which I plan to share with my clients in my California friendly garden design business.
Lee Ann M., Landscape Designer; Costa Mesa, CA
I had the pleasure to attend the G3 (certification) Workshop and had a great experience. Not only was the information incredibly helpful for my professional developement, but the teacher was a very engaging speaker who holds your attention the whole way through.
Greg Goran, Educator & Environmental Activist; Huntington Beach, CA
G3 made the technical information come alive. I’ll use the concepts in my California native plant landscape consulting practice to make better gardens for my clients.
Susan K., Krzywicki Consulting; San Diego, CA
I want to thank G3 for the (certification) Workshop. I came away with a great deal of new knowledge and some enthusiasm for sharing it around where I work. I look forward to more G3 trainings in the future.
Heidi Brow, Water Conservation Professional; San Diego, CA

Sponsor / Host Professional Training In Your Area (Agencies & Organizations Only)

G3’s Watershed Wise Landscape Professional certification is recognized as a WaterSense labeled Professional Certification Program for Irrigation System Auditing.  Upon successful completion of the 4 Steps to Certification, professionals are listed as Certified Professionals on the EPA’s WaterSense website.