Welcome to the Department of Defense Cleanup Landing Site.
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Defense Environmental Restoration Program

DoD conducts environmental cleanup at active, formerly used, and Base Realignment and Closure locations. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and Defense Logistics Agency manage cleanup programs at their active installations and BRAC locations. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers execute the Formerly Used Defense Sites cleanup program. The Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment manages and oversees the DERP and provides program guidance.

Click the link below to access DoD cleanup policy and guidance documents, outreach tools, reports, and news.

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Cleanup Data

The DoD Cleanup program has managed sites in every state.

This Web site presents the status of DoD cleanup efforts and funding information on an easy to use Google Maps interface.


Click below to view geographical information about the DoD Cleanup program.

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Annual Reports to Congress

The DoD Cleanup program collects and reports its progress to Congress, regulators and the public. The information contains details about cleanup activities on active installations, Base Realignment and Closure installations and Formerly Used Defense properties.


Click below to search installation-level data, and generate customized reports.

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