
Our Future Flies on the Wings of Pollinators
A night and day scene displaying various pollinators and their plant interactions.
© Paul Mirocha 2004

Wasp Pollination Bee Pollination Bat Pollination Moth Pollination Unusual Pollination Beetle Pollination Butterfly Pollination Bird Pollination

Pollinators are responsible for assisting over 80% of the world's flowering plants. Without them, humans and wildlife wouldn't have much to eat or look at! Animals that assist plants in their reproduction as pollinators include species of ants, bats, bees, beetles, birds, butterflies, flies, moths, wasps, as well as other unusual animals. Wind and water also play a role in the pollination of many plants.

Pollinators Spotlights

Pollinator News

Pollinator-Friendly Best Management Practices for Federal Lands

Posted June 16, 2016

Pollinator-Friendly Best Management Practices For Federal Lands cover.

On June 20, 2014, the White House released a “Presidential Memorandum—Creating a Federal Strategy To Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators” (PDF, 52 KB).

With this direction, U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Interior, issue this timely and critically needed document, Pollinator-Friendly Best Management Practices For Federal Lands, May 11, 2015 (PDF, 5.1 MBs).

This document will guide federal land managers to effectively and efficiently use available resources and engage public and private partnerships in taking action for the conservation and management of pollinators and pollinator habitat on federal lands.

Read more about the BMPs…

National Pollinator Garden Network Launches Million Pollinator Garden Challenge

Posted June 4, 2015

Million Pollinator Garden Challenge logo.

In an unprecedented collaboration, dozens of conservation and gardening organizations joined together today to form the National Pollinator Garden Network and launch a new nationwide campaign, the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge. Designed to accelerate growing efforts across America, the Network is launching the Challenge in support of President Barack Obama’s call to action to reverse the decline of pollinating insects, such as honey bees and native bees, as well as monarch butterflies.

Read the National Pollinator Garden Network news release about the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge launch…

Gardening and Landscaping Practices for Nesting Native Bees

Posted June 2, 2015

Gardening and Landscaping Practices for Nesting Native Bees cover.

Urbanization takes its toll on native bees, but many species can persist with a little help from gardeners and landscapers. Like birds, bees have two primary needs in life: Food (for a bee, pollen and nectar) to feed themselves and their offspring, and a suitable place to nest. The Utah State University Extension and Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory has published a fact sheet regarding practices property owners may use to favor nesting native bees.

See Gardening and Landscaping Practices for Nesting Native Bees (PDF)…

Also, see Gardening for Native Bees in Utah and Beyond (PDF)…

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden Using Native Plants

Posted May 4, 2015

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden Using Native Plants cover.

Many of us enjoy the beauty of flowers in our backyard and community gardens. Growing native plants adds important habitat for hummingbirds and otherwildlife—especially pollinators. Even small backyard gardens can make a difference. Gardening connects us to nature and helps us better understand how nature works. This guide will help you create a hummingbird friendly garden.

Read Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Garden Using Native Plants (PDF, 3.5 MB)…

Native Pollinators and Agriculture in Canada

Posted April 22, 2015

Native Pollinators and Agriculture in Canada cover.

We live in an inter-connected and inter-dependent world. A seed planted into soil, watered by rain and last winter’s snow and warmed by sunshine grows into a plant that produces many more seeds that are processed and baked into bread. This booklet tells the story of one of these threads, a surprisingly important one—pollinators and their connection to agriculture.

Read Native Pollinators and Agriculture in Canada (PDF)…


Learn How You Can Use Agroforestry to Help Pollinators

Posted April 14, 2015

Cover of issue.

The latest issue of the Inside Agroforestry Newsletter has hit the streets on the National Agroforestry Center website. This issue of Agroforestry Center's Inside Agroforestry highlights ways that agroforestry has supported pollinator conservation and management as well as efforts that have also served to educate the public.