Version 3 Training Requirements

Builder Training Requirements

Builders must complete the online ENERGY STAR Orientation Training to be eligible to build homes certified under Version 3. Effective January 1, 2011, new builders must take this training to become partners.

Verification Partner Training Requirements

Verification partners, including HERS raters and Field Inspectors, must complete ENERGY STAR Version 3 Rater Training through an Accredited Training Provider Exit ENERGY STAR. Effective January 1, 2012, new raters must take this training to become partners.

HVAC Contractor Credentialing Requirements

To be eligible to install HVAC equipment in homes certified under Version 3, HVAC contractors must be credentialed through an EPA–recognized industry organization. For information on working with ENERGY STAR certified homes as an HVAC contractor, please visit our HVAC contractors webpage.

EPA has also created short technical training videos about the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes HVAC requirements. Please visit our Videos page to access these resources.

Additional Training Resources

EPA provides a number of additional training resources through the Version 2.5 and 3 Training Resources page, including links to the calendar of upcoming Webinars and information for HVAC contractors.

*Limited to NYSERDA service territory
**Limited to Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho
***Limited to Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association and Platt River Power Authority service territory