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Report on the Environment

Peer Review Comments and EPA's Response for the Proposed Indicators for the U.S. EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Technical Document (External Peer Review)

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Report Information

The purpose of this site is to present the External Peer Review comments and EPA's responses, as well as to display the revised indicators that will be incorporated into EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Technical Document.

Initially, proposed indicators and then additional indicators for the U.S. EPA's 2007 Draft Report on the Environment (ROE): Technical Document were released in draft in 2005 for both an independent external peer review and a public review and comment period.

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Patricia Murphy
  • by phone at:   732-906-6830
  • by email at:  murphy.patricia@epa.gov


The goal of the ROE is to use available environmental indicators to answer questions pertaining to national environmental and human health trends.


Jun 2003EPA published the first national Draft Report on the Environment (ROE) Technical Document in 2003.
Jun 2005EPA announced by Federal Register Notice an external peer review of the proposed indicators for the upcoming ROE.
Jul 2005An independent contractor conducts an external, scientific public peer review workshop on the proposed ROE indicators.
Oct 2005EPA announced a second peer review and public comment period for additional and updated proposed indicators for the 2007 ROE.
Mar 2006EPA releases the updates to the Indicators and the External Peer Review Comments with EPA's Response to Comments.

Next Steps

  • For the remainder of 2006, EPA will finalize the the report chapter text for the Science Advisory Board (SAB) review next Spring.
  • EPA plans to release an external review draft of the EPA 2007 Report on the Environment Document in May 2007 for SAB Review.
  • EPA plans to release the final report in Winter 2007.


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