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Report on the Environment

Proposed Indicators for the U.S. EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment: Technical Document (External Peer Review)

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Report Information

The Proposed Indicators for the U.S. EPA's 2007 Report on the Environment (ROE) were released for both independent external peer review and for a 45-day public review and comment period. Though the public comment period ended July 21, 2005 this information is provided to you as a public record of what was reviewed.

In July 2005, EPA held a peer review workshop on the Proposed Indicators - EPA ROE 2007 to obtain expert opinion on whether the indicators proposed to be included in the ROE 2007 Technical Document are supported by data that are technically sound, meet the established indicator definition and criteria, and help answer the questions posed in the ROE 2007. The peer review charges to the external experts, which include separate charges for specific indicator categories, are also available for public review.

The 86 proposed indicators are found under the following Chapter/Topics: Air, Water, Land, Human Health, Ecological Condition.

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Patricia Murphy
  • by phone at:   732-906-6830
  • by email at:  murphy.patricia@epa.gov


In June 2003, EPA published its first national Draft Report on the Environment(ROE) 2003, using available indicators and data to answer questions pertaining to national environmental and human health conditions. Two companion documents: one for technical readers (Draft Report on the Environment Technical Document), and another for readers with more general interest in the environment (Draft Report on the Environment Public Report) were released. Shortly after, EPA announced that it planned to release another Report on the Environment in 2006. However, due to scheduling issues the final report is now planned to be released in 2007.

As done in 2003, the ROE will consist of two paper documents and a Web site. With the next update, the information in the 2 documents will now be available as an interactive, searchable Web site - called the e-ROE. The Technical Document will provide the scientific foundation for the Public Report and the e-ROE.


Jun 2003EPA published its first national Draft Report on the Environment (ROE 2003) based on two companion documents: one for technical readers (Draft Report on the Environment Technical Document) and another for readers with a general interest in the environment (Draft Report on the Environment Public Report).
Jun 2005Beginning of external peer review of the Proposed Indicators - EPA ROE 2007 and start of the 45 day public comment period.

Next Steps

After the peer review of the proposed indicators, the comments and recommendations received from the experts and public will be considered and the resulting indicator revisions and any changes to the list of proposed indicators will be discussed within EPA and with EPA's federal agency partners and considered in the final document.

In the spring of 2007, EPA plans to release an external review draft for review by the Science Advisory Board. Following this, the Final document has a tentative release date of winter 2007.

Additional Information

On June 6, 2005, EPA released the proposed indicators for the 2007 Report on the Environment. Following this, EPA updated the list based on comments from the July 2005 public peer review. The additional proposed indicators were announced by an October 21, 2005 Federal Register notice and were open for public comment until November 21, 2005.

Comments on either of these iterations were submitted and can be viewed using the http://www.regulations.gov/ Web site. Select Advanced search and key in the Docket Number ORD-2005-0021, for the docket entitled, Proposed Indicators - EPA Report on the Environment 2006.


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